180 resultados para reference range


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A three-level inverter produces six active vectors, each of normalized magnitudes 1, 0.866, and 0.5, besides a zero vector. The vectors of relative length 0.5 are termed pivot vectors.The three nearest voltage vectors are usually used to synthesize the reference vector. In most continuous pulsewidth-modulation(PWM) schemes, the switching sequence begins from a pivot vector and ends with the same pivot vector. Thus, the pivot vector is applied twice in a subcycle or half-carrier cycle. This paper proposes and investigates alternative switching sequences, which use the pivot vector only once but employ one of the other two vectors twice within the subcycle. The total harmonic distortion(THD) in the fundamental line current pertaining to these novel sequences is studied theoretically as well as experimentally over the whole range of modulation. Compared with centered space vector PWM, two of the proposed sequences lead to reduced THD at high modulation indices at a given average switching frequency.


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Solid oxide galvanic cells using CaO-ZrO2 and CaO-ZrO2 in combination with YO1.5-ThO2 as electrolyte were used to determine the free energy of formation of hercynite from 750–1600°C. The formation reaction is 2Fe(s,1) + O2(g) + Al2O3(α) = 2FeO.Al2O3(s)for which ΔG° = − 139,790 + 32.83T (±300) cals. (750–1536°C) ΔG° = − 146,390 + 36.48T (±300) cals. (1536–1700°C)These measurements can be used to resolve the discrepancies that exist in published thermochemical data, and provide an accurate oxygen potential standard for calibrating and assessing the performance of oxygen probes under steelmaking conditions.


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From electromotive force (emf) measurements using solid oxide galvanic cells incorporating ZrOz-CaO and ThOz-YO~.s electrolytes, the chemical potentials of oxygen over the systems Fe + FeCrzO 4 + Cr20 ~ and Fe + FeV204 + V203 were calculated. The values may be represented by the equations: 2Fe(s, I) + Oz(g) + 2Cr2Oa(s) -- 2FeCr204 (s)Akto2 = - 151,400 + 34.7T (• cal= -633,400 + 145.5T(• J (750 to 1536~ A~tO2 = -158,000 + 38.4T(• cal= -661,000 + 160.5T(*1250) J (1536 to 1700~2Fe (s, I) + O2 (g) + 2V203 (s) -- 2FeV204 (s) A/~Oz = - 138,000 + 29.8T(+300) cal= - 577,500 + 124.7T (• J (750 to 1536~A/IO2 = -144,600 + 33.45T(-300) cal = -605,100 + 140.0T(~-1250) J (1536 to 1700~At the oxygen potentials corresponding to Fe + FeCrzO a + Cr203 equilibria, the electronic contribution to the conductivity of ZrO2-CaO electrolyte was found to affect the measured emf. Application of a small 60 cycle A.C. voltage with an amplitude of 50 mv across the cell terminals reduced the time required to attain equilibrium at temperatures between 750 to 9500C by approximately a factor of two. The second law entropy of iron chromite obtained in this study is in good agreement with that calculated from thermal data. The entropies of formation of these spinel phases from the component oxides can be correlated to cation distribution and crystal field theory.


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The standard Gibbs free energies of formation of CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 were determined in the range 700° to 1100°C, using emf measurements on the galvanic cells (1) Pt,CuO +] Cu2O/CaO-ZrO2/O2,Pt; (2) Pt,Cu +] CuAlO2+] Al2O3/CaO-ZrO2/ Cu +] Cu2O,Pt; and (3) Pt,CuAl2O4+] CuAlO2+]Al2O3/CaO-ZrO2/O2,Pt. The results are compared with published information on the stability of these compounds. The entropy of transformation of CuO from tenorite to the rock-salt structure is evaluated from the present results and from earlier studies on the entropy of formation of spinels from oxides of the rock-salt and corundum structures. The temperatures corresponding to 3-phase equilibria in the system Cu2O-CuO-Al2O3 at specified O2 pressures calculated from the present results are discussed in reference to available phase diagrams.


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The standard Gibbs free energies of formation of CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 were determined in the range 700° to 1100°C, using emf measurements on the galvanic cells (1) Pt,CuO +] Cu2O/CaO-ZrO2/O2,Pt; (2) Pt,Cu +] CuAlO2+] Al2O3/CaO-ZrO2/ Cu +] Cu2O,Pt; and (3) Pt,CuAl2O4+] CuAlO2+]Al2O3/CaO-ZrO2/O2,Pt. The results are compared with published information on the stability of these compounds. The entropy of transformation of CuO from tenorite to the rock-salt structure is evaluated from the present results and from earlier studies on the entropy of formation of spinels from oxides of the rock-salt and corundum structures. The temperatures corresponding to 3-phase equilibria in the system Cu2O-CuO-Al2O3 at specified O2 pressures calculated from the present results are discussed in reference to available phase diagrams.


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Two solid state galvanic cells:Pt, Ni + Ni2Si04 + Si02/(Y203)Zr02/Ni + + NiO, Pt (1) and Pt, Ni + NizSiOj + Si02/CaF2/Ni + + NiO, Pt (11) have been employed for the determination of the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel orthosilicate(Ni2Si04) from nickel oxide and quartz. The emf of cell (I) was reversible and reproducible in the temperature range 925 to 1375K whereas emf of cell (11) drifted with time and changed polarity. From the results of cell (I), the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel silicate is obtained as,2Ni0 (r.s.) + Si02 (quartz) + Ni2Si04 (olivine)Gibbs' energy of formation of the spinel form of Ni2Si04 is obtained by combining the data for olivine obtained in this study with high pressure data on olivine to spinel transition reported in the literature. The complex time dependence of the emf of cell (11) can be rationalised on the basis of formation of calcium silicates from calcium oxide, generally present as an impurity in the calcium fluoride electrolyte, and silica. The emf of cell (11) is shown to be the function of the activity of calcium oxide at the electrolyte/ electrode interface. The results provide strong evidence against the recent suggestion of mixed anionic conduction in calcium fluoride.


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The emf of the cell, Pt, Ar + O2 + SO2 + SO3/Na2SO4-I/Fe2O2 + Fe2(SO4)3, Pt, has been measured in the temperature range 800 to 1000 K, using a gas mixture of known input composition as the reference electrode. The equilibrium composition of the reference gas at the measuring temperatures was computed using the thermodynamic data on the gaseous species reported in the literature. A mixture of ferric oxide and sulfate was kept in a closed system to ensure establishment of equilibrium partial pressure at the electrode. The cell was designed to avoid physical contact between Fe2(SO4)3 and Na2SO4 electrolyte. Uncertainties arising from the formation of sulfate solid solution were thus eliminated. The Gibbs’ energy of formation of ferric sulfate calculated from the emf is discussed in comparison with data reported in the literature. There is no evidence for the formation of oxysulfates in the Fe-S-0 system. Based on the results obtained in the present study for Fe2(SO4)3 and literature data for other phases, chemical potential diagrams have been constructed for the Fe-S-O system at 900 and 1100 K.


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The limiting solubility of oxygen in liquid nickel in equilibrium withα-alumina and nickel aluminate has been measured by inert gas fusion analysis of suction samples in the temperature range 1730 to 1975 K. The corresponding oxygen potential has been monitored by a solid electrolyte cell consisting of calcia stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and Mo + MoO2 as the reference electrode. The results can be summarized by the following equations: log(at. pct O) = \frac - 10,005T + 4.944 ( ±0.015)log(atpctO)=T−10005+4944(0015) % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn DmO2 /4.606RT = log P O2 1/2 = \frac - 13,550T + 4.411 ( ±0.009)O24606RT=logPO212=T−13550+4411(0009) From simultaneous measurements of the potential and concentration of oxygen in melts, not in thermodynamic equilibrium with alumina and aluminate phases, information on the composition dependence of the activity coefficient and the standard free energy of solution of oxygen is obtained. For the reaction, $\frac{1}{2} O_2 \to \underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$Missing close brace ΔG o = -72,930 - 7.11T (±840) J gr.at.–1 = + 0.216 at. pct OlogfO=T−500+0216atpctO where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is that which makes the value of activity equal to the concentration (in at. pct) in the limit as concentration approaches zero. The oxygen solubility in liquid nickel in equilibrium with solid NiO, evaluated from thermodynamic data, is compared with information reported in the literature. Implications of the results to the deoxidation equilibria of aluminum in nickel are discussed.


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Gibbs energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 have been measured in the temperature range from 700 to 1100 K using Al2O3-dispersed CaF2 solid electrolyte and Ni+NiF2 as the reference electrode. The dispersed solid electrolyte has higher conductivity than pure CaF2 thus permitting accurate measurements at lower temperatures. However, to prevent reaction between Al2O3 in the solid electrolyte and NiF2 (or CoF2) at the electrode, the dispersed solid electrolyte was coated with pure CaF2, thus creating a composite structure. The free energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 are (± 1700) J mol−1; {fx37-1} The third law analysis gives the enthalpy of formation of solid CoF2 as ΔH° (298·15 K) = −672·69 (± 0·1) kJ mol−1, which compares with a value of −671·5 (± 4) kJ mol−1 given in Janaf tables. For solid MnF2, ΔH°(298·15 K) = − 854·97 (± 0·13) kJ mol−1, which is significantly different from a value of −803·3 kJ mol−1 given in the compilation by Barinet al.


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The Gibbs energies of formation of MPt5 (MNd, Dy, Ho, Er) intermetallic compounds were determined in the temperature range 900–1100 K using the solid state cell Ta,M+MF3¦CaF2¦MPt5+Pt+MF3,Ta For M ≡ Sm, a mixture of Gd + GdF3 was used as the reference electrode. In the case of Eu, a mixture of Eu + EuF2 served as the reference electrode. The trifluorides of Sm and Eu are not stable in equilibrium with the metal. The fluoride phase coexisting with a SmPt5 + Pt mixture is SmF3, whereas EuF2 is the equilibrium phase in contact with EuPt5 + Pt. All the MPt5 compounds studied (except EuPt5) exhibit similar stability. Europium is divalent in the pure metal and trivalent in EuPt5. The energy required for the promotion of divalent Eu to the trivalent state accounts for the less negative Gibbs energy of formation of EuPt5. The enthalpies of formation of all the MPt5 compounds obtained in this study are in good agreement with Miedema's model.


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The Gibbs' energy offormation of the intermetallic compound URh3has been measured in the temperature range 980 to 1320 K using an oxide solid state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the solid electrolyte and a mixture of manganese and manganese oxide as the reference electrode. The cell can be represented as Pt, Mn + MnO I (Y203)Th02 I Rh + URh3 + U02 + x' Rh, Pt The reversible emf of the cell was a linear function of temperature E = 15.60 +0.0237 T (±0.8) mY. Using auxiliary thermodynamic data for MnO and U02+ x the Gibbs' energy of formation of URh3 from component metals has been computed. The results can be expressed by the equation L'.G?< URh3 > = -316240 + 13.22 T (± 3000) J mol-1. The "third-law" enthalpy of formation of URh3at 298 K is -293.2 (± 4) kJ mol-1, significantly more negative than the value of -181.5 kJ mol-1 calculated using Miedema's model.


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On lowering the oxygen potential, the tetragonal phase of YBa2Cu3O7−δ was found to decompose into a mixture of Y2BaCuO5, BaCuO2 and BaCu2O2 in the temperature range 773–1173 K. The 123 compound was contained in a closed crucible of yttria-stabilized zirconia in the temperature range 773–1073 K. Oxygen was removed in small increments by coulometric titration through the solid electrolyte crucible at constant temperature. The oxygen potential was calculated from the open circuit e.m.f. of the solid state cell after successive titrations. Pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa was used as the reference electrode. The decomposition of the 123 compound manifested as a plateau in oxygen potential. The decomposition products were identified by X-ray diffraction. At temperatures above 1073 K there was some evidence of reaction between the 123 compound, solid electrolyte crucible and platinum. For measurements above 1073 K, the 123 compound was contained in a magnesia crucible placed in a closed outer silica tube. The oxygen potential in the gas phase above the 123 compound was controlled and measured by a solid state cell based on yttria-stabilized zirconia which served both as a pump and sensor. The lower oxygen potential limit for the stability of the 123 compound is given by View the MathML source The oxygen non-stoichiometric parameter δ for the 123 compound has a value of 0.98 (View the MathML source) at dissociation.


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The variation of equilibrium oxygen potential with oxygen concentration inYBa 2Cu3O7-δhas been measured in the temperature range of 773 to 1223 K. For temperatures up to 1073 K, the oxygen content of theYBa 2Cu3O7-δsample, held in a stabilized-zirconia crucible, was altered by coulometric titration. The compound was in contact with the electrolyte, permitting direct exchange of oxygen ions. For measurements above 1073 K, the oxide was contained in a magnesia crucible placed inside a closed silica tube. The oxygen potential in the gas phase above the 123 compound was controlled and measured by a solid-state cell based on yttria-stabilized zirconia, which served both as a pump and sensor. Pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa was used as the reference electrode. The oxygen pressure over the sample was varied from 10-1 to 105 Pa. The oxygen concentrations of the sample equilibrated with pure oxygen at 1.01 × 105 Pa at different temperatures were determined after quenching in liquid nitrogen by hydrogen reduction at 1223 K. The plot of chemical potential of oxygen as a function of oxygen non-stoichiometry shows an inflexion at δ ∼ 0.375 at 873 K. Data at 773 K indicate tendency for phase separation at lower temperatures. The partial enthalpy and entropy of oxygen derived from the temperature dependence of electromotive force (emf ) exhibit variation with composition. The partial enthalpy for °= 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 also appears to be temperature dependent. The results are discussed in comparison with the data reported in the literature. An expression for the integral free energy of formation of YBa2Cu3O6.5 is evaluated based on measurements reported in the literature. By integration of the partial Gibbs’ energy of oxygen obtained in this study, the variation of integral property with oxygen concentration is obtained at 873 K.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of SrIrO3, Sr2IrO4 and Sr4IrO6 have been determined in the temperature range from 975 to 1400 K using solid-state cells with (Y2O3) ZrO2 as the electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system Sr–Ir–O were investigated at 1350 K. The only stable oxide detected along the binary Ir–O was IrO2. Three ternary oxides, SrIrO3, Sr2IrO4 and Sr4IrO6, compositions of which fall on the join SrO–IrO2, were found to be stable. Each of the oxides coexisted with pure metal Ir. Therefore, three working electrodes were prepared consisting of mixtures of Ir+SrO+Sr4IrO6, Ir+Sr4IrO6+Sr2IrO4, and Ir+Sr2IrO4+SrIrO3. These mixtures unambiguously define unique oxygen chemical potentials under isothermal and isobaric conditions. Used for the measurements was a novel apparatus, in which a buffer electrode was introduced between reference and working electrodes to absorb the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of the compounds, obtained from the emf of the cells, can be represented by the following equations: View the MathML sourcem View the MathML source View the MathML source where Δf (ox)Go represents the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the ternary compound from its component binary oxides SrO and IrO2. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Sr–Ir–O were developed.


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An advanced design of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode has been developed for high temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The application of the novel design and its advantages have been demonstrated by measuring the standard Gibbs energies of formation of ternary oxides of the system Sm–Pd–O. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system Sm–Pd–O were investigated at 1273 K. The two ternary oxides, Sm4PdO7 and Sm2Pd2O5, compositions of which fall on the Sm2O3–PdO join, were found to coexist with pure metal Pd. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides were measured using three-phase electrodes in the temperature range 950–1425 K. During electrochemical measurements a third ternary oxide, Sm2PdO4, was found to be stable at low temperature. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Δf(ox)Go) of the compounds from their component binary oxides Sm2O3 and PdO, can be represented by the equations: Sm4PdO7: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−34,220+0.84T(K) (±280); Sm2PdO4: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−33,350+2.49T(K) (±230); Sm2Pd2O5: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−59,955+1.80T(K) (±320). Based on the thermodynamic information, three-dimensional P–T–C and chemical potential diagrams for the system Sm–Pd–O were developed.