104 resultados para surface structure


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We study the effects of extended and localized potentials and a magnetic field on the Dirac electrons residing at the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator like Bi2Se3. We use a lattice model to numerically study the various states; we show how the potentials can be chosen in a way which effectively avoids the problem of fermion doubling on a lattice. We show that extended potentials of different shapes can give rise to states which propagate freely along the potential but decay exponentially away from it. For an infinitely long potential barrier, the dispersion and spin structure of these states are unusual and these can be varied continuously by changing the barrier strength. In the presence of a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the surface, these states become separated from the gapless surface states by a gap, thereby giving rise to a quasi-one-dimensional system. Similarly, a magnetic field along with a localized potential can give rise to exponentially localized states which are separated from the surface states by a gap and thereby form a zero-dimensional system. Finally, we show that a long barrier and an impurity potential can produce bound states which are localized at the impurity, and an ``L''-shaped potential can have both bound states at the corner of the L and extended states which travel along the arms of the potential. Our work opens the way to constructing wave guides for Dirac electrons.


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Shear induced crystallization in PVDF/PMMA blends, especially at higher fractions of PMMA, can be quite interesting in understanding the structure-property correlation and processing of these blends. In a recent submission (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 2693-2704), we clearly demonstrated, using dielectric spectroscopy, that the origin of segmental relaxations concerning the crystalline segments of PVDF in PVDF/PMMA blends in the presence of MWNTs (multiwalled nanotubes) was strongly contingent on the size of the crystallite. We now understand that the fraction of PMMA in the blends governs the origin of polymorphism in PVDF. This motivated us to systematically study the effect of shear on the crystallization behavior of PVDF especially in blends with different polymorphic forms of PVDF. Two model blends were selected; one with a mixture of alpha and beta crystals and the other predominantly rich in alpha crystals. Initially, physical ageing, at different oscillation frequencies (1 rad s(-1) and 0.1 rad s(-1)), was monitored by melt rheology and subsequently, the effect of steady shear was probed in situ without changing the history of the samples. Intriguingly, the rate of crystallization was observed to be significantly higher for higher oscillation frequencies, which essentially suggest that shear has induced crystallization in the blends. More interestingly, the effect of steady shear was more pronounced in the blends rich in alpha crystals (bigger crystallites as observed from SAXS) and at lower oscillation frequencies.


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The structural relaxations in PVDF rich blends with PMMA can be quite interesting in understanding the origin of the different molecular relaxations associated with the crystalline and amorphous phases, crystal-amorphous interphase and the segmental motions. In light of our recent findings, we understood that the origin of these molecular relaxations were strongly contingent on the concentration of PMMA in the blend, crystalline morphology and the surface functional moieties on multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In addition, for the blends with concentration of PMMA >= 25 wt%, the structural relaxations often merge and are dielectrically indistinguishable. In this study, we attempted to determine the critical width in composition where the structural relaxations can be distinctly realized both in the control as well as blends with amine functionalized CNTs (NH2-CNTs). Intriguingly, we observed that in a narrow zone in composition (with PMMA concentration >= 10 wt% and <= 25 wt%), the molecular relaxations can be dielectrically distinguished and they often merge for all other compositions. Furthermore, we attempted to understand how this critical width in composition is related to the crystalline morphology using small angle X-ray scattering and polarizing optical microscopy and the crystal structure using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. We now understand that although the formation of beta crystals in the blends has no direct correlation with the observed molecular relaxations, the amorphous miscibility and the interphase regions seem to be dictating the origin of different molecular relaxations in the blends. The latter was observed to be strongly contingent on the concentration of PMMA in the blends.


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The present study combines field and satellite observations to investigate how hydrographical transformations influence phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal during the peak Southwest Monsoon/Summer Monsoon (July-August). The intrusion of the Summer Monsoon Current (SMC) into the Bay of Bengal and associated changes in sea surface chemistry, traceable eastward up to 90 degrees E along 8 degrees N, seems to influence biology of the region significantly. Both in situ and satellite (MODIS) data revealed low surface chlorophyll except in the area influenced by the SMC During the study period, two well-developed cydonic eddies (north) and an anti-cyclonic eddy (south), closely linked to the main eastward flow of the SMC, were sampled. Considering the capping effect of the low-saline surface water that is characteristic of the Bay of Bengal, the impact of the cyclonic eddy, estimated in terms of enhanced nutrients and chlorophyll, was mostly restricted to the subsurface waters (below 20 m depth). Conversely, the anti-cyclonic eddy aided by the SMC was characterized by considerably higher nutrient concentration and chlorophyll in the upper water column (upper 60 m), which was contrary to the general characteristic of such eddies. Albeit smaller phytoplankton predominated the southern Bay of Bengal (60-95% of the total chlorophyll), the contribution of large phytoplankton was double in the regions influenced by the SMC and associated eddies. Multivariate analysis revealed the extent to which SMC-associated eddies spatially influence phytoplankton community structure. The study presents the first direct quantification of the size structure of phytoplankton from the southern Bay of Bengal and demonstrates that the SMC-associated hydrographical ramifications significantly increase the phytoplankton biomass contributed by larger phytoplankton and thereby influence the vertical opal and organic carbon flux in the region. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe-Ga thin films deposited using DC magnetron sputtering technique on Si(100) substrate kept at different temperatures. Structural studies employing X-ray diffraction and TEM revealed the presence of only disordered A2 phase in the film. Columnar growth of nanocrystalline grains from the substrate was observed in the film deposited at room temperature. With increase in substrate temperature the grain size as well as surface roughness was found to increase. The magnetization of the films deposited at higher substrate temperatures were Found to saturate at lower magnetic held as compared to the room temperature deposited Film. Coercivity was found to decrease with increasing substrate temperature upto a minimum value of similar to 2 Oe for the film deposited at 450 degrees C and with further increase in substrate temperature it was found to increase. A maximum magnetostriction of 200 mu-strains was also observed for the film deposited at 450 degrees C. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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This study reports results of an experimental investigation of airblast spray of water and ethanol in crossflow. Laser shadowgraphy and Particle/Droplet Imaging Analysis (PDIA) are used to derive spray trajectory and drop size information while Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) is used to measure droplet velocities. A new phenomenon of spray bifurcation is observed for low Gas to Liquid Ratio (GLR) cases. The reasons for the spatial bifurcation can be attributed to a combination of reasons. These are (a) presence of large ligaments and droplets in the near-nozzle region for low GLRs (b) secondary breakup experienced by ligaments/droplets leading to formation of a large number of small droplets, and (c) the crossflow causing differential dispersion of the small and large droplets. A novel correlation for spray trajectory is proposed incorporating the momentum ratio and liquid surface tension. This correlation is shown to be effective in predicting the non-linear spray trajectory over a large range of conditions for not only water but ethanol and Jet-A also. It is observed that the larger droplets penetrate further into the crossflow, in the direction of injection. Thus, with increase in height of the measurement location from the injection plane, the droplet Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) is found to increase. Moreover, as the droplets travel downstream in the crossflow direction, the droplet SMD is observed to decrease. The effect of drag is assessed by comparing velocity of different sizes of droplets at various locations. Smaller droplets are entrained into the crossflow at much lower elevations, whereas larger droplets tend to penetrate further into the crossflow. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the family of iron-based superconductors, LaFeAsO-type materials possess the simplest electronic structure due to their pronounced two-dimensionality. And yet they host superconductivity with the highest transition temperature T-c approximate to 55K. Early theoretical predictions of their electronic structure revealed multiple large circular portions of the Fermi surface with a very good geometrical overlap (nesting), believed to enhance the pairing interaction and thus superconductivity. The prevalence of such large circular features in the Fermi surface has since been associated with many other iron-based compounds and has grown to be generally accepted in the field. In this work we show that a prototypical compound of the 1111-type, SmFe0.92Co0.08AsO, is at odds with this description and possesses a distinctly different Fermi surface, which consists of two singular constructs formed by the edges of several bands, pulled to the Fermi level from the depths of the theoretically predicted band structure by strong electronic interactions. Such singularities dramatically affect the low-energy electronic properties of the material, including superconductivity. We further argue that occurrence of these singularities correlates with the maximum superconducting transition temperature attainable in each material class over the entire family of iron-based superconductors.


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Single crystals of Guanidinium L-Ascorbate (GuLA) were grown and crystal structure was determined by direct methods. GuLA crystallizes in orthorhombic, non-centrosymmetric space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The UV-cutoff was determined as 325 nm. The morphology was generated and the interplanar angles estimated and compared with experimental values. Second harmonic generation conversion efficiency was measured and compared with other salts of L-Ascorbic acid. Surface laser damage threshold was calculated as 11.3GW/cm(2) for a single shot of laser of 1064 nm wavelength.


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The genome of Leishmania major encodes a type II fatty acid biosynthesis pathway for which no structural or biochemical information exists. Here, for the first time, we have characterized the central player of the pathway, the acyl carrier protein (LmACP), using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Structurally, the LmACP molecule is similar to other type II ACPs, comprising a four-helix bundle, enclosing a hydrophobic core. Dissimilarities in sequence, however, exist in helix II (recognition helix) of the protein. The enzymatic conversion of apo-LmACP into the holo form using type I (Escherichia coli AcpS) and type II (Sfp type) phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTs) is relatively slow. Mutagenesis studies underscore the importance of the residues present at the protein protein interaction interface of LmACP in modulating the activity of PPTs. Interestingly, the cognate PPT for this ACP, the L. major 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase (LmPPT), does not show any enzymatic activity toward it, though it readily converts other type I and type II ACPs into their holo forms. NMR chemical shift perturbation studies suggest a moderately tight complex between LmACP and its cognate PPT, suggesting inhibition. We surmise that the unique surface of LmACP might have evolved to complement its cognate enzyme (LmPPT), possibly for the purpose of regulation.


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Engineering blend structure with tailor-made distribution of nanoparticles is the prime requisite to obtain materials with extraordinary properties. Herein, a unique strategy of distributing nanoparticles in different phases of a blend structure has resulted in >99% blocking of incoming electromagnetic (EM) radiation. This is accomplished by designing a ternary polymer blend structure using polycarbonate (PC), poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) to simultaneously improve the structural, electrical, and electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI). The blend structure was made conducting by preferentially localizing the multi-wall nanotubes (MWNTs) in the PVDF phase. By taking advantage of pp stacking MWNTs was noncovalently modified with an imidazolium based ionic liquid (IL). Interestingly, the enhanced dispersion of IL-MWNTs in PVDF improved the electrical conductivity of the blends significantly. While one key requisite to attenuate EM radiation (i.e., electrical conductivity) was achieved using MWNTs, the magnetic properties of the blend structure was tuned by introducing barium ferrite (BaFe) nanoparticles, which can interact with the incoming EM radiation. By suitably modifying the surface of BaFe nanoparticles, we can tailor their localization under the macroscopic processing condition. The precise localization of BaFe nanoparticles in the PC phase, due to nucleophilic substitution reaction, and the MWNTs in the PVDF phase not only improved the conductivity but also facilitated in absorption of the incoming microwave radiation due to synergetic effect from MWNT and BaFe. The shielding effectiveness (SE) was measured in X and K-u band, and an enhanced SE of -37 dB was noted at 18 GHz frequency. PMMA, which acted as an interfacial modifier in PC/PVDF blends further, resulting in a significant enhancement in the mechanical properties besides retaining high SE. This study opens a new avenue in designing mechanically strong microwave absorbers with a suitable combination of materials.


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The structures of nine independent crystals of bitter gourd seed lectin (BGSL), a non-toxic homologue of type II RIPs, and its sugar complexes have been determined. The four-chain, two-fold symmetric, protein is made up of two identical two-chain modules, each consisting of a catalytic chain and a lectin chain, connected by a disulphide bridge. The lectin chain is made up of two domains. Each domain carries a carbohydrate binding site in type II RIPs of known structure. BGSL has a sugar binding site only on one domain, thus impairing its interaction at the cell surface. The adenine binding site in the catalytic chain is defective. Thus, defects in sugar binding as well as adenine binding appear to contribute to the non-toxicity of the lectin. The plasticity of the molecule is mainly caused by the presence of two possible well defined conformations of a surface loop in the lectin chain. One of them is chosen in the sugar complexes, in a case of conformational selection, as the chosen conformation facilitates an additional interaction with the sugar, involving an arginyl residue in the loop. The N-glycosylation of the lectin involves a plant-specific glycan while that in toxic type II RIPs of known structure involves a glycan which is animal as well as plant specific.


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Topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) are a new quantum state of matter in which linearly dispersed metallic surface states are protected by crystal mirror symmetry. Owing to its vanishingly small bulk band gap, a TCI like Pb0.6Sn0.4Te has poor thermoelectric properties. Breaking of crystal symmetry can widen the band gap of TCI. While breaking of mirror symmetry in a TCI has been mostly explored by various physical perturbation techniques, chemical doping, which may also alter the electronic structure of TCI by perturbing the local mirror symmetry, has not yet been explored. Herein, we demonstrate that Na doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te locally breaks the crystal symmetry and opens up a bulk electronic band gap, which is confirmed by direct electronic absorption spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. Na doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te increases p-type carrier concentration and suppresses the bipolar conduction (by widening the band gap), which collectively gives rise to a promising zT of 1 at 856 K for Pb0.58Sn0.40Na0.02Te. Breaking of crystal symmetry by chemical doping widens the bulk band gap in TCI, which uncovers a route to improve TCI for thermoelectric applications.


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Background: Aligning similar molecular structures is an important step in the process of bio-molecular structure and function analysis. Molecular surfaces are simple representations of molecular structure that are easily constructed from various forms of molecular data such as 3D atomic coordinates (PDB) and Electron Microscopy (EM) data. Methods: We present a Multi-Scale Morse-Smale Molecular-Surface Alignment tool, MS3ALIGN, which aligns molecular surfaces based on significant protrusions on the molecular surface. The input is a pair of molecular surfaces represented as triangle meshes. A key advantage of MS3ALIGN is computational efficiency that is achieved because it processes only a few carefully chosen protrusions on the molecular surface. Furthermore, the alignments are partial in nature and therefore allows for inexact surfaces to be aligned. Results: The method is evaluated in four settings. First, we establish performance using known alignments with varying overlap and noise values. Second, we compare the method with SurfComp, an existing surface alignment method. We show that we are able to determine alignments reported by SurfComp, as well as report relevant alignments not found by SurfComp. Third, we validate the ability of MS3ALIGN to determine alignments in the case of structurally dissimilar binding sites. Fourth, we demonstrate the ability of MS3ALIGN to align iso-surfaces derived from cryo-electron microscopy scans. Conclusions: We have presented an algorithm that aligns Molecular Surfaces based on the topology of surface curvature. Awebserver and standalone software implementation of the algorithm available at http://vgl.serc.iisc.ernet. in/ms3align.


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Using a molecular model for octamethylcydotetrasiloxane (OMCTS), molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to probe the phase state of OMCTS confined between two mica surfaces in equilibrium With a reservoir. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for elevations ranging from 5 to 35 K above the melting point for the OMCTS model used in this study. The Helmholtz free energy is, computed for a specific confinement using the :two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) method. Analysis of the in-plane pair correlation functions did not reveal signatures of freezing even under an extreme confinement of two layers. OMCTS is found to orient with a wide distribution of orientations with respect to the mica surface, with a distinct preference for the surface parallel configuration in the contact layers. The self-intermediate scattering function is found to decay with increasing relaxation times as the surface separation is decreased, and the two-step relaxation in the scattering function, a signature of glassy dynamics, distinctly evolves as the temperature is lowered. However, even at 5 K above the melting point, we did not observe a freezing transition and the self-intermediate scattering functions relax within 200 ps for the seven-layered confined system. The self diffusivity and relaxation times obtained from the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential fits to the late alpha-relaxation exhibit power law scalings with the packing fraction as predicted by mode coupling theory. A distinct discontinuity in the Helmholtz free energy, potential energy, and a sharp change in the local bond order parameter, Q(4), was observed at 230 K for a five-layered system upon cooling, indicative of a first-order transition. A freezing point depression of about 30 K was observed for this five-layered confined system, and at the lower temperatures, contact layers were found to be disordered with long-range order present only in the inner layers. These dynamical signatures indicate that confined OMCTS undergoes a slowdown akin to a fluid approaching a glass transition upon increasing confinement, and freezing under confinement would require substantial subcooling below the bulk melting point of OMCTS.