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The correlation clustering problem is a fundamental problem in both theory and practice, and it involves identifying clusters of objects in a data set based on their similarity. A traditional modeling of this question as a graph theoretic problem involves associating vertices with data points and indicating similarity by adjacency. Clusters then correspond to cliques in the graph. The resulting optimization problem, Cluster Editing (and several variants) are very well-studied algorithmically. In many situations, however, translating clusters to cliques can be somewhat restrictive. A more flexible notion would be that of a structure where the vertices are mutually ``not too far apart'', without necessarily being adjacent. One such generalization is realized by structures called s-clubs, which are graphs of diameter at most s. In this work, we study the question of finding a set of at most k edges whose removal leaves us with a graph whose components are s-clubs. Recently, it has been shown that unless Exponential Time Hypothesis fail (ETH) fails Cluster Editing (whose components are 1-clubs) does not admit sub-exponential time algorithm STACS, 2013]. That is, there is no algorithm solving the problem in time 2 degrees((k))n(O(1)). However, surprisingly they show that when the number of cliques in the output graph is restricted to d, then the problem can be solved in time O(2(O(root dk)) + m + n). We show that this sub-exponential time algorithm for the fixed number of cliques is rather an exception than a rule. Our first result shows that assuming the ETH, there is no algorithm solving the s-Club Cluster Edge Deletion problem in time 2 degrees((k))n(O(1)). We show, further, that even the problem of deleting edges to obtain a graph with d s-clubs cannot be solved in time 2 degrees((k))n(O)(1) for any fixed s, d >= 2. This is a radical contrast from the situation established for cliques, where sub-exponential algorithms are known.


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We compute the logarithmic correction to black hole entropy about exponentially suppressed saddle points of the Quantum Entropy Function corresponding to Z(N) orbifolds of the near horizon geometry of the extremal black hole under study. By carefully accounting for zero mode contributions we show that the logarithmic contributions for quarter-BPS black holes in N = 4 supergravity and one-eighth BPS black holes in N = 8 supergravity perfectly match with the prediction from the microstate counting. We also find that the logarithmic contribution for half-BPS black holes in N = 2 supergravity depends non-trivially on the Z(N) orbifold. Our analysis draws heavily on the results we had previously obtained for heat kernel coefficients on Z(N) orbifolds of spheres and hyperboloids in arXiv:1311.6286 and we also propose a generalization of the Plancherel formula to Z(N) orbifolds of hyperboloids to an expression involving the Harish-Chandra character of sl (2, R), a result which is of possible mathematical interest.


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In this paper, we study codes with locality that can recover from two erasures via a sequence of two local, parity-check computations. By a local parity-check computation, we mean recovery via a single parity-check equation associated with small Hamming weight. Earlier approaches considered recovery in parallel; the sequential approach allows us to potentially construct codes with improved minimum distance. These codes, which we refer to as locally 2-reconstructible codes, are a natural generalization along one direction, of codes with all-symbol locality introduced by Gopalan et al, in which recovery from a single erasure is considered. By studying the generalized Hamming weights of the dual code, we derive upper bounds on the minimum distance of locally 2-reconstructible codes and provide constructions for a family of codes based on Turan graphs, that are optimal with respect to this bound. The minimum distance bound derived here is universal in the sense that no code which permits all-symbol local recovery from 2 erasures can have larger minimum distance regardless of approach adopted. Our approach also leads to a new bound on the minimum distance of codes with all-symbol locality for the single-erasure case.


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The isometric fluctuation relation (IFR) P. I. Hurtado et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 7704 (2011)] relates the relative probability of current fluctuations of fixed magnitude in different spatial directions. We test its validity in an experiment on a tapered rod, rendered motile by vertical vibration and immersed in a sea of spherical beads. We analyze the statistics of the velocity vector of the rod and show that they depart significantly from the IFR of Hurtado et al. Aided by a Langevin-equation model we show that our measurements are largely described by an anisotropic generalization of the IFR R. Villavicencio et al., Europhys. Lett. 105, 30009 (2014)], with no fitting parameters, but with a discrepancy in the prefactor whose origin may lie in the detailed statistics of the microscopic noise. The experimentally determined large-deviation function of the velocity vector has a kink on a curve in the plane.


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In this paper, using the Gauge/gravity duality techniques, we explore the hydrodynamic regime of a very special class of strongly coupled QFTs that come up with an emerging UV length scale in the presence of a negative hyperscaling violating exponent. The dual gravitational counterpart for these QFTs consists of scalar dressed black brane solutions of exactly integrable Einstein-scalar gravity model with Domain Wall (DW) asymptotics. In the first part of our analysis we compute the R-charge diffusion for the boundary theory and find that (unlike the case for the pure AdS (4) black branes) it scales quite non trivially with the temperature. In the second part of our analysis, we compute the eta/s ratio both in the non extremal as well as in the extremal limit of these special class of gauge theories and it turns out to be equal to 1/4 pi in both the cases. These results therefore suggest that the quantum critical systems in the presence of (negative) hyperscaling violation at UV, might fall under a separate universality class as compared to those conventional quantum critical systems with the usual AdS (4) duals.


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It is by now clear that the infrared sector of quantum electrodynamics (QED) has an intriguingly complex structure. Based on earlier pioneering work on this subject, two of us recently proposed a simple modification of QED by constructing a generalization of the U(1) charge group of QED to the ``Sky'' group incorporating the well-known spontaneous Lorentz violation due to infrared photons, but still compatible in particular with locality (Balachandran and Vaidya, Eur Phys J Plus 128:118, 2013). It was shown that the ``Sky'' group is generated by the algebra of angle-dependent charges and a study of its superselection sectors has revealed a manifest description of spontaneous breaking of the Lorentz symmetry. We further elaborate this approach here and investigate in some detail the properties of charged particles dressed by the infrared photons. We find that Lorentz violation due to soft photons may be manifestly codified in an angle-dependent fermion mass, modifying therefore the fermion dispersion relations. The fact that the masses of the charged particles are not Lorentz invariant affects their spin content, and time dilation formulas for decays should also get corrections.


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Facial emotions are the most expressive way to display emotions. Many algorithms have been proposed which employ a particular set of people (usually a database) to both train and test their model. This paper focuses on the challenging task of database independent emotion recognition, which is a generalized case of subject-independent emotion recognition. The emotion recognition system employed in this work is a Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (McFIS). McFIS has two components, a neuro-fuzzy inference system, which is the cognitive component and a self-regulatory learning mechanism, which is the meta-cognitive component. The meta-cognitive component, monitors the knowledge in the neuro-fuzzy inference system and decides on what-to-learn, when-to-learn and how-to-learn the training samples, efficiently. For each sample, the McFIS decides whether to delete the sample without being learnt, use it to add/prune or update the network parameter or reserve it for future use. This helps the network avoid over-training and as a result improve its generalization performance over untrained databases. In this study, we extract pixel based emotion features from well-known (Japanese Female Facial Expression) JAFFE and (Taiwanese Female Expression Image) TFEID database. Two sets of experiment are conducted. First, we study the individual performance of both databases on McFIS based on 5-fold cross validation study. Next, in order to study the generalization performance, McFIS trained on JAFFE database is tested on TFEID and vice-versa. The performance The performance comparison in both experiments against SVNI classifier gives promising results.


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Minimization problems with respect to a one-parameter family of generalized relative entropies are studied. These relative entropies, which we term relative alpha-entropies (denoted I-alpha), arise as redundancies under mismatched compression when cumulants of compressed lengths are considered instead of expected compressed lengths. These parametric relative entropies are a generalization of the usual relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence). Just like relative entropy, these relative alpha-entropies behave like squared Euclidean distance and satisfy the Pythagorean property. Minimizers of these relative alpha-entropies on closed and convex sets are shown to exist. Such minimizations generalize the maximum Renyi or Tsallis entropy principle. The minimizing probability distribution (termed forward I-alpha-projection) for a linear family is shown to obey a power-law. Other results in connection with statistical inference, namely subspace transitivity and iterated projections, are also established. In a companion paper, a related minimization problem of interest in robust statistics that leads to a reverse I-alpha-projection is studied.


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Let be a set of points in the plane. A geometric graph on is said to be locally Gabriel if for every edge in , the Euclidean disk with the segment joining and as diameter does not contain any points of that are neighbors of or in . A locally Gabriel graph(LGG) is a generalization of Gabriel graph and is motivated by applications in wireless networks. Unlike a Gabriel graph, there is no unique LGG on a given point set since no edge in a LGG is necessarily included or excluded. Thus the edge set of the graph can be customized to optimize certain network parameters depending on the application. The unit distance graph(UDG), introduced by Erdos, is also a LGG. In this paper, we show the following combinatorial bounds on edge complexity and independent sets of LGG: (i) For any , there exists LGG with edges. This improves upon the previous best bound of . (ii) For various subclasses of convex point sets, we show tight linear bounds on the maximum edge complexity of LGG. (iii) For any LGG on any point set, there exists an independent set of size .


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In structured output learning, obtaining labeled data for real-world applications is usually costly, while unlabeled examples are available in abundance. Semisupervised structured classification deals with a small number of labeled examples and a large number of unlabeled structured data. In this work, we consider semisupervised structural support vector machines with domain constraints. The optimization problem, which in general is not convex, contains the loss terms associated with the labeled and unlabeled examples, along with the domain constraints. We propose a simple optimization approach that alternates between solving a supervised learning problem and a constraint matching problem. Solving the constraint matching problem is difficult for structured prediction, and we propose an efficient and effective label switching method to solve it. The alternating optimization is carried out within a deterministic annealing framework, which helps in effective constraint matching and avoiding poor local minima, which are not very useful. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement. Further, it is suitable for any structured output learning problem where exact inference is available. Experiments on benchmark sequence labeling data sets and a natural language parsing data set show that the proposed approach, though simple, achieves comparable generalization performance.


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We give a review on (a) elements of (2 + 1)-dimensional gravity, (b) some aspects of its relation to Chern-Simons theory, (c) its generalization to couple higher spins, and (d) cosmic singularity resolution as an application in the context of flat space higher spin theory. A knowledge of the Einstein-Hilbert action, classical non-Abelian gauge theory and some (negotiable amount of) maturity are the only pre-requisites.


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The problem of cooperative beamforming for maximizing the achievable data rate of an energy constrained two-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) network is considered. Assuming perfect channel state information (CSI) of all the nodes, we evaluate the optimal scaling factor for the relay nodes. Along with individual power constraint on each of the relay nodes, we consider a weighted sum power constraint. The proposed iterative algorithm initially solves a set of relaxed problems with weighted sum power constraint and then updates the solution to accommodate individual constraints. These relaxed problems in turn are solved using a sequence of Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems (QEP). The key contribution of this letter is the generalization of cooperative beamforming to incorporate both the individual and weighted sum constraint. Furthermore, we have proposed a novel algorithm based on Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem (QEP) and discussed its convergence.


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We find the sum of series of the form Sigma(infinity)(i=1) f(i)/i(r) for some special functions f. The above series is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function. In particular, we take f as some values of Hurwitz zeta functions, harmonic numbers, and combination of both. These generalize some of the results given in Mezo's paper (2013). We use multiple zeta theory to prove all results. The series sums we have obtained are in terms of Bernoulli numbers and powers of pi.


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We consider the equation Delta(2)u = g(x, u) >= 0 in the sense of distribution in Omega' = Omega\textbackslash {0} where u and -Delta u >= 0. Then it is known that u solves Delta(2)u = g(x, u) + alpha delta(0) - beta Delta delta(0), for some nonnegative constants alpha and beta. In this paper, we study the existence of singular solutions to Delta(2)u = a(x) f (u) + alpha delta(0) - beta Delta delta(0) in a domain Omega subset of R-4, a is a nonnegative measurable function in some Lebesgue space. If Delta(2)u = a(x) f (u) in Omega', then we find the growth of the nonlinearity f that determines alpha and beta to be 0. In case when alpha = beta = 0, we will establish regularity results when f (t) <= Ce-gamma t, for some C, gamma > 0. This paper extends the work of Soranzo (1997) where the author finds the barrier function in higher dimensions (N >= 5) with a specific weight function a(x) = |x|(sigma). Later, we discuss its analogous generalization for the polyharmonic operator.


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A finite flexible perforated panel set in a differently perforated rigid baffle is considered. The radiation efficiency from such a panel is derived using a 2-D wavenumber domain formulation. This generalization is later used to represent a more practical case of a perforated panel fixed in an unperforated baffle. The perforations are in the form of an array of uniformly distributed circular holes. A complex impedance model for the holes available in the literature is used. An averaged fluid particle velocity is derived using the continuity equation and the surface pressure is derived using an appropriate momentum equation. The discontinuity in the perforate impedance (due to different hole dimensions or perforation ratio) at the panel-baffle interface is carefully taken into account. It is found that there exists a `coupling' of different wavenumbers of the spatially mean fluid particle velocity field. The change in the resonance frequencies and the modeshapes of the panel due to the perforations is taken into account using the Receptance method. Analytical expressions for the radiated power and radiation efficiency are derived in an integral form and numerical results are presented. Several comparisons are made to understand the radiation efficiency curves. Since both the resistive and reactive components of the hole impedance are taken into account, the model is directly applicable to micro-perforated panels also. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.