214 resultados para Gravitational Search Algorithm


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The development of algorithms, based on Haar functions, for extracting the desired frequency components from transient power-system relaying signals is presented. The applications of these algorithms to impedance detection in transmission line protection and to harmonic restraint in transformer differential protection are discussed. For transmission line protection, three modes of application of the Haar algorithms are described: a full-cycle window algorithm, an approximate full-cycle window algorithm, and a half-cycle window algorithm. For power transformer differential protection, the combined second and fifth harmonic magnitude of the differential current is compared with that of fundamental to arrive at a trip decision. The proposed line protection algorithms are evaluated, under different fault conditions, using realistic relaying signals obtained from transient analysis conducted on a model 400 kV, 3-phase system. The transformer differential protection algorithms are also evaluated using a variety of simulated inrush and internal fault signals.


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A computationally efficient agglomerative clustering algorithm based on multilevel theory is presented. Here, the data set is divided randomly into a number of partitions. The samples of each such partition are clustered separately using hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm to form sub-clusters. These are merged at higher levels to get the final classification. This algorithm leads to the same classification as that of hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm when the clusters are well separated. The advantages of this algorithm are short run time and small storage requirement. It is observed that the savings, in storage space and computation time, increase nonlinearly with the sample size.


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Railway wheel vibrations are caused by a number of mechanisms. Two of these are considered: (a) gravitational load reaction acting on different points of the wheel rim, as the wheel rolls on, and (b) random fluctuating forces generated at the contact patch by roughness on the mating surfaces of the wheel and rail. The wheel is idealized as a thin ring, and the analysis is limited to a single wheel rolling on a rail. It is shown that the first mechanism results in a stationary pattern of vibration, which would not radiate any sound. The acceleration caused by roughness-excited forces is much higher at higher frequencies, but is of the same order as that caused by load reaction at lower frequencies. The computed acceleration level (and hence the radiated SPL) caused by roughness is comparable with the observed values, and is seen to increase by about 10 dB for a doubling of the wagon speed. The driving point impedance of the periodic rail-sleeper system at the contact patch, which is used in the analysis, is derived in a companion paper.


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In this paper, three parallel polygon scan conversion algorithms have been proposed, and their performance when executed on a shared bus architecture has been compared. It has been shown that the parallel algorithm that does not use edge coherence performs better than those that use edge coherence. Further, a multiprocessing architecture has been proposed to execute the parallel polygon scan conversion algorithms more efficiently than a single shared bus architecture.


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This paper gives a brief survey of research and development work done on hand pumps in India as well as elsewhere and sets out the approach adopted by ASTRA Working Group. Ten ways in which a hand pump breakdown in practice have been identified. The physical reasons behind each type of breakdown analysed. Remedial measures have been developed from this analysis. Laboratory test rigs fabricated to evaluate these measures have been described and some experimental results presented. The course of further work has been charted.


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The stimulation technique has gained much importance in the performance studies of Concurrency Control (CC) algorithms for distributed database systems. However, details regarding the simulation methodology and implementation are seldom mentioned in the literature. One objective of this paper is to elaborate the simulation methodology using SIMULA. Detailed studies have been carried out on a centralised CC algorithm and its modified version. The results compare well with a previously reported study on these algorithms. Here, additional results concerning the update intensiveness of transactions and the degree of conflict are obtained. The degree of conflict is quantitatively measured and it is seen to be a useful performance index. Regression analysis has been carried out on the results, and an optimisation study using the regression model has been performed to minimise the response time. Such a study may prove useful for the design of distributed database systems.


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A method to identify β-sheets in globular proteins from extended strands, using only α-carbon positions, has been developed. The strands that form β-sheets are picked up by means of simple distance criteria. The method has been tested by applying it to three proteins with accurately known secondary structures. It has also been applied to ten other proteins wherein only α-carbon coordinates are available, and the list of β-sheets obtained. The following points are worth noting: (i) The sheets identified by the algorithm are found to agree satisfactorily with the reported ones based on backbone hydrogen bonding, wherever this information is available. (ii) β-Strands that do not form parts of any sheet are a common feature of protein structures. (iii) Such isolated β-strands tend to be short. (iv) The conformation corresponding to the preferred right-handed twist of the sheet is overwhelmingly observed in both the sheet-forming and isolated β-strands.


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In Escherichia coli, the canonical intrinsic terminator of transcription includes a palindrome followed by a U-trail on the transcript. The apparent underrepresentation of such terminators in eubacterial genomes led us to develop a rapid and accurate algorithm, GeSTer, to predict putative intrinsic terminators. Now, we have analyzed 378 genome sequences with an improved version of GeSTer. Our results indicate that the canonical E. coli type terminators are not overwhelmingly abundant in eubacteria. The atypical structures, having stem-loop structures but lacking ‘U’ trail, occur downstream of genes in all the analyzed genomes but different phyla show conserved preference for different types of terminators. This propensity correlates with genomic GC content and presence of the factor, Rho. 60–70% of identified terminators in all the genomes show “optimized” stem-length and ΔG. These results provide evidence that eubacteria extensively rely on the mechanism of intrinsic termination, with a considerable divergence in their structure, positioning and prevalence. The software and detailed results for individual genomes are freely available on request


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The maximum independent set problem is NP-complete even when restricted to planar graphs, cubic planar graphs or triangle free graphs. The problem of finding an absolute approximation still remains NP-complete. Various polynomial time approximation algorithms, that guarantee a fixed worst case ratio between the independent set size obtained to the maximum independent set size, in planar graphs have been proposed. We present in this paper a simple and efficient, O(|V|) algorithm that guarantees a ratio 1/2, for planar triangle free graphs. The algorithm differs completely from other approaches, in that, it collects groups of independent vertices at a time. Certain bounds we obtain in this paper relate to some interesting questions in the theory of extremal graphs.


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A channel router is an important design aid in the design automation of VLSI circuit layout. Many algorithms have been developed based on various wiring models with routing done on two layers. With the recent advances in VLSI process technology, it is possible to have three independent layers for interconnection. In this paper two algorithms are presented for three-layer channel routing. The first assumes a very simple wiring model. This enables the routing problem to be solved optimally in a time of O(n log n). The second algorithm is for a different wiring model and has an upper bound of O(n2) for its execution time. It uses fewer horizontal tracks than the first algorithm. For the second model the channel width is not bounded by the channel density.


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Many novel computer architectures like array and multiprocessors which achieve high performance through the use of concurrency exploit variations of the von Neumann model of computation. The effective utilization of the machines makes special demands on programmers and their programming languages, such as the structuring of data into vectors or the partitioning of programs into concurrent processes. In comparison, the data flow model of computation demands only that the principle of structured programming be followed. A data flow program, often represented as a data flow graph, is a program that expresses a computation by indicating the data dependencies among operators. A data flow computer is a machine designed to take advantage of concurrency in data flow graphs by executing data independent operations in parallel. In this paper, we discuss the design of a high level language (DFL: Data Flow Language) suitable for data flow computers. Some sample procedures in DFL are presented. The implementation aspects have not been discussed in detail since there are no new problems encountered. The language DFL embodies the concepts of functional programming, but in appearance closely resembles Pascal. The language is a better vehicle than the data flow graph for expressing a parallel algorithm. The compiler has been implemented on a DEC 1090 system in Pascal.


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A branch and bound type algorithm is presented in this paper to the problem of finding a transportation schedule which minimises the total transportation cost, where the transportation cost over each route is assumed to be a piecewice linear continuous convex function with increasing slopes. The algorithm is an extension of the work done by Balachandran and Perry, in which the transportation cost over each route is assumed to beapiecewise linear discontinuous function with decreasing slopes. A numerical example is solved illustrating the algorithm.


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Contention-based multiple access is a crucial component of many wireless systems. Multiple-packet reception (MPR) schemes that use interference cancellation techniques to receive and decode multiple packets that arrive simultaneously are known to be very efficient. However, the MPR schemes proposed in the literature require complex receivers capable of performing advanced signal processing over significant amounts of soft undecodable information received over multiple contention steps. In this paper, we show that local channel knowledge and elementary received signal strength measurements, which are available to many receivers today, can actively facilitate multipacket reception and even simplify the interference canceling receiver¿s design. We introduce two variants of a simple algorithm called Dual Power Multiple Access (DPMA) that use local channel knowledge to limit the receive power levels to two values that facilitate successive interference cancellation. The resulting receiver structure is markedly simpler, as it needs to process only the immediate received signal without having to store and process signals received previously. Remarkably, using a set of three feedback messages, the first variant, DPMA-Lite, achieves a stable throughput of 0.6865 packets per slot. Using four possible feedback messages, the second variant, Turbo-DPMA, achieves a stable throughput of 0.793 packets per slot, which is better than all contention algorithms known to date.


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Data flow computers are high-speed machines in which an instruction is executed as soon as all its operands are available. This paper describes the EXtended MANchester (EXMAN) data flow computer which incorporates three major extensions to the basic Manchester machine. As extensions we provide a multiple matching units scheme, an efficient, implementation of array data structure, and a facility to concurrently execute reentrant routines. A simulator for the EXMAN computer has been coded in the discrete event simulation language, SIMULA 67, on the DEC 1090 system. Performance analysis studies have been conducted on the simulated EXMAN computer to study the effectiveness of the proposed extensions. The performance experiments have been carried out using three sample problems: matrix multiplication, Bresenham's line drawing algorithm, and the polygon scan-conversion algorithm.


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Relaxation labeling processes are a class of mechanisms that solve the problem of assigning labels to objects in a manner that is consistent with respect to some domain-specific constraints. We reformulate this using the model of a team of learning automata interacting with an environment or a high-level critic that gives noisy responses as to the consistency of a tentative labeling selected by the automata. This results in an iterative linear algorithm that is itself probabilistic. Using an explicit definition of consistency we give a complete analysis of this probabilistic relaxation process using weak convergence results for stochastic algorithms. Our model can accommodate a range of uncertainties in the compatibility functions. We prove a local convergence result and show that the point of convergence depends both on the initial labeling and the constraints. The algorithm is implementable in a highly parallel fashion.