107 resultados para Trace form


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The study presents a 3-year time series data on dissolved trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) in a monsoon-dominated river basin, the Nethravati River in tropical Southwestern India. The river basin lies on the metamorphic transition boundary which separates the Peninsular Gneiss and Southern Granulitic province belonging to Archean and Tertiary-Quaternary period (Western Dharwar Craton). The basin lithology is mainly composed of granite gneiss, charnockite and metasediment. This study highlights the importance of time series data for better estimation of metal fluxes and to understand the geochemical behaviour of metals in a river basin. The dissolved trace elements show seasonality in the river water metal concentrations forming two distinct groups of metals. First group is composed of heavy metals and minor elements that show higher concentrations during dry season and lesser concentrations during the monsoon season. Second group is composed of metals belonging to lanthanides and actinides with higher concentration in the monsoon and lower concentrations during the dry season. Although the metal concentration of both the groups appears to be controlled by the discharge, there are important biogeochemical processes affecting their concentration. This includes redox reactions (for Fe, Mn, As, Mo, Ba and Ce) and pH-mediated adsorption/desorption reactions (for Ni, Co, Cr, Cu and REEs). The abundance of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides as a result of redox processes could be driving the geochemical redistribution of metals in the river water. There is a Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*) at different time periods, both negative and positive, in case of dissolved phase, whereas there is positive anomaly in the particulate and bed sediments. The Ce anomaly correlates with the variations in the dissolved oxygen indicating the redistribution of Ce between particulate and dissolved phase under acidic to neutral pH and lower concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. Unlike other tropical and major world rivers, the effect of organic complexation on metal variability is negligible in the Nethravati River water.


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We characterize the eigenfunctions of an equilateral triangle billiard in terms of its nodal domains. The number of nodal domains has a quadratic form in terms of the quantum numbers, with a non-trivial number-theoretic factor. The patterns of the eigenfunctions follow a group-theoretic connection in a way that makes them predictable as one goes from one state to another. Extensive numerical investigations bring out the distribution functions of the mode number and signed areas. The statistics of the boundary intersections is also treated analytically. Finally, the distribution functions of the nodal loop count and the nodal counting function are shown to contain information about the classical periodic orbits using the semiclassical trace formula. We believe that the results belong generically to non-separable systems, thus extending the previous works which are concentrated on separable and chaotic systems.


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Transport of charge carriers through conjugated polymers is strongly influenced by the presence and distribution of structural disorders. In the present work, structural defects caused by the presence of torsional.. angle were investigated in a diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based conjugated polymer. Two new copolymers of DPP were synthesized with varying torsional angles to trace the role of structural disorder. The optical properties of these copolymers in solution and thin film reveal the strong influence of torsional angle on their photophysical properties. A strong influence was observed on carrier transport properties of polymers in organic field-effect transistors (OFET) device geometry. The polymers based on phenyl DPP with higher torsional angle (PPTDPP-OD-TEG) resulted in high threshold voltage with less charge carrier mobility as compared to the polymer based on thiophene DPP (2DPP-OD-TEG) bearing a lower torsional angle. Carrier mobility and the molecular orientation of the conjugated polymers were correlated on the basis of grazing incidence X-ray scattering measurements showing the strong role of torsional angle introduced in the form of structural disorder. The results presented in this Article provide a deep insight into the sensitivity of structural disorder and its impact on the device performance of DPP-based conjugated polymers.


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A regular secondary structure is described by a well defined set of values for the backbone dihedral angles (phi,psi and omega) in a polypeptide chain. However in real protein structures small local variations give rise to distortions from the ideal structures, which can lead to considerable variation in higher order organization. Protein structure analysis and accurate assignment of various structural elements, especially their terminii, are important first step in protein structure prediction and design. Various algorithms are available for assigning secondary structure elements in proteins but some lacunae still exist. In this study, results of a recently developed in-house program ASSP have been compared with those from STRIDE, in identification of alpha-helical regions in both globular and membrane proteins. It is found that, while a combination of hydrogen bond patterns and backbone torsional angles (phi-psi) are generally used to define secondary structure elements, the geometry of the C-alpha atom trace by itself is sufficient to define the parameters of helical structures in proteins. It is also possible to differentiate the various helical structures by their C-alpha trace and identify the deviations occurring both at mid-positions as well as at the terminii of alpha-helices, which often lead to occurrence of 3(10) and pi-helical fragments in both globular and membrane proteins.


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Protein aggregation, linked to many of diseases, is initiated when monomers access rogue conformations that are poised to form amyloid fibrils. We show, using simulations of src SH3 domain, that mechanical force enhances the population of the aggregation-prone (N*) states, which are rarely populated under force free native conditions but are encoded in the spectrum of native fluctuations. The folding phase diagrams of SH3 as a function of denaturant concentration (C]), mechanical force (f), and temperature exhibit an apparent two-state behavior, without revealing the presence of the elusive N* states. Interestingly, the phase boundaries separating the folded and unfolded states at all C] and f fall on a master curve, which can be quantitatively described using an analogy to superconductors in a magnetic field. The free energy profiles as a function of the molecular extension (R), which are accessible in pulling experiments, (R), reveal the presence of a native-like N* with a disordered solvent-exposed amino-terminal beta-strand. The structure of the N* state is identical with that found in Fyn SH3 by NMR dispersion experiments. We show that the timescale for fibril formation can be estimated from the population of the N* state, determined by the free energy gap separating the native structure and the N* state, a finding that can be used to assess fibril forming tendencies of proteins. The structures of the N* state are used to show that oligomer formation and likely route to fibrils occur by a domain-swap mechanism in SH3 domain. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We calculate one, two and three point functions of the holographic stress tensor for any bulk Lagrangian of the form L (g(ab), R-abcd, del(e) R-abcd). Using the first law of entanglement, a simple method has recently been proposed to compute the holographic stress tensor arising from a higher derivative gravity dual. The stress tensor is proportional to a dimension dependent factor which depends on the higher derivative couplings. In this paper, we identify this proportionality constant with a B-type trace anomaly in even dimensions for any bulk Lagrangian of the above form. This in turn relates to C-T, the coefficient appearing in the two point function of stress tensors. We use a background field method to compute the two and three point function of stress tensors for any bulk Lagrangian of the above form in arbitrary dimensions. As an application we consider general situations where eta/s for holographic plasmas is less than the KSS bound.


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Motivated by the recent proposal for the S-matrix in AdS(3) x S-3 with mixed three form fluxes, we study classical folded string spinning in AdS(3) with both Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz three form fluxes. We solve the equations of motion of these strings and obtain their dispersion relation to the leading order in the Neveu-Schwarz flux b. We show that dispersion relation for the spinning strings with large spin S acquires a term given by -root lambda/2 pi b(2) log(2) S in addition to the usual root lambda/pi log S term where root lambda is proportional to the square of the radius of AdS(3). Using SO(2, 2) transformations and re-parmetrizations we show that these spinning strings can be related to light like Wilson loops in AdS(3) with Neveu-Schwarz flux b. We observe that the logarithmic divergence in the area of the light like Wilson loop is also deformed by precisely the same coefficient of the b(2) log(2) S term in the dispersion relation of the spinning string. This result indicates that the coefficient of b(2) log(2) S has a property similar to the coefficient of the log S term, known as cusp-anomalous dimension, and can possibly be determined to all orders in the coupling lambda using the recent proposal for the S-matrix.


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In this paper, the free vibration of a rotating Euler-Bernoulli beam is studied using an inverse problem approach. We assume a polynomial mode shape function for a particular mode, which satisfies all the four boundary conditions of a rotating beam, along with the internal nodes. Using this assumed mode shape function, we determine the linear mass and fifth order stiffness variations of the beam which are typical of helicopter blades. Thus, it is found that an infinite number of such beams exist whose fourth order governing differential equation possess a closed form solution for certain polynomial variations of the mass and stiffness, for both cantilever and pinned-free boundary conditions corresponding to hingeless and articulated rotors, respectively. A detailed study is conducted for the first, second and third modes of a rotating cantilever beam and the first and second elastic modes of a rotating pinned-free beam, and on how to pre-select the internal nodes such that the closed-form solutions exist for these cases. The derived results can be used as benchmark solutions for the validation of rotating beam numerical methods and may also guide nodal tailoring. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For a domain Omega in C and an operator T in B-n(Omega), Cowen and Douglas construct a Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-T over Omega corresponding to T. The Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-T is obtained as a pull-back of the tautological bundle S(n, H) defined over by Gr(n, H) a nondegenerate holomorphic map z bar right arrow ker(T - z), z is an element of Omega. To find the answer to the converse, Cowen and Douglas studied the jet bundle in their foundational paper. The computations in this paper for the curvature of the jet bundle are rather intricate. They have given a set of invariants to determine if two rank n Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle are equivalent. These invariants are complicated and not easy to compute. It is natural to expect that the equivalence of Hermitian holomorphic jet bundles should be easier to characterize. In fact, in the case of the Hermitian holomorphic jet bundle J(k)(L-f), we have shown that the curvature of the line bundle L-f completely determines the class of J(k)(L-f). In case of rank Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-f, We have calculated the curvature of jet bundle J(k)(E-f) and also obtained a trace formula for jet bundle J(k)(E-f).


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Matrix metalloproteinases expression is used as biomarker for various cancers and associated malignancies. Since these proteinases can cleave many intracellular proteins, overexpression tends to be toxic; hence, a challenge to purify them. To overcome these limitations, we designed a protocol where full length pro-MMP2 enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies and purified using 6xHis affinity chromatography under denaturing conditions. In one step, the enzyme was purified and refolded directly on the affinity matrix under redox conditions to obtain a bioactive protein. The pro-MMP2 protein was characterized by mass spectrometry, CD spectroscopy, zymography and activity analysis using a simple in-house developed `form invariant' assay, which reports the total MMP2 activity independent of its various forms. The methodology yielded higher yields of bioactive protein compared to other strategies reported till date, and we anticipate that using the protocol, other toxic proteins can also be overexpressed and purified from E. coli and subsequently refolded into active form using a one step renaturation protocol.


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Motivated by the discrepancies noted recently between the theoretical calculations of the electromagnetic omega pi form factor and certain experimental data, we investigate this form factor using analyticity and unitarity in a framework known as the method of unitarity bounds. We use a QCD correlator computed on the spacelike axis by operator product expansion and perturbative QCD as input, and exploit unitarity and the positivity of its spectral function, including the two-pion contribution that can be reliably calculated using high-precision data on the pion form factor. From this information, we derive upper and lower bounds on the modulus of the omega pi form factor in the elastic region. The results provide a significant check on those obtained with standard dispersion relations, confirming the existence of a disagreement with experimental data in the region around 0.6 GeV.


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FtsE is one of the earliest cell division proteins that assembles along with FtsX at the mid-cell site during cell division in Escherichia coli. Both these proteins are highly conserved across diverse bacterial genera and are predicted to constitute an ABC transporter type complex, in which FtsE is predicted to bind ATP and hydrolyse it, and FtsX is predicted to be an integral membrane protein. We had earlier reported that the MtFtsE of the human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, binds ATP and interacts with MtFtsX on the cell membrane of M. tuberculosis and E. coli. In this study, we demonstrate that MtFtsE is an ATPase, the active form of which is a dimer, wherein the participating monomers are held together by non-covalent interactions, with the Cys84 of each monomer present at the dimer interface. Under oxidising environment, the dimer gets stabilised by the formation of Cys84-Cys84 disulphide bond. While the recombinant MtFtsE forms a dimer on the membrane of E. coli, the native MtFtsE seems to be in a different conformation in the M. tuberculosis membrane. Although disulphide bridges were not observed on the cytoplasmic side (reducing environment) of the membrane, the two participating monomers could be isolated as dimers held together by non-covalent interactions. Taken together, these findings show that MtFtsE is an ATPase in the non-covalent dimer form, with the Cys84 of each monomer present in the reduced form at the dimer interface, without participating in the dimerisation or the catalytic activity of the protein.


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A first-principles study was carried out to investigate the stability of the crystal structure of beta-form belite (beta-C2S) substituted by Sr atoms as trace impurities for Ca atoms in CaOx polyhedra. The effect of the connection types of CaOx polyhedral, in the form of common-edge bond and common-face bond, upon the crystal stability is described. The Ca-Ca interatomic distance closely relates to the hydraulic activity of beta-C2S. The beta-C2S substituted by an Sr atom for Ca(1) atoms having seven Ca-O bonds is energetically more stable than that substituted by an Sr atom for Ca(2) atoms having eight Ca-O bonds. The Sr-doped beta-C2S having a common face bond with SrOx polyhedra is energetically more favorable and results in structural stability compared with that having a common edge bond with SrOx polyhedra.


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Dynamic analysis techniques have been proposed to detect potential deadlocks. Analyzing and comprehending each potential deadlock to determine whether the deadlock is feasible in a real execution requires significant programmer effort. Moreover, empirical evidence shows that existing analyses are quite imprecise. This imprecision of the analyses further void the manual effort invested in reasoning about non-existent defects. In this paper, we address the problems of imprecision of existing analyses and the subsequent manual effort necessary to reason about deadlocks. We propose a novel approach for deadlock detection by designing a dynamic analysis that intelligently leverages execution traces. To reduce the manual effort, we replay the program by making the execution follow a schedule derived based on the observed trace. For a real deadlock, its feasibility is automatically verified if the replay causes the execution to deadlock. We have implemented our approach as part of WOLF and have analyzed many large (upto 160KLoC) Java programs. Our experimental results show that we are able to identify 74% of the reported defects as true (or false) positives automatically leaving very few defects for manual analysis. The overhead of our approach is negligible making it a compelling tool for practical adoption.


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Carboxylic acids, amides and imides are key organic systems which provide understanding of molecular recognition and binding phenomena important in biological and pharmaceutical settings. In this context, studies of their mutual interactions and compatibility through co-crystallization may pave the way for greater understanding and new applications of their combinations. Extensive co-crystallization studies are available for carboxylic acid/amide combinations, but only a few examples of carboxylic acid/imide co-crystals are currently observed in the literature. The non-formation of co-crystals for carboxylic acid/imide combinations has previously been rationalized, based on steric and computed stability factors. In the light of the growing awareness of eutectic mixtures as an alternative outcome in co-crystallization experiments, the nature of various benzoic acid/cyclic imide combinations is established in this paper. Since an additional functional group can provide sites for new intermolecular interactions and, potentially, promote supramolecular growth into a co-crystal, benzoic acids decorated with one or more hydroxyl groups have been systematically screened for co-crystallization with one unsaturated and two saturated cyclic imides. The facile formation of an abundant number of hydroxybenzoic acid/cyclic carboximide co-crystals is reported, including polymorphic and variable stoichiometry co-crystals. In the cases where co-crystals did not form, the combinations are shown invariably to result in eutectics. The presence or absence and geometric disposition of hydroxyl functionality on benzoic acid is thus found to drive the formation of co- crystals or eutectics for the studied carboxylic acid/imide combinations.