136 resultados para MEAN-FIELD MODELS


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In the mean, bipolar active regions are oriented nearly toroidally, according to Hale's polarity law, with a latitude-dependent tilt known as Joy's Law. The tilt angles of individual active regions deviate from this mean behavior and change over time. It has been found that on average the change is toward the mean angle at a rate characteristic of 4.37 days (Howard, 1996). We show that this orientational relaxation is consistent with the standard model of flux tube emergence from a deep dynamo layer. Under this scenario Joy's law results from the Coriolis effect on the rising flux tube (D'Silva and Choudhuri, 1993), and departures from it result from turbulent buffeting of the tubes (Longcope and Fisher, 1996). We show that relaxation toward Joy's angle occurs because the turbulent perturbations relax on shorter time scales than the perturbations from the Coriolis force. The turbulent perturbations relax more rapidly because they are localized to the topmost portion of the convection zone while the Coriolis perturbations are more widely distributed. If a fully-developed active region remains connected to the strong toroidal magnetic field at the base of the convection zone, its tilt will eventually disappear, leaving it aligned perfectly toroidally. On the other hand, if the flux becomes disconnected from the toroidal field the bipole will assume a tilt indicative of the location of disconnection. We compare models which are connected and disconnected from the toroidal field. Only those disconnected at points very deep in the convection zone a-re consistent with observed time scale of orientational relaxation.


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With extensive use of dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) there is increasing need for voltage scalable models. Similarly, leakage being very sensitive to temperature motivates the need for a temperature scalable model as well. We characterize standard cell libraries for statistical leakage analysis based on models for transistor stacks. Modeling stacks has the advantage of using a single model across many gates there by reducing the number of models that need to be characterized. Our experiments on 15 different gates show that we needed only 23 models to predict the leakage across 126 input vector combinations. We investigate the use of neural networks for the combined PVT model, for the stacks, which can capture the effect of inter die, intra gate variations, supply voltage(0.6-1.2 V) and temperature (0 - 100degC) on leakage. Results show that neural network based stack models can predict the PDF of leakage current across supply voltage and temperature accurately with the average error in mean being less than 2% and that in standard deviation being less than 5% across a range of voltage, temperature.


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We investigate the feasibility of developing a comprehensive gate delay and slew models which incorporates output load, input edge slew, supply voltage, temperature, global process variations and local process variations all in the same model. We find that the standard polynomial models cannot handle such a large heterogeneous set of input variables. We instead use neural networks, which are well known for their ability to approximate any arbitrary continuous function. Our initial experiments with a small subset of standard cell gates of an industrial 65 nm library show promising results with error in mean less than 1%, error in standard deviation less than 3% and maximum error less than 11% as compared to SPICE for models covering 0.9- 1.1 V of supply, -40degC to 125degC of temperature, load, slew and global and local process parameters. Enhancing the conventional libraries to be voltage and temperature scalable with similar accuracy requires on an average 4x more SPICE characterization runs.


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We investigate the feasibility of developing a comprehensive gate delay and slew models which incorporates output load, input edge slew, supply voltage, temperature, global process variations and local process variations all in the same model. We find that the standard polynomial models cannot handle such a large heterogeneous set of input variables. We instead use neural networks, which are well known for their ability to approximate any arbitrary continuous function. Our initial experiments with a small subset of standard cell gates of an industrial 65 nm library show promising results with error in mean less than 1%, error in standard deviation less than 3% and maximum error less than 11% as compared to SPICE for models covering 0.9- 1.1 V of supply, -40degC to 125degC of temperature, load, slew and global and local process parameters. Enhancing the conventional libraries to be voltage and temperature scalable with similar accuracy requires on an average 4x more SPICE characterization runs.


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In this paper, reduced level of rock at Bangalore, India is arrived from the 652 boreholes data in the area covering 220 sq.km. In the context of prediction of reduced level of rock in the subsurface of Bangalore and to study the spatial variability of the rock depth, ordinary kriging and Support Vector Machine (SVM) models have been developed. In ordinary kriging, the knowledge of the semivariogram of the reduced level of rock from 652 points in Bangalore is used to predict the reduced level of rock at any point in the subsurface of Bangalore, where field measurements are not available. A cross validation (Q1 and Q2) analysis is also done for the developed ordinary kriging model. The SVM is a novel type of learning machine based on statistical learning theory, uses regression technique by introducing e-insensitive loss function has been used to predict the reduced level of rock from a large set of data. A comparison between ordinary kriging and SVM model demonstrates that the SVM is superior to ordinary kriging in predicting rock depth.


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Field emission from carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the form of arrays or thin films give rise to several strongly correlated process of electromechanical interaction and degradation. Such processes are mainly due to (1) electron-phonon interaction (2) electromechanical force field leading to stretching of CNTs (3) ballistic transport induced thermal spikes, coupled with high dynamic stress, leading to degradation of emission performance at the device scale. Fairly detailed physics based models of CNTs considering the aspects (1) and (2) above have already been developed by these authors, and numerical results indicate good agreement with experimental results. What is missing in such a system level modeling approach is the incorporation of structural defects and vacancies or charge impurities. This is a practical and important problem due to the fact that degradation of field emission performance is indeed observed in experimental I-V curves. What is not clear from these experiments is whether such degradation in the I-V response is due to dynamic reorientation of the CNTs or due to the defects or due to both of these effects combined. Non-equilibrium Green’s function based simulations using a tight-binding Hamiltonian for single CNT segment show up the localization of carrier density at various locations of the CNTs. About 11% decrease in the drive current with steady difference in the drain current in the range of 0.2-0.4V of the gate voltage was reported in literature when negative charge impurity was introduced at various locations of the CNT over a length of ~20nm. In the context of field emission from CNT tips, a simplistic estimate of defects have been introduced by a correction factor in the Fowler-Nordheim formulae. However, a more detailed physics based treatment is required, while at the same time the device-scale simulation is necessary. The novelty of our present approach is the following. We employ a concept of effective stiffness degradation for segments of CNTs, which is due to structural defects, and subsequently, we incorporate the vacancy defects and charge impurity effects in the Green’s function based approach. Field emission induced current-voltage characteristics of a vertically aligned CNT array on a Cu-Cr substrate is then simulated using a detailed nonlinear mechanistic model of CNTs coupled with quantum hydrodynamics. An array of 10 vertically aligned and each 12 m long CNTs is considered for the device scale analysis. Defect regions are introduced randomly over the CNT length. The result shows the decrease in the longitudinal strain due to defects. Contrary to the expected influence of purely mechanical degradation, this result indicates that the charge impurity and hence weaker transport can lead to a different electromechanical force field, which ultimately can reduce the strain. However, there could be significant fluctuation in such strain field due to electron-phonon coupling. The effect of such fluctuations (with defects) is clearly evident in the field emission current history. The average current also decreases significantly due to such defects.


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Water-rock reactions are driven by the influx of water, which are out of equilibrium with the mineral assemblage in the rock. Here a mass balance approach is adopted to quantify these reactions. Based on field experiments carried out in a granito-gneissic small experimental watershed (SEW), Mule Hole SEW (similar to 4.5 km(2)), quartz, oligoclase, sericite, epidote and chlorite are identified as the basic primary minerals while kaolinite, goethite and smectite are identified as the secondary minerals. Observed groundwater chemistry is used to determine the weathering rates, in terms of `Mass Transfer Coefficients' (MTCs), of both primary and secondary minerals. Weathering rates for primary and secondary minerals are quantified in two steps. In the first step, top red soil is analyzed considering precipitation chemistry as initial phase and water chemistry of seepage flow as final phase. In the second step, minerals present in the saprolite layer are analyzed considering groundwater chemistry as the output phase. Weathering rates thus obtained are converted into weathering fluxes (Q(weathering)) using the recharge quantity. Spatial variability in the mineralogy observed among the thirteen wells of Mule Hole SEW is observed to be reflected in the MTC results and thus in the weathering fluxes. Weathering rates of the minerals in this silicate system varied from few 10 mu mol/L (in case of biotite) to 1000 s of micromoles per liter (calcite). Similarly, fluxes of biotite are observed to be least (7 +/- 5 mol/ha/yr) while those of calcite are highest (1265 791 mol/ha/yr). Further, the fluxes determined annually for all the minerals are observed to be within the bandwidth of the standard deviation of these fluxes. Variations in these annual fluxes are indicating the variations in the precipitation. Hence, the standard deviation indicated the temporal variations in the fluxes, which might be due to the variations in the annual rainfall. Thus, the methodology adopted defines an inverse way of determining weathering fluxes, which mainly contribute to the groundwater concentration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we deal with low-complexity near-optimal detection/equalization in large-dimension multiple-input multiple-output inter-symbol interference (MIMO-ISI) channels using message passing on graphical models. A key contribution in the paper is the demonstration that near-optimal performance in MIMO-ISI channels with large dimensions can be achieved at low complexities through simple yet effective simplifications/approximations, although the graphical models that represent MIMO-ISI channels are fully/densely connected (loopy graphs). These include 1) use of Markov random field (MRF)-based graphical model with pairwise interaction, in conjunction with message damping, and 2) use of factor graph (FG)-based graphical model with Gaussian approximation of interference (GAI). The per-symbol complexities are O(K(2)n(t)(2)) and O(Kn(t)) for the MRF and the FG with GAI approaches, respectively, where K and n(t) denote the number of channel uses per frame, and number of transmit antennas, respectively. These low-complexities are quite attractive for large dimensions, i.e., for large Kn(t). From a performance perspective, these algorithms are even more interesting in large-dimensions since they achieve increasingly closer to optimum detection performance for increasing Kn(t). Also, we show that these message passing algorithms can be used in an iterative manner with local neighborhood search algorithms to improve the reliability/performance of M-QAM symbol detection.


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Interactions of major activities involved in airfleet operations, maintenance, and logistics are investigated in the framework of closed queuing networks with finite number of customers. The system is viewed at three levels, namely: operations at the flying-base, maintenance at the repair-depot, and logistics for subsystems and their interactions in achieving the system objectives. Several performance measures (eg, availability of aircraft at the flying-base, mean number of aircraft on ground at different stages of repair, use of repair facilities, and mean time an aircraft spends in various stages of repair) can easily be computed in this framework. At the subsystem level the quantities of interest are the unavailability (probability of stockout) of a spare and the duration of its unavailability. The repair-depot capability is affected by the unavailability of a spare which in turn, adversely affects the availability of aircraft at the flying-base level. Examples illustrate the utility of the proposed models.


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More than six years after the great (M-w 9.2) Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, postevent processes responsible for relaxation of the coseismic stress change remain controversial. Modeling of Andaman Islands Global Positioning System (GPS) displacements indicated early near-field motions were dominated by slip down-dip of the rupture, but various researchers ascribe elements of relaxation to dominantly poroelastic, dominantly viscoelastic, and dominantly fault slip processes, depending primarily on their measurement sampling and modeling tools used. After subtracting a pre-2004 interseismic velocity, significant transient motion during the 2008.5-2010.5 epoch confirms that postseismic relaxation processes continue in Andaman. Modeling three-component velocities as viscoelastic flow yields a weighted root-mean-square (wrms) misfit that always exceeds the wrms of the measured signal (26.3 mm/yr). The best-fitting models are those that yield negligible deformation, indicating the model parameters have no real physical meaning. GPS velocities are well fit (wrms 4.0 mm/yr) by combining a viscoelastic flow model that best fits the horizontal velocities with similar to 50 cm/yr thrust slip down-dip of the coseismic rupture. Both deep slip and flow respond to stress changes, and each can significantly change stress in the realm of the other; it therefore is reasonable to expect that both transient deep slip and viscoelastic flow will influence surface deformation long after a great earthquake.


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Accumulator models that integrate incoming sensory information into motor plans provide a robust framework to understand decision making. However, their applicability to situations that demand a change of plan raises an interesting problem for the brain. This is because interruption of the current motor plan must occur by a competing motor plan, which is necessarily weaker in strength. To understand how changes of mind get expressed in behavior, we used a version of the double-step task called the redirect task, in which monkeys were trained to modify a saccade plan. We microstimulated the frontal eye fields during redirect behavior and systematically measured the deviation of the evoked saccade from the response field to causally track the changing saccade plan. Further, to identify the underlying mechanisms, eight different computational models of redirect behavior were assessed. It was observed that the model that included an independent, spatially specific inhibitory process, in addition to the two accumulators representing the preparatory processes of initial and final motor plans, best predicted the performance and the pattern of saccade deviation profile in the task. Such an inhibitory process suppressed the preparation of the initial motor plan, allowing the final motor plan to proceed unhindered. Thus, changes of mind are consistent with the notion of a spatially specific, inhibitory process that inhibits the current inappropriate plan, allowing expression of the new plan.


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Guided by the recent observational result that the meridional circulation of the Sun becomes weaker at the time of the sunspot maximum, we have included a parametric quenching of the meridional circulation in solar dynamo models such that the meridional circulation becomes weaker when the magnetic field at the base of the convection zone is stronger. We find that a flux transport solar dynamo tends to become unstable on including this quenching of meridional circulation if the diffusivity in the convection zone is less than about 2x10(11) cm(2) s(-1). The quenching of alpha, however, has a stabilizing effect and it is possible to stabilize a dynamo with low diffusivity with sufficiently strong alpha-quenching. For dynamo models with high diffusivity, the quenching of meridional circulation does not produce a large effect and the dynamo remains stable. We present a solar-like solution from a dynamo model with diffusivity 2.8x10(12) cm(2) s(-1) in which the quenching of meridional circulation makes the meridional circulation vary periodically with solar cycle as observed and does not have any other significant effect on the dynamo.


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Since a universally accepted dynamo model of grand minima does not exist at the present time, we concentrate on the physical processes which may be behind the grand minima. After summarizing the relevant observational data, we make the point that, while the usual sources of irregularities of solar cycles may be sufficient to cause a grand minimum, the solar dynamo has to operate somewhat differently from the normal to bring the Sun out of the grand minimum. We then consider three possible sources of irregularities in the solar dynamo: (i) nonlinear effects; (ii) fluctuations in the poloidal field generation process; (iii) fluctuations in the meridional circulation. We conclude that (i) is unlikely to be the cause behind grand minima, but a combination of (ii) and (iii) may cause them. If fluctuations make the poloidal field fall much below the average or make the meridional circulation significantly weaker, then the Sun may be pushed into a grand minimum.


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The lead free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) is shown to exhibit electric-field-induced monoclinic (Cc) to rhombohedral (R3c) phase transformation at room temperature. This phenomenon has been analyzed both from the viewpoint of the intrinsic polarization rotation and adaptive phase models. In analogy with the morphotropic phase boundary systems, NBT seems to possess intrinsic competing ferroelectric instabilities near room temperature.


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The curvature related locking phenomena in the out-of-plane deformation of Timoshenko and Euler-Bernoulli curved beam elements are demonstrated and a novel approach is proposed to circumvent them. Both flexure and Torsion locking phenomena are noticed in Timoshenko beam and torsion locking phenomenon alone in Euler-Bernoulli beam. Two locking-free curved beam finite element models are developed using coupled polynomial displacement field interpolations to eliminate these locking effects. The coupled polynomial interpolation fields are derived independently for Timoshenko and Euler-Bernoulli beam elements using the governing equations. The presented of penalty terms in the couple displacement fields incorporates the flexure-torsion coupling and flexure-shear coupling effects in an approximate manner and produce no spurious constraints in the extreme geometric limits of flexure, torsion and shear stiffness. the proposed couple polynomial finite element models, as special cases, reduce to the conventional Timoshenko beam element and Euler-Bernoulli beam element, respectively. These models are shown to perform consistently over a wide range of flexure-to-shear (EI/GA) and flexure-to-torsion (EI/GJ) stiffness ratios and are inherently devoid of flexure, torsion and shear locking phenomena. The efficacy, accuracy and reliability of the proposed models to straight and curved beam applications are demonstrated through numerical examples. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.