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With a view towards optimizing gas storage and separation in crystalline and disordered nanoporous carbon-based materials, we use ab initio density functional theory calculations to explore the effect of chemical functionalization on gas binding to exposed edges within model carbon nanostructures. We test the geometry, energetics, and charge distribution of in-plane and out-of-plane binding of CO2 and CH4 to model zigzag graphene nanoribbons edge-functionalized with COOH, OH, NH2, H2PO3, NO2, and CH3. Although different choices for the exchange-correlation functional lead to a spread of values for the binding energy, trends across the functional groups are largely preserved for each choice, as are the final orientations of the adsorbed gas molecules. We find binding of CO2 to exceed that of CH4 by roughly a factor of two. However, the two gases follow very similar trends with changes in the attached functional group, despite different molecular symmetries. Our results indicate that the presence of NH2, H2PO3, NO2, and COOH functional groups can significantly enhance gas binding, making the edges potentially viable binding sites in materials with high concentrations of edge carbons. To first order, in-plane binding strength correlates with the larger permanent and induced dipole moments on these groups. Implications for tailoring carbon structures for increased gas uptake and improved CO2/CH4 selectivity are discussed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4736568]


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A combination of ab initio and classical Monte Carlo simulations is used to investigate the effects of functional groups on methane binding. Using Moller-Plesset (MP2) calculations, we obtain the binding energies for benzene functionalized with NH2, OH, CH3, COOH, and H2PO3 and identify the methane binding sites. In all cases, the preferred binding sites are located above the benzene plane in the vicinity of the benzene carbon atom attached to the functional group. Functional groups enhance methane binding relative to benzene (-6.39 kJ/mol), with the largest enhancement observed for H2PO3 (-8.37 kJ/mol) followed by COOH and CH3 (-7.77 kJ/mol). Adsorption isotherms are obtained for edge-functionalized bilayer graphene nanoribbons using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations with a five-site methane model. Adsorbed excess and heats of adsorption for pressures up to 40 bar and 298 K are obtained with functional group concentrations ranging from 3.125 to 6.25 mol 96 for graphene edges functionalized with OH, NH2, and COOH. The functional groups are found to act as preferred adsorption sites, and in the case of COOH the local methane density in the vicinity of the functional group is found to exceed that of bare graphene. The largest enhancement of 44.5% in the methane excess adsorbed is observed for COOH-functionalized nanoribbons when compared to H terminated ribbons. The corresponding enhancements for OH- and NH2-functionalized ribbons are 10.5% and 3.7%, respectively. The excess adsorption across functional groups reflects the trends observed in the binding energies from MP2 calculations. Our study reveals that specific site functionalization can have a significant effect on the local adsorption characteristics and can be used as a design strategy to tailor materials with enhanced methane storage capacity.


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The heat of adsorption of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, R-507a and R-134a on several specimens of microporous activated carbons is derived from experimental adsorption data fitted to the Dubinin-Astakhov equation. These adsorption results are compared with literature data obtained from calorimetric measurements and from the pressure-temperature relation during isosteric heating/cooling. Because the adsorbed phase volume plays an important role, its dependence on temperature and pressure needs to be correctly assessed. In addition, for super-critical gas adsorption, the evaluation of the pseudo-saturation pressure also needs a judicious treatment. Based on the evaluation of carbon dioxide adsorption, it can be seen that sub-critical and super-critical adsorption show different temperature dependences of the isosteric heat of adsorption. The temperature and loading dependence of this property needs to be taken into account while designing practical systems. Some practical implications of these findings are enumerated.


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Nanostructured Pd-modified Ni/CeO2 catalyst was synthesized in a single step by solution combustion method and characterized by XRD, TEM, XPS, TPR and BET surface analyzer techniques. The catalytic performance of this compound was investigated by performing the water gas shift (WGS) and catalytic hydrogen combustion (CHC) reaction. The present compound is highly active and selective (100%) toward H-2 production for the WGS reaction. A lack of CO methanation activity is an important finding of present study and this is attributed to the ionic substitution of Pd and Ni species in CeO2. The creation of oxide vacancies due to ionic substitution of aliovalent ions induces dissociation of H2O that is responsible for the improved catalytic activity for WGS reaction. The combined H-2-TPR and XPS results show a synergism exists among Pd, Ni and ceria support. The redox reaction mechanism was used to correlate experimental data for the WGS reaction and a mechanism involving the interaction of adsorbed H-2 and O-2 through the hydroxyl species was proposed for CHC reaction. The parity plot shows a good correspondence between the experimental and predicted reaction rates. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Earlier studies have indicated that variability in size, surface texture and charge greatly influence the contaminant removal process in granular media. Based on surface characteristics of montmorillonite, it is anticipated that small addition of this clay would increase adhesion sites for bacterial growth and extracellular polymer production in the slow sand filter and thereby enhance its contaminant removal ability. Experiments were performed by permeating groundwater contaminated with pathogens (total coliform and E. Coli) and inorganic contaminants through the bentonite amended slow sand filter (BASSF). Surprisingly, the BASSF retained inorganic contaminants besides pathogens. Water-leach tests (pH of water leachate ranged from 2 to 9) with spent BASSF specimen indicated that the inorganic contaminants are irreversibly adsorbed to a large extent. It is considered that the combined effects of enhanced-organic matter mediated adhesion sites and increased hydraulic retention time enables the BASSF specimen to retain inorganic contaminants. It is envisaged that BASSF filters could find use in treating contaminated groundwater for potable needs at household and community level.


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Sequential adsorption of CO and NO as well as equimolar NO + CO reaction with variation of temperature over Pd2+ ion-substituted CeO2 and Ce0.75Sn0.25O2 supports has been studied by DRIFTS technique. The results are compared with 2 at.% Pd/Al2O3 containing Pd-0. Both linear and bridging Pd-0-CO bands are observed over 2 at.% Pd/Al2O3. But, band positions are shifted to higher frequencies in Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta and Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta catalysts that could be associated with Pd delta+-CO species. In contrast, a Pd2+-CO band at 2160 cm(-1) is observed upon CO adsorption over Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta and Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta catalysts pre-adsorbed with NO and a Pd+-CO band at 2120 cm(-1) is slowly developed on Ce(0.73)Srl(0.25)Pd(0.02)O(2-delta) over time. An intense linear Pd-0-NO band at 1750 cm(-1) found upon NO exposure to CO pre-adsorbed 2 at.% Pd/Al2O3 indicates molecular adsorption of NO. On the other hand, a weak Pd2+-NO band at 1850 cm(-1) is noticed after NO exposure to Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta catalyst pre-adsorbed with CO indicating dissociative adsorption of NO which is crucial for NO reduction. Pd-0-NO band is initially formed over CO pre-adsorbed Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta which is red-shifted over time along with formation of Pd2+-NO band. Several intense bands related to nitrates and nitrites are observed after exposure of NO to fresh as well as CO pre-adsorbed Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta and Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta catalysts. Ramping the temperature in a DRIFTS cell upon NO and CO adsorption shows the formation of N2O and NCO surface species, and N2O-formation temperature is comparable with the reaction done in a reactor.


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Resonance Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool for detecting and identifying analytes, but the associated strong fluorescence background severely limits the use of the technique. Here, we show that by attaching beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) cavities to reduced graphene-oxide (rGO) sheets we obtain a water dispersible material (beta-CD: rGO) that combines the hydrophobicity associated with rGO with that of the cyclodextrin cavities and provides a versatile platform for resonance Raman detection. Planar aromatic and dye molecules that adsorb on the rGO domains and nonplanar molecules included within the tethered beta-CD cavities have their fluorescence effectively quenched. We show that it is possible using the water dispersible beta-CD: rGO sheets to record the resonance Raman spectra of adsorbed and included organic chromophores directly in aqueous media without having to extract or deposit on a substrate. This is significant, as it allows us to identify and estimate organic analytes present in water by resonance Raman spectroscopy.


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Bare faceted gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have a tendency to aggregate through a preferred attachment of the 111] surfaces. We have used fully atomistic classical molecular dynamics simulations to obtain a quantitative estimate of this surface interaction using umbrella sampling (US) at various temperatures. To tune this surface interaction, we use polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer to coat the gold surface under various conditions. We observe a spontaneous adsorption of the protonated as well as nonprotonated PAMAM dendrimer on the AuNP surface. The adsorbed dendrimer on the nanoparticle surface strongly alters the interaction between the nanoparticles. We calculate the interaction between dendrimercoated AuNPs using US and show how the interaction between two bare faceted AuNPs can be tuned as a function of dendrimer concentration and charge (pH dependent) With appropriate choice of the dendrimer concentration and charge, two strongly interacting AuNPs can be made effectively noninteracting. Our simulation results demonstrate a strategy to tune the nanoparticle interaction, which can help in engineering self-assembly of such nanoparticles.


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This research paper presents the first results on the protein adsorption and release kinetics and in vitro biodegradability of cryogenically cured hydroxyapatite-gelatin based micro/macroporous scaffolds (CHAMPS). While the adsorption and release of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein exhibits steady state behavior over an incubation period of up to 10 days, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis importantly confirms the absence of any change in the secondary structure of BSA proteins due to interaction with the CHAMPS scaffold. The compression properties of the CHAMPS scaffold with interconnected porosity (pore size similar to 50-200 mm) is characterized by a non-linear stress-strain response with a strength close to 5 MPa and a maximum strain of up to 24%. The slow but systematic increase in weight loss over a period of 7 days as well as apatite layer formation indicates its good bioactivity. The extensive micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis establishes cancellous bone-like highly interconnected and complex porous architecture of the CHAMPS scaffold. Importantly, the excellent adsorption (up to 50%) and release (up to 60% of adsorbed protein) of BSA has been uniquely attributed to the inherent porous microstructure of the CHAMPS scaffold. Overall, the present study provides an assessment of the interaction of protein with the gelatin-hydroxyapatite macroporous scaffold in vitro, as well as reporting for the first time the efficacy of such scaffolds to release 60% of BSA loaded onto the scaffold in vitro, which is significantly higher than earlier literature reports.


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The rather low scattering or extinction efficiency of small nanoparticles, metallic and otherwise, is significantly enhanced when they are adsorbed on a larger core particle. But the photoabsorption by particles with varying surface area fractions on a larger core particle is found to be limited by saturation. It is found that the core-shell particle can have a lower absorption efficiency than a dielectric core with its surface partially nucleated with absorbing particles-an ``incomplete nanoshell'' particle. We have both numerically and experimentally studied the optical efficiencies of titania (TiO2) nucleated in various degrees on silica (SiO2) nanospheres. We show that optimal surface nucleation over cores of appropriate sizes and optical properties will have a direct impact on the applications exploiting the absorption and scattering properties of such composite particles.


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Ceria, because of its excellent redox behavior and oxygen storage capacity, is used as a catalyst for several technologically important reactions. In the present study, different morphologies of nano-CeO2 (rods, cubes, octahedra) were synthesized using the hydrothermal route. An ultrafast microwave-assisted method was used to efficiently attach Pt particles to the CeO2 polyhedra. These nanohybrids were tested as catalysts for the CO oxidation reaction. The CeO2/Pt catalyst with nanorods as the support was found to be the most active catalyst. XPS and IR spectroscopy measurements were carried out in order to obtain a mechanistic understanding and it was observed that the adsorbed carbonates with lower stability on the reactive planes of nanorods and cubes are the major contributor to this enhanced catalytic activity.


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Experimental adsorption data of difluoromethane (HFC-32) on activated carbon in powder (ACP) and fiber (ACF) forms over a range of (25 to 75) degrees C and pressures up to 1400 kPa are reported. The data are fitted to Toth and Dubinin-Astakhov isotherm equations. Adsorbed phase volume is derived from the data. Isosteric heats of adsorption are extracted, and their dependence on relative loading and relative pressure is analyzed.


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Metallacarboranes are promising towards realizing room temperature hydrogen storage media because of the presence of both transition metal and carbon atoms. In metallacarborane clusters, the transition metal adsorbs hydrogen molecules and carbon can link these clusters to form metal organic framework, which can serve as a complete storage medium. Using first principles density functional calculations, we chalk out the underlying principles of designing an efficient metallacarborane based hydrogen storage media. The storage capacity of hydrogen depends upon the number of available transition metal d-orbitals, number of carbons, and dopant atoms in the cluster. These factors control the amount of charge transfer from metal to the cluster, thereby affecting the number of adsorbed hydrogen molecules. This correlation between the charge transfer and storage capacity is general in nature, and can be applied to designing efficient hydrogen storage systems. Following this strategy, a search for the best metallacarborane was carried out in which Sc based monocarborane was found to be the most promising H-2 sorbent material with a 9 wt.% of reversible storage at ambient pressure and temperature. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We demonstrate observation of Raman signals of different analytes adsorbed on carbonaceous materials, such as, chemically reduced graphene, graphene oxide (GO), multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), graphite and activated carbon. The analytes selected for the study were Rhodamine 6G (R6G) (in resonant conditions), Rhodamine B (RB), Nile blue (NBA), Crystal Violet (CV) and acetaminophen (paracetamol). All the analytes except paracetamol absorb and fluoresce in the visible region. In this article we provide experimental evidence of the fact that observation of Raman signals of analytes on such carbonaceous materials are more due to resonance effect, suppression of fluorescence and efficient adsorption and that this property in not unique to graphene or nanotubes but prevalent for various type of carbon materials.


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Bentonite in slurry walls needs to be amended with organo-clay to control the migration of organic contaminants. Consolidation behaviour of the slurry is important because it will reduce the total effective stress owing to mobilisation of frictional force between the side wall of the trench and the slurry. Compressibility of the slurry of bentonite is expected to undergo significant changes owing to amendment with organo-clay and according to the nature of the fluid. Standard one-dimensional consolidation tests were carried out on slurries of bentonite, organo-clay and their mixtures by remoulding them to their respective liquid limit consistency with water as well as fluids of low polarity, such as carbon tetrachloride, and inundating with different fluids. Organo-clay and its mixture with bentonite when moulded with water exhibit lower compressibility than bentonite in any pore fluid, but their compressibility increases when moulded with carbon tetrachloride and inundated with the same fluid. These changes in the compressibility of bentonite amended with organo-clay are explained by particle rearrangements, changes in the development of the diffuse double layer and contribution from the water adsorbed in the inter-lamellar space of the clay.