182 resultados para Partial Differential Equation


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The transient boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting non-Newtonian power-law fluid in a stagnation region of a two-dimensional body in the presence of an applied magnetic field have been studied when the motion is induced impulsively from rest. The nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer have been solved by the homotopy analysis method and by an implicit finite-difference scheme. For some cases, analytical or approximate solutions have also been obtained. The special interest are the effects of the power-law index, magnetic parameter and the generalized Prandtl number on the surface shear stress and heat transfer rate. In all cases, there is a smooth transition from the transient state to steady state. The shear stress and heat transfer rate at the surface are found to be significantly influenced by the power-law index N except for large time and they show opposite behaviour for steady and unsteady flows. The magnetic field strongly affects the surface shear stress, but its effect on the surface heat transfer rate is comparatively weak except for large time. On the other hand, the generalized Prandtl number exerts strong influence on the surface heat transfer. The skin friction coefficient and the Nusselt number decrease rapidly in a small interval 0 < t* < 1 and reach the steady-state values for t* >= 4. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The scope of application of Laplace transforms presently limited to the study of linear partial differential equations, is extended to the nonlinear domain by this study. This has been achieved by modifying the definition of D transforms, put forth recently for the study of classes of nonlinear lumped parameter systems. The appropriate properties of the new D transforms are presented to bring out their applicability in the analysis of nonlinear distributed parameter systems.


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The interaction between large deflections, rotation effects and unsteady aerodynamics makes the dynamic analysis of rotating and flapping wing a nonlinear aeroelastic problem. This problem is governed by nonlinear periodic partial differential equations whose solution is needed to calculate the response and loads acting on vehicles using rotary or flapping wings for lift generation. We look at three important problems in this paper. The first problem shows the effect of nonlinear phenomenon coming from piezoelectric actuators used for helicopter vibration control. The second problem looks at the propagation on material uncertainty on the nonlinear response, vibration and aeroelastic stability of a composite helicopter rotor. The third problem considers the use of piezoelectric actuators for generating large motions in a dragonfly inspired flapping wing. These problems provide interesting insights into nonlinear aeroelasticity and show the likelihood of surprising phenomenon which needs to be considered during the design of rotary and flapping wing vehicle


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The unsteady laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow of a thermomicropolar fluid over a long thin vertical cylinder has been studied when the free stream velocity varies with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The results show that the buoyancy, curvature and suction parameters, in general, enhance the skin friction, heat transfer and gradient of microrotation, but the effect of injection is just opposite. The skin friction and heat transfer for the micropolar fluid are considerably less than those for the Newtonian fluids. The effect of microrotation parameter is appreciable only on the microrotation gradient. The effect of the Prandtl number is appreciable on the skin friction, heat transfer and gradient of microtation.


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The unsteady laminar free convection boundary layer flows around two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies placed in an ambient fluid of infinite extent have been studied when the flow is driven by thermal buoyancy forces and buoyancy forces from species diffusion. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by both temperature and concentration at the wall which vary arbitrarily with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been performed for a circular cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are strongly dependent on the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. Also the skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist and oppose, respectively, the thermal buoyancy force, whereas the mass transfer rate is higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values. The local heat and mass transfer rates are maximum at the stagnation point and they decrease progressively with increase of the angular position from the stagnation point.


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The present study of the stability of systems governed by a linear multidimensional time-varying equation, which are encountered in spacecraft dynamics, economics, demographics, and biological systems, gives attention the lemma dealing with L(inf) stability of an integral equation that results from the differential equation of the system under consideration. Using the proof of this lemma, the main result on L(inf) stability is derived according; a corollary of the theorem deals with constant coefficient systems perturbed by small periodic terms. (O.C.)


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The unsteady laminar free convection flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies embedded in a highly porous medium with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. It is observed that the skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer increase with the permeability parameter but decrease with the magnetic parameter. The results are strongly dependent on the variation of wall temperature and concentration with time. The skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist or oppose the thermal buoyancy force. However, the mass transfer is found to be higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values


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The flapping equation for a rotating rigid helicopter blade is typically derived by considering (1)small flap angle, (2) small induced angle of attack and (3) linear aerodynamics. However, the use of nonlinear aerodynamics such as dynamic stall can make the assumptions of small angles suspect as shown in this paper. A general equation describing helicopter blade flap dynamics for large flap angle and large induced inflow angle of attack is derived. A semi-empirical dynamic stall aerodynamics model (ONERA model) is used. Numerical simulations are performed by solving the nonlinear flapping ordinary differential equation for steady state conditions and the validity of the small angle approximations are examined. It is shown that the small flapping assumption, and to a lesser extent, the small induced angle ofattack assumption, can lead to inaccurate predictions of the blade flap response in certain flight conditions for some rotors when nonlinear aerodynamics is considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An analysis is performed to study the unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in a cone due to a point sink with an applied magnetic field. The unsteadiness in the flow is considered for two types of motion, viz. the motion arising due to the free stream velocity varying continuously with time and the transient motion occurring due to an impulsive change either in the strength of the point sink or in the wall temperature. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The magnetic field increases the skin friction but reduces heat transfer. The heat transfer and temperature field are strongly influenced by the viscous dissipation and Prandtl number. The velocity field is more affected at the early stage of the transient motion, caused by an impulsive change in the strength of the point sink, as compared to the temperature field. When the transient motion is caused by a sudden change in the wall temperature, both skin friction and heat transfer take more time to reach a new steady state. The transient nature of the flow and heat transfer is active for a short time in the case of suction and for a long time in the case of injection. The viscous dissipation prolongs the transient behavior of the flow.


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Semi-similar solutions of the unsteady compressible laminar boundary layer flow over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies at the stagnation point with mass transfer are studied for all the second-order boundary layer effects when the free stream velocity varies arbitrarily with time. The set of partial differential equations governing the unsteady compressible second-order boundary layers representing all the effects are derived for the first time. These partial differential equations are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The results are obtained for two particular unsteady free stream velocity distributions: (a) an accelerating stream and (b) a fluctuating stream. It is observed that the total skin friction and heat transfer are strongly affected by the surface mass transfer and wall temperature. However, their variation with time is significant only for large times. The second-order boundary layer effects are found to be more pronounced in the case of no mass transfer or injection as compared to that for suction. Résumé Des solutions semi-similaires d'écoulement variable compressible de couche limite sur des corps bi-dimensionnels thermique, sont étudiées pour tous les effets de couche limite du second ordre, lorsque la vitesse de l'écoulement libre varie arbitrairement avec le temps. Le systéme d'équations aux dérivées partielles représentant tous les effets est écrit pour la premiére fois. On le résout numériquement á l'aide d'un schéma implicite aux différences finies. Les résultats sont obtenus pour deux cas de vitesse variable d'écoulement libre: (a) un écoulement accéléré et (b) un écoulement fluctuant. On observe que le frottement pariétal total et le transfert de chaleur sont fortement affectés par le transfert de masse et la température pariétaux. Néanmoins, leur variation avec le temps est sensible seulement pour des grandes durées. Les effets sont trouvés plus prononcés dans le cas de l'absence du transfert de masse ou de l'injection par rapport au cas de l'aspiration.


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The steady incompressible laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow along a rotating slender vertical cylinder with an isothermal wall has been studied. The transformed coupled nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved numerically using the Keller box method. In general, the rotation of the cylinder, the buoyancy forces and the curvature parameter are found to significantly affect the skin friction, heat transfer, velocity and temperature profiles as well as the pressure distribution. The buoyancy forces cause an overshoot in the axial velocity profile but the rotation and curvature parameters reduce it.


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The combined effects of the permeability of the medium, magnetic field, buoyancy forces and dissipation on the unsteady mixed convection flow over a horizontal cylinder and a sphere embedded in a porous medium have been studied. The nonlinear coupled partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer increase with the permeability of the medium, magnetic field and buoyancy parameter. The heat and mass transfer continuously decrease with the stream-wise distance, whereas the skin friction increases from zero, attains a maximum and then decreases to zero. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are significantly affected by the free stream velocity distribution. The effect of dissipation parameter is found to be more pronounced on the heat transfer than on the skin friction and mass transfer


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All the second-order boundary-layer effects on the unsteady laminar incompressible flow at the stagnation-point of a three-dimensional body for both nodal and saddle point regions have been studied. It has been assumed that the free-stream velocity, wall temperature and mass transfer vary arbitrarily with time. The effect of the Prandtl number has been taken into account. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been derived for the first time and then solved numerically unsteady free-stream velocity distributions, the nature of the using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the stagnation point and the mass transfer strongly affect the skin friction and heat transfer whereas the effects of the Prandtl number and the variation of the wall temperature with time are only on the heat transfer. The skin friction due to the combined effects of first- and second-order boundary layers is less than the skin friction due to, the first-order boundary layers whereas the heat transfer has the opposite behaviour. Suction increases the skin friction and heat transfer but injection does the opposite


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The problem of a circular elastic inclusion in a cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure or thermal loading is studied. The two shallow-shell equations governing the behaviour of a cylindrical shell are transformed into a single differential equation involving a curvature parameter and a complex potential function in a non-dimensional form. In the shell region, the solution is represented by Hankel functions of first kind, whereas in the inclusion region it is represented by Bessel functions of first kind. Boundary conditions at the shell-inclusion junction are expressed in a simple form involving in-plane strains and change in curvature. The effect of such inclusion parameters as extensional rigidity, bending rigidity, and thermal expansion coefficients on the stress concentrations has been determined. The results are presented in non-dimensional form for ready use.


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The dynamics of low-density flows is governed by the Boltzmann equation of the kinetic theory of gases. This is a nonlinear integro-differential equation and, in general, numerical methods must be used to obtain its solution. The present paper, after a brief review of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) methods due to Bird, and Belotserkovskii and Yanitskii, studies the details of theDSMC method of Deshpande for mono as well as multicomponent gases. The present method is a statistical particle-in-cell method and is based upon the Kac-Prigogine master equation which reduces to the Boltzmann equation under the hypothesis of molecular chaos. The proposed Markoff model simulating the collisions uses a Poisson distribution for the number of collisions allowed in cells into which the physical space is divided. The model is then extended to a binary mixture of gases and it is shown that it is necessary to perform the collisions in a certain sequence to obtain unbiased simulation.