189 resultados para ROC curves


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Flexible objects such as a rope or snake move in a way such that their axial length remains almost constant. To simulate the motion of such an object, one strategy is to discretize the object into large number of small rigid links connected by joints. However, the resulting discretised system is highly redundant and the joint rotations for a desired Cartesian motion of any point on the object cannot be solved uniquely. In this paper, we revisit an algorithm, based on the classical tractrix curve, to resolve the redundancy in such hyper-redundant systems. For a desired motion of the `head' of a link, the `tail' is moved along a tractrix, and recursively all links of the discretised objects are moved along different tractrix curves. The algorithm is illustrated by simulations of a moving snake, tying of knots with a rope and a solution of the inverse kinematics of a planar hyper-redundant manipulator. The simulations show that the tractrix based algorithm leads to a more `natural' motion since the motion is distributed uniformly along the entire object with the displacements diminishing from the `head' to the `tail'.


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In this paper a method to determine the internal and external boundaries of planar workspaces, represented with an ordered set of points, is presented. The sequence of points are grouped and can be interpreted to form a sequence of curves. Three successive curves are used for determining the instantaneous center of rotation for the second one of them. The two extremal points on the curve with respect to the instantaneous center are recognized as singular points. The chronological ordering of these singular points is used to generate the two envelope curves, which are potentially intersecting. Methods have been presented in the paper for the determination of the workspace boundary from the envelope curves. Strategies to deal with the manipulators with joint limits and various degenerate situations have also been discussed. The computational steps being completely geometric, the method does not require the knowledge about the manipulator's kinematics. Hence, it can be used for the workspace of arbitrary planar manipulators. A number of illustrative examples demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.


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In this paper, we exploit the idea of decomposition to match buyers and sellers in an electronic exchange for trading large volumes of homogeneous goods, where the buyers and sellers specify marginal-decreasing piecewise constant price curves to capture volume discounts. Such exchanges are relevant for automated trading in many e-business applications. The problem of determining winners and Vickrey prices in such exchanges is known to have a worst-case complexity equal to that of as many as (1 + m + n) NP-hard problems, where m is the number of buyers and n is the number of sellers. Our method proposes the overall exchange problem to be solved as two separate and simpler problems: 1) forward auction and 2) reverse auction, which turns out to be generalized knapsack problems. In the proposed approach, we first determine the quantity of units to be traded between the sellers and the buyers using fast heuristics developed by us. Next, we solve a forward auction and a reverse auction using fully polynomial time approximation schemes available in the literature. The proposed approach has worst-case polynomial time complexity. and our experimentation shows that the approach produces good quality solutions to the problem. Note to Practitioners- In recent times, electronic marketplaces have provided an efficient way for businesses and consumers to trade goods and services. The use of innovative mechanisms and algorithms has made it possible to improve the efficiency of electronic marketplaces by enabling optimization of revenues for the marketplace and of utilities for the buyers and sellers. In this paper, we look at single-item, multiunit electronic exchanges. These are electronic marketplaces where buyers submit bids and sellers ask for multiple units of a single item. We allow buyers and sellers to specify volume discounts using suitable functions. Such exchanges are relevant for high-volume business-to-business trading of standard products, such as silicon wafers, very large-scale integrated chips, desktops, telecommunications equipment, commoditized goods, etc. The problem of determining winners and prices in such exchanges is known to involve solving many NP-hard problems. Our paper exploits the familiar idea of decomposition, uses certain algorithms from the literature, and develops two fast heuristics to solve the problem in a near optimal way in worst-case polynomial time.


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We propose a novel, language-neutral approach for searching online handwritten text using Frechet distance. Online handwritten data, which is available as a time series (x,y,t), is treated as representing a parameterized curve in two-dimensions and the problem of searching online handwritten text is posed as a problem of matching two curves in a two-dimensional Euclidean space. Frechet distance is a natural measure for matching curves. The main contribution of this paper is the formulation of a variant of Frechet distance that can be used for retrieving words even when only a prefix of the word is given as query. Extensive experiments on UNIPEN dataset(1) consisting of over 16,000 words written by 7 users show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art DTW method. Experiments were also conducted on a Multilingual dataset, generated on a PDA, with encouraging results. Our approach can be used to implement useful, exciting features like auto-completion of handwriting in PDAs.


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Fractal Minkowski curves to design a compact dual-frequency microstrip ring antenna are proposed. Sides of a square ring have been selectively replaced with first and second iterations of the generalised fractal geometry to design a smaller antenna with dual-frequency operation. This behaviour has been explained based on current distributions on the antenna structure. Measured results compare well with electromagnetic simulations.


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An aeration process in ail activated sludge plant is a continuous-flow system. In this system, there is a steady input flow (flow from the primary clarifier or settling tank with some part from the secondary clarifier or secondary settling tank) and output flow connection to the secondary clarifier or settling tank. The experimental and numerical results obtained through batch systems can not be relied on and applied for the designing of a continuous aeration tank. In order to scale up laboratory results for field application, it is imperative to know the geometric parameters of a continuous system. Geometric parameters have a greater influence on the mass transfer process of surface aeration systems. The present work establishes the optimal geometric configuration of a continuous-flow surface aeration system. It is found that the maintenance of these optimal geometric parameters systems result in maximum aeration efficiency. By maintaining the obtained optimal geometric parameters, further experiments are conducted in continuous-flow surface aerators with three different sizes in order to develop design curves correlating the oxygen transfer coefficient and power number with the rotor speed. The design methodology to implement the presently developed optimal geometric parameters and correlation equations for field application is discussed.


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The constitutive model for a magnetostrictive material and its effect on the structural response is presented in this article. The example of magnetostrictive material considered is the TERFENOL-D. As like the piezoelectric material, this material has two constitutive laws, one of which is the sensing law and the other is the actuation law, both of which are highly coupled and non-linear. For the purpose of analysis, the constitutive laws can be characterized as coupled or uncoupled and linear or non linear. Coupled model is studied without assuming any explicit direct relationship with magnetic field. In the linear coupled model, which is assumed to preserve the magnetic flux line continuity, the elastic modulus, the permeability and magneto-elastic constant are assumed as constant. In the nonlinear-coupled model, the nonlinearity is decoupled and solved separately for the magnetic domain and the mechanical domain using two nonlinear curves, namely the stress vs. strain curve and the magnetic flux density vs. magnetic field curve. This is performed by two different methods. In the first, the magnetic flux density is computed iteratively, while in the second, the artificial neural network is used, where in the trained network will give the necessary strain and magnetic flux density for a given magnetic field and stress level. The effect of nonlinearity is demonstrated on a simple magnetostrictive rod.


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There are conflicting reports in the literature regarding solid solubility in the system RuO2-TiO2. To resolve this issue a few experiments were conducted in air at 1673, 1723, and 1773 K. The results show limited terminal solid solubility. There is an extended solid-state miscibility gap that intersects the decomposition curve for the RuO2-rich solid solution generating a peritectoid reaction at 1698 K. The measured equilibrium compositions of the solid solutions are used to develop a thermodynamic description of the oxide solid solution with rutile structure. Using the subregular solution model, the enthalpy of mixing can be represented by the expression, Delta H-M/J center dot mol(-1) = XTiO2XRuO2 ( 34,100X(TiO2) + 30,750X(RuO2)). The binodal and spinodal curves and T-X phase diagram in air are computed using this datum and Gibbs energy of formation of RuO2 available in the literature. The computed results suggest that equilibrium was not attained during solubility measurements at lower temperatures reported in the literature.


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We investigate the events near the fusion interfaces of dissimilar welds using a phase-field model developed for single-phase solidification of binary alloys. The parameters used here correspond to the dissimilar welding of a Ni/Cu couple. The events at the Ni and the Cu interface are very different, which illustrate the importance of the phase diagram through the slope of the liquidus curves. In the Ni side, where the liquidus temperature decreases with increasing alloying, solutal melting of the base metal takes place; the resolidification, with continuously increasing solid composition, is very sluggish until the interface encounters a homogeneous melt composition. The growth difficulty of the base metal increases with increasing initial melt composition, which is equivalent to a steeper slope of the liquidus curve. In the Cu side, the initial conditions result in a deeply undercooled melt and contributions from both constrained and unconstrained modes of growth are observed. The simulations bring out the possibility of nucleation of a concentrated solid phase from the melt, and a secondary melting of the substrate due to the associated recalescence event. The results for the Ni and Cu interfaces can be used to understand more complex dissimilar weld interfaces involving multiphase solidification.


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Phase-singular solid solutions of La0.6Sr0.4Mn1-yMeyO3 (0 <= y <= 0.3) [Me=Li1+, Mg2+, Al3+, Ti4+, Nb5+, Mo6+ or W6+] [LSMey] perovskite of rhombohedral symmetry (space group: R (3) over barc) have been prepared wherein the valence of the diamagnetic substituent at Mn site ranged from 1 to 6. With increasing y-content in LSMey, the metal-insulator (TM-I) transition in resistivity-temperature rho(T) curves shifted to low temperatures. The magnetization studies M(H) as well as the M(T) indicated two groups for LSMey. (1) Group A with Me=Mg, Al, Ti, or Nb which are paramagnetic insulators (PIs) at room temperature with low values of M (< 0.5 mu(B)/Mn); the magnetic transition [ferromagnetic insulator (FMI)-PI] temperature (T-C) shifts to low temperatures and nearly coincides with that of TM-I and the maximum magnetoresistance (MR) of similar to 50% prevails near T-C (approximate to TM-I). (2) Group-B samples with Me=Li, Mo, or W which are FMIs with M-s=3.3-3.58 mu(B)/Mn and marginal reduction in T-C similar to 350 K as compared to the undoped LSMO (T-C similar to 378 K). The latter samples show large temperature differences Delta T=T-c-TM-I, reaching up to similar to 288 K. The maximum MR (similar to 60%) prevails at low temperatures corresponding to the M-I transition TM-I rather than around T-C. High resolution lattice images as well as microscopy analysis revealed the prevalence of inhomogeneous phase mixtures of randomly distributed charge ordered-insulating (COI) bistripes (similar to 3-5 nm width) within FMI charge-disordered regions, yet maintaining crystallographically single phase with no secondary precipitate formation. The averaged ionic radius < r(B)>, valency, or charge/radius ratio < CRR > cannot be correlated with that of large Delta T; hence cannot be used to parametrize the discrepancy between T-C and TM-I. The M-I transition is controlled by the charge conduction within the electronically heterogeneous mixtures (COI bistripes+FMI charge disordered); large MR at TM-I suggests that the spin-ordered FM-insulating regions assist the charge transport, whereas the T-C is associated with the bulk spin ordered regions corresponding to the FMI phase of higher volume fraction of which anchors the T-C to higher temperatures. The present analysis showed that the double-exchange model alone cannot account for the wide bifurcation of the magnetic and electric transitions, contributions from the charge as well as lattice degrees of freedom to be separated from spin/orbital ordering. The heterogeneous phase mixtures (COI+FMI) cannot be treated as of granular composite behavior. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We report the fabrication of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 nanotubes (LCMONTs) with a diameter of about 200 nm, by a modified sol-gel method utilizing nanochannel alumina templates. High resolution transmission electron microscopy confirmed that the obtained LCMONTs are made up of nanoparticles (8-12 nm), which are randomly aligned in the wall of the nanotubes. The strong irreversibility between zero field cooling (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) magnetization curves as well as a cusplike peak in the ZFC curve gives strong support for surface spin glass behavior.


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Relatively few studies have addressed water management and adaptation measures in the face of changing water balances due to climate change. The current work studies climate change impact on a multipurpose reservoir performance and derives adaptive policies for possible futurescenarios. The method developed in this work is illustrated with a case study of Hirakud reservoir on the Mahanadi river in Orissa, India,which is a multipurpose reservoir serving flood control, irrigation and power generation. Climate change effects on annual hydropower generation and four performance indices (reliability with respect to three reservoir functions, viz. hydropower, irrigation and flood control, resiliency, vulnerability and deficit ratio with respect to hydropower) are studied. Outputs from three general circulation models (GCMs) for three scenarios each are downscaled to monsoon streamflow in the Mahanadi river for two future time slices, 2045-65 and 2075-95. Increased irrigation demands, rule curves dictated by increased need for flood storage and downscaled projections of streamflow from the ensemble of GCMs and scenarios are used for projecting future hydrologic scenarios. It is seen that hydropower generation and reliability with respect to hydropower and irrigation are likely to show a decrease in future in most scenarios, whereas the deficit ratio and vulnerability are likely to increase as a result of climate change if the standard operating policy (SOP) using current rule curves for flood protection is employed. An optimal monthly operating policy is then derived using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) as an adaptive policy for mitigating impacts of climate change on reservoir operation. The objective of this policy is to maximize reliabilities with respect to multiple reservoir functions of hydropower, irrigation and flood control. In variations to this adaptive policy, increasingly more weightage is given to the purpose of maximizing reliability with respect to hydropower for two extreme scenarios. It is seen that by marginally sacrificing reliability with respect to irrigation and flood control, hydropower reliability and generation can be increased for future scenarios. This suggests that reservoir rules for flood control may have to be revised in basins where climate change projects an increasing probability of droughts. However, it is also seen that power generation is unable to be restored to current levels, due in part to the large projected increases in irrigation demand. This suggests that future water balance deficits may limit the success of adaptive policy options. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fuel cells are emerging as alternate green power producers for both large power production and for use in automobiles. Hydrogen is seen as the best option as a fuel; however, hydrogen fuel cells require recirculation of unspent hydrogen. A supersonic ejector is an apt device for recirculation in the operating regimes of a hydrogen fuel cell. Optimal ejectors have to be designed to achieve best performances. The use of the vector evaluated particle swarm optimization technique to optimize supersonic ejectors with a focus on its application for hydrogen recirculation in fuel cells is presented here. Two parameters, compression ratio and efficiency, have been identified as the objective functions to be optimized. Their relation to operating and design parameters of ejector is obtained by control volume based analysis using a constant area mixing approximation. The independent parameters considered are the area ratio and the exit Mach number of the nozzle. The optimization is carried out at a particularentrainment ratio and results in a set of nondominated solutions, the Pareto front. A set of such curves can be used for choosing the optimal design parameters of the ejector.


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An exact expression for the frequency of a non-linear cubic spring mass system is obtained considering the effect of static deflection. An alternative expression for the approximate frequency is also obtained by the direct linearization procedure; it is shown that this is very accurate as compared with the exact method. This approximate frequency equation is used to explain a “dual behaviour” of the frequency amplitude curves.


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Potentiometric, spectrophotometric and polarographic evidence has been presented for the formation of mixed hydroxy complexes in coppermonoethanolamine system. A method has been developed for the analysis of Bjerrum formation curves taken in presence of 0·1, 0·2, 0·5 and 1·0 M monoethanolammonium ion with respect to hydroxy complexes. The formation of CuAOH+, CuA2OH+ and CuA3OH+ is shown and the corresponding stability constants are calculated at different concentrations of MEA ion. Curves showing the distribution of pure and hydroxy complexes at various pA values in solutions containing different concentrations of MEA ion have also been given.