418 resultados para MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES


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The discovery of magnetic superconductors has posed the problem of the coexistence of two kinds of orders (magnetic and superconducting) in some temperature intervals in these systems. New microscopic mechanisms developed by us to explain the coexistence and reentrant behaviour are reported. The mechanism for antiferromagnetic superconductors which shows enhancement of superconductivity below the magnetic transition is found relevant for rare-earth systems having less than half-filled f-atomic shells. The theory will be compared with the experimental results of SmRh4B4 system. A phenomenological treatment based on a generalized Ginzburg-Landau approach will also be presented to explain the anomalous behaviour of the second critical field in some antiferromagnetic superconductors. These magnetic superconductors provide two kinds of Bose fields, namely, phonons and magnons which interact with each other and also with the conduction electrons. Theoretical studies of the effects of the excitations of these modes on superconducting pairing and magnetic ordering in these systems will be discussed.


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The flow, heat and mass transfer problem for a steady laminar incompressible boundary layer flow in an electrically conducting fluid over a longitudinal cylinder with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The results are found to be strongly dependent on the magnetic field and dissipation parameter. The effect of the mass transfer is more pronounced on the skin friction than on the heat transfer. The results have been compared with those of the series solution, the asymptotic solution, the Glauert and Lighthill's solution, local similarity, local nonsimilarity and difference-differential methods. Good agreement is found with all of them, except with the results of the local similarity and series solution methods.


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Rare-earth trioxocobaltates(lll), Ln[CoO,], with Ln = Pr, Nd, Tb, Dy. and Yb exhibit low-spin to high-spin transitions of cobalt characterised by a maximum in the Ax-l against temperature plots where Ax is the cobalt contribution to the magnetic susceptibility. The susceptibility behaviour is distinct from that of La[CoO,] which shows a plateau in the x-I-T curve accompanied by a structural transition. The temperature at which the AX- I-T curve shows a maximum increases with the decrease in the size of the rare-earth ion. The susceptibility behavior of solid solutions of La,,Nd,CoO, has been investigated to see how the behaviour characteristic of Nd[CoO,] changes to that of La[CoO,].


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The results of extensive transport studies in localized regime of mesoscopic two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) with varying disorder are presented. A quick overview of previously achieved result is given. The main focus is on the observation of density dependent instabilities manifested by strong resistance oscillations induced by high perpendicular magnetic fields B-perpendicular to. While the amplitude of the oscillations is strongly enhanced with increasing B-perpendicular to, their position in electron density remains unaffected. The temperature dependence of resistivity shows a transition from an activated behaviour at high temperature to a saturated behaviour at low T. In the positions of resistance minima, the T dependence can even become metal-like (d rho/dT > 0). The activation energies obtained from the high T behaviour exhibit a formation of plateaux in connection with the resistance oscillations when analyzed as a function of electron density. We suggest the interplay between a strongly interacting electron phase and the background disorder as a possible explanation for our observation.


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second moment measurements are carried out on [(CH,),N], CdI, in the temperature range 77 to 400 K. The results are interpreted based on a molecular dynamical model of randomly reorienting methyl groups and isotropically tumbling tetramethyl ammonium group. The relaxation data show contributions from spin-rotation interaction at high temperatures and presence of inequivalent methyl groups. The correlation times and associated activation energies, connected with this model, are calculated from the data. The structure in the absorption line and in the free-induction decay signal at 77 K indicates the possibility of tunnelling motion of the methyl groups. Im Temperaturbereich 77 bis 400 K werden an [(CH,),N],CdI, Protonen-Spin-Gitter-Relaxationsexperimente (bei Larmorfrequenzen von 10,20 und 30 MHz) und Messungen des zweiten Moments durchgefiihrt. Die Ergebnisse werden an Hand eines molekularen dynamischen Modells sich statistisch umorientierender Methylgruppen und isotrop taumelnder Tetramethyl-Ammoniumgruppen interpretiert. Die Relaxationswerte zeigen Beitriige von Spin-Rotations-Wechselwirkung bei hohen Temperaturen und die Anwesenheit von inaquivalenten Methylgruppen. Die Korrelationszeiten und verknupften Aktivierungsenergien, die mit diesem Model1 verbunden sind, werden am den Werten berechnet. Die Struktur in der Absorptionslinie und im Abklingsignal der freien Induktion bei 77 K zeigt die Moglichkeit einer Tunnelbewegung der Methylgruppen.


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Proton spin lattice relaxation (T1) in (CH3)4NCdBr3 at different Larmor frequencies (10, 20 and 30 MHz) has been studied in the temperature range 77 to 400 K. The variations in T1 at high temperature are independent of frequency and show a maximum due to spin rotation- interaction. The other features are interpreted as being due to isotropic tumbling of the tetramethylammonium ion and random reorientation of the CH3 group. The CW spectrum remained narrow up to 77 K and develops a wing structure at low temperatures. This observation is attributed to a possible tunnelling motion of the CH3 group, which has rather low activation energy as demonstrated by the study of T1.


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It is shown that the conclusions arrived at regarding the instability of an incompressible fluid cylinder in the presence of the magnetic field and the streaming velocity in a recent communication easily follow from the study of propagation characteristics of Alfvén surface waves along cylindrical plasma columns made earlier.


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The Landau damping of sound wave in a plasma consisting of an ensemble of magnetic flux tubes with reference to the work by Ryutov and Ryutova (1976) is discussed. Sound waves cannot be Landau damped in general but under certain restriction conditions on plasma parameters the possibility of absorption of these waves can exist.


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Silica is a prominently utilized heterogeneous metal catalyst support. Functionalization of the silica with poly(ether imine) based dendritic phosphine ligand was conducted, in order to assess the efficacy of the dendritic phosphine in reactions facilitated by a silica supported metal catalyst. The phosphinated poly(ether imine) (PETIM) dendritic ligand was bound covalently to the functionalized silica. For this purpose, the phosphinated dendritic ligand containing an amine at the focal point was synthesized initially. Complexation of the dendritic phosphine functionalized silica with Pd(COD)Cl-2 yielded Pd(II) complex, which was reduced subsequently to Pd(0), by conditioning with EtOH. The Pd metal nanoparticle thus formed was characterized by physical methods, and the spherical nanoparticles were found to have >85% size distribution between 2 nm and 4 nm. The metal nanoparticle was tested as a hydrogenation catalyst of olefins. The catalyst could be recovered and recycled more than 10 times, without a loss in the catalytic efficiency.


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By choosing appropriate microemulsion systems, hexagonal cobalt (Co) and cobalt-nickel (1:1) alloy nanoparticles have been obtained with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as a cationic surfactant at 500 degrees C. This method thus stabilizes the hcp cobalt even at sizes (<10 nm) at which normally fcc cobalt is predicted to be stable. On annealing the hcp cobalt nanoparticles in H-2 at 700 degrees C we could transform them to fcc cobalt nanoparticles. Microscopy studies show the formation of spherical nanoparticles of hexagonal and cubic forms of cobalt and Co-Ni (1:1) alloy nanoparticles with the average size of 4, 8 and 20 nm, respectively. Electrochemical studies show that the catalytic property towards oxygen evolution is dependent on the applied voltage. At low voltage (less than 0.65 V) the Co (hexagonal) nanoparticles are superior to the alloy (Co-Ni) nanoparticles while above this voltage the alloy nanoparticles are more efficient catalysts. The nanoparticles of cobalt (hcp and fcc) and alloy (Co-Ni) nanoparticles show ferromagnetism. The saturation magnetization of Co-Ni nanoparticles is reduced compared to the bulk possibly due to surface oxidation.


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We present a comparative study of the low temperature electrical transport properties of the carbon matrix containing iron nanoparticles and the films. The conductivity of the nanoparticles located just below the metal-insulator transition exhibits metallic behavior with a logarithmic temperature dependence over a large temperature interval. The zero-field conductivity and the negative magnetoresistance, showing a characteristic upturn at liquid helium temperature, are consistently explained by incorporating the Kondo relation and the two dimensional electron-electron interaction. The films, in contrast, exhibit a crossover of the conductivity from power-law dependence at high temperatures to an activated hopping law dependence in the low temperature region. The transition is attributed to changes in the energy dependence of the density of states near the Fermi level. The observed magnetoresistance is discussed in terms of quantum interference effect on a three-dimensional variable range hopping mechanism.


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We have probed the size dependency of the first hyperpolarizability (b) of copper nanoparticles by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). Our results indicate that second harmonic generation (SHG) originates predominantly at the surface of the nanoparticles as long as the size (d) remains small compared to the wavelength (k). However, volume contribution to the SH response due to the retardation effect becomes important when particle size grows beyond the `small particle limit'. There is a significant dispersion in the b values of copper nanoparticles owing tothe presence of the strong surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band.


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Complexation of valinomycin (VM) with the divalent cation Ca2+ in a lipophilic solvent, acetonitrile (CH3-CN), has been studied by using circular dichroism and proton and carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance (‘H NMR and I3C NMR). From analyses of the spectral data, it is concluded that VM forms a 2:l (peptideion-peptide) sandwich complex with Ca2+, at low concentration of VM. At moderate conocentrations of the salt, in addition to the sandwich complex, an equimolar (1:l) complex different from those observed for potassium and sodium is also observed. At very large concentrations of the calcium salt, the data suggested a complex with a conformation similar to that of the free VM in polar solvents. Possible conformations for the sandwich and the equimolar VM-calcium complexes are proposed.


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For an understanding of the cation selectivity and general binding characteristics of macrotetralide antibiotic nonactin (NA) with ions of different sizes and charges, the nature of binding of divalent cation, Ca2+, to NA and conformation of the NA-Ca2+ complex have been studied by use of 270-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance ('H NMR) and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR). The calcium ion induced significantly large changes in chemical shifts for H7, H2, H3, and H5 protons of NA and relatively small changes for H18 and H2' protons. Changes in I3C chemical shift were quite large for carbonyl carbon, C,; it is noteworthy that in the NA-K+ complex, H2 and H2' protons practically do not show any change during complexation and carbonyl carbon shows a much smaller chemical shift change.


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Oscillatory flow in a tube of slowly varying cross section is investigated in the presence of a uniform magnetic field in the axial direction. A perturbation solution including steady streaming is presented. The pressure and shear stress on the wall for various parameters governing the flow are discussed. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.