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Two different experimental studies of polymer dynamics based on single-molecule fluorescence imaging have recently found evidence of heterogeneities in the widths of the putative tubes that surround filaments of F-actin during their motion in concentrated solution. In one J. Glaser, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, I. Lauter, M. Degawa, N. Kirchesner, B. Hoffmann, R. Merkel, and M. Giesen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037801 (2010)], the observations were explained in terms of the statistics of a worm-like chain confined to a potential determined self-consistently by a binary collision approximation, and in the other B. Wang, J. Guan, S. M. Anthony, S. C. Bae, K. S. Schweizer, and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 118301 (2010)], they were explained in terms of the scaling properties of a random fluid of thin rods. In this paper, we show, using an exact path integral calculation, that the distribution of the length-averaged transverse fluctuations of a harmonically confined weakly bendable rod (one possible realization of a semiflexible chain in a tube), is in good qualitative agreement with the experimental data, although it is qualitatively different in analytic structure from the earlier theoretical predictions. We also show that similar path integral techniques can be used to obtain an exact expression for the time correlation function of fluctuations in the tube cross section. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4712306]


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Raman studies on Ca4Al2O5.7Fe2As2 superconductor in the temperature range of 5K to 300 K, covering the superconducting transition temperature T-c = 28.3 K, reveal that the Raman mode at similar to 230 cm(-1) shows a sharp jump in frequency by similar to 2% and linewidth increases by similar to 175% at T-o similar to 60 K. Below T-o, anomalous softening of the mode frequency and a large decrease by similar to 10 cm(-1) in the linewidth are observed. These precursor effects at T-0 (similar to 2T(c)) are attributed to significant superconducting fluctuations, possibly enhanced due to reduced dimensionality arising from weak coupling between the well separated (similar to 15 angstrom) Fe-As layers in the unit cell. A large blue-shift of the mode frequency between 300 K and 60 K (similar to 7%) indicates strong spin-phonon coupling in this superconductor. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724206]


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We report the fabrication of free-standing flexible inorganic/organic hybrid structures by exfoliating ZnO nanostructured films from the flat indium tin oxide (ITO)/silicon/sapphire substrates using poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). Strong interaction between ZnO and PEDOT: PSS and the thermomechanical response of PEDOT: PSS are the key issues for the exfoliation to prevail. The performance of the free-standing hybrid structures as rectifiers and photodetectors is better as compared to ITO supported hybrid structures. It is also shown that device properties of hybrid structures can be tuned by using different electrode materials. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729550]


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We demonstrate 30 times enhanced flux of relativistic electrons by a silicon nanowire coated target excited by 30 fs, 800 nm laser pulses at an intensity of 3 x 10(18) W cm(-2). A measurement of the megaampere electron current via induced megagauss magnetic field supports the enhancement feature observed in the electron energy spectrum. The relativistic electrons generated at the front of nanowire coated surface are shown to travel efficiently over 500 mu m in the insulating substrate. The enhanced hot electron temperature is explained using a simple model and is supported by recent simulations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729010]


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Particle simulations based on the discrete element method are used to examine the effect of base roughness on the granular flow down an inclined plane. The base is composed of a random configuration of fixed particles, and the base roughness is decreased by decreasing the ratio of diameters of the base and moving particles. A discontinuous transition from a disordered to an ordered flow state is observed when the ratio of diameters of base and moving particles is decreased below a critical value. The ordered flowing state consists of hexagonally close packed layers of particles sliding over each other. The ordered state is denser (higher volume fraction) and has a lower coordination number than the disordered state, and there are discontinuous changes in both the volume fraction and the coordination number at transition. The Bagnold law, which states that the stress is proportional to the square of the strain rate, is valid in both states. However, the Bagnold coefficients in the ordered flowing state are lower, by more than two orders of magnitude, in comparison to those of the disordered state. The critical ratio of base and moving particle diameters is independent of the angle of inclination, and varies very little when the height of the flowing layer is doubled from about 35 to about 70 particle diameters. While flow in the disordered state ceases when the angle of inclination decreases below 20 degrees, there is flow in the ordered state at lower angles of inclination upto 14 degrees. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4710543]


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We observe an unusual tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) phenomenon in a composite of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 with CoFe2O4 where the TMR versus applied magnetic field loop suggests a ``negative coercive field.'' Tracing its origin back to a ``dipolar-biasing'' of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 by CoFe2O4, we show that the TMR of even a single composite can be tuned continuously so that the resistance peak or the highest sensitivity of the TMR can be positioned anywhere on the magnetic field axis with a suitable magnetic history of the sample. This phenomenon of an unprecedented tunability of the TMR should be present in general in all such composites. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4731206]


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We report the results of magnetization and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on nanoparticles (average diameter similar to 30 nm) of Bi0.25Ca0.75MnO3 (BCMO) and compare them with the results on bulk BCMO. The nanoparticles were prepared using the nonaqueous sol-gel technique and characterized by XRD and TEM analysis. Magnetization measurements were carried out with a commercial physical property measurement system (PPMS). While the bulk BCMO exhibits a charge ordering transition at similar to 230 K and an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at similar to 130 K, in the nanoparticles, the CO phase is seen to have disappeared and a transition to a ferromagnetic (FM) state is observed at T-c similar to 120 K. However, interestingly, the exchange bias effect observed in other nanomanganite ferromagnets is absent in BCMO nanoparticles. EPR measurements were carried out in the X-band between 8 and 300 K. Lineshape fitting to a Lorentzian with two terms (accounting for both the clockwise and anticlockwise rotations of the microwave field) was employed to obtain the relevant EPR parameters as functions of temperature. The results confirm the occurrence of ferromagnetism in the nanoparticles of BCMO. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730612]


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We have investigated electrical transport properties of long (>10 mu m) multiwalled carbon nanotubes (NTs) by dividing individuals into several segments of identical length. Each segment has different resistance because of the random distribution of defect density in an NT and is corroborated by Raman studies. Higher is the resistance, lower is the current required to break the segments indicating that breakdown occurs at the highly resistive segment/site and not necessarily at the middle. This is consistent with the one-dimensional thermal transport model. We have demonstrated the healing of defects by annealing at moderate temperatures or by current annealing. To strengthen our mechanism, we have carried out electrical breakdown of nitrogen doped NTs (NNTs) with diameter variation from one end to the other. It reveals that the electrical breakdown occurs selectively at the narrower diameter region. Overall, we believe that our results will help to predict the breakdown position of both semiconducting and metallic NTs. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4720426]


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We have investigated the current-voltage characteristics of carbon nanotube arrays and shown that the current through the arrays increases rapidly with applied voltage before the breakdown occurs. Simultaneous measurements of current and temperature at one end of the arrays suggest that the rapid increase of current is due to Joule heating. The current through the array and the threshold voltage are found to increase with decreasing pressure. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3702777]


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Layer-wise, distance-dependent orientational relaxation of water confined in reverse micelles (RM) is studied using theoretical and computational tools. We use both a newly constructed ``spins on a ring'' (SOR) Ising-type model (with Shore-Zwanzig rotational dynamics) and atomistic simulations with explicit water. Our study explores the effect of reverse micelle size and role of intermolecular correlations, compromised by the presence of a highly polar surface, on the distance (from the interface) dependence of water relaxation. The ``spins on a ring'' model can capture some aspects of distance dependence of relaxation, such as acceleration of orientational relaxation at intermediate layers. In atomistic simulations, layer-wise decomposition of hydrogen bond formation pattern clearly reveals that hydrogen bond arrangement of water at a certain distance away from the surface can remain frustrated due to the interaction with the polar surface head groups. This layer-wise analysis also reveals the presence of a non-monotonic slow relaxation component which can be attributed to this frustration effect and which is accentuated in small to intermediate size RMs. For large size RMs, the long time component decreases monotonically from the interface to the interior of the RMs with slowest relaxation observed at the interface. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4732095]


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Chemical reactions inside cells are typically subject to the effects both of the cell's confining surfaces and of the viscoelastic behavior of its contents. In this paper, we show how the outcome of one particular reaction of relevance to cellular biochemistry - the diffusion-limited cyclization of long chain polymers - is influenced by such confinement and crowding effects. More specifically, starting from the Rouse model of polymer dynamics, and invoking the Wilemski-Fixman approximation, we determine the scaling relationship between the mean closure time t(c) of a flexible chain (no excluded volume or hydrodynamic interactions) and the length N of its contour under the following separate conditions: (a) confinement of the chain to a sphere of radius d and (b) modulation of its dynamics by colored Gaussian noise. Among other results, we find that in case (a) when d is much smaller than the size of the chain, t(c) similar to Nd-2, and that in case (b), t(c) similar to N-2/(2 (2H)), H being a number between 1/2 and 1 that characterizes the decay of the noise correlations. H is not known a priori, but values of about 0.7 have been used in the successful characterization of protein conformational dynamics. At this value of H (selected for purposes of illustration), t(c) similar to N-3.4, the high scaling exponent reflecting the slow relaxation of the chain in a viscoelastic medium. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729041]


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Let be a smooth real surface in and let be a point at which the tangent plane is a complex line. How does one determine whether or not is locally polynomially convex at such a p-i.e. at a CR singularity? Even when the order of contact of with at p equals 2, no clean characterisation exists; difficulties are posed by parabolic points. Hence, we study non-parabolic CR singularities. We show that the presence or absence of Bishop discs around certain non-parabolic CR singularities is completely determined by a Maslov-type index. This result subsumes all known facts about Bishop discs around order-two, non-parabolic CR singularities. Sufficient conditions for Bishop discs have earlier been investigated at CR singularities having high order of contact with . These results relied upon a subharmonicity condition, which fails in many simple cases. Hence, we look beyond potential theory and refine certain ideas going back to Bishop.


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Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulation, we have studied the effect of size and temperature on the strain induced phase transition of wurtzite CdSe nanowires. The wurtzite structure transforms into a five-fold coordinated structure under uniaxial strain along the c axis. Our results show that lower temperature and smaller size of the nanowires stabilize the five-fold coordinated phase which is not a stable structure in bulk CdSe. High reversibility of this transformation with a very small heat loss will make these nanowires suitable for building efficient nanodevices. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4734990]


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Experiments have shown strong effects of some substrates on the localized plasmons of metallic nano particles but they are inconclusive on the affecting parameters. Here, we have used discrete dipole approximation in conjunction with Sommerfeld integral relations to explain the effect of the substrates as a function of the parameters of incident radiation. The radiative coupling can both quench and enhance the resonance and its dependence on the angle and polarization of incident radiation with respect to the surface is shown. Non-radiative interaction with the substrate enhances the plasmon resonance of the particles and can shift the resonances from their free-space energies significantly. The non-radiative interaction of the substrate is sensitive to the shape of particles and polarization of incident radiation with respect to substrate. Our results show that the plasmon resonances in coupled and single particles can be significantly altered from their free-space resonances and are quenched or enhanced by the choice of substrate and polarization of incident radiation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4736544]


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We report on the electrical transport properties of buckled carbon nanotube arrays synthesized by pyrolysis. Analyzing the experimental data based on the general theory of semiconductors, the arrays are predicted to be semiconducting and the band gap can be evaluated. The band gap of different arrays is in 25-50 meV range.