206 resultados para particle-stimulated nucleation


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Scaled Particle Theory (SPT) has been applied to predict the total free energies of micellization of ionic as well as nonionic micellar systems containing an aryl ring. A modification of the previously developed model has been made, proposing a two-zone model of micellar core which corroborates with the structural information available for such systems. The results are in good agreement with experimental data and also confirm the dictating role of cavity forming free energies for such systems


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An energy landscape view of phase separation and nonideality in binary mixtures is developed by exploring their potential energy landscape (PEL) as functions of temperature and composition. We employ molecular dynamics simulations to study a model that promotes structure breaking in the solute-solvent parent binary liquid, at low temperatures. The PEL of the system captures the potential energy distribution of the inherent structures (IS) of the system and is obtained by removing the kinetic energy (including that of intermolecular vibrations). The broader distribution of the inherent structure energy for structure breaking liquid than that of the structure making liquid demonstrates the larger role of entropy in stabilizing the parent liquid of the structure breaking type of binary mixtures. At high temperature, although the parent structure of the structure breaking binary mixture is homogenous, the corresponding inherent structure is found to be always phase separated, with a density pattern that exhibits marked correlation with the energy of its inherent structure. Over a broad range of intermediate inherent structure energy, bicontinuous phase separation prevails with interpenetrating stripes as signatures of spinodal decomposition. At low inherent structure energy, the structure is largely phase separated with one interface where as at high inherent structure energy we find nucleation type growth. Interestingly, at low temperature, the average inherent structure energy (< EIS >) exhibits a drop with temperature which signals the onset of crystallization in one of the phases while the other remains in the liquid state. The nonideal composition dependence of viscosity is anticorrelated with average inherent structure energy.


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Interest in the applicability of fluctuation theorems to the thermodynamics of single molecules in external potentials has recently led to calculations of the work and total entropy distributions of Brownian oscillators in static and time-dependent electromagnetic fields. These calculations, which are based on solutions to a Smoluchowski equation, are not easily extended to a consideration of the other thermodynamic quantity of interest in such systems-the heat exchanges of the particle alone-because of the nonlinear dependence of the heat on a particle's stochastic trajectory. In this paper, we show that a path integral approach provides an exact expression for the distribution of the heat fluctuations of a charged Brownian oscillator in a static magnetic field. This approach is an extension of a similar path integral approach applied earlier by our group to the calculation of the heat distribution function of a trapped Brownian particle, which was found, in the limit of long times, to be consistent with experimental data on the thermal interactions of single micron-sized colloids in a viscous solvent.


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Nucleation at large metastability is still largely an unsolved problem, even though it is a problem of tremendous current interest, with wide-ranging practical value, from atmospheric research to materials science. It is now well accepted that the classical nucleation theory (CNT) fails to provide a qualitative picture and gives incorrect quantitative values for such quantities as activation-free energy barrier and supersaturation dependence of nucleation rate, especially at large metastability. In this paper, we present an alternative formalism to treat nucleation at large supersaturation by introducing an extended set of order parameters in terms of the kth largest liquid-like clusters, where k = 1 is the largest cluster in the system, k = 2 is the second largest cluster and so on. At low supersaturation, the size of the largest liquid-like cluster acts as a suitable order parameter. At large supersaturation, the free energy barrier for the largest liquid-like cluster disappears. We identify this supersaturation as the one at the onset of kinetic spinodal. The kinetic spinodal is system-size-dependent. Beyond kinetic spinodal many clusters grow simultaneously and competitively and hence the nucleation and growth become collective. In order to describe collective growth, we need to consider the full set of order parameters. We derive an analytic expression for the free energy of formation of the kth largest cluster. The expression predicts that, at large metastability (beyond kinetic spinodal), the barrier of growth for several largest liquid-like clusters disappears, and all these clusters grow simultaneously. The approach to the critical size occurs by barrierless diffusion in the cluster size space. The expression for the rate of barrier crossing predicts weaker supersaturation dependence than what is predicted by CNT at large metastability. Such a crossover behavior has indeed been observed in recent experiments (but eluded an explanation till now). In order to understand the large numerical discrepancy between simulation predictions and experimental results, we carried out a study of the dependence on the range of intermolecular interactions of both the surface tension of an equilibrium planar gas-liquid interface and the free energy barrier of nucleation. Both are found to depend significantly on the range of interaction for the Lennard-Jones potential, both in two and three dimensions. The value of surface tension and also the free energy difference between the gas and the liquid phase increase significantly and converge only when the range of interaction is extended beyond 6-7 molecular diameters. We find, with the full range of interaction potential, that the surface tension shows only a weak dependence on supersaturation, so the reason for the breakdown of CNT (with simulated values of surface tension and free energy gap) cannot be attributed to the supersaturation dependence of surface tension. This remains an unsettled issue at present because of the use of the value of surface tension obtained at coexistence.


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Previous work has shown that irrespective of the route of exposure methyl isocyanate (MIC) caused acute lactic acidosis in rats (Jeevaratnam et al., Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 19, 314�319, 1990) and the hypoxia was of stagnant type due to tissue hypoperfusion resulting from hypovolemic hypotension in rabbits administered MIC subcutaneously (Jeevarathinam et al., Toxicology 51, 223�240, 1988). The present study was designed to investigate whether MIC could induce histotoxic hypoxia through its effects on mitochondrial respiration. Male Wistar rats were used for liver mitochondrial and submitochondrial particle (SMP) preparation. Addition of MIC to tightly coupled mitochondria in vitro resulted in stimulation of state 4 respiration, abolition of respiratory control, decrease in ADP/O ratio, and inhibition of state 3 oxidation. The oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates (glutamate + malate) was more sensitive (fiveto sixfold) to the inhibitory action of MIC than succinate while cytochrome oxidase remained unaffected. MIC induced twofold delay in the onset of anerobiosis, and cytochrome b reduction in SMP with NADH in vitro confirms inhibition of electron transport at complex I region. MIC also stimulated the ATPase activity in tightly coupled mitochondria while lipid peroxidation remained unaffected. As its hydrolysis products, methylamine and N,N?-dimethylurea failed to elicit any change in vitro; these effects reveal that MIC per se acts as an inhibitor of electron transport and a weak uncoupler. Administration of MIC sc at lethal dose caused a similar change only with NAD+-linked substrates, reflecting impairment of mitochondrial respiration at complex I region and thereby induction of histotoxic hypoxia in vivo.


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Theoretical and computer simulation studies of orientational relaxation in dense molecular liquids are presented. The emphasis of the study is to understand the effects of collective orientational relaxation on the single-particle orientational dynamics. The theoretical analysis is based on a recently developed molecular hydrodynamic theory which allows a self-consistent description of both the collective and the single-particle orientational relaxation. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can be used to derive a relation between the memory function for the collective orientational correlation function and the frequency-dependent dielectric function. A novel feature of the present work is the demonstration that this collective memory function is significantly different from the single-particle rotational friction. However, a microscopic expression for the single-particle rotational friction can be derived from the molecular hydrodynamic theory where the collective memory function can be used to obtain the single-particle orientational friction. This procedure allows, us to calculate the single-particle orientational correlation function near the alpha-beta transition in the supercooled liquid. The calculated correlation function shows an interesting bimodal decay below the bifurcation temperature as the glass transition is approached from above. Brownian dynamics simulations have been carried out to check the validity of the above procedure of translating the memory function from the dielectric relaxation data. We have also investigated the following two issues important in understanding the orientational relaxation in slow liquids. First, we present an analysis of the ''orientational caging'' of translational motion. The value of the translational friction is found to be altered significantly by the orientational caging. Second, we address the question of the rank dependence of the dielectric friction using both simulation and the molecular hydrodynamic theory.


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A mathematical model for glucose and oxygen consumption, and cell growth during fungal growth on a single solid particle is developed. A moving biofilm is assumed to be present on the surface of the solid particle. Initially only glucose is assumed to be growth limiting and later oxygen transferred from the gas phase on to the biofilm is also assumed to be growth limiting. Glucose is found to be severely growth limiting when assumed to be the only growth limiting factor and its limiting levels far less severe when oxygen limitation is also included. The objective of the model is to gain a better understanding of the mass transfer and relative growth limiting characteristics of glucose and oxygen in fungal growth systems. The results obtained from the model proposed here will be the subject of future work.


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The problem of spurious increase in volume fraction of second-phase particles during computer simulations of coarsening is examined. The origin of this problem is traced to the use of too long a time step (used for numerical integration of growth rates with respect to time) which leads to small particles with large negative growth rates shrinking to negative radii at the end of the time step. Such a shrinkage to negative sizes has the effect of pumping solute into the system. It is therefore suggested that the length of the time step be chosen in accordance with the size of the smallest particle present in the system. It is shown that spurious increase in particle Volume has a significant effect on the particle size distributions in the scaling regime (making them broader and more skewed in the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner model). Its effect on coarsening kinetics, however, is found to be small.


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There are three ways in which an electromagnetic wave can undergo scattering in a plasma: (i) when the scattering of radiation occurs by a single electron, it is called Compton Scattering (CS); (ii) if it occurs by a longitudinal electron plasma mode, it is called Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS), and (iii) if it occurs by a highly damped electron plasma mode, it is called Stimulated Compton Scattering (SCS). The non-thermal continuum of quasars is believed to be produced through the combined action of synchrotron and inverse Compton processes, which are essentially single-particle processes. Here, we investigate the role of SRS and SCS in the generation of continuum radiation from these compact objects. It is shown as an example that the complete spectrum of 3C 273 can be reproduced by suitably combining SCS and SRS. The differential contributions of SCS and SRS under different values of the plasma parameters are also calculated.


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In the present investigation, Al 2024-15vol.%Al2O3 particulate (average size, 18 mu m) composites were fabricated using the liquid metallurgy route. The wear and friction characteristics of Al alloy 2024 and Al 2024-15vol.%Al2O3p, composite in the as-extruded and peak-aged conditions were studied using a pin-on-disc machine (with a steel disc as the counterface material). The worn surfaces, subsurfaces and the debris were analysed in a scanning electron microscope.The performance of the composite in the as-extruded condition is slightly inferior to that of the unreinforced alloy. However, in the T6 condition, although the wear rates of two materials are initially comparable, the unreinforced alloy seizes while the composite does not within the tested range employed. In the as-extruded condition, the presence of Al2O3 particles is not particularly beneficial as they fracture and result in extensive localized cracking and removal of material from the surface. In the peak-aged condition, however, while the unreinforced alloy exhibits severe plastic deformation and undergoes seizure, there is no significant change in the mechanism in the case of the composite. Except in the case of the peak-aged unreinforced alloy, worn surfaces of all other materials show the presence of an iron-rich layer.


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It is argued that the nanometric dispersion of Bi in a Zn matrix is an ideal model system for heterogeneous nucleation experiments. The classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation with a hemispherical cap model is applied to analyse the nucleation data. It is shown that, unlike the results of earlier experiments, the derived site density for catalytic nucleation and contact angle are realistic and strongly suggest the validity of the classical theory. The surface energy between the 0001 plane of Zn and the <10(1)over bar 2> plane of Bi, which constitute the epitaxial nucleation interface, is estimated to be 39 mJ m(-2).


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We show that the substrate affects the interparticle spacing in monolayer arrays with hexagonal order formed by self-assembly of polymer grafted nanoparticles. Remarkably, arrays with square packing were formed due to convective shearing at a liquid surface induced by miscibility of colloidal solution with the substrate.


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Carbon fibres/particles can be satisfactory reinforcing material in polymer, ceramic and metal matrices. Carbon fibres/particles reinforced polymer matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites are being used extensively in critical areas of application, but carbon fibre - metal matrix composites have not reached that stage yet. This paper discusses the salient aspects of production and specific properties of carbon fibre/particle reinforced cast metal matrix composites. It is envisaged that these materials will find extensive applications where cost, weight and thermal expansion are the key factors.


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A model of the precipitation process in reverse micelles has been developed to calculate the size of fine particles obtained therein. While the method shares several features of particle nucleation and growth common to precipitation in large systems, complexities arise in describing the processes of nucleation, due to the extremely small size of a micelle and of particle growth caused by fusion among the micelles. Occupancy of micelles by solubilized molecules is governed by Poisson statistics, implying most of them are empty and cannot nucleate of its own. The model therefore specifies the minimum number of solubilized molecules required to form a nucleus which is used to calculate the homogeneous nucleation rate. Simultaneously, interaction between micelles is assumed to occur by Brownian collision and instantaneous fusion. Analysis of time scales of various events shows growth of particles to be very fast compared to other phenomena occurring. This implies that nonempty micelles either are supersaturated or contain a single precipitated particle and allows application of deterministic population balance equations to describe the evolution of the system with time. The model successfully predicts the experimental measurements of Kandori ct al.(3) on the size of precipitated CaCO3 particles, obtained by carbonation of reverse micelles containing aqueous Ca(OH)(2) solution.


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Constant-stress tensile creep experiments on a superplastic 3-mol%-yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia composite with 20 wt% alumina revealed that cavities nucleate relatively early during tensile deformation. The number of cavities nucleated increases with increasing imposed stress. The cavities nucleate at triple points associated largely with an alumina grain, and then grow rapidly in a cracklike manner to attain dimensions on the order of the grain facet size. It is suggested that coarser-grained superplastic ceramics exhibit lower ductility due to the ease in formation of such grain boundary facet-cracks and their interlinkage to form a macroscopic crack of critical dimensions.