116 resultados para Communication policies


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In an underlay cognitive radio (CR) system, a secondary user can transmit when the primary is transmitting but is subject to tight constraints on the interference it causes to the primary receiver. Amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying is an effective technique that significantly improves the performance of a CR by providing an alternate path for the secondary transmitter's signal to reach the secondary receiver. We present and analyze a novel optimal relay gain adaptation policy (ORGAP) in which the relay is interference aware and optimally adapts both its gain and transmit power as a function of its local channel gains. ORGAP minimizes the symbol error probability at the secondary receiver subject to constraints on the average relay transmit power and on the average interference caused to the primary. It is different from ad hoc AF relaying policies and serves as a new and fundamental theoretical benchmark for relaying in an underlay CR. We also develop a near-optimal and simpler relay gain adaptation policy that is easy to implement. An extension to a multirelay scenario with selection is also developed. Our extensive numerical results for single and multiple relay systems quantify the power savings achieved over several ad hoc policies for both MPSK and MQAM constellations.


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The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost-competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case-by-case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land-use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.


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We consider a setting in which a single item of content is disseminated in a population of mobile nodes by opportunistic copying when pairs of nodes come in radio contact. The nodes in the population may either be interested in receiving the content (referred to as destinations) or not yet interested in receiving the content (referred to as relays). We consider a model for the evolution of popularity, the process by which relays get converted into destinations. A key contribution of our work is to model and study the joint evolution of content popularity and its spread in the population. Copying the content to relay nodes is beneficial since they can help spread the content to destinations, and could themselves be converted into destinations. We derive a fluid limit for the joint evolution model and obtain optimal policies for copying to relay nodes in order to deliver content to a desired fraction of destinations, while limiting the fraction of relay nodes that get the content but never turn into destinations. We prove that a time-threshold policy is optimal for controlling the copying to relays, i.e., there is an optimal time-threshold up to which all opportunities for copying to relays are exploited, and after which relays are not copied to. We then utilize simulations and numerical evaluations to provide insights into the effects of various system parameters on the optimally controlled co-evolution model.


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Adapting the power of secondary users (SUs) while adhering to constraints on the interference caused to primary receivers (PRxs) is a critical issue in underlay cognitive radio (CR). This adaptation is driven by the interference and transmit power constraints imposed on the secondary transmitter (STx). Its performance also depends on the quality of channel state information (CSI) available at the STx of the links from the STx to the secondary receiver and to the PRxs. For a system in which an STx is subject to an average interference constraint or an interference outage probability constraint at each of the PRxs, we derive novel symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal, practically motivated binary transmit power control policies. As a reference, we also present the corresponding SEP-optimal continuous transmit power control policies for one PRx. We then analyze the robustness of the optimal policies when the STx knows noisy channel estimates of the links between the SU and the PRxs. Altogether, our work develops a holistic understanding of the critical role played by different transmit and interference constraints in driving power control in underlay CR and the impact of CSI on its performance.


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Communication complexity refers to the minimum rate of public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) in the multiterminal source model of Csiszar and Narayan. Tyagi recently characterized this communication complexity for a two-terminal system. We extend the ideas in Tyagi's work to derive a lower bound on communication complexity in the general multiterminal setting. In the important special case of the complete graph pairwise independent network (PIN) model, our bound allows us to determine the exact linear communication complexity, i.e., the communication complexity when the communication and SK are restricted to be linear functions of the randomness available at the terminals.


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We describe our novel LED communication infrastructure and demonstrate its scalability across platforms. Our system achieves 50 kilo bits per second on very simple SoCs and scales to megabits bits per second rates on dual processor based mobile phone platforms.


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The Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising technology which provides a novel way to subjugate the issue of spectrum underutilization caused due to the fixed spectrum assignment policies. In this paper we report the design and implementation of a soft-real time CR MAC, consisting of multiple secondary users, in a frequency hopping (Fit) primary scenario. This MAC is capable of sensing the spectrum and dynamically allocating the available frequency bands to multiple CR users based on their QoS requirements. As the primary is continuously hopping, a method has also been implemented to detect the hop instant of the primary network. Synchronization usually requires real time support, however we have been able to achieve this with a soft-real time technique which enables a fully software implementation of CR MAC layer. We demonstrate the wireless transmission and reception of video over this CR testbed through opportunistic spectrum access. The experiments carried out use an open source software defined radio package called GNU Radio and a basic radio hardware component USRP.


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Communication and environmental monitoring play a major role in underground mining both from production and safety point of view. However, underground mining communication as well as monitoring devices encounter several challenges because of the nature of underground features and characteristics. Lack of real time information from underground workings may hamper production and create serious safety risks. Proper communication and monitoring devices are inevitable requirements for better production and improved safety. Communication and environmental monitoring devices are basic element of underground mine infrastructure. This paper describes the performance of communication and monitoring devices being used in underground mines. An attempt has been made to assess the safety risks by these devices which may dictate future research directions.


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The optimal power-delay tradeoff is studied for a time-slotted independently and identically distributed fading point-to-point link, with perfect channel state information at both transmitter and receiver, and with random packet arrivals to the transmitter queue. It is assumed that the transmitter can control the number of packets served by controlling the transmit power in the slot. The optimal tradeoff between average power and average delay is analyzed for stationary and monotone transmitter policies. For such policies, an asymptotic lower bound on the minimum average delay of the packets is obtained, when average transmitter power approaches the minimum average power required for transmitter queue stability. The asymptotic lower bound on the minimum average delay is obtained from geometric upper bounds on the stationary distribution of the queue length. This approach, which uses geometric upper bounds, also leads to an intuitive explanation of the asymptotic behavior of average delay. The asymptotic lower bounds, along with previously known asymptotic upper bounds, are used to identify three new cases where the order of the asymptotic behavior differs from that obtained from a previously considered approximate model, in which the transmit power is a strictly convex function of real valued service batch size for every fade state.


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We consider a system with multiple Femtocells operating in a Macrocell. The transmissions in one Femtocell interfere with its neighboring Femtocells as well as with the Macrocell Base Station. We model Femtocells as selfish nodes and the Macrocell Base Station protects itself by pricing subchannels for each usage. We use Stackelberg game model to study this scenario and obtain equilibrium policies that satisfy certain quality of service.


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The problem of secure unicast communication over a two hop Amplify-and-Forward wireless relay network with multiple eavesdroppers is considered. Assuming that a receiver (destination or eavesdropper) can decode a message only if the received SNR is above a predefined threshold, we consider this problem in two scenarios. In the first scenario, we maximize the SNR at the legitimate destination, subject to the condition that the received SNR at each eavesdropper is below the target threshold. Due to the non-convex nature of the objective function and eavesdroppers' constraints, we transform variables and obtain a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) with convex constraints, which can be solved efficiently. When the constraints are not convex, we consider a semidefinite relaxation (SDR) to obtain computationally efficient approximate solution. In the second scenario, we minimize the total power consumed by all relay nodes, subject to the condition that the received SNR at the legitimate destination is above the threshold and at every eavesdropper, it is below the corresponding threshold. We propose a semidefinite relaxation of the problem in this scenario and also provide an analytical lower bound.