155 resultados para Braking in a Turn.


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Climate change would significantly affect many hydrologic systems, which in turn would affect the water availability, runoff, and the flow in rivers. This study evaluates the impacts of possible future climate change scenarios on the hydrology of the catchment area of the TungaBhadra River, upstream of the Tungabhadra dam. The Hydrologic Engineering Center's Hydrologic Modeling System version 3.4 (HEC-HMS 3.4) is used for the hydrological modelling of the study area. Linear-regression-based Statistical DownScaling Model version 4.2 (SDSM 4.2) is used to downscale the daily maximum and minimum temperature, and daily precipitation in the four sub-basins of the study area. The large-scale climate variables for the A2 and B2 scenarios obtained from the Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3 are used. After model calibration and testing of the downscaling procedure, the hydrological model is run for the three future periods: 20112040, 20412070, and 20712099. The impacts of climate change on the basin hydrology are assessed by comparing the present and future streamflow and the evapotranspiration estimates. Results of the water balance study suggest increasing precipitation and runoff and decreasing actual evapotranspiration losses over the sub-basins in the study area.


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The crystal structures of several designed peptide hairpins have been determined in order to establish features of molecular conformations and modes of aggregation in the crystals. Hairpin formation has been induced using a centrally positioned (D)Pro-Xxx segment (Xxx = (L)Pro, Aib, Ac(6)c, Ala; Aib = alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; Ac(6)c = 1-aminocyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid). Structures of the peptides Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-(L)Pro-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1), Boc-Leu-Tyr-Val-(D)Pro-(L)Pro-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (2, polymorphic forms labeled as 2a and 2b), Boc-Leu-Val-Val-(D)Pro-(L)Pro-Leu-Val-Val-OMe (3), Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Aib-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (4, polymorphic forms labeled as 4a and 4b), Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Ac(6)c-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (5) and Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (6) are described. All the octapeptides adopt type II' beta-turn nucleated hairpins, stabilized by three or four cross-strand intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The angle of twist between the two antiparallel strands lies in the range of -9.8 degrees to -26.7 degrees. A detailed analysis of packing motifs in peptide hairpin crystals is presented, revealing three broad modes of association: parallel packing, antiparallel packing and orthogonal packing. An attempt to correlate aggregation modes in solution with observed packing motifs in crystals has been made by indexing of crystal faces in the case of three of the peptide hairpins. The observed modes of hairpin aggregation may be of relevance in modeling multiple modes of association, which may provide insights into the structure of insoluble polypeptide aggregates.


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Microglia are the resident macrophage-like populations in the central nervous system (CNS). Microglia remain quiescent, unable to perform effector and antigen presentation (APC) functions until activated by injury or infection, and have been suggested to represent the first line of defence for the CNS. Previous studies demonstrated that microglia can be persistently infected by neurotropic mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) which causes meningoencephalitis, myelitis with subsequent axonal loss, and demyelination and serve as a virus-induced model of human neurological disease multiple sclerosis (MS). Current studies revealed that MHV infection is associated with the pronounced activation of microglia during acute inflammation, as evidenced by characteristic changes in cellular morphology and increased expression of microglia-specific proteins, Iba1 (ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1), which is a macrophage/microglia-specific novel calcium-binding protein and involved in membrane ruffling and phagocytosis. During chronic inflammation (day 30 postinfection), microglia were still present within areas of demyelination. Experiments performed in ex vivo spinal cord slice culture and in vitro neonatal microglial culture confirmed direct microglial infection. Our results suggest that MHV can directly infect and activate microglia during acute inflammation, which in turn during chronic inflammation stage causes phagocytosis of myelin sheath leading to chronic inflammatory demyelination.


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``The goal of this study was to examine the effect of maternal iron deficiency on the developing hippocampus in order to define a developmental window for this effect, and to see whether iron deficiency causes changes in glucocorticoid levels. The study was carried out using pre-natal, post-natal, and pre + post-natal iron deficiency paradigm. Iron deficient pregnant dams and their pups displayed elevated corticosterone which, in turn, differentially affected glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression in the CA1 and the dentate gyrus. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) was reduced in the hippocampi of pups following elevated corticosterone levels. Reduced neurogenesis at P7 was seen in pups born to iron deficient mothers, and these pups had reduced numbers of hippocampal pyramidal and granule cells as adults. Hippocampal subdivision volumes also were altered. The structural and molecular defects in the pups were correlated with radial arm maze performance; reference memory function was especially affected. Pups from dams that were iron deficient throughout pregnancy and lactation displayed the complete spectrum of defects, while pups from dams that were iron deficient only during pregnancy or during lactation displayed subsets of defects. These findings show that maternal iron deficiency is associated with altered levels of corticosterone and GR expression, and with spatial memory deficits in their pups.'' (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We survey the expected polarization of the top produced in the decay of a scalar top quark, t -> t((chi) over tildei)(0), i = 1 - 2. The phenomenology is quite interesting, since the expected polarization depends both on the mixing in the stop and neutralino sectors and on the mass differences between the stop and the neutralino. We find that a mixed stop behaves almost like a right-handed stop due to the larger hypercharge that enters the stop/top/gaugino coupling and that these polarisation effects disappear, when m((t) over tilde1) approximate to m(t) +m((chi) over tildei)(0). After a discussion on the expected top polarization from the decay of a scalar top quark, we focus on the interplay of polarization and kinematics at the LHC. We discuss different probes of the top polarization in terms of lab-frame observables. We find that these observables faithfully reflect the polarization of the parent top-quark, but also have a non-trivial dependence on the kinematics of the stop production and decay process. In addition, we illustrate the effect of top polarization on the energy and transverse momentum of the decay lepton in the laboratory frame. Our results show that both spectra are softened substantially in case of a negatively polarized top, particularly for a large mass difference between the stop and the neutralino. Thus, the search strategies, and the conclusions that can be drawn from them, depends not just on the mass difference m((t) over tilde) - m((chi) over tildei)(0) due to the usual kinematic effects but also on the effects of top polarization on the decay kinematics the extent of which depends in turn on the said mass difference.


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Electrical switching studies on amorphous Si15Te74Ge11 thin film devices show interesting changes in the switching behavior with changes in the input energy supplied; the input energy determines the extent of crystallization in the active volume, which is reflected in the value of SET resistances. This in turn, determines the trend exhibited by switching voltage (V-t) for different input conditions. The results obtained are analyzed on the basis of the amount of Joule heat generated, which determines the temperature of the active volume. Depending on the final temperature, devices are rendered either in the intermediate state with a resistance of 5*10(2) Omega or the ON state with a resistance of 5*10(1) Omega. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For compressive sensing, we endeavor to improve the atom selection strategy of the existing orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm. To achieve a better estimate of the underlying support set progressively through iterations, we use a least squares solution based atom selection method. From a set of promising atoms, the choice of an atom is performed through a new method that uses orthogonal projection along-with a standard matched filter. Through experimental evaluations, the effect of projection based atom selection strategy is shown to provide a significant improvement for the support set recovery performance, in turn, the compressive sensing recovery.


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Cation sensing properties of the three positional isomers of rhodamine based sensors (1-3) are studied in water. The sensors differ only in the position of pyridine's nitrogen. The chemosensor 1, with pyridine nitrogen at ortho-position, showed a selective colorimetric detection of Cu(II) ions in water, at physiological pH 7.4 and also in medium containing BSA (bovine serum albumin) and blood serum. Notably the compound 2 and 3, with pyridine end located at meta-and para-positions did not show any color change with Cu(II) ions, although both the compounds showed turn-on change both in color and fluorescence with Hg(II) ions specifically. All the probes showed ratiometric changes with the specific metal ions. The changing position of nitrogen also changed the complexation pattern of the sensors with the metal ions. Probe 1 showed 2 : 1 complexation with Cu(II), whereas 2 and 3 showed 1 : 1 complexation with Hg(II) ions. The mechanism investigation showed that the change in color upon addition of metal ions is due to the ring-opening of the spirolactam ring of the probes. Cu(II) interacted with ligand 1 through a three-point interaction mode comprising carbonyl oxygen, amido nitrogen and pyridine nitrogen end. But in case of 2 and 3, Hg2+ only interacted through pyridine nitrogen ends. Quantitative estimation of Cu2+ and Hg2+ in complex biological media such as bovine albumin protein (BSA) and human blood serum were performed using these sensors. Rapid on-site detection as well as discrimination of these toxic ions was demonstrated using easily prepared portable test-strips.


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Lamins are intermediate filament proteins of type V constituting a nuclear lamina or filamentous meshwork which lines the nucleoplasmic side of the inner nuclear membrane. This protein mesh provides a supporting scaffold for the nuclear envelope and tethers interphase chromosome to the nuclear periphery. Mutations of mainly A-type lamins are found to be causative for at least 11 human diseases collectively termed as laminopathies majority of which are characterised by aberrant nuclei with altered structural rigidity, deformability and poor mechanotransduction behaviour. But the investigation of viscoelastic behavior of lamin A continues to elude the field. In order to address this problem, we hereby present the very first report on viscoelastic properties of wild type human lamin A and some of its mutants linked with Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) using quantitative rheological measurements. We observed a dramatic strain-softening effect on lamin A network as an outcome of the strain amplitude sweep measurements which could arise from the large compliance of the quasi-cross-links in the network or that of the lamin A rods. In addition, the drastic stiffening of the differential elastic moduli on superposition of rotational and oscillatory shear stress reflect the increase in the stiffness of the laterally associated lamin A rods. These findings present a preliminary insight into distinct biomechanical properties of wild type lamin A protein and its mutants which in turn revealed interesting differences.


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In this Letter, we present a non-contact method of controlling and monitoring photomechanical actuation in carbon nanotubes (CNT) by exposing it to ultra-violet radiation at different pulse rates (10 to 200 Hz). This is accomplished by imparting a reversible photo induced strain (5-330 mu epsilon) on CNT coated fibre Bragg gratings; CNT undergoes an internal reversible structural change due to cyclic photon absorption that leads to the development of mechanical strain, which in turn allows reversible switching of the Bragg wavelength. The results also reveal an interesting pulse rate dependent rise and fall times of photomechanical actuation in CNT. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The industrial production and commercial applications of titanium dioxide nanoparticles have increased considerably in recent times, which has increased the probability of environmental contamination with these agents and their adverse effects on living systems. This study was designed to assess the genotoxicity potential of TiO2 NPs at high exposure concentrations, its bio-uptake, and the oxidative stress it generated, a recognised cause of genotoxicity. Allium cepa root tips were treated with TiO2 NP dispersions at four different concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100 mu g/mL). A dose dependant decrease in the mitotic index (69 to 21) and an increase in the number of distinctive chromosomal aberrations were observed. Optical, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed chromosomal aberrations, including chromosomal breaks and sticky, multipolar, and laggard chromosomes, and micronucleus formation. The chromosomal aberrations and DNA damage were also validated by the comet assay. The bio-uptake of TiO2 in particulate form was the key cause of reactive oxygen species generation, which in turn was probably the cause of the DNA aberrations and genotoxicity observed in this study.


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Recently, it has been shown that fusion of the estimates of a set of sparse recovery algorithms result in an estimate better than the best estimate in the set, especially when the number of measurements is very limited. Though these schemes provide better sparse signal recovery performance, the higher computational requirement makes it less attractive for low latency applications. To alleviate this drawback, in this paper, we develop a progressive fusion based scheme for low latency applications in compressed sensing. In progressive fusion, the estimates of the participating algorithms are fused progressively according to the availability of estimates. The availability of estimates depends on computational complexity of the participating algorithms, in turn on their latency requirement. Unlike the other fusion algorithms, the proposed progressive fusion algorithm provides quick interim results and successive refinements during the fusion process, which is highly desirable in low latency applications. We analyse the developed scheme by providing sufficient conditions for improvement of CS reconstruction quality and show the practical efficacy by numerical experiments using synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article addresses the problem of determining the shortest path that connects a given initial configuration (position, heading angle, and flight path angle) to a given rectilinear or a circular path in three-dimensional space for a constant speed and turn-rate constrained aerial vehicle. The final path is assumed to be located relatively far from the starting point. Due to its simplicity and low computational requirements the algorithm can be implemented on a fixed-wing type unmanned air vehicle in real time in missions where the final path may change dynamically. As wind has a very significant effect on the flight of small aerial vehicles, the method of optimal path planning is extended to meet the same objective in the presence of wind comparable to the speed of the aerial vehicles. But, if the path to be followed is closer to the initial point, an off-line method based on multiple shooting, in combination with a direct transcription technique, is used to obtain the optimal solution. Optimal paths are generated for a variety of cases to show the efficiency of the algorithm. Simulations are presented to demonstrate tracking results using a 6-degrees-of-freedom model of an unmanned air vehicle.


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Reaction of cobalt(II) perchlorate hexahydrate with a potentially tetradentate Schiff base ligand, HL (2-methoxy-6-(2-diethylaminoethylimino)methyl]phenol) in presence of sodium azide and sodium thiocyanate yields two complexes Co( L)( HL)(N-3)]center dot ClO4 ( 1) and Co( L)( HL)(NCS)] center dot ClO4 ( 2); both being characterized by different physicochemical methods. Crystal structure of 1 was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction while that of 2 was reported earlier. In 1, the central cobalt(III) adopts slightly distorted octahedral geometry with same donor set to that of 2. Catalytic efficacy of the complexes towards epoxidation of different alkenes under aerobic condition were investigated in homogeneous medium which reveals that 1 is better catalyst than 2 with respect to alkene oxidation, reflected from the turn over frequencies (TOF) measured at an optimum temperature of 60 degrees C in acetonitrile. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A colorimetric and ``turn-on'' fluorescent chemosensor based on 1,9-pyrazoloanthrone specifically for cyanide and fluoride ion detection shows a remarkable solid state reaction when crystals of tetrabutylammonium cyanide and fluoride are brought in physical contact with 1,9-pyrazoloanthrone. X-ray crystal structures of 1,9-pyrazoloanthrone and complexes have been determined, and the ion sensing activity (detection limit of 0.2 and 2 ppb) has been inferred based on spectroscopic and structural features.