124 resultados para partial-melt


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It has been experimentally established that nickel and cobalt can be extracted from their ferrites with sodium sulphate melt containing femc ions. The kinetics of extraction from synthetic ferrites using a melt of sodium and ferric sulphates of eutectic composition has been studied as a function of the particle size of the ferrite and temperature in the range 900 to 1073 K. The divalent ions in the ferrite exchange with the ferric ion in the melt, leaving a residue of hematite.The rate of reaction conforms to the Crank-Ginstling-Brounshtein diffusion model. The reaction rate is governed by the counter-diffusion of ~ e an~d ~+i ' +(or co2+) ions in the hematite lattice. Analytical expressions for the rate constants have been derived from the experimental data as a function of particle size and temperature. The activation energy for the extraction of nickel from nickel ferrite is 154(+10) kJ mol-' and the corresponding value for cobalt is 142(+10)kJ mol;'. In sulphation roasting of minerals containing nickel, the yield of nickel is generally limited to 75% due to the formation of insoluble ferrites. The use of melts based on sodium sulphate provides a possible route for enhancing the recovery of nickel to approximately 98%.


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Low complexity decoders called Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC), which include the Zero Forcing (ZF) and ZF-SIC receivers as special cases, were given by Guo and Xia along with sufficient conditions for a Space-Time Block Code (STBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC/PIC-SIC decoding for point-to-point MIMO channels. In Part-I of this two part series of papers, we give new conditions for an STBC to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders, which are equivalent to Guo and Xia's conditions, but are much easier to check. We then show that PIC and PIC-SIC decoders are capable of achieving the full cooperative diversity available in wireless relay networks and give sufficient conditions for a Distributed Space-Time Block Code (DSTBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders. In Part-II, we construct new low complexity full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs and DSTBCs that achieve higher rates than the known full-diversity low complexity ML decodable STBCs and DSTBCs.


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In this second part of a two part series of papers, we construct a new class of Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) for point-to-point MIMO channel and Distributed STBCs (DSTBCs) for the amplify-and-forward relay channel that give full-diversity with Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC) decoders. The proposed class of STBCs include most of the known full-diversity low complexity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs as special cases. We also show that a number of known full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs that were constructed for the point-topoint MIMO channel can be used as full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable DSTBCs in relay networks. For the same decoding complexity, the proposed STBCs and DSTBCs achieve higher rates than the known low decoding complexity codes. Simulation results show that the new codes have a better bit error rate performance than the low ML decoding complexity codes available in the literature.


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The variation of equilibrium oxygen potential with oxygen concentration inYBa 2Cu3O7-δhas been measured in the temperature range of 773 to 1223 K. For temperatures up to 1073 K, the oxygen content of theYBa 2Cu3O7-δsample, held in a stabilized-zirconia crucible, was altered by coulometric titration. The compound was in contact with the electrolyte, permitting direct exchange of oxygen ions. For measurements above 1073 K, the oxide was contained in a magnesia crucible placed inside a closed silica tube. The oxygen potential in the gas phase above the 123 compound was controlled and measured by a solid-state cell based on yttria-stabilized zirconia, which served both as a pump and sensor. Pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa was used as the reference electrode. The oxygen pressure over the sample was varied from 10-1 to 105 Pa. The oxygen concentrations of the sample equilibrated with pure oxygen at 1.01 × 105 Pa at different temperatures were determined after quenching in liquid nitrogen by hydrogen reduction at 1223 K. The plot of chemical potential of oxygen as a function of oxygen non-stoichiometry shows an inflexion at δ ∼ 0.375 at 873 K. Data at 773 K indicate tendency for phase separation at lower temperatures. The partial enthalpy and entropy of oxygen derived from the temperature dependence of electromotive force (emf ) exhibit variation with composition. The partial enthalpy for °= 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 also appears to be temperature dependent. The results are discussed in comparison with the data reported in the literature. An expression for the integral free energy of formation of YBa2Cu3O6.5 is evaluated based on measurements reported in the literature. By integration of the partial Gibbs’ energy of oxygen obtained in this study, the variation of integral property with oxygen concentration is obtained at 873 K.


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A numerical micro-scale model is developed to study the behavior of dendrite growth in presence of melt convection. In this method, an explicit, coupled enthalpy model is used to simulate the growth of an equiaxed dendrite, while a Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is used to track the movement of the dendrite in the convecting melt in a two-dimensional Eulerian framework. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the enthalpy model in simulating the dendritic growth involving complex shape, and the accuracy of VOF method in conserving mass and preserving the complex dendritic shape during motion. Simulations are performed in presence of uniform melt flow for both fixed and moving dendrites, and the difference in dendrite morphology is shown.


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Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework for temporal pattern discovery in event streams. An episode is a partially ordered set of nodes with each node associated with an event type. Currently algorithms exist for episode discovery only when the associated partial order is total order (serial episode) or trivial (parallel episode). In this paper, we propose efficient algorithms for discovering frequent episodes with unrestricted partial orders when the associated event-types are unique. These algorithms can be easily specialized to discover only serial or parallel episodes. Also, the algorithms are flexible enough to be specialized for mining in the space of certain interesting subclasses of partial orders. We point out that frequency alone is not a sufficient measure of interestingness in the context of partial order mining. We propose a new interestingness measure for episodes with unrestricted partial orders which, when used along with frequency, results in an efficient scheme of data mining. Simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.


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A coupled methodology for simulating the simultaneous growth and motion of equiaxed dendrites in solidifying melts is presented. The model uses the volume-averaging principles and combines the features of the enthalpy method for modeling growth, immersed boundary method for handling the rigid solid-liquid interfaces, and the volume of fluid method for tracking the advection of the dendrite. The algorithm also performs explicit-implicit coupling between the techniques used. A two-dimensional framework with incompressible and Newtonian fluid is considered. Validation with available literature is performed and dendrite growth in the presence of rotational and buoyancy driven flow fields is studied. It is seen that the flow fields significantly alter the position and morphology of the dendrites. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Degree of branching (DB) describes the level of structural perfection of a hyperbranched polymer when compared to its defect-free analogue, namely the dendrimer. The strategy most commonly used to achieve high DB values, specifically while using AB(2) type self-condensations, is to design an AB2 monomer wherein the reaction of the first B-group leads to an enhancement of the reactivity of the second one. In the present study, we show that an AB2 monomer carrying a dimethylacetal unit and a thiol group undergoes a rapid self-condensation in the melt under acid-catalysis to yield a hyperbranched polydithioacetal with no linear defects. NMR studies using model systems reveal that the intermediate monothioacetal is relatively unstable under the polymerization conditions and transforms rapidly to the dithioacetal; because this second step occurs irreversibly during polymer formation, it leads to a defect-free hyperbranched polydithioacetal. TGA studies of the polymerization process provided some valuable insights into the kinetics of polymerization. An additional virtue of this approach is that the numerous terminal dimethylacetal groups are very labile and can be quantitatively transformed by treatment with a variety of functional thiols; the terminal dimethylacetals were, thus, reacted with various thiols, such as dodecanethiol, benzyl mercaptan, ethylmercaptopropionate, and so on, to demonstrate the versatility of these systems as sulfur-rich hyperscaffolds to anchor different kinds of functionality on their periphery.


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A method for the estimation of vapour pressure and partial pressure of subliming compounds under reduced pressure, using rising temperature thermogravimetry, is described in this paper. The method is based on our recently developed procedure to estimate the vapour pressure from ambient pressure thermogravimetric data using Langmuir equation. Using benzoic acid as the calibration standard, vapour pressure temperature curves are calculated at 80, 160 and 1000 mbar for salicylic acid and vanadyl bis-2,4-pentanedionate, a precursor used for chemical vapour deposition of vanadium oxides. Using a modification of the Langmuir equation, the partial pressure of these materials at different total pressures is also determined as a function of temperature. Such data can be useful for the deposition of multi-metal oxide thin films or doped thin films by chemical vapour deposition (CVD).


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Layered LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 crystallizing in R (3) over barm space group is synthesized by decomposing the constituent metal-nitrate precursors. Oxidizing nature of metal nitrates stabilizes nickel in +3 oxidation state, enabling a high degree of cation ordering in the layered LiNi0.8Co0.2O2. The powder sample characterized by XRD Rietveld refinement reveals <2% Li-Ni site exchange in the layers. Scanning electron microscopic studies on the as-synthesized LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 sample reflect well defined particles of cubic morphology with particle size ranging between 200 and 250 nm. Cyclic voltammograms suggest that LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 undergoes phase transformation on first charge with resultant phase being completely reversible in subsequent cycles. The first-charge-cycle phase transition is further supported by impedance spectroscopy that shows substantial reduction in resistance during initial de-intercalation. Galvanostatic charge-discharge cycles reflect a first-discharge capacity of 184 mAh g(-1) which is stabilized at 170 mAh g(-1) over 50 cycles.


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Cationic surfactants such as dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB), tetradecyltrimehtylammonium bromide (TTAB) and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB); and anionic surfactants such as sodium decyl sulphate (SDeS), sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and sodium tetradecyl sulphate (STDS) have been used to determine their solubility and micellization in ternary eutectic melt (acetamide + urea + ammonium nitrate) at 50 degrees C. We employed the electrical conductivity and the surface tension measurement techniques to determine the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The deviation in the slope of the specific conductance/surface tension against surfactant concentration plots indicated the aggregations of surfactants and hence, their CMC. CMC decreases with increase of alkyl chain length due to the increased van der Waals forces. The calculated increment in Gibb's energy per methylene group for cationic and anionic surfactants is about -6 kJ mol(-1) and -4 kJ mol(-1) respectively. It is found that, the CMCs of the surfactants in the ternary melt are higher than the CMCs of same surfactants in water (similar to 25 degrees C). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently, Guo and Xia introduced low complexity decoders called Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC), which include the Zero Forcing (ZF) and ZF-SIC receivers as special cases, for point-to-point MIMO channels. In this paper, we show that PIC and PIC-SIC decoders are capable of achieving the full cooperative diversity available in wireless relay networks. We give sufficient conditions for a Distributed Space-Time Block Code (DSTBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders and construct a new class of DSTBCs with low complexity full-diversity PIC-SIC decoding using complex orthogonal designs. The new class of codes includes a number of known full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) constructed for point-to-point channels as special cases. The proposed DSTBCs achieve higher rates (in complex symbols per channel use) than the multigroup ML decodable DSTBCs available in the literature. Simulation results show that the proposed codes have better bit error rate performance than the best known low complexity, full-diversity DSTBCs.


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In this paper, we consider a slow-fading nt ×nr multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel subjected to block fading. Reliability (in terms of achieved diversity order) and rate (in number of symbols transmitted per channel use) are of interest in such channels. We propose a new precoding scheme which achieves both full diversity (nt ×nrth order diversity) as well as full rate (nt symbols per channel use) using partial channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The proposed scheme achieves full diversity and improved coding gain through an optimization over the choice of constellation sets. The optimization maximizes dmin2 for our precoding scheme subject to an energy constraint. The scheme requires feedback of nt - 1 angle parameter values, compared to 2ntnr real coefficients in case of full CSIT. Further, for the case of nt × 1 system, we prove that the capacity achieved by the proposed scheme is same as that achieved with full CSIT. Error rate performance results for nt = 3,4,8 show that the proposed scheme performs better than other precoding schemes in the literature; the better performance is due to the choice of the signal sets and the feedback angles in the proposed scheme.


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In this letter, we propose a reduced-complexity implementation of partial interference cancellation group decoder with successive interference cancellation (PIC-GD-SIC) by employing the theory of displacement structures. The proposed algorithm exploits the block-Toeplitz structure of the effective matrix and chooses an ordering of the groups such that the zero-forcing matrices associated with the various groups are obtained through Schur recursions without any approximations. We show using an example that the proposed implementation offers a significantly reduced computational complexity compared to the direct approach without any loss in performance.


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Purpose-In the present work, a numerical method, based on the well established enthalpy technique, is developed to simulate the growth of binary alloy equiaxed dendrites in presence of melt convection. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach-The principle of volume-averaging is used to formulate the governing equations (mass, momentum, energy and species conservation) which are solved using a coupled explicit-implicit method. The velocity and pressure fields are obtained using a fully implicit finite volume approach whereas the energy and species conservation equations are solved explicitly to obtain the enthalpy and solute concentration fields. As a model problem, simulation of the growth of a single crystal in a two-dimensional cavity filled with an undercooled melt is performed. Findings-Comparison of the simulation results with available solutions obtained using level set method and the phase field method shows good agreement. The effects of melt flow on dendrite growth rate and solute distribution along the solid-liquid interface are studied. A faster growth rate of the upstream dendrite arm in case of binary alloys is observed, which can be attributed to the enhanced heat transfer due to convection as well as lower solute pile-up at the solid-liquid interface. Subsequently, the influence of thermal and solutal Peclet number and undercooling on the dendrite tip velocity is investigated. Originality/value-As the present enthalpy based microscopic solidification model with melt convection is based on a framework similar to popularly used enthalpy models at the macroscopic scale, it lays the foundation to develop effective multiscale solidification.