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Brillouin scattering by one-phonon-two-magnon interacting excitations in ferromagnetic dielectrics is discussed. The basic light scattering mechanism is taken to be the modulation of the density-dependent optical dielectric polarizability of the medium by the dynamic strain field generated by the longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons. The renormalization effects arising from the scattering of phonons by the two-magnon creation-annihilation processes have, however, been taken into account. Via these interactions, the Brillouin components corresponding to the two-magnon excitations are reflected indirectly in the spectrum of the phonon scattered light as line-broadening of the otherwise relatively sharp Brillouin doublet. The present mechanism is shown to be dominant in a clean saturated ferromagnetic dielectric with large magneto-strictive coupling constant, and with the magnetic ions in the orbitally quenched states. Following the linear response theory, an expression has been derived for the spectral density of the scattered light as a function of temperature, scattering angle, and the strength of the externally applied magnetic field. Some estimates are given for the line-width and line-shift of the Brillouin components for certain typical choice of parameters involved. The results are discussed in relation to some available calculations on the ultrasonic attenuation in ferromagnetic insulators at low temperatures.


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Based upon a stereochemical guideline, two topologically distinct types of helicalduplexes have been deduced for a polynucleotide duplex with alternating purine pyrimidine sequence (PAPP): (a) right-handed uniform (RU) helix and (b) left-handed zig-zag (LZ) helix. Both structures have trinucleoside diphosphate as the basic unit wherein the purine pyrimidine fragment has a different conformation from the pyrimidine-purine fragment. Thus, RU and LZ helices represent two different classes of sequence-dependent molecular conformations for PAPP. The conformationalf eatures of an RU helix of PAPP in B-form and three LZ-helices for B-, D- and Z-forms are discussed.


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Unsteady rotating and stratified flows in geometries with non-uniform cross-sections are investigated under Oseen approximation using Laplace transform technique. The solutions are obtained in closed form and they reveal that the flow remains oscillatory even after infinitely large time. The existence of inertial waves propagating in both positive and negative directions of the flow is observed. When the Rossby or Froude number is close to a certain infinite set of critical values the blocking and back flow occur and the flow pattern becomes more and more complicated with increasing number of stagnant zones when each critical value is crossed. The analogy that is observed in the solutions for rotating and stratified flows is also discussed.


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The improvement terms in the generalised energy-momentum tensor of Callan, Coleman and Jackiw can be derived from a variational principle if the Lagrangian is generalised to describe coupling between ‘matter’ fields and a spin-2 boson field. The required Lorentz-invariant theory is a linearised version of Kibble-Sciama theory with an additional (generally-covariant) coupling term in the Lagrangian. The improved energy-momentum tensor appears as the source of the spin-2 field, if terms of second order in the coupling constant are neglected.


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The complex crystallizes in the space group P21/c with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensions a= 12.747, b= 7.416, c= 17.894 A and/3= 90.2 °. The structure has been solved by the symbolic addition procedure using three-dimensional photographic data and refined to an R value of 0.079 for 2019 observed reflexions. The pyramidal nature of the two hetero nitrogen atoms in the antipyrine molecule is inter:nediate between that observed in free antipyrine and in some of its metal complexes. The molecule is more polar than that in crystals of free antipyrine but less so compared with that in metal complexes. In the salicylic acid molecule, the hydroxyl group forms an internal hydrogen bond with one of the oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group. The association between the salicylic acid and the antipyrine molecules is achieved through an intermolecular hydrogen bond with the other carboxyl oxygen atom in the salicylic acid molecule as the proton donor and the carboxyl oxygen atom of the antipyrine molecule as the acceptor.


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The spectrum of short-closed chains up to N=12 are studied by exact diagonalization to obtain the spin-wave spectrum of the Hamiltonian H=2J Sigma i=1Nsi.si+1+2J alpha Sigma i=1Nsi.si+2, -1.0or=0.3 and alpha


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Amidopyrine (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-dimethylaminopyrazolone), C13HzvN30, a dimethylamino derivative of antipyrine and an important analgesic and antipyretic agent, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a= 7.458 (5), b = 10.744 (5), c= 17.486 (15)/~,, e=98.6 (2),/~= 85.6 (3), y= 108-6 (2) . The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.055 for 3706 photographically observed reflexions. The dimensions of the two crystallographically independent molecules are very nearly the same. The pyrazolone moiety in the molecule has dimensions comparable to those in antipyrine. Unlike antipyrine, the molecular dimensions of amidopyrine in the free state (the present structure) are close to those found in some of its hydrogenbonded complexes. Thus it appears that the presence of the dimethylamino group makes the molecule more resistant to changes in its dimensions resulting from molecular association. An attempt has also been made to correlate the polar nature of the pyrazolone moiety and the hybridization state of the hetero nitrogen atoms in antipyrine, amidopyrine and their complexes.


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A model (NADH-phenazine methosulfate-O2) formally similar to pyridine nucleotide-dependent flavoprotein hydroxylases catalyzed the hydroxylation of several aromatic compounds. The hydroxylation was maximal at acid pH and was inhibited by ovine Superoxide dismutase, suggesting that perhydroxyl radicals might be intermediates in this process. The stoichiometry of the reaction indicated that a univalent reduction of oxygen was occurring. The correlation between the concentration of semiquinone and hydroxylation, and the inhibition of hydroxylation by ethanol which inhibited semiquinone oxidation, suggested the involvement of phenazine methosulfate-semiquinone. Activation of hydroxylation by Fe3+ and Cu2+ supported the contention that univalently reduced species of oxygen was involved in hydroxylation. Catalase was without effect on the hydroxylation by the model, ruling out H2O2 as an intermediate. A reaction sequence, involving a two-electron reduction of phenazine methosulfate to reduced phenazine methosulfate followed by disproportionation with phenazine methosulfate to generate the semiquinone, was proposed. The semiquinone could donate an electron to O2 to generate O2 which could be subsequently protonated to form the perhydroxyl radical.


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Human CGI-58 (for comparative gene identification-58) and YLR099c, encoding Ict1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have recently been identified as acyl-CoA-dependent lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases. Sequence database searches for CGI-58 like proteins in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) revealed 24 proteins with At4g24160, a member of the alpha/beta-hydrolase family of proteins being the closest homolog. At4g24160 contains three motifs that are conserved across the plant species: a GXSXG lipase motif, a HX4D acyltransferase motif, and V(X)(3)HGF, a probable lipid binding motif. Dendrogram analysis of yeast ICT1, CGI-58, and At4g24160 placed these three polypeptides in the same group. Here, we describe and characterize At4g24160 as, to our knowledge, the first soluble lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase in plants. A lipidomics approach revealed that At4g24160 has additional triacylglycerol lipase and phosphatidylcholine hydrolyzing enzymatic activities. These data establish At4g24160, a protein with a previously unknown function, as an enzyme that might play a pivotal role in maintaining the lipid homeostasis in plants by regulating both phospholipid and neutral lipid levels.