188 resultados para Fast Rayleigh Fading


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS linear equalizer in decision directed mode (DD-LMS-LE). We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal Wiener equalizer. Initially we study a fixed channel.For a fixed channel, we obtain the existence of DD attractors near the Wiener filter at high SNRs using an ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) approximating the DD-LMS-LE. We also show, via examples, that the DD attractors may not be close to the Wiener filters at low SNRs. Next we study a time varying fading channel modeled by an Auto-regressive (AR) process of order 2. The DD-LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs. We show via examples that the LMS equalizer ODE show tracks the ODE corresponding to the instantaneous Wiener filter when the SNR is high. This may not happen at low SNRs.


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A geometric and non parametric procedure for testing if two finite set of points are linearly separable is proposed. The Linear Separability Test is equivalent to a test that determines if a strictly positive point h > 0 exists in the range of a matrix A (related to the points in the two finite sets). The algorithm proposed in the paper iteratively checks if a strictly positive point exists in a subspace by projecting a strictly positive vector with equal co-ordinates (p), on the subspace. At the end of each iteration, the subspace is reduced to a lower dimensional subspace. The test is completed within r ≤ min(n, d + 1) steps, for both linearly separable and non separable problems (r is the rank of A, n is the number of points and d is the dimension of the space containing the points). The worst case time complexity of the algorithm is O(nr3) and space complexity of the algorithm is O(nd). A small review of some of the prominent algorithms and their time complexities is included. The worst case computational complexity of our algorithm is lower than the worst case computational complexity of Simplex, Perceptron, Support Vector Machine and Convex Hull Algorithms, if d


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Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework for mining data available as a long sequence of events. An episode is essentially a short ordered sequence of event types and the frequency of an episode is some suitable measure of how often the episode occurs in the data sequence. Recently,we proposed a new frequency measure for episodes based on the notion of non-overlapped occurrences of episodes in the event sequence, and showed that, such a definition, in addition to yielding computationally efficient algorithms, has some important theoretical properties in connecting frequent episode discovery with HMM learning. This paper presents some new algorithms for frequent episode discovery under this non-overlapped occurrences-based frequency definition. The algorithms presented here are better (by a factor of N, where N denotes the size of episodes being discovered) in terms of both time and space complexities when compared to existing methods for frequent episode discovery. We show through some simulation experiments, that our algorithms are very efficient. The new algorithms presented here have arguably the least possible orders of spaceand time complexities for the task of frequent episode discovery.


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS linear equalizer. We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal Wiener equalizer. We model the channel by an Auto-regressive (AR) process. Then the LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs (ordinary differential equations). Using these ODEs, the error between the LMS equalizer and the instantaneous Wiener filter is shown to decay exponentially/polynomially to zero unless the channel is marginally stable in which case the convergence may not hold.Using the same ODEs, we also show that the corresponding Mean Square Error (MSE) converges towards minimum MSE(MMSE) at the same rate for a stable channel. We further show that the difference between the MSE and the MMSE does not explode with time even when the channel is unstable. Finally we obtain an optimum step size for the linear equalizer in terms of the AR parameters, whenever the error decay is exponential.


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An overview of our recent results relating to the explicit construction of space-time block codes achieving the DMG tradeoff of the quasi-static fading channel is presented. The results include the explicit construction of D-MG optimal codes,generalization of perfect codes to any number of transmit antennas as well as optimal diversity-multiplexing-delay constructions for the MIMO ARQ Channel.


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We consider a problem of providing mean delay and average throughput guarantees in random access fading wireless channels using CSMA/CA algorithm. This problem becomes much more challenging when the scheduling is distributed as is the case in a typical local area wireless network. We model the CSMA network using a novel queueing network based approach. The optimal throughput per device and throughput optimal policy in an M device network is obtained. We provide a simple contention control algorithm that adapts the attempt probability based on the network load and obtain bounds for the packet transmission delay. The information we make use of is the number of devices in the network and the queue length (delayed) at each device. The proposed algorithms stay within the requirements of the IEEE 802.11 standard.


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In this article, we report the structure of a 1:1 charge transfer complex between pyridine (PYR) and chloranil (CHL) in solution (CHCl(3)) from the measurement of hyperpolarizability (beta(HRS)) and linear and circular depolarization ratios, D and D', respectively, by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique and state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations. Using linearly (electric field vector along X) and circularly polarized incident light, respectively, we have measured two macroscopic depolarization ratios D = I(X,X)(2 omega)/I(X,Z)(2 omega) and D' = I(X,C)(2 omega)/I(Z,C)(2 omega) in the laboratory fixed XYZ frame by detecting the second harmonic (SH) scattered light in a polarization resolved fashion. The stabilization energy and the optical gap calculated through the MP2/cc-pVDZ method using Gaussian09 were not significantly different to distinguish between the cofacial and T-shape structures. Only when the experimentally obtained beta(HRS) and the depolarization ratios, D and D', were matched with the theoretically computed values from single and double configuration interaction (SDCI) calculations performed using the ZINDO-SCRF technique, we concluded that the room temperature equilibrium structure of the complex is cofacial. This is in sharp contrast to an earlier theoretical prediction of the T-shape structure of the complex.


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The Effective Exponential SNR Mapping (EESM) is an indispensable tool for analyzing and simulating next generation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based wireless systems. It converts the different gains of multiple subchannels, over which a codeword is transmitted, into a single effective flat-fading gain with the same codeword error rate. It facilitates link adaptation by helping each user to compute an accurate channel quality indicator (CQI), which is fed back to the base station to enable downlink rate adaptation and scheduling. However, the highly non-linear nature of EESM makes a performance analysis of adaptation and scheduling difficult; even the probability distribution of EESM is not known in closed-form. This paper shows that EESM can be accurately modeled as a lognormal random variable when the subchannel gains are Rayleigh distributed. The model is also valid when the subchannel gains are correlated in frequency or space. With some simplifying assumptions, the paper then develops a novel analysis of the performance of LTE's two CQI feedback schemes that use EESM to generate CQI. The comprehensive model and analysis quantify the joint effect of several critical components such as scheduler, multiple antenna mode, CQI feedback scheme, and EESM-based feedback averaging on the overall system throughput.


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Recently in, a framework was given to construct low ML decoding complexity Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) via codes over the finite field F4. In this paper, we construct new full-diversity STBCs with cubic shaping property and low ML decoding complexity via codes over F4 for number of transmit antennas N = 2m, m >; 1, and rates R >; 1 complex symbols per channel use. The new codes have the least ML decoding complexity among all known codes for a large set of (N, R) pairs. The new full-rate codes of this paper (R = N) are not only information-lossless and fully diverse but also have the least known ML decoding complexity in the literature. For N ≥ 4, the new full-rate codes are the first instances of full-diversity, information-lossless STBCs with low ML decoding complexity. We also give a sufficient condition for STBCs obtainable from codes over F4 to have cubic shaping property, and a sufficient condition for any design to give rise to a full-diversity STBC when the symbols are encoded using rotated square QAM constellations.


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In this paper we review the most peculiar and interesting information-theoretic and communications features of fading channels. We first describe the statistical models of fading channels which are frequently used in the analysis and design of communication systems. Next, we focus on the information theory of fading channels, by emphasizing capacity as the most important performance measure. Both single-user and multiuser transmission are examined. Further, we describe how the structure of fading channels impacts code design, and finally overview equalization of fading multipath channels.


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For a family/sequence of Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) C1, C2,⋯, with increasing number of transmit antennas Ni, with rates Ri complex symbols per channel use (cspcu), i = 1,2,⋯, the asymptotic normalized rate is defined as limi→∞ Ri/Ni. A family of STBCs is said to be asymptotically-good if the asymptotic normalized rate is non-zero, i.e., when the rate scales as a non-zero fraction of the number of transmit antennas, and the family of STBCs is said to be asymptotically-optimal if the asymptotic normalized rate is 1, which is the maximum possible value. In this paper, we construct a new class of full-diversity STBCs that have the least maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding complexity among all known codes for any number of transmit antennas N>;1 and rates R>;1 cspcu. For a large set of (R,N) pairs, the new codes have lower ML decoding complexity than the codes already available in the literature. Among the new codes, the class of full-rate codes (R=N) are asymptotically-optimal and fast-decodable, and for N>;5 have lower ML decoding complexity than all other families of asymptotically-optimal, fast-decodable, full-diversity STBCs available in the literature. The construction of the new STBCs is facilitated by the following further contributions of this paper: (i) Construction of a new class of asymptotically-good, full-diversity multigroup ML decodable codes, that not only includes STBCs for a larger set of antennas, but also either matches in rate or contains as a proper subset all other high-rate or asymptotically-good, delay-optimal, multigroup ML decodable codes available in the literature. (ii) Construction of a new class of fast-group-decodable codes (codes that combine the low ML decoding complexity properties of multigroup ML decodable codes and fast-decodable codes) for all even number of transmit antennas and rates 1 <; R ≤ 5/4.- - (iii) Given a design with full-rank linear dispersion matrices, we show that a full-diversity STBC can be constructed from this design by encoding the real symbols independently using only regular PAM constellations.


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A torque control scheme, based on a direct torque control (DTC) algorithm using a 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector, is proposed for a variable speed control of an open-end induction motor drive. The conventional DTC scheme uses a stator flux vector for the sector identification and then the switching vector to control stator flux and torque. However, the proposed DTC scheme selects switching vectors based on the sector information of the estimated fundamental stator voltage vector and its relative position with respect to the stator flux vector. The fundamental stator voltage estimation is based on the steady-state model of IM and the synchronous frequency of operation is derived from the computed stator flux using a low-pass filter technique. The proposed DTC scheme utilizes the exact positions of the fundamental stator voltage vector and stator flux vector to select the optimal switching vector for fast control of torque with small variation of stator flux within the hysteresis band. The present DTC scheme allows full load torque control with fast transient response to very low speeds of operation, with reduced switching frequency variation. Extensive experimental results are presented to show the fast torque control for speed of operation from zero to rated.