128 resultados para Antenna monopole


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For any n(t) transmit, n(r) receive antenna (n(t) x n(r)) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in a quasi-static Rayleigh fading environment, it was shown by Elia et al. that linear space-time block code schemes (LSTBC schemes) that have the nonvanishing determinant (NVD) property are diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT)-optimal for arbitrary values of n(r) if they have a code rate of n(t) complex dimensions per channel use. However, for asymmetric MIMO systems (where n(r) < n(t)), with the exception of a few LSTBC schemes, it is unknown whether general LSTBC schemes with NVD and a code rate of n(r) complex dimensions per channel use are DMT optimal. In this paper, an enhanced sufficient criterion for any STBC scheme to be DMT optimal is obtained, and using this criterion, it is established that any LSTBC scheme with NVD and a code rate of min {n(t), n(r)} complex dimensions per channel use is DMT optimal. This result settles the DMT optimality of several well-known, low-ML-decoding-complexity LSTBC schemes for certain asymmetric MIMO systems.


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We discuss experimental results on the ability to significantly tune the photoluminescence decay rates of CdSe quantum dots embedded in an ordered template, using lightly doped small gold nanoparticles (nano-antennae), of relatively low optical efficiency. We observe both enhancement and quenching of photoluminescence intensity of the quantum dots varying monotonically with increasing volume fraction of added gold nanoparticles, with respect to undoped quantum dot arrays. However, the corresponding variation in lifetime of photoluminescence spectra decay shows a hitherto unobserved, non-monotonic variation with gold nanoparticle doping. We also demonstrate that Purcell effect is quite effective for the larger (5 nm) gold nano-antenna leading to more than four times enhanced radiative rate at spectral resonance, for largest doping and about 1.75 times enhancement for off-resonance. Significantly for spectral off-resonance samples, we could simultaneously engineer reduction of non-radiative decay rate along with increase of radiative decay rate. Non-radiative decay dominates the system for the smaller (2 nm) gold nano-antenna setting the limit on how small these plasmonic nano-antennae could be to be effective in engineering significant enhancement in radiative decay rate and, hence, the overall quantum efficiency of quantum dot based hybrid photonic assemblies.


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Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) is a relatively new modulation scheme for multi-antenna wireless communications. It is quite attractive because of its ability to work with less number of transmit RF chains compared to traditional spatial multiplexing (V-BLAST system). In this paper, we show that, by using an optimum combination of number of transmit antennas (N-t) and number of transmit RF chains (N-rf), GSM can achieve better throughput and/or bit error rate (BER) than spatial multiplexing. First, we quantify the percentage savings in the number of transmit RF chains as well as the percentage increase in the rate achieved in GSM compared to spatial multiplexing; 18.75% savings in number of RF chains and 9.375% increase in rate are possible with 16 transmit antennas and 4-QAM modulation. A bottleneck, however, is the complexity of maximum-likelihood (ML) detection of GSM signals, particularly in large MIMO systems where the number of antennas is large. We address this detection complexity issue next. Specifically, we propose a Gibbs sampling based algorithm suited to detect GSM signals. The proposed algorithm yields impressive BER performance and complexity results. For the same spectral efficiency and number of transmit RF chains, GSM with the proposed detection algorithm achieves better performance than spatial multiplexing with ML detection.


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Space shift keying (SSK) is a special case of spatial modulation (SM), which is a relatively new modulation technique that is getting recognized to be attractive in multi-antenna communications. Our new contribution in this paper is an analytical derivation of exact closed-form expression for the end-to-end bit error rate (BER) performance of SSK in decode-and-forward (1)1,) cooperative relaying. An incremental relaying (IR) scheme with selection combining (SC) at the destination is considered. In SSK, since the information is carried by the transmit antenna index, traditional selection combining methods based on instantaneous SNRs can not be directly used. To overcome this problem, we propose to do selection between direct and relayed paths based on the Euclidean distance between columns of the channel matrix. With this selection metric, an exact analytical expression for the end-to-end BER is derived in closed-form. Analytical results are shown to match with simulation results.


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Perfect space-time block codes (STBCs) are based on four design criteria-full-rateness, nonvanishing determinant, cubic shaping, and uniform average transmitted energy per antenna per time slot. Cubic shaping and transmission at uniform average energy per antenna per time slot are important from the perspective of energy efficiency of STBCs. The shaping criterion demands that the generator matrix of the lattice from which each layer of the perfect STBC is carved be unitary. In this paper, it is shown that unitariness is not a necessary requirement for energy efficiency in the context of space-time coding with finite input constellations, and an alternative criterion is provided that enables one to obtain full-rate (rate of complex symbols per channel use for an transmit antenna system) STBCs with larger normalized minimum determinants than the perfect STBCs. Further, two such STBCs, one each for 4 and 6 transmit antennas, are presented and they are shown to have larger normalized minimum determinants than the comparable perfect STBCs which hitherto had the best-known normalized minimum determinants.


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In this paper, we construct the fuzzy (finite-dimensional) analogs of the conifold Y-6 and its base X-5. We show that fuzzy X-5 is (the analog of) a principal U(1) bundle over fuzzy spheres S-F(2) x S-F(2) and explicitly construct the associated monopole bundles. In particular, our construction provides an explicit discretization of the spaces T-k,T-k and T-k,T-0.


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Space shift keying (SSK) is an attractive modulation technique for multi-antenna communications. In SSK, only one among the available transmit antennas is activated during one channel use, and the index of the chosen transmit antenna conveys information. In this paper, we analyze the performance of SSK in multi-hop, multi-branch cooperative relaying systems. We consider the decode-and-forward relaying protocol, where a relay forwards the decoded symbol if it decodes the symbol correctly from the received signal. We derive closed-form expressions for the end-to-end bit error rate of SSK in this system. Analytical and simulation results match very well.


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In contemporary wideband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and WiMAX, different subcarriers over which a codeword is transmitted may experience different signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs). Thus, adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) in these systems is driven by a vector of subcarrier SNRs experienced by the codeword, and is more involved. Exponential effective SNR mapping (EESM) simplifies the problem by mapping this vector into a single equivalent fiat-fading SNR. Analysis of AMC using EESM is challenging owing to its non-linear nature and its dependence on the modulation and coding scheme. We first propose a novel statistical model for the EESM, which is based on the Beta distribution. It is motivated by the central limit approximation for random variables with a finite support. It is simpler and as accurate as the more involved ad hoc models proposed earlier. Using it, we develop novel expressions for the throughput of a point-to-point OFDM link with multi-antenna diversity that uses EESM for AMC. We then analyze a general, multi-cell OFDM deployment with co-channel interference for various frequency-domain schedulers. Extensive results based on LTE and WiMAX are presented to verify the model and analysis, and gain new insights.


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The intersection of the ten-dimensional fuzzy conifold Y-F(10) with S-F(5) x S-F(5) is the compact eight-dimensional fuzzy space X-F(8). We show that X-F(8) is (the analogue of) a principal U(1) x U(1) bundle over fuzzy SU(3) / U(1) x U(1)) ( M-F(6)). We construct M-F(6) using the Gell-Mann matrices by adapting Schwinger's construction. The space M-F(6) is of relevance in higher dimensional quantum Hall effect and matrix models of D-branes. Further we show that the sections of the monopole bundle can be expressed in the basis of SU(3) eigenvectors. We construct the Dirac operator on M-F(6) from the Ginsparg-Wilson algebra on this space. Finally, we show that the index of the Dirac operator correctly reproduces the known results in the continuum.


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In contemporary orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE), LTE-Advanced, and WiMAX, a codeword is transmitted over a group of subcarriers. Since different subcarriers see different channel gains in frequency-selective channels, the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) of the codeword must be selected based on the vector of signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs) of these subcarriers. Exponential effective SNR mapping (EESM) maps the vector of SNRs into an equivalent flat-fading SNR, and is widely used to simplify this problem. We develop a new analytical framework to characterize the throughput of EESM-based rate adaptation in such wideband channels in the presence of feedback delays. We derive a novel accurate approximation for the throughput as a function of feedback delay. We also propose a novel bivariate gamma distribution to model the time evolution of EESM between the times of estimation and data transmission, which facilitates the analysis. These are then generalized to a multi-cell, multi-user scenario with various frequency-domain schedulers. Unlike prior work, most of which is simulation-based, our framework encompasses both correlated and independent subcarriers and various multiple antenna diversity modes; it is accurate over a wide range of delays.


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Using the spatial modulation approach, where only one transmit antenna is active at a time, we propose two transmission schemes for two-way relay channel using physical layer network coding with space time coding using coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs). It is shown that using two uncorrelated transmit antennas at the nodes, but using only one RF transmit chain and space-time coding across these antennas can give a better performance without using any extra resources and without increasing the hardware implementation cost and complexity. In the first transmission scheme, two antennas are used only at the relay, adaptive network coding (ANC) is employed at the relay and the relay transmits a CIOD space time block code (STBC). This gives a better performance compared to an existing ANC scheme for two-way relay channel which uses one antenna each at all the three nodes. It is shown that for this scheme at high SNR the average end-to-end symbol error probability (SEP) is upper bounded by twice the SEP of a point-to-point fading channel. In the second transmission scheme, two transmit antennas are used at all the three nodes, CIOD STBCs are transmitted in multiple access and broadcast phases. This scheme provides a diversity order of two for the average end-to-end SEP with an increased decoding complexity of O(M-3) for an arbitrary signal set and O(M-2 root M) for square QAM signal set. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes performs better than the existing ANC schemes under perfect and imperfect channel state information.


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SARAS is a correlation spectrometer connected to a frequency independent antenna that is purpose-designed for precision measurements of the radio background at long wavelengths. The design, calibration, and observing strategies admit solutions for the internal additive contributions to the radiometer response, and hence a separation of these contaminants from the antenna temperature. We present here a wideband measurement of the radio sky spectrum by SARAS that provides an accurate measurement of the absolute brightness and spectral index between 110 and 175MHz. Accuracy in the measurement of absolute sky brightness is limited by systematic errors of magnitude 1.2%; errors in calibration and in the joint estimation of sky and system model parameters are relatively smaller. We use this wide-angle measurement of the sky brightness using the precision wide-band dipole antenna to provide an improved absolute calibration for the 150 MHz all-sky map of Landecker and Wielebinski: subtracting an offset of 21.4 K and scaling by a factor of 1.05 will reduce the overall offset error to 8 K (from 50 K) and scale error to 0.8% (from 5%). The SARAS measurement of the temperature spectral index is in the range -2.3 to -2.45 in the 110-175MHz band and indicates that the region toward the Galactic bulge has a relatively flatter index.


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Spatial modulation (SM) is attractive for multiantenna wireless communications. SM uses multiple transmit antenna elements but only one transmit radio frequency (RF) chain. In SM, in addition to the information bits conveyed through conventional modulation symbols (e.g., QAM), the index of the active transmit antenna also conveys information bits. In this paper, we establish that SM has significant signal-to-noise (SNR) advantage over conventional modulation in large-scale multiuser (multiple-input multiple-output) MIMO systems. Our new contribution in this paper addresses the key issue of large-dimension signal processing at the base station (BS) receiver (e.g., signal detection) in large-scale multiuser SM-MIMO systems, where each user is equipped with multiple transmit antennas (e.g., 2 or 4 antennas) but only one transmit RF chain, and the BS is equipped with tens to hundreds of (e.g., 128) receive antennas. Specifically, we propose two novel algorithms for detection of large-scale SM-MIMO signals at the BS; one is based on message passing and the other is based on local search. The proposed algorithms achieve very good performance and scale well. For the same spectral efficiency, multiuser SM-MIMO outperforms conventional multiuser MIMO (recently being referred to as massive MIMO) by several dBs. The SNR advantage of SM-MIMO over massive MIMO can be attributed to: (i) because of the spatial index bits, SM-MIMO can use a lower-order QAM alphabet compared to that in massive MIMO to achieve the same spectral efficiency, and (ii) for the same spectral efficiency and QAM size, massive MIMO will need more spatial streams per user which leads to increased spatial interference.


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We report results of controlled tuning of the local density of states (LDOS) in versatile, flexible, and hierarchical self assembled plasmonic templates. Using 5 nm diameter gold (Au) spherical nanoantenna within a polymer template randomly dispersed with quantum dots, we show how the photoluminescence intensity and lifetime anisotropy of these dots can be significantly enhanced through LDOS tuning. Finite difference time domain simulations corroborate the experimental observations and extend the regime of enhancement to a wider range of geometric and spectral parameters bringing out the versatility of these functional plasmonic templates. It is also demonstrated how the templates act as plasmonic resonators for effectively engineer giant enhancement of the scattering efficiency of these nano antenna embedded in the templates. Our work provides an alternative method to achieve spontaneous emission intensity and anisotropy enhancement with true nanoscale plasmon resonators. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A wireless fuel quantity indication system (FQIS) has been developed using an RFID-enabled sensing platform. The system comprises a fully passive tag, modified reader protocol, capacitive fuel probe, and auxiliary antenna for additional energy harvesting. Results of fluid testing show sensitivity to changes in fluid height of less than 0.25in. An RF-DC harvesting circuit was developed, which delivers up to 5dBm of input power through a remote radio frequency (RF) source. Testing was conducted in a loaded reverberation chamber to emulate the fuel tank environment. Results demonstrate feasibility of the remote source to power the sensor with less than 1W of maximum transmit power and under 100ms dwell time (100mW average power) into the tank. This indicates adequate coverage for large transport aircraft at safe operating levels with a sample rate of up to 1 sample/s.