385 resultados para Sink nodes


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We show that data from recent experiments carried out on the kinetics of DNA escape from alpha-hemolysin nanopores [M. Wiggin, C. Tropini, C. T. Cossa, N. N. Jetha, and A. Marziali, Biophys. J. 95, 5317 (2008)] may be rationalized by a model of chain dynamics based on the anomalous diffusion of a particle moving in a harmonic well in the presence of a delta function sink. The experiments of Wiggin found, among other things, that the occasional occurrence of unusually long escape times in the distribution of chain trapping events led to nonexponential decays in the survival probability, S(t), of the DNA molecules within the nanopore. Wiggin ascribed this nonexponentiality to the existence of a distribution of trapping potentials, which they suggested was theresult of stochastic interactions between the bases of the DNA and the amino acids located on the surface of the nanopore. Based on this idea, they showed that the experimentally determined S(t) could be well fit in both the short and long time regimes by a function of the form (1+t/tau)(-alpha) (the so called Becquerel function). In our model, S(t) is found to be given by a Mittag-Leffler function at short times and by a generalized Mittag-Leffler function at long times. By suitable choice of certain parameter values, these functions are found to fit the experimental S(t) even better than the Becquerel function. Anomalous diffusion of DNA within the trap prior to escape over a barrier of fixed height may therefore provide a second, plausible explanation of the data, and may offer fresh perspectives on similar trapping and escape problems.


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Gastrointestinal infections with Salmonella enterica serovars have different clinical outcomes that range from localized inflammation to a life-threatening systemic disease in the case of typhoid fever. Using a mouse model of systemic salmonellosis, we investigated the contribution of neutrophils to the innate immune defense against Salmonella after oral infection. Neutrophil infiltration was dependent on the bacterial burden in various infected organs (Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and liver). However, the massive infiltration of neutrophils did not allow clearance of an infection with wild-type Salmonella, presumably due to protection of intracellular Salmonella against neutrophil activities. A Salmonella mutant strain deficient in Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2) was able to infect systemic sites, but its replication was highly restricted and it did not cause detectable attraction of neutrophils. Neutrophil depletion by antibody treatment of mice did not restore the virulence of SPI2 or auxotrophic mutant strains, supporting the hypothesis that attenuation of the strains is not due to greater susceptibility to neutrophil killing. Our observations reveal that neutrophils have completely different roles during systemic salmonellosis and localized gastrointestinal infections. In the latter conditions, rapid neutrophil attraction efficiently prevents the spread of the pathogen, whereas the neutrophil influx is delayed during systemic infections and cannot protect against lethal bacteremia.


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We study a scheduling problem in a wireless network where vehicles are used as store-and-forward relays, a situation that might arise, for example, in practical rural communication networks. A fixed source node wants to transfer a file to a fixed destination node, located beyond its communication range. In the absence of any infrastructure connecting the two nodes, we consider the possibility of communication using vehicles passing by. Vehicles arrive at the source node at renewal instants and are known to travel towards the destination node with average speed v sampled from a given probability distribution. Th source node communicates data packets (or fragments) of the file to the destination node using these vehicles as relays. We assume that the vehicles communicate with the source node and the destination node only, and hence, every packet communication involves two hops. In this setup, we study the source node's sequential decision problem of transferring packets of the file to vehicles as they pass by, with the objective of minimizing delay in the network. We study both the finite file size case and the infinite file size case. In the finite file size case, we aim to minimize the expected file transfer delay, i.e. expected value of the maximum of the packet sojourn times. In the infinite file size case, we study the average packet delay minimization problem as well as the optimal tradeoff achievable between the average queueing delay at the source node buffer and the average transit delay in the relay vehicle.


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We extend the modeling heuristic of (Harsha et al. 2006. In IEEE IWQoS 06, pp 178 - 187) to evaluate the performance of an IEEE 802.11e infrastructure network carrying packet telephone calls, streaming video sessions and TCP controlled file downloads, using Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA). We identify the time boundaries of activities on the channel (called channel slot boundaries) and derive a Markov Renewal Process of the contending nodes on these epochs. This is achieved by the use of attempt probabilities of the contending nodes as those obtained from the saturation fixed point analysis of (Ramaiyan et al. 2005. In Proceedings ACM Sigmetrics, `05. Journal version accepted for publication in IEEE TON). Regenerative analysis on this MRP yields the desired steady state performance measures. We then use the MRP model to develop an effective bandwidth approach for obtaining a bound on the size of the buffer required at the video queue of the AP, such that the streaming video packet loss probability is kept to less than 1%. The results obtained match well with simulations using the network simulator, ns-2. We find that, with the default IEEE 802.11e EDCA parameters for access categories AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3, the voice call capacity decreases if even one streaming video session and one TCP file download are initiated by some wireless station. Subsequently, reducing the voice calls increases the video downlink stream throughput by 0.38 Mbps and file download capacity by 0.14 Mbps, for every voice call (for the 11 Mbps PHY). We find that a buffer size of 75KB is sufficient to ensure that the video packet loss probability at the QAP is within 1%.


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In this paper we have proposed and implemented a joint Medium Access Control (MAC) -cum- Routing scheme for environment data gathering sensor networks. The design principle uses node 'battery lifetime' maximization to be traded against a network that is capable of tolerating: A known percentage of combined packet losses due to packet collisions, network synchronization mismatch and channel impairments Significant end-to-end delay of an order of few seconds We have achieved this with a loosely synchronized network of sensor nodes that implement Slotted-Aloha MAC state machine together with route information. The scheme has given encouraging results in terms of energy savings compared to other popular implementations. The overall packet loss is about 12%. The battery life time increase compared to B-MAC varies from a minimum of 30% to about 90% depending on the duty cycle.


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We report a hierarchical blind script identifier for 11 different Indian scripts. An initial grouping of the 11 scripts is accomplished at the first level of this hierarchy. At the subsequent level, we recognize the script in each group. The various nodes of this tree use different feature-classifier combinations. A database of 20,000 words of different font styles and sizes is collected and used for each script. Effectiveness of Gabor and Discrete Cosine Transform features has been independently, evaluated using nearest neighbor linear discriminant and support vector machine classifiers. The minimum and maximum accuracies obtained, using this hierarchical mechanism, are 92.2% and 97.6%, respectively.


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Bluetooth is an emerging standard in short range, low cost and low power wireless networks. MAC is a generic polling based protocol, where a central Bluetooth unit (master) determines channel access to all other nodes (slaves) in the network (piconet). An important problem in Bluetooth is the design of efficient scheduling protocols. This paper proposes a polling policy that aims to achieve increased system throughput and reduced packet delays while providing reasonably good fairness among all traffic flows in a Bluetooth Piconet. We present an extensive set of simulation results and performance comparisons with two important existing algorithms. Our results indicate that our proposed scheduling algorithm outperforms the Round Robin scheduling algorithm by more than 40% in all cases tried. Our study also confirms that our proposed policy achieves higher throughput and lower packet delays with reasonable fairness among all the connections.


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Pricing is an effective tool to control congestion and achieve quality of service (QoS) provisioning for multiple differentiated levels of service. In this paper, we consider the problem of pricing for congestion control in the case of a network of nodes under a single service class and multiple queues, and present a multi-layered pricing scheme. We propose an algorithm for finding the optimal state dependent price levels for individual queues, at each node. The pricing policy used depends on a weighted average queue length at each node. This helps in reducing frequent price variations and is in the spirit of the random early detection (RED) mechanism used in TCP/IP networks. We observe in our numerical results a considerable improvement in performance using our scheme over that of a recently proposed related scheme in terms of both throughput and delay performance. In particular, our approach exhibits a throughput improvement in the range of 34 to 69 percent in all cases studied (over all routes) over the above scheme.


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We explore an isoparametric interpolation of total quaternion for geometrically consistent, strain-objective and path-independent finite element solutions of the geometrically exact beam. This interpolation is a variant of the broader class known as slerp. The equivalence between the proposed interpolation and that of relative rotation is shown without any recourse to local bijection between quaternions and rotations. We show that, for a two-noded beam element, the use of relative rotation is not mandatory for attaining consistency cum objectivity and an appropriate interpolation of total rotation variables is sufficient. The interpolation of total quaternion, which is computationally more efficient than the one based on local rotations, converts nodal rotation vectors to quaternions and interpolates them in a manner consistent with the character of the rotation manifold. This interpolation, unlike the additive interpolation of total rotation, corresponds to a geodesic on the rotation manifold. For beam elements with more than two nodes, however, a consistent extension of the proposed quaternion interpolation is difficult. Alternatively, a quaternion-based procedure involving interpolation of relative rotations is proposed for such higher order elements. We also briefly discuss a strategy for the removal of possible singularity in the interpolation of quaternions, proposed in [I. Romero, The interpolation of rotations and its application to finite element models of geometrically exact rods, Comput. Mech. 34 (2004) 121–133]. The strain-objectivity and path-independence of solutions are justified theoretically and then demonstrated through numerical experiments. This study, being focused only on the interpolation of rotations, uses a standard finite element discretization, as adopted by Simo and Vu-Quoc [J.C. Simo, L. Vu-Quoc, A three-dimensional finite rod model part II: computational aspects, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 58 (1986) 79–116]. The rotation update is achieved via quaternion multiplication followed by the extraction of the rotation vector. Nodal rotations are stored in terms of rotation vectors and no secondary storages are required.


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We consider a single-hop data-gathering sensor network, consisting of a set of sensor nodes that transmit data periodically to a base-station. We are interested in maximizing the lifetime of this network. With our definition of network lifetime and the assumption that the radio transmission energy consumption forms the most significant portion of the total energy consumption at a sensor node, we attempt to enhance the network lifetime by reducing the transmission energy budget of sensor nodes by exploiting three system-level opportunities. We pose the problem of maximizing lifetime as a max-min optimization problem subject to the constraint of successful data collection and limited energy supply at each node. This turns out to be an extremely difficult optimization to solve. To reduce the complexity of this problem, we allow the sensor nodes and the base-station to interactively communicate with each other and employ instantaneous decoding at the base-station. The chief contribution of the paper is to show that the computational complexity of our problem is determined by the complex interplay of various system-level opportunities and challenges.


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A unit cube in k dimensions (k-cube) is defined as the Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where R-i (for 1 <= i <= k) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1] on the real line. A graph G on n nodes is said to be representable as the intersection of k-cubes (cube representation in k dimensions) if each vertex of C can be mapped to a k-cube such that two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding k-cubes have a non-empty intersection. The cubicity of G denoted as cub(G) is the minimum k for which G can be represented as the intersection of k-cubes. An interesting aspect about cubicity is that many problems known to be NP-complete for general graphs have polynomial time deterministic algorithms or have good approximation ratios in graphs of low cubicity. In most of these algorithms, computing a low dimensional cube representation of the given graph is usually the first step. We give an O(bw . n) algorithm to compute the cube representation of a general graph G in bw + 1 dimensions given a bandwidth ordering of the vertices of G, where bw is the bandwidth of G. As a consequence, we get O(Delta) upper bounds on the cubicity of many well-known graph classes such as AT-free graphs, circular-arc graphs and cocomparability graphs which have O(Delta) bandwidth. Thus we have: 1. cub(G) <= 3 Delta - 1, if G is an AT-free graph. 2. cub(G) <= 2 Delta + 1, if G is a circular-arc graph. 3. cub(G) <= 2 Delta, if G is a cocomparability graph. Also for these graph classes, there axe constant factor approximation algorithms for bandwidth computation that generate orderings of vertices with O(Delta) width. We can thus generate the cube representation of such graphs in O(Delta) dimensions in polynomial time.


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Biological systems present remarkable adaptation, reliability, and robustness in various environments, even under hostility. Most of them are controlled by the individuals in a distributed and self-organized way. These biological mechanisms provide useful resources for designing the dynamical and adaptive routing schemes of wireless mobile sensor networks, in which the individual nodes should ideally operate without central control. This paper investigates crucial biologically inspired mechanisms and the associated techniques for resolving routing in wireless sensor networks, including Ant-based and genetic approaches. Furthermore, the principal contributions of this paper are as follows. We present a mathematical theory of the biological computations in the context of sensor networks; we further present a generalized routing framework in sensor networks by diffusing different modes of biological computations using Ant-based and genetic approaches; finally, an overview of several emerging research directions are addressed within the new biologically computational framework.


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We consider single-source, single-sink (ss-ss) multi-hop relay networks, with slow-fading Rayleigh links. This two part paper aims at giving explicit protocols and codes to achieve the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) of two classes of multi-hop networks: K-parallel-path (KPP) networks and Layered networks. While single-antenna KPP networks were the focus of the first part, we consider layered and multi-antenna networks in this second part. We prove that a linear DMT between the maximum diversity d(max). and the maximum multiplexing gain of 1 is achievable for single-antenna fully-connected layered networks under the half-duplex constraint. This is shown to be equal to the optimal DMT if the number of relaying layers is less than 4. For the multiple-antenna case, we provide an achievable DMT, which is significantly better than known lower bounds for half duplex networks. Along the way, we compute the DMT of parallel MIMO channels in terms of the DMT of the component channel. For arbitrary ss-ss single-antenna directed acyclic networks with full-duplex relays, we prove that a linear tradeoff between maximum diversity and maximum multiplexing gain is achievable using an amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol. Explicit short-block-length codes are provided for all the proposed protocols. Two key implications of the results in the two-part paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not necessarily entail rate loss by a factor of two as previously believed and that simple AN protocols are often sufficient to attain the best possible DMT.


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Barrierless chemical reactions have often been modeled as a Brownian motion on a one-dimensional harmonic potential energy surface with a position-dependent reaction sink or window located near the minimum of the surface. This simple (but highly successful) description leads to a nonexponential survival probability only at small to intermediate times but exponential decay in the long-time limit. However, in several reactive events involving proteins and glasses, the reactions are found to exhibit a strongly nonexponential (power law) decay kinetics even in the long time. In order to address such reactions, here, we introduce a model of barrierless chemical reaction where the motion along the reaction coordinate sustains dispersive diffusion. A complete analytical solution of the model can be obtained only in the frequency domain, but an asymptotic solution is obtained in the limit of long time. In this case, the asymptotic long-time decay of the survival probability is a power law of the Mittag−Leffler functional form. When the barrier height is increased, the decay of the survival probability still remains nonexponential, in contrast to the ordinary Brownian motion case where the rate is given by the Smoluchowski limit of the well-known Kramers' expression. Interestingly, the reaction under dispersive diffusion is shown to exhibit strong dependence on the initial state of the system, thus predicting a strong dependence on the excitation wavelength for photoisomerization reactions in a dispersive medium. The theory also predicts a fractional viscosity dependence of the rate, which is often observed in the reactions occurring in complex environments.


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A solvothermal reaction of Al2O3, H3BO3, pyridine, and H2O at 180 degrees C/7 days in the presence of organic amine molecules gave rise to four new aluminoborates, [(C6H18N2)(AlB6O13H3)], I; [(C5H16N2) (AlB5O10)]center dot 2H(2)O, II; [(C5H16N2)-(AlB5O10)], III; and [(C5H17N3)(AlB5O10)] center dot H2O, IV, with two- and three-dimensional structures. All the structures have been formed by the connectivity involving Al3+ ions and [B5O10] cyclic pentaborate units. In 1, the 3-connected trigonal nodes form a layer that resembles a graphite structure has been observed. The compounds II, III, and IV, have 4-connected nodes that forms a diamond related three-dimensional structure. The formation of solvatomorphs in II and III is noteworthy and has been observed first time in a family of amine template aluminoborates. A comparison of the various aluminoborate structures reveals subtle relationships between the organic amines (length of the amines) and the final framework structures. The compounds have been characterized using a variety of techniques including IR, second-order optical behavior, and MAS NMR studies.