130 resultados para High-pressure Adsorption


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We propose a physical mechanism to explain the origin of the intense burst of massive-star formation seen in colliding/merging, gas-rich, field spiral galaxies. We explicitly take account of the different parameters for the two main mass components, H-2 and H I, of the interstellar medium within a galaxy and follow their consequent different evolution during a collision between two galaxies. We also note that, in a typical spiral galaxy-like our galaxy, the Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) are in a near-virial equilibrium and form the current sites of massive-star formation, but have a low star formation rate. We show that this star formation rate is increased following a collision between galaxies. During a typical collision between two field spiral galaxies, the H I clouds from the two galaxies undergo collisions at a relative velocity of approximately 300 km s-1. However, the GMCs, with their smaller volume filling factor, do not collide. The collisions among the H I clouds from the two galaxies lead to the formation of a hot, ionized, high-pressure remnant gas. The over-pressure due to this hot gas causes a radiative shock compression of the outer layers of a preexisting GMC in the overlapping wedge region. This makes these layers gravitationally unstable, thus triggering a burst of massive-star formation in the initially barely stable GMCs.The resulting value of the typical IR luminosity from the young, massive stars from a pair of colliding galaxies is estimated to be approximately 2 x 10(11) L., in agreement with the observed values. In our model, the massive-star formation occurs in situ in the overlapping regions of a pair of colliding galaxies. We can thus explain the origin of enhanced star formation over an extended, central area approximately several kiloparsecs in size, as seen in typical colliding galaxies, and also the origin of starbursts in extranuclear regions of disk overlap as seen in Arp 299 (NGC 3690/IC 694) and in Arp 244 (NGC 4038/39). Whether the IR emission from the central region or that from the surrounding extranuclear galactic disk dominates depends on the geometry and the epoch of the collision and on the initial radial gas distribution in the two galaxies. In general, the central starburst would be stronger than that in the disks, due to the higher preexisting gas densities in the central region. The burst of star formation is expected to last over a galactic gas disk crossing time approximately 4 x 10(7) yr. We can also explain the simultaneous existence of nearly normal CO galaxy luminosities and shocked H-2 gas, as seen in colliding field galaxies.This is a minimal model, in that the only necessary condition for it to work is that there should be a sufficient overlap between the spatial gas distributions of the colliding galaxy pair.


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A novel universal approach to understand the self-deflagration in solids has been attempted by using basic thermodynamic equation of partial differentiation, where burning mte depends on the initial temperature and pressure of the system. Self-deflagrating solids are rare and are reported only in few compounds like ammonium perchlorate (AP), polystyrene peroxide and tetrazole. This approach has led us to understand the unique characteristics of AP, viz. the existence of low pressure deflagration limit (LPL 20 atm), hitherto not understood sufficiently. This analysis infers that the overall surface activation energy comprises of two components governed by the condensed phase and gas phase processes. The most attractive feature of the model is the identification of a new subcritical regime I' below LPL where AP does not burn. The model is aptly supported by the thermochemical computations and temperature-profile analyses of the combustion train. The thermodynamic model is further corroborated from the kinetic analysis of the high pressure (1-30 atm) DTA thermograms which affords distinct empirical decomposition rate laws in regimes I' and 1 (20-60 atm). Using Fourier-Kirchoff one dimensional heat transfer differential equation, the phase transition thickness and the melt-layer thickness have been computed which conform to the experimental data.


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Critical exponent of the electrical conductivity in the paracoherence region (gamma) of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) has been estimated for high quality thin film on ZrO2 substrate prepared by high pressure oxygen sputtering. High energy ion irradiation was carried out using 100 MeV O-16(7+) ions at liquid nitrogen to see the effects of disorder on the value of the exponent. The critical exponent from a value of about 2 to 1.62 upon irradiation. Studies were also carried film to see the effect of ageing and annealing.


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We have measured the internal friction and speed of sound in several polycrystalline alloys, using compound torsional oscillators at frequencies between 60 kHz and 100 kHz and temperatures between 50 mK and 100 K. By combining these data with existing elastic and thermal data on similar alloys, we find that those alloys which can undergo diffusionsless phase transitions, such as Ti:Nb, Ti:V, or Zr:Nb in certain ranges of composition have glasslike excitations, since they have elastic properties which agree in magnitude and temperature dependence with those of amorphous solids. By contrast, crystalline continuous solution alloys, such as Nb:Ta, or alloys with diffusive phase transitions, such as high-pressure quenched Al94Si6, have the same elastic properties as are known for crystals.


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We have developed a multipurpose high pressure gas cell which can be used to generate phase conjugate beams using various stimulated scattering processes. This high pressure cell can also be used as a tunable laser source using the process of stimulated Raman scattering. The phase conjugate nature of backward scattered Raman signals was investigated through distortion correction studies.


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Heat-up times derived from studies on the ignition characteristics of a few model composite solid propellants, containing polystyrene, carboxy-terminated polybutadiene, plasticised polyvinyl chloride and polyphenol formaldehyde as binders, show that they are directly proportional to the mass of the sample and inversely proportional to the hear flux. Propellant weight-loss prior to ignition and high pressure ignition temperature data on the propellants, ammonium per chlorate, and binders show that the ignition is governed by the gasification of the binder pyrolysis products. The activation energy for the gasification of the pyrolysed polymer products corresponds to their ignition behaviour suggesting that propellant ignition is controlled by the binder.


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We propose a physical mechanism for the triggering of starbursts in interacting spiral galaxies by shock compression of the pre-existing disk giant molecular clouds (GMCs). We show that as a disk GMC tumbles into the central region of a galaxy following a galactic tidal encounter, it undergoes a radiative shock compression by the pre-existing high pressure of the central molecular intercloud medium. The shocked outer shell of a GMC becomes gravitationally unstable, which results in a burst of star formation in the initially stable GMC. In the case of colliding galaxies with physical overlap such as Arp 244, the cloud compression is shown to occur due to the hot, high-pressure remnant gas resulting from the collisions of atomic hydrogen gas clouds from the two galaxies. The resulting values of infrared luminosity agree with observations. The main mode of triggered star formation is via clusters of stars, thus we can naturally explain the formation of young, luminous star clusters observed in starburst galaxies.


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Polymer degradation in solution has several advantages over melt pyrolysis, The degradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) occurs at much lower temperatures in solution (280-360degreesC) than in conventional melt pyrolysis (400-450degreesC). The thermal degradation kinetics of LDPE in solution was investigated in this work. LDPE was dissolved in liquid paraffin and degraded for 3 h at various temperatures (280-360degreesC). Samples were taken at specific times and analyzed with high-pressure liquid chromatography/gel permeation chromatography for the molecular weight distribution (MWD), The time evolution of the MWD was modeled with continuous distribution kinetics. Data indicated that LDPE followed random-chain-scission degradation. The rapid initial drop in molecular weight, observed up to 45 min, was attributed to the presence of weak links in the polymer. The rate coefficients for the breakage of weak and strong links were determined, and the corresponding average activation energies were calculated to be 88 and 24 kJ/mol, respectively. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc.


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Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are fascinating systems exhibiting many novel physical properties. In this paper, we give a brief review of the structural, electronic, vibrational, and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. In situ resonance Raman scattering of SWNTs investigated under electrochemical biasing demonstrates that the intensity of the radial breathing mode varies significantly in a nonmonotonic manner as a function of the cathodic bias voltage, but does not change appreciably under anodic bias. These results can be quantitatively understood in terms of the changes in the energy gaps between the 1 D van Hove singularities in the electron density of states, arising possibly due to the alterations in the overlap integral of pi bonds between the p-orbitals of the adjacent carbon atoms. In the second part of this paper, we review our high-pressure X-ray diffraction results, which show that the triangular lattice of the carbon nanotube bundles continues to persist up to similar to10 GPa. The lattice is seen to relax just before the phase transformation, which is observed at similar to10 GPa. Further, our results display the reversibility of the 2D lattice symmetry even after compression up to 13 GPa well beyond the 5 GPa value observed recently. These experimental results explicitly validate the predicted remarkable mechanical resilience of the nanotubes.


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This paper reports reacting fluid dynamics calculations for an ammonium percholrate binder sandwich and extracts experimentally observed features including surface profiles and maximum regression rates as a function of pressure and binder thickness. These studies have been carried out by solving the two-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations with energy and species conservation equations and a kinetic model of three reaction steps (ammonium perchlorate decomposition flame, primary diffusion flame, and final diffusion flame) in the gas phase. The unsteady two-dimensional conduction equation is solved in the condensed phase. The regressing surface is unsteady and two dimensional. Computations have been carried out for a binder thickness range of 25-125 mum and a pressure range of 1.4 to 6.9 MPa. Good comparisons at several levels of detail are used to demonstrate the need for condensed-phase two-dimensional unsteady conduction and three-step gas-phase reactions. The choice of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters is crucial to good comparison with experiments. The choice of activation energy parameters for ammonium percholrate combustion has been made with stability of combustion in addition to experimentally determined values reported in literature. The choice of gas-phase parameters for the diffusion flames are made considering that (a) primary diffusion flame affects the low-pressure behavior and (b) final diffusion flame affects high-pressure behavior. The predictions include the low-pressure deflagration limit of the sandwich apart from others noted above. Finally, this study demonstrates the possibility of making meaningful comparisons with experimental observations on sandwich propellant combustion.


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The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of magnesium and cadmiumchromites have been determined by potentiometric measurements on reversiblesolid-state electrochemical cells [dformula (Au-5%Cd, , Au-5%Cd; Pt, + , CaO-ZrO[sub 2], + ,Pt; CdO, , CdCr[sub 2]O[sub 4] + Cr[sub 2]O[sub 3])] in the temperature range 500°–730°C, and [dformula Pt, Cr + Cr[sub 2]O[sub 3]/Y[sub 2]O[sub 3]-ThO[sub 2]/Cr + MgCr[sub 2]O[sub 4] + MgO, Pt] in the temperature range 800°–1200°C. The temperature dependence of the freeenergies of formation of the ternary compounds can be represented by theequations [dformula CdO(r.s.) + Cr[sub 2]O[sub 3](cor) --> CdCr[sub 2]O[sub 4](sp)] [dformula Delta G[sup 0] = - 42,260 + 7.53T ([plus-minus]400) J] and [dformula MgO(r.s.) + Cr[sub 2]O[sub 3](cor) --> MgCr[sub 2]O[sub 4](sp)] [dformula Delta G[sup 0] = - 45,200 + 5.36T ([plus-minus]400) J] The entropies of formation of these spinels are discussed in terms of cationdisorder and extent of reduction of Cr3+ ions to Cr2+ ions. Thermodynamicdata on the chromates of cadmium and magnesium are derived by combiningthe results obtained in this study with information available in the literatureon high temperature, high pressure phase equilibria in the systems CdO-Cr2O3-O2 and MgO-Cr2O3-O2.


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he thermodynamic properties of the spinel Mg2SnO4 have been determined by emf measurements on the solid oxide galvanic cell,View the MathML source in the temperature range 600 to 1000°C. The Gibbs' free energy of formation of Mg2SnO4 from the component oxides can be expressed as View the MathML source,View the MathML source These values are in good agreement with the information obtained by Jackson et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.24, 203 (1974)] on the high pressure decomposition of magnesium stannate into component oxides at different temperatures. The thermodynamic data suggest that the spinel phase is entropy stabilized, and would be unstable below 207 (±25)°C at atmospheric pressure. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that the stannates of nickel and copper(II) are unstable.


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Two solid state galvanic cells:Pt, Ni + Ni2Si04 + Si02/(Y203)Zr02/Ni + + NiO, Pt (1) and Pt, Ni + NizSiOj + Si02/CaF2/Ni + + NiO, Pt (11) have been employed for the determination of the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel orthosilicate(Ni2Si04) from nickel oxide and quartz. The emf of cell (I) was reversible and reproducible in the temperature range 925 to 1375K whereas emf of cell (11) drifted with time and changed polarity. From the results of cell (I), the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel silicate is obtained as,2Ni0 (r.s.) + Si02 (quartz) + Ni2Si04 (olivine)Gibbs' energy of formation of the spinel form of Ni2Si04 is obtained by combining the data for olivine obtained in this study with high pressure data on olivine to spinel transition reported in the literature. The complex time dependence of the emf of cell (11) can be rationalised on the basis of formation of calcium silicates from calcium oxide, generally present as an impurity in the calcium fluoride electrolyte, and silica. The emf of cell (11) is shown to be the function of the activity of calcium oxide at the electrolyte/ electrode interface. The results provide strong evidence against the recent suggestion of mixed anionic conduction in calcium fluoride.


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The Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Complex is composed of granite-greenstone cratonic rocks reworked by a Neoarchean high-grade tectono-metamorphic event. Petrographic and mineral chemical characterization of an Al-Mg granulite from this zone is presented here. The granulite has a gneissic fabric with distinct Al-rich and Si-rich layers, with the former preserving the unusual lamellar (random and regular subparallel) intergrowths of corundum and symplectic intergrowth of spinel with orthopyroxene. The Al-rich layer preserves mineral assemblages such as rutile with orthopyroxene + sillimanite +/- A quartz, Al-rich orthopyroxene (similar to 11 wt%), spinel + quartz, and corundum in possible equilibrium with quartz, while the Si-rich layer preserves antiperthites and orthopyroxene + sillimanite +/- A quartz, all considered diagnostic of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism. Application of Al-in-opx thermometry, ternary feldspar thermometry and construction of suitable pressure-temperature phase diagrams, compositional and model proportion isopleth results indicate P-T conditions as high as similar to 1,050-1,100 A degrees C, and similar to 10-12 kbars for the Al-Mg granulite. Our report of ultrahigh-temperature conditions is significant considering that the very high temperature was reached during decompression of an otherwise high-pressure granulite complex (clockwise P-T path), whereas most other ultrahigh-temperature granulites are linked to magma underplating at the base of the crust (counterclockwise P-T path).


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A simple hand-operated shock tube capable of producing Mach 2 shock waves is described. Performance of this miniature shock tube using compressed high pressure air created by a manually operated piston in the driver section of the shock tube as driver gas with air at 1 atm pressure as the test gas in the driven tube is presented. The performance of the shock tube is found to match well with the theoretically estimated values using normal shock relations. Applications of this shock tube named Reddy tube, include study of blast-induced traumatic brain injuries and high temperature chemical kinetics.