143 resultados para Schrodinger operators


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For a contraction P and a bounded commutant S of P. we seek a solution X of the operator equation S - S*P = (1 - P* P)(1/2) X (1 - P* P)(1/2) where X is a bounded operator on (Ran) over bar (1 - P* P)(1/2) with numerical radius of X being not greater than 1. A pair of bounded operators (S, P) which has the domain Gamma = {(z(1) + z(2), z(2)): vertical bar z(1)vertical bar < 1, vertical bar z(2)vertical bar <= 1} subset of C-2 as a spectral set, is called a P-contraction in the literature. We show the existence and uniqueness of solution to the operator equation above for a Gamma-contraction (S, P). This allows us to construct an explicit Gamma-isometric dilation of a Gamma-contraction (S, P). We prove the other way too, i.e., for a commuting pair (S, P) with parallel to P parallel to <= 1 and the spectral radius of S being not greater than 2, the existence of a solution to the above equation implies that (S, P) is a Gamma-contraction. We show that for a pure F-contraction (S, P), there is a bounded operator C with numerical radius not greater than 1, such that S = C + C* P. Any Gamma-isometry can be written in this form where P now is an isometry commuting with C and C. Any Gamma-unitary is of this form as well with P and C being commuting unitaries. Examples of Gamma-contractions on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and their Gamma-isometric dilations are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hilbert C*-module valued coherent states was introduced earlier by Ali, Bhattacharyya and Shyam Roy. We consider the case when the underlying C*-algebra is a W*-algebra. The construction is similar with a substantial gain. The associated reproducing kernel is now algebra valued, rather than taking values in the space of bounded linear operators between two C*-algebras.


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The experimental implementation of a quantum algorithm requires the decomposition of unitary operators. Here we treat unitary-operator decomposition as an optimization problem, and use a genetic algorithm-a global-optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process-for operator decomposition. We apply this method to NMR quantum information processing, and find a probabilistic way of performing universal quantum computation using global hard pulses. We also demonstrate the efficient creation of the singlet state (a special type of Bell state) directly from thermal equilibrium, using an optimum sequence of pulses. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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We report on the threshold voltage modeling of ultra-thin (1 nm-5 nm) silicon body double-gate (DG) MOSFETs using self-consistent Poisson-Schrodinger solver (SCHRED). We define the threshold voltage (V th) of symmetric DG MOSFETs as the gate voltage at which the center potential (Φ c) saturates to Φ c (s a t), and analyze the effects of oxide thickness (t ox) and substrate doping (N A) variations on V th. The validity of this definition is demonstrated by comparing the results with the charge transition (from weak to strong inversion) based model using SCHRED simulations. In addition, it is also shown that the proposed V t h definition, electrically corresponds to a condition where the inversion layer capacitance (C i n v) is equal to the oxide capacitance (C o x) across a wide-range of substrate doping densities. A capacitance based analytical model based on the criteria C i n v C o x is proposed to compute Φ c (s a t), while accounting for band-gap widening. This is validated through comparisons with the Poisson-Schrodinger solution. Further, we show that at the threshold voltage condition, the electron distribution (n(x)) along the depth (x) of the silicon film makes a transition from a strong single peak at the center of the silicon film to the onset of a symmetric double-peak away from the center of the silicon film. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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The experimental implementation of a quantum algorithm requires the decomposition of unitary operators. Here we treat unitary-operator decomposition as an optimization problem, and use a genetic algorithm-a global-optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process-for operator decomposition. We apply this method to NMR quantum information processing, and find a probabilistic way of performing universal quantum computation using global hard pulses. We also demonstrate the efficient creation of the singlet state (a special type of Bell state) directly from thermal equilibrium, using an optimum sequence of pulses.


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Various logical formalisms with the freeze quantifier have been recently considered to model computer systems even though this is a powerful mechanism that often leads to undecidability. In this article, we study a linear-time temporal logic with past-time operators such that the freeze operator is only used to express that some value from an infinite set is repeated in the future or in the past. Such a restriction has been inspired by a recent work on spatio-temporal logics that suggests such a restricted use of the freeze operator. We show decidability of finitary and infinitary satisfiability by reduction into the verification of temporal properties in Petri nets by proposing a symbolic representation of models. This is a quite surprising result in view of the expressive power of the logic since the logic is closed under negation, contains future-time and past-time temporal operators and can express the nonce property and its negation. These ingredients are known to lead to undecidability with a more liberal use of the freeze quantifier. The article also contains developments about the relationships between temporal logics with the freeze operator and counter automata as well as reductions into first-order logics over data words.


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We introduce the defect sequence for a contractive tuple of Hilbert space operators and investigate its properties. The defect sequence is a sequence of numbers, called defect dimensions associated with a contractive tuple. We show that there are upper bounds for the defect dimensions. The tuples for which these upper bounds are obtained, are called maximal contractive tuples. The upper bounds are different in the non-commutative and in the commutative case. We show that the creation operators on the full Fock space and the coordinate multipliers on the Drury-Arveson space are maximal. We also study pure tuples and see how the defect dimensions play a role in their irreducibility. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we investigate the initiation and subsequent evolution of Crow instability in an inhomogeneous unitary Fermi gas using zero-temperature Galilei-invariant nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Considering a cigar-shaped unitary Fermi gas, we generate the vortex-antivortex pair either by phase-imprinting or by moving a Gaussian obstacle potential. We observe that the Crow instability in a unitary Fermi gas leads to the decay of the vortex-antivortex pair into multiple vortex rings and ultimately into sound waves.


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Wilking has recently shown that one can associate a Ricci flow invariant cone of curvature operators , which are nonnegative in a suitable sense, to every invariant subset . In this article we show that if is an invariant subset of such that is closed and denotes the cone of curvature operators which are positive in the appropriate sense then one of the two possibilities holds: (a) The connected sum of any two Riemannian manifolds with curvature operators in also admits a metric with curvature operator in (b) The normalized Ricci flow on any compact Riemannian manifold with curvature operator in converges to a metric of constant positive sectional curvature. We also point out that if is an arbitrary subset, then is contained in the cone of curvature operators with nonnegative isotropic curvature.


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We theoretically analyze the performance of transition metal dichalcogenide (MX2) single wall nanotube (SWNT) surround gate MOSFET, in the 10 nm technology node. We consider semiconducting armchair (n, n) SWNT of MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 for our study. The material properties of the nanotubes are evaluated from the density functional theory, and the ballistic device characteristics are obtained by self-consistently solving the Poisson-Schrodinger equation under the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Simulated ON currents are in the range of 61-76 mu A for 4.5 nm diameter MX2 tubes, with peak transconductance similar to 175-218 mu S and ON/OFF ratio similar to 0.6 x 10(5)-0.8 x 10(5). The subthreshold slope is similar to 62.22 mV/decade and a nominal drain induced barrier lowering of similar to 12-15 mV/V is observed for the devices. The tungsten dichalcogenide nanotubes offer superior device output characteristics compared to the molybdenum dichalcogenide nanotubes, with WSe2 showing the best performance. Studying SWNT diameters of 2.5-5 nm, it is found that increase in diameter provides smaller carrier effective mass and 4%-6% higher ON currents. Using mean free path calculation to project the quasi-ballistic currents, 62%-75% reduction from ballistic values in drain current in long channel lengths of 100, 200 nm is observed.


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We address the question, does a system A being entangled with another system B, put any constraints on the Heisenberg uncertainty relation (or the Schrodinger-Robertson inequality)? We find that the equality of the uncertainty relation cannot be reached for any two noncommuting observables, for finite dimensional Hilbert spaces if the Schmidt rank of the entangled state is maximal. One consequence is that the lower bound of the uncertainty relation can never be attained for any two observables for qubits, if the state is entangled. For infinite-dimensional Hilbert space too, we show that there is a class of physically interesting entangled states for which no two noncommuting observables can attain the minimum uncertainty equality.


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We study transport across a line junction lying between two orthogonal topological insulator surfaces and a superconductor which can have either s-wave (spin-singlet) or p-wave (spin-triplet) pairing symmetry. The junction can have three time-reversal invariant barriers on three sides. We compute the charge and the spin conductance across such a junction and study their behaviors as a function of the bias voltage applied across the junction and the three parameters used to characterize the barrier. We find that the presence of topological insulators and a superconductor leads to both Dirac- and Schrodinger-like features in charge and spin conductances. We discuss the effect of bound states on the superconducting side of the barrier on the conductance; in particular, we show that for triplet p-wave superconductors, such a junction may be used to determine the spin state of its Cooper pairs. Our study reveals that there is a nonzero spin conductance for some particular spin states of the triplet Cooper pairs; this is an effect of the topological insulators which break the spin rotation symmetry. Finally, we find an unusual satellite peak (in addition to the usual zero bias peak) in the spin conductance for p-wave symmetry of the superconductor order parameter.


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The Birkhoff-James orthogonality is a generalization of Hilbert space orthogonality to Banach spaces. We investigate this notion of orthogonality when the Banach space has more structures. We start by doing so for the Banach space of square matrices moving gradually to all bounded operators on any Hilbert space, then to an arbitrary C*-algebra and finally a Hilbert C*-module.


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We address the question, does a system A being entangled with another system B, put any constraints on the Heisenberg uncertainty relation (or the Schrodinger-Robertson inequality)? We find that the equality of the uncertainty relation cannot be reached for any two noncommuting observables, for finite dimensional Hilbert spaces if the Schmidt rank of the entangled state is maximal. One consequence is that the lower bound of the uncertainty relation can never be attained for any two observables for qubits, if the state is entangled. For infinite-dimensional Hilbert space too, we show that there is a class of physically interesting entangled states for which no two noncommuting observables can attain the minimum uncertainty equality.


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We present a computational study on the impact of tensile/compressive uniaxial (epsilon(xx)) and biaxial (epsilon(xx) = epsilon(yy)) strain on monolayer MoS2, n-, and p-MOSFETs. The material properties like band structure, carrier effective mass, and the multiband Hamiltonian of the channel are evaluated using the density functional theory. Using these parameters, self-consistent Poisson-Schrodinger solution under the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism is carried out to simulate the MOS device characteristics. 1.75% uniaxial tensile strain is found to provide a minor (6%) ON current improvement for the n-MOSFET, whereas same amount of biaxial tensile strain is found to considerably improve the p-MOSFET ON currents by 2-3 times. Compressive strain, however, degrades both n-MOS and p-MOS devices performance. It is also observed that the improvement in p-MOSFET can be attained only when the channel material becomes indirect gap in nature. We further study the performance degradation in the quasi-ballistic long-channel regime using a projected current method.