122 resultados para journal Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) chemical education chemistry education opinion column


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A novel zincoborate, Zn(H2O)B2O4.xH(2)O (xapproximate to0.12), I, with open architecture has been synthesized hydrothermally. The 3-dimensional structure is built up of Zn6B12O24 clusters formed by the capping of the polycyclic borate anion, B12O2412-, by Zn3O3 clusters. The open-framework structure of I has one-dimensional 8-membered channels wherein the water molecules reside. Formation of trimeric Zn3O3 clusters as well as the presence of boron in dual coordination, both triangular and tetrahedral, are important structural features of this new zincoborate.


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By reacting cadmium salts with H2SO4 in the presence of organic amines or directly with amine sulfates under hydrothermal conditions, it has been possible to prepare three linear cadmium sulfates of linarite topology, with the compositions [H3N(CH2)(2)NH3](2)[CdCl2(SO4)][SO4].H2O, I, [HN(CH2)(6)NH][CdBr2(SO4)], II, [HN(CH2)(6)NH][CdCl2-(SO4)], III. A layered cadmium sulfate of composition [H3N(CH2)(3)NH3][Cd-2(H2O)(2)(SO4)(3)], IV, has also been obtained. These sulfates are the first examples of a family of organically templated metal sulfates with interesting structural features. In the linarite chains, the CdX4O2 (X = Cl, Br) octahedron shares two trans-edges to form an [Mphi(4)] (phi = anionic ligand) chain decorated by the SO4 tetrahedron that adopts a staggered arrangement on either side of the chain. IV is constructed by the fusion of four-membered ring ladders involving edge sharing between the sulfate tetrahedron and metal octahedron. IV appears to be the first member of a family of organically templated metal sulfates containing an octahedral-tetrahedral 2D net wherein the sulfate tetrahedron is connected at all four corners.


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Reaction of [CpRu(PPh3)(2)Cl] (1) {Cp = eta(5)-(C5H5)} with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Y = Y' = Ph (L-1); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H4Me-4 (L-4); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H3Me2- 3,5 (L-5); X = Y = Ph, Y' = N2C3HMe2 (L-6)} yields the cationic chelate complexes, [CpRu(eta(2)-(X2PN(CHMe2) PYY')) PPh3] Cl. On the other hand, the reaction of 1 with X2PN(CHMe2)PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4(L-3)} gives the complex, [CpRu(eta(1)-L-2)(2)PPh3] Cl. Both types of complexes are formed with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4 (L-3)}. The reaction of 1 with (R),(S)-(H12C20O2) PN(CHMe2) PPh2 (L-7) yields both cationic and neutral complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)} PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(1)-(L-7)}(2)PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)}Cl]. The reactions of optically pure diphosphazane, Ph2PN(*CHMePh) PPhY (Y = Ph (L-8); Y = N2C3HMe2-3,5 (L-9)) with 1 give the neutral and cationic ruthenium complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R) PPhY)} Cl] and [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R)PPhY)} PPh3] Cl. "Chiral-at-metal" ruthenium complexes of diphosphazanes have been synthesized with high diastereoselectivity. The absolute configuration of a novel ruthenium complex, (SCSPRRu)-[(eta(5)-C5H5) Ru*{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(*CHMePh)P*Ph( N2C3HMe2-3,5))} Cl] possessing three chiral centers, is established by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)} Cl] with mono or diphosphanes in the presence of NH4PF6 yield the cationic complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)}{eta(1)-(P)}] PF6 {P = P(OMe)(3), PPh3, Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2 (n = 1 or 2)}.


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Arteries are heterogeneous, composite structures that undergo large cyclic deformations during blood transport. Presence, build-up and consequent rupture of blockages in blood vessels, called atherosclerotic plaques, lead to disruption in the blood flow that can eventually be fatal. Abnormal lipid profile and hypertension are the main risk factors for plaque progression. Treatments span from pharmacological methods, to minimally invasive balloon angioplasty and stent procedures, and finally to surgical alternatives. There is a need to understand arterial disease progression and devise methods to detect, control, treat and manage arterial disease through early intervention. Local delivery through drug eluting stents also provide an attractive option for maintaining vessel integrity and restoring blood flow while releasing controlled amount of drug to reduce and alleviate symptoms. Development of drug eluting stents is hence interesting albeit challenging because it requires an integration of knowledge of mechanical properties with material transport of drug through the arterial wall to produce a desired biochemical effect. Although experimental models are useful in studying such complex multivariate phenomena, numerical models of mass transport in the vessel have proved immensely useful to understand and delineate complex interactions between chemical species, physical parameters and biological variables. The goals of this review are to summarize literature based on studies of mass transport involving low density lipoproteins in the arterial wall. We also discuss numerical models of drug elution from stents in layered and porous arterial walls that provide a unique platform that can be exploited for the design of novel drug eluting stents.


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A new class of models which are based on adsorption, nucleation growth and their coupling is discussed. In particular, the potentiostatic response of a model that involves nucleative phase growth via direct incorporation and adsorptive discharge of metal ions on the free area is analysed for both instantaneous and progressive nucleation. This model is able to predict certain experimental features in the potentiostatic transient, like the initial fall, shoulder or maximum (as well as minimum) which have not been predicted by models analysed hitherto.Limiting behaviour for short and long times as well as a description of the above-mentioned features in terms of model parameters are given.A special case of the above model, viz. a reversible adsorption–nucleation model, wherein the adsorption is very fast, is shown to give rise to transients which can be distinguished from the pure nucleation-growth transients only by its parametric dependence, but not by the form.


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The rapidly depleting petroleum feed stocks and increasing green house gas emissions around the world has necessitated a search for alternative renewable energy sources. Hydrogen with molecular weight of 2.016 g/mol and high chemical energy per mass equal to 142 MJ/kg has clearly emerged as an alternative to hydrocarbon fuels. Means for safe and cost effective storage are needed for widespread usage of hydrogen as a fuel.Chemical storage is the one of the safer ways to store hydrogen compared to compressed and liquefied hydrogen. It involves storing hydrogen in chemical bonds in molecules and materials where an on-board reaction is used to release hydrogen. Ammonia–borane, (AB,H3N·BH3) with a potential capacity of 19.6 wt% is considered a very promising solid state hydrogen storage material. It is thermally stable at ambient temperatures. There are two major routes for the generation of H2 from AB: catalytic hydrolysis/alcoholysis and catalytic thermal decomposition. There has been a flurry of research activity on the generation of H2 from AB recently. The present review deals with an overview of our efforts in developing cost-effective nanocatalysts for hydrogen generation from ammonia borane in protic solvents.


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Photocatalysis refers to the oxidation and reduction reactions on semiconductor surfaces, mediated by the valence band holes and conduction band electrons, which are generated by the absorption of ultraviolet or visible light radiation. Photocatalysis is widely being practiced for the degradation and mineralization of hazardous organic compounds to CO2 and H2O, reduction of toxic metal ions to their non-toxic states, deactivation and destruction of water borne microorganisms, decomposition of air pollutants like volatile organic compounds, NOx, CO and NH3, degradation of waste plastics and green synthesis of industrially important chemicals. This review attempts to showcase the well established mechanism of photocatalysis, the use of photocatalysts for water and air pollution control,visible light responsive modified-TiO2 and non-TiO2 based materials for environmental and energy applications, and the importance of developing reaction kinetics for a comprehensive understanding and design of the processes.


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An in-depth understanding of biological processes often requires detailed atomic resolution structures of the molecules involved. However in solution where most of these processes occur the conformation of biomolecules like RNA, DNA and proteins is not static but fluctuates. Routinely used structural techniques like X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and cryo-electron microscopy have almost always been used to determine the structure of the dominant conformation or obtain an average structure of the biomolecule in solution with very little detailed information regarding the dynamics of these molecules in solution. Over the last few years, NMR based methods have been developed to study the dynamics of these biomolecules in solution in a site-specific manner with the aim of generating structures of the different conformations that these molecules can adopt in solution. One powerful technique is the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion experiment, which can be used to detect and characterize protein excited states that are populated for as less as 0.5% of the time with ∼0.5–10 millisecond lifetimes. Due to recent advances in NMR pulse sequences and labeling methodology, it is now possible to determine the structures of these transiently populated excited states with millisecond lifetimes by obtaining accurate chemical shifts, residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and residual chemical shift anisotropies (RCSAs) of these excited states. In these excited states the dynamics of some methyl containing residues can also be studied.


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A high-yield six-step synthesis of sequirin D (1a), a naturally occurring norlignan, is described. Michael addition of deoxyanisoin (2) to acrylonitrile gives a ketonitrile (3), which on Wolff–Kishner reduction is reduced and hyrolysed in situ to 4,5-bis-p-methoxyphenylpentanoic acid (4). Cyclodehydration of (4) with polyphosphoric acid, followed by borohydride reduction and dehydration furnishes di-O-methylsequirin D (1b) which affords on demethylation sequirin D (1a) in an overall yield from (2) of 60%. The key synthon (4) has also been prepared by three other routes.