166 resultados para phase transitions-crystallographic


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In the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Cu-O system we have examined many compositions which are either metallic or semiconducting. In the Bi2-xPbx(Ca, Sr)n+1 Cun O2n+4+δ system, we have established the superconducting properties of the n = 1 to 4 members. The Tc increases from n = 1 to 3 and does not increase further when n = 4. In Bi2Ca1-x,YxSr2Cu2Oy, the Tc decreases with increase in x.


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Substitution of Ca by Y in TlCaBa2Cu2Oy does not favour superconductivity, but substitution of Tl by Pb or of Ca by Ln (Ln = Y or rare earth) in TlCaSr2Cu2Oy results in high Tc superconductivity (Tc π 60-90 K). TlCa1-xLnxSr2Cu2Oy is a new series of high Tc superconductors, but the x = 0.0 composition does not exhibit bulk superconductivity.


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Structural information on the solid forms of efavirenz, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, is limited, although various polymorphic forms of this drug have been patented. We report here structural studies of four new crystal forms a pure form, a cyclohexane solvate, and cocrystals with 1,4-cyclohexanedione and 4,4'-bipyridine. Temperature dependent single-crystal to single-crystal phase transitions are observed for the pure form and for the cyclohexane solvate with an increase in the number of symmetry independent molecules, Z', upon a lowering of temperature. Other issues related to these solid forms, such as thermal stability, conformational flexibility, and high Z' occurrences, are addressed by using a combined experimental and computational approach.


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X-ray absorption spectra, X-ray photoelectron spectra and Auger spectra of cuprate superconductors are discussed. The studies establish the absence of Cu3+ for all practical purposes, but point out the importance of oxygen holes. X-ray photoelectron spectra of BaBi0.25Pb0.75O3 and related compounds are also examined.


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We report Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and anelastic spectroscopy measurements on on hole doped manganese oxides La1-xCaxMnO3 which present the colossal magnetoresistance effect. EXAFS measurements were realized both in the absence and presence of an applied magnetic field of 1.1 Tesla, in a wide temperature range (between 330 and 77 K) and at various dopings (x = 0.25 and x = 0.33). The magnetic field orders the magnetic moments so favouring the electron mobility and the reduction of Mn-O octahedra distortions. We observe the presence of four short and two long Mn-O distances (1.93 and 2.05 Angstrom respectively) above and also below the metal-insulator phase transition. The overall distortion decreases but does not completely disappear in the metallic phase suggesting the possible coexistence of metallic and insulating regions at low temperatures. The magnetic field reduces the lattice distortions showing evidence of a microscopic counterpart of the macroscopic colossal magnetoresistance. We also present preliminary anelastic relaxation spectra in a wide temperature range from 900 K to 1 K on a sample with x = 0.40, in order to study the structural phase transitions and the lattice dynamics. A double peak has been observed at the metal-insulator transition in the imaginary part of Young's modulus. This double peak indicates that the metal-insulator transition could be a more complex phenomenon than a simple second order phase transition. In particular the peak at lower temperatures can be connected with the possible presence of inhomogeneous phase structures. Another intense dissipation peak has been observed corresponding to the structural orthorhombic-trigonal transition around 750 K.


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Processes in complex chemical systems, such as macromolecules, electrolytes, interfaces, micelles and enzymes, can span several orders of magnitude in length and time scales. The length and time scales of processes occurring over this broad time and space window are frequently coupled to give rise to the control necessary to ensure specificity and the uniqueness of the chemical phenomena. A combination of experimental, theoretical and computational techniques that can address a multiplicity of length and time scales is required in order to understand and predict structure and dynamics in such complex systems. This review highlights recent experimental developments that allow one to probe structure and dynamics at increasingly smaller length and time scales. The key theoretical approaches and computational strategies for integrating information across time-scales are discussed. The application of these ideas to understand phenomena in various areas, ranging from materials science to biology, is illustrated in the context of current developments in the areas of liquids and solvation, protein folding and aggregation and phase transitions, nucleation and self-assembly.


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The Pippard-Janovec relations are derived for correlating the anomalous elastic coefficient and the anomalous specific heat near the phase transitions of ferroelectric crystals. These relations are verified in the case of ferroelectric triglycine selenate crystal.


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High-temperature superconductivity in oxides of the type(La, Ln)2?xBax(Sr)xCuO4, Y(Ln)Ba2Cu3O7??, La3?xBa3+xCu6O14, and related systems is discussed with emphasis on aspects related to experimental solid-state chemistry. All of these oxides possess perovskite-related structures. Oxygen-excess and La-deficient La2CuO4 also exhibit superconductivity in the 20�40 K just as La2?xBax(Srx)CuO4; these oxides are orthorhombic in the superconductivity phase. The crucial role of oxygen stoichiometry in the superconductivity ofYBa2Cu3O7?? (Tc = 95 ± 5K) is examined; this oxide remains orthorhombic up to ? ? 0.6 and becomes tetragonal and nonsuperconducting beyond this value of ?. Oxygen stoichiometry in this and related oxides has to be understood in terms of structure and disorder. The structure of La3?xBa3+xCu6O14 is related to that of YBa2Cu3O7, the orthorhombic structure manifesting itself when the population of O1 oxygens (along the Cusingle bondOsingle bondCu chains) is preponderant compared to that of O5 oxygens (along thea-axis); nearly equal populations of O1 and O5 sites give rise to the tetragonal structure. A transition from a high-Tc (95 K) superconductivity regime to a low-Tc (not, vert, similar60 K) regime occurs in YBa2Cu3O7?? accompanying a change in ?. There is no evidence for Cu3+ in these nominally mixed valent copper oxides. Instead, holes are present on oxygens giving rise to O? or O2?2 species, the concentration of these species increasing with the lowering of temperature. Certain interesting aspects of the superconducting oxides such as domain or twin boundaries, Raman spectra, microwave absorption, and anomalous high-temperature resistivity drops are presented along with the important material parameters. Preparative aspects of the superconducting oxides are briefly discussed. Phase transitions seem to occur atTc as well as at not, vert, similar240 K in YBa2Cu3O7.


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By inflating basic rhombuses, with a self-similarity principle, non-periodic tiling of 2-d planes is possible with 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, … -fold symmetries. As examples, non-periodic tilings with crystallographically allowed 4-fold symmetry and crystallographically forbidden 7-fold symmetry are presented in detail. The computed diffraction patterns of these tilings are also discussed.


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We propose an excitonic mechanism for high temperature superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7. We feel that in this material, nature has provided a very elegant system, closely simulated by the model proposed by Allender, Bray and Bardeen1 using Ginzburg's ideas.2 In this system the excitonic layer and the conduction electron layers are indeed atomic planes making contacts on atomic level, an ideal version of the situation envisaged by Allender et al. Further, since these layers are physically separated, the question of screening of charges is avoided.


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We present a general method for the synthesis of functional nanoporous structures by heat treating a loose compact of nanorods. Partial sintering of such a compact leads to spherodization of the nanorods and their fusion at the contact regions leading to an interconnected porous microstructure. The pore diameter can be controlled by changing the original nanorod diameter. We illustrate the generality of the method using TiO2, ZnO and hydroxyapatite as model systems; the method is applicable for any material that can be grown in the form of nanorods. The kinetics of the sintering process can be significantly enhanced in systems in which additional driving forces for mass transport arise from phase transitions proving an ultrafast pathway for producing biphasic porous structures. The possibility of producing hierarchical porous structures using fugitive sintering aids makes this process ideal for a variety of applications including catalysis, photoanodes for solar cells and scaffolds for biomedical applications.


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In this article, we examine the unusual plastic deformation under uniaxial compression of an Al2O3-15 mol % Y2O3 (A15Y) glass synthesized by a wet chemical route At a low temperature of 650-725 degrees C, plastic deformation of this glass is largely non-viscous through shear instabilities In contrast deformation near the crystallization temperature (850 degrees C) occurs homogeneously with work hardening and with a monotonic increase in the true density of the glass by 10-12% accompanied by an increase in hardness (H) and elastic modulus (E) of up to 100% We hypothesize a phenomenon of molecular densification of the amorphous structure through a hierarchy of multiple phases, analogous to density- or entropy-driven amorphous to-amorphous phase transitions (polyamorphism) These results suggest that the present method of preparation and the unusual behavior can trigger a search for many more systems that display such behavior (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Solid state chemistry was in its infancy when the author got interested in the subject. In this article, the author outlines the manner in which the subject has grown over the last four decades, citing representative examples from his own contributions to the different facets of the subject. The various aspects covered include synthesis, structure, defects, phase transitions, transition metal oxides, catalysts, superconductors, metal clusters and fullerenes. In an effort to demonstrate the breadth and vitality of the subject, the author shares his own experiences and aspirations and gives expression to the agony and ecstacy in carrying out experimental research in such a frontier area in India.