151 resultados para high channel conductivity


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In this letter, a closed-form analytical model for temperature-dependent longitudinal diffusive lattice thermal conductivity (kappa) of a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) has been addressed. Based on the Debye theory, the second-order three-phonon Umklapp, mass difference (MD), and boundary scatterings have been incorporated to formulate. in both low-and high-temperature regimes. It is proposed that. at low temperature (T) follows the T-3 law and is independent of the second-order three-phonon Umklapp and MD scatterings. The form factor due to MD scattering also plays a key role in the significant variation of. in addition to the SWCNT length. The present diameter-independent model of. agrees well with the available experimental data on suspended intrinsic metallic SWCNTs over a wide range of temperature and can be carried forward for electrothermal analyses of CNT-based interconnects.


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Scheelite type solid electrolytes, Li(0.5)Ce(0.5-x)Ln(x)MoO(4) (x = 0 and 0.25, Ln = Pr, Sm) have been synthesized using a solid state method. Their structure and ionic conductivity (a) were obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction and ac-impedance spectroscopy, respectively. X-ray diffraction studies reveal a space group of I4(1)/a for Li(0.5)Ce(0.5-x)Ln(x)MoO(4) (x = 0 and 0.25, Ln = Pr, Sm) scheelite compounds. The unsubstituted Li0.5Ce0.5MoO4 showed lithium ion conductivity similar to 10(-5)-10(-3) Omega(-1)cm(-1) in the temperature range of 300-700 degrees C (sigma = 2.5 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1) at 700 degrees C). The substituted compounds show lower conductivity compared to the unsubstituted compound, with the magnitude of ionic conductivity being two (in the high temperature regime) to one order (in the low temperature regime) lower than the unsubstituted compound. Since these scheelite type structures show significant conductivity, the series of compounds could serve in high temperature lithium battery operations.


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Distributed Space-Time Block Codes (DSTBCs) from Complex Orthogonal Designs (CODs) (both square and non-square CODs other than the Alamouti design) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using the amplify and forward protocol. For such a network, a new class of high rate, training-symbol embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are proposed from TSE-CODs. The constructed codes include the training symbols within the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain high rate along with the SSD property. TSE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations. Non-square TSE-CODs are shown to provide better rates (in symbols per channel use) compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks when the number of relays is less than 10. Importantly, the proposed DSTBCs do not contain zeros in their codewords and as a result, antennas of the relay nodes do not undergo a sequence of switch on and off transitions within every codeword use. Hence, the proposed DSTBCs eliminate the antenna switching problem.


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Critical exponent of the electrical conductivity in the paracoherence region (gamma) of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) has been estimated for high quality thin film on ZrO2 substrate prepared by high pressure oxygen sputtering. High energy ion irradiation was carried out using 100 MeV O-16(7+) ions at liquid nitrogen to see the effects of disorder on the value of the exponent. The critical exponent from a value of about 2 to 1.62 upon irradiation. Studies were also carried film to see the effect of ageing and annealing.


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he effect of pressure on the conductivity of AgI-Ag2 O-MoO3 glasses has been reexamined. A conductivity maximum is observed around 0.7 GPa. No variation of the sample temperature is noted under pressure. The results are found to agree well with the cluster-tissue model.


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Large MIMO systems with tens of antennas in each communication terminal using full-rate non-orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC) from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) can achieve the benefits of both transmit diversity as well as high spectral efficiencies. Maximum-likelihood (ML) or near-ML decoding of these large-sized STBCs at low complexities, however, has been a challenge. In this paper, we establish that near-ML decoding of these large STBCs is possible at practically affordable low complexities. We show that the likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector, reported earlier by us for V-BLAST, is able to achieve near-ML uncoded BER performance in decoding a 32x32 STBC from CDA, which employs 32 transmit antennas and sends 32(2) = 1024 complex data symbols in 32 time slots in one STBC matrix (i.e., 32 data symbols sent per channel use). In terms of coded BER, with a 16x16 STBC, rate-3/4 turbo code and 4-QAM (i.e., 24 bps/Hz), the LAS detector performs close to within just about 4 dB from the theoretical MIMO capacity. Our results further show that, with LAS detection, information lossless (ILL) STBCs perform almost as good as full-diversity ILL (FD-ILL) STBCs. Such low-complexity detectors can potentially enable implementation of high spectral efficiency large MIMO systems that could be considered in wireless standards.


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For the number of transmit antennas N = 2(a) the maximum rate (in complex symbols per channel use) of all the Quasi-Orthogonal Designs (QODs) reported in the literature is a/2(a)-1. In this paper, we report double-symbol-decodable Space-Time Block Codes with rate a-1/2(a)-2 for N = 2(a) transmit antennas. In particular, our code for 8 and 16 transmit antennas offer rates 1 and 3/4 respectively, the known QODs offer only 3/4 and 1/2 respectively. Our construction is based on the representations of Clifford algebras and applicable for any number of transmit antennas. We study the diversity sum and diversity product of our codes. We show that our diversity sum is larger than that of all known QODs and hence our codes perform better than the comparable QODs at low SNRs for identical spectral efficiency. We provide simulation results for various spectral efficiencies.


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Recently, we reported a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detection algorithm for large MIMO systems with several tens of antennas that can achieve high spectral efficiencies of the order of tens to hundreds of bps/Hz. Through simulations, we showed that this algorithm achieves increasingly near SISO AWGN performance for increasing number of antennas in Lid. Rayleigh fading. However, no bit error performance analysis of the algorithm was reported. In this paper, we extend our work on this low-complexity large MIMO detector in two directions: i) We report an asymptotic bit error probability analysis of the LAS algorithm in the large system limit, where N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r, where N-t and N-r are the number of transmit and receive antennas, respectively. Specifically, we prove that the error performance of the LAS detector for V-BLAST with 4-QAM in i.i.d. Rayleigh fading converges to that of the maximum-likelihood (ML) detector as N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r ii) We present simulated BER and nearness to capacity results for V-BLAST as well as high-rate non-orthogonal STBC from Division Algebras (DA), in a more realistic spatially correlated MIMO channel model. Our simulation results show that a) at an uncoded BER of 10(-3), the performance of the LAS detector in decoding 16 x 16 STBC from DA with N-t = = 16 and 16-QAM degrades in spatially correlated fading by about 7 dB compared to that in i.i.d. fading, and 19) with a rate-3/4 outer turbo code and 48 bps/Hz spectral efficiency, the performance degrades by about 6 dB at a coded BER of 10(-4). Our results further show that providing asymmetry in number of antennas such that N-r > N-t keeping the total receiver array length same as that for N-r = N-t, the detector is able to pick up the extra receive diversity thereby significantly improving the BER performance.


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In this paper we propose to study the evolution of the quantum corrections to the conductivity in an oxide system as we approach the metal-insulator (M-I) transition from the metallic side. We report here the measurement of the low-temperature (0.1 Kconductivity of the perovskite-structure oxide system LaNi1-x CoxO3 (0?x?0.75). LaNiO3 is a metal and LaCoO3 is an insulator. The system is metallic for x?0.65. For all x, at low temperatures, the conductivity (?) rises with temperature (T). Below 2 K, ? follows a power-law behavior, ?(T)=?(0)+?Tm. For samples in the metallic regime, away from the metal-insulator transition (x?0.4), m?0.3�0.4. As the transition is approached [i.e., ?(0)?0], m increases rapidly; and at the transition [?(0)=0, xc?0.65], m?1. On the insulating side (x>0.65), m takes on large values and ?(0)=0. We explain the temperature dependence of ?(T), for T<2 K, on the metallic side (x?0.4), as arising predominantly from electron-electron interactions, taking into account the diffusion-channel contribution (which gives m=0.5) as well as the Cooper-channel contribution. In this regime, the correction to conductivity, ??(T), is a small fraction of ?(T). However, as the M-I transition is approached (x?xc), ??(T) starts to dominate ?(T) and the above theories fail to explain the observed ?(T).


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Post-irradiation studies have been carried out to elucidate the effects of electron beam irradiation on the structural, optical, dielectric, and thermal properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) films. The experimental results showed that both the optical band gap and activation energy of HDPE films decreases with an increase in the doses of electron radiation. The electrical measurements showed that dielectric constant and the ac conductivity of HDPE increases with an increase in the dose of electron radiation. The thermal analysis carried out using DSC and TGA revealed that the melting temperature, degree of crystallinity, and thermal stability of the HDPE films increased, obviously, due to the predominant cross-linking reaction following high doses of electron irradiation.


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The amount of data contained in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings is quite massive and this places constraints on bandwidth and storage. The requirement of online transmission of data needs a scheme that allows higher performance with lower computation. Single channel algorithms, when applied on multichannel EEG data fail to meet this requirement. While there have been many methods proposed for multichannel ECG compression, not much work appears to have been done in the area of multichannel EEG. compression. In this paper, we present an EEG compression algorithm based on a multichannel model, which gives higher performance compared to other algorithms. Simulations have been performed on both normal and pathological EEG data and it is observed that a high compression ratio with very large SNR is obtained in both cases. The reconstructed signals are found to match the original signals very closely, thus confirming that diagnostic information is being preserved during transmission.


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We consider a time division duplex multiple-input multiple-output (nt × nr MIMO). Using channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter, singular value decomposition (SVD) of the channel matrix is performed. This transforms the MIMO channel into parallel subchannels, but has a low overall diversity order. Hence, we propose X-Codes which achieve a higher diversity order by pairing the subchannels, prior to SVD preceding. In particular, each pair of information symbols is encoded by a fixed 2 × 2 real rotation matrix. X-Codes can be decoded using nr very low complexity two-dimensional real sphere decoders. Error probability analysis for X-Codes enables us to choose the optimal pairing and the optimal rotation angle for each pair. Finally, we show that our new scheme outperforms other low complexity precoding schemes.


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A scheme to apply the rate-1 real orthogonal designs (RODs) in relay networks with single real-symbol decodability of the symbols at the destination for any arbitrary number of relays is proposed. In the case where the relays do not have any information about the channel gains from the source to themselves, the best known distributed space time block codes (DSTBCs) for k relays with single real-symbol decodability offer an overall rate of complex symbols per channel use. The scheme proposed in this paper offers an overall rate of 2/2+k complex symbol per channel use, which is independent of the number of relays. Furthermore, in the scenario where the relays have partial channel information in the form of channel phase knowledge, the best known DSTBCs with single real-symbol decodability offer an overall rate of 1/3 complex symbols per channel use. In this paper, making use of RODs, a scheme which achieves the same overall rate of 1/3 complex symbols per channel use but with a decoding delay that is 50 percent of that of the best known DSTBCs, is presented. Simulation results of the symbol error rate performance for 10 relays, which show the superiority of the proposed scheme over the best known DSTBC for 10 relays with single real-symbol decodability, are provided.


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The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solution Nd0.7Sr0.3Fe1-xCoxO3 for 0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.8 were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudo-cubic lattice constant decreased continuously with x. The average linear thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) in the temperature range from 573 to 973 K was found to increase with x. The thermal expansion curves for all values of x displayed rapid increase in slope at high temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with x for the entire temperature range of measurement. The calculated activation energy values indicate that electrical conduction takes place primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for the divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B-site (in preference to Co4+ ions) and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice for low values of x. The large increase in the conductivity with x in the range from 0.6 to 0.8 is attributed to the substitution of Fe4+ ions by Co4+ ions. The Fe site has a lower small polaron site energy than Co and hence behaves like a carrier trap, thereby drastically reducing the conductivity. The non-linear behaviour in the dependence of log sigmaT with reciprocal temperature can be attributed to the generation of additional charge carriers with increasing temperature by the charge disproportionation of Co3+ ions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) and SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films were prepared by laser ablation technique. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage, ferroelectric hysteresis and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after 50 MeV Li3+ ion irradiation. In both thin films, the irradiation produced some amount of amorphisation, considerable degradation in the ferroelectric properties and change in DC conductivity. On irradiation of these thin films, the phase transition temperature [T-c] of PZT decreased considerably from 628 to 508 K, while SBT exhibited a broad and diffuse transition with its T-c decreased from 573 to 548 K. The capacitance-voltage curve at 100 kHz showed a double butterfly loop with a large decrease in the capacitance and switching voltage. There was decrease in the ferroelectric hysteresis loop, remanant polarisation and coercive field. After annealing at a temperature of 673 K for 10 min while PZT partially regained the ferroelectric properties, while SBT did not. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region in irradiated SBT. The degradation of ferroelectric properties of the irradiated thin films is attributed to the irradiation-induced partial amorphization and the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges. The regaining of properties after annealing is attributed to the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.