316 resultados para STATE NMR


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Chiral auxiliaries are used for NMR spectroscopic study of enantiomers. Often the presence of impurities, severe overlap of peaks, excessive line broadening and complex multiplicity pattern restricts the chiral analysis using 1D H-1 NMR spectrum. There are few approaches to resolve the overlapped peaks. One approach is to use suitable chiral auxiliary, which induces large chemical shift difference between the discriminated peaks (Delta delta(R,S)) and minimize the overlap. Another direction of approach is to design appropriate NMR experiments to circumvent some of these problems, viz, enhancing spectral resolution, unravelling the superimposed spectra of enantiomers, and reduction of spectral complexity. Large number of NMR techniques, such as two dimensional selective F-1 decoupling, RES-TOCSY, multiple quantum detection, frequency selective homodecoupling, band selective homodecoupling, broadband homodecoupling, etc. have been reported for such a purpose. Many of these techniques have aided in chiral analysis for molecules of diverse functionality in the presence of chiral auxiliaries. The present review summarizes the recently reported NMR experimental methodologies, with a special emphasis on the work carried out in authors' laboratory.


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Copper(II) and copper(I) complexes of a newly designed and crystallographically characterized Schiff base (HL) derived from rhodamine hydrazide and cinnamaldehyde were isolated in pure form formulated as Cu(L)(NO3)] (L-Cu) (1) and Cu(HL)(CH3CN)(H2O)]ClO4 (HL-Cu) (2), and characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic tools. Interestingly, complex 1 but not 2 offers red fluorescence in solution state, and eventually HL behaves as a Cu(II) ions selective FRET based fluorosensor in HEPES buffer (1 mM, acetonitrile-water: 1/5, v/v) at 25 degrees C at biological pH with almost no interference of other competitive ions. The dependency of the FRET process on the +2 oxidation state of copper has been nicely supported by exhaustive experimental studies comprising electronic, fluorimetric, NMR titration, and theoretical calculations. The sensing ability of HL has been evaluated by the LOD value towards Cu(II) ions (83.7 nM) and short responsive time (5-10 s). Even the discrimination of copper(I) and copper(II) has also been done using only UV-Vis spectroscopic study. The efficacy of this bio-friendly probe has been determined by employing HL to detect the intercellular distribution of Cu(II) ions in HeLa cells by developing image under fluorescence microscope.


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The manuscript reports two novel ternary ion-pair complexes, which serve as chiral solvating agents, for enantiodiscrimination of secondary alcohols and carboxylic acids. The protocol for discrimination of secondary alcohols is designed by using one equivalent mixture each of enantiopure mandelic acid, 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) and a chiral alcohol. For discrimination of carboxylic acids, the ternary complex is obtained by one equivalent mixture each of enantiopure chiral alcohol, DMAP and a carboxylic acid. The designed protocols also permit accurate measurement of enantiomeric composition. Copyright (C) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The existence of three centered C=O...H(N)...X-C hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) involving organic fluorine and other halogens in diphenyloxamide derivatives has been explored by NMR spectroscopy and quantum theoretical studies. The three centered H-bond with the participation of a rotating CF3 group and the F...H-N intramolecular hydrogen bonds, a rare observation of its kind in organofluorine compounds, has been detected. It is also unambiguously established by a number of one and two dimensional NMR experiments, such as temperature perturbation, solvent titration, N-15-H-1 HSQC, and F-19-H-1 HOESY, and is also confirmed by theoretical calculations, such as quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), natural bond orbital (NBO) and non-covalent interaction (NCI).


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We report a novel 1D J-edited pure shift NMR experiment (J-PSHIFT) that was constructed from a pseudo 2D experiment for the direct measurement of proton-proton scalar couplings. The experiment gives homonuclear broad-band H-1-decoupled H-1 NMR spectra, which provide a single peak for chemically distinct protons, and only retain the homonuclear-scalar-coupled doublet pattern at the chemical-shift positions of the protons in the coupled network of a specific proton. This permits the direct and unambiguous measurement of the magnitudes of the couplings. The incorporation of a 1D selective correlation spectroscopy (COSY)/ total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) block in lieu of the initial selective pulse, results in the exclusive detection of the correlated spectrum of a specific proton.


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The rare examples of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HB) of the type the N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C, detected in a low polarity solvent in the derivatives of hydrazides, by utilizing one and two-dimensional solution state multinuclear NMR techniques, are reported. The observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), and (1h)J(FN), provides direct evidence for the existence of intra-molecular HB. Solvent induced perturbations and the variable temperature NMR experiments unambiguously establish the presence of intramolecular HB. The existence of multiple conformers in some of the investigated molecules is also revealed by two dimensional HOESY and N-15-H-1 HSQC experiments. The H-1 DOSY experimental results discard any possibility of self or cross dimerization of the molecules. The derived NMR experimental results are further substantiated by Density Function Theory (DFT) based Non Covalent Interaction (NCI), and Quantum Theory of Atom in Molecule (QTAIM) calculations. The NCI calculations served as a very sensitive tool for detection of non-covalent interactions and also confirm the presence of bifurcated HBs.


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The study reports chiral sensing properties of RNA nucleosides. Adenosine, guanosine, uridine and cytidine are used as chiral derivatizing agents to differentiate chiral 1 degrees-amines. A three component protocol has been adopted for complexation of nucleosides and amines. The chiral differentiating ability of nucleosides is examined for different amines based on the H-1 NMR chemical shift differences of diastereomers (Delta delta(R,S)). Enantiomeric differentiation has been observed at multiple chemically distinct proton sites. Adenosine and guanosine exhibit large chiral differentiation (Delta delta(R,S)) due to the presence of a purine ring. The diastereomeric excess (de) measured by using adenosine is in good agreement with the gravimetric values.


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In this paper, we propose a new state transition based embedding (STBE) technique for audio watermarking with high fidelity. Furthermore, we propose a new correlation based encoding (CBE) scheme for binary logo image in order to enhance the payload capacity. The result of CBE is also compared with standard run-length encoding (RLE) compression and Huffman schemes. Most of the watermarking algorithms are based on modulating selected transform domain feature of an audio segment in order to embed given watermark bit. In the proposed STBE method instead of modulating feature of each and every segment to embed data, our aim is to retain the default value of this feature for most of the segments. Thus, a high quality of watermarked audio is maintained. Here, the difference between the mean values (Mdiff) of insignificant complex cepstrum transform (CCT) coefficients of down-sampled subsets is selected as a robust feature for embedding. Mdiff values of the frames are changed only when certain conditions are met. Hence, almost 50% of the times, segments are not changed and still STBE can convey watermark information at receiver side. STBE also exhibits a partial restoration feature by which the watermarked audio can be restored partially after extraction of the watermark at detector side. The psychoacoustic model analysis showed that the noise-masking ratio (NMR) of our system is less than -10dB. As amplitude scaling in time domain does not affect selected insignificant CCT coefficients, strong invariance towards amplitude scaling attacks is also proved theoretically. Experimental results reveal that the proposed watermarking scheme maintains high audio quality and are simultaneously robust to general attacks like MP3 compression, amplitude scaling, additive noise, re-quantization, etc.


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A rapid and the simple chiral derivatizing protocol involving the coupling of 2-formylphenylboronic acid and an optically pure 1,1-binaphthalene]-2,2-diamine is introduced for the accurate determination of the enantiopurity of hydroxy acids and their derivatives, possessing one or two optically active centers, using H-1 NMR spectroscopy.


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NMR-based approach to metabolomics typically involves the collection of two-dimensional (2D) heteronuclear correlation spectra for identification and assignment of metabolites. In case of spectral overlap, a 3D spectrum becomes necessary, which is hampered by slow data acquisition for achieving sufficient resolution. We describe here a method to simultaneously acquire three spectra (one 3D and two 2D) in a single data set, which is based on a combination of different fast data acquisition techniques such as G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR spectroscopy, parallel data acquisition and non-uniform sampling. The following spectra are acquired simultaneously: (1) C-13 multiplicity edited GFT (3,2)D HSQC-TOCSY, (2) 2D H-1- H-1] TOCSY and (3) 2D C-13- H-1] HETCOR. The spectra are obtained at high resolution and provide high-dimensional spectral information for resolving ambiguities. While the GFT spectrum has been shown previously to provide good resolution, the editing of spin systems based on their CH multiplicities further resolves the ambiguities for resonance assignments. The experiment is demonstrated on a mixture of 21 metabolites commonly observed in metabolomics. The spectra were acquired at natural abundance of C-13. This is the first application of a combination of three fast NMR methods for small molecules and opens up new avenues for high-throughput approaches for NMR-based metabolomics.


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The rare occurrence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HBs) of the type N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C is detected in the derivatives of imides in a low polarity solvent by using multi-dimensional and multinuclear NMR experiments. The observation of (1h)J(FH), (2h)J(FN), and (2h)J(FF), where the spin magnetization is transmitted through space among the interacting NMR active nuclei, provided strong and unambiguous evidence for the existence of intra-molecular HBs. The variation in the chemical shifts of labile protons depending on physical conditions, such as the solvent dilution and the systematic alteration of temperature confirmed the presence of weak interactions through intramolecular HBs in all the investigated fluorine substituted molecules. The self or cross dimerization of molecules is unequivocally discarded by the analysis of the rates of diffusion obtained using pseudo-two dimensional DOSY experiments. The Density Function Theory (DFT) calculations based on the Quantum Theory of Atoms In Molecules (QTAIM) and Non Covalent Interaction (NCI), are in close agreement with the NMR experimental findings.


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A combined experimental (infrared, Raman and NMR) and theoretical quantum chemical study is performed on the charge-transfer complex hydroxyethylammonium picrate (HEAP). The infrared (IR) spectra for HEAP were recorded at various temperatures, ranging from 16 K to 299 K, and the Raman spectrum was recorded at room temperature. A comparison of the experimental IR and Raman spectra with the corresponding calculated spectra was done, in order to facilitate interpretation of the experimental data. Formation of the HEAP complex is evidenced by the presence of the most prominent characteristic bands of the constituting groups of the charge-transfer complex e.g., NH3+, CO- and NO2]. Vibrational spectroscopic analysis, together with natural bond orbital (NBO) and theoretical charge density analysis in the crystalline phase, was used to shed light on relevant structural details of HEAP resulting from deprotonation of picric acid followed by formation of a hydrogen bond of the N-H center dot center dot center dot OC type between the hydroxyethylammonium cation and the picrate.C-13 and H-1 NMR spectroscopic analysis are also presented for the DMSO-d(6) solution of the compound revealing that in that medium the HEAP crystal dissolves forming the free picrate and hydroxyethylammonium ions. Finally, the electron excitation analysis of HEAP was performed in an attempt to determine the nature of the most important excited states responsible for the NLO properties exhibited by the compound. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Most often the measurement of VHF from the conventional 1D H-1 NMR spectrum is severely hindered consequent to similar magnitudes of JHF and JHH couplings and the spectral multiplicity pattern. The present study reports a new 1D NMR technique based on real time spin edition, which removes all JHF and JHH while retaining only VHF of a chosen fluorine. The obtained spectrum is significantly simplified and permits straightforward determination of all possible VHF values of a chosen fluorine. Due to one dimensional nature, the method is much faster compared to 2D GET-SERF by 1-2 orders of magnitude. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rates of hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy are utilized to derive the strength of hydrogen bonds and to monitor the electronic effects in the site-specific halogen substituted benzamides and anilines. The theoretical fitting of the time dependent variation of the integral areas of H-1 NMR resonances to the first order decay function permitted the determination of HID exchange rate constants (k) and their precise half-lives (t(1/2)) with high degree of reproducibility. The comparative study also permitted the unambiguous determination of relative strength of hydrogen bonds and the contribution from electronic effects on the HID exchange rate. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.