123 resultados para Mutations in proteins


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The chb operon of Escherichia coli is involved in the utilization of the beta-glucosides chitobiose and cellobiose. The function of chbG (ydjC), the sixth open reading frame of the operon that codes for an evolutionarily conserved protein is unknown. We show that chbG encodes a monodeacetylase that is essential for growth on the acetylated chitooligosaccharides chitobiose and chitotriose but is dispensable for growth on cellobiose and chitosan dimer, the deacetylated form of chitobiose. The predicted active site of the enzyme was validated by demonstrating loss of function upon substitution of its putative metal-binding residues that are conserved across the YdjC family of proteins. We show that activation of the chb promoter by the regulatory protein ChbR is dependent on ChbG, suggesting that deacetylation of chitobiose-6-P and chitotriose-6-P is necessary for their recognition by ChbR as inducers. Strains carrying mutations in chbR conferring the ability to grow on both cellobiose and chitobiose are independent of chbG function for induction, suggesting that gain of function mutations in ChbR allow it to recognize the acetylated form of the oligosaccharides. ChbR-independent expression of the permease and phospho-beta-glucosidase from a heterologous promoter did not support growth on both chitobiose and chitotriose in the absence of chbG, suggesting an additional role of chbG in the hydrolysis of chitooligosaccharides. The homologs of chbG in metazoans have been implicated in development and inflammatory diseases of the intestine, indicating that understanding the function of E. coli chbG has a broader significance.


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Background: The correlation of genetic distances between pairs of protein sequence alignments has been used to infer protein-protein interactions. It has been suggested that these correlations are based on the signal of co-evolution between interacting proteins. However, although mutations in different proteins associated with maintaining an interaction clearly occur (particularly in binding interfaces and neighbourhoods), many other factors contribute to correlated rates of sequence evolution. Proteins in the same genome are usually linked by shared evolutionary history and so it would be expected that there would be topological similarities in their phylogenetic trees, whether they are interacting or not. For this reason the underlying species tree is often corrected for. Moreover processes such as expression level, are known to effect evolutionary rates. However, it has been argued that the correlated rates of evolution used to predict protein interaction explicitly includes shared evolutionary history; here we test this hypothesis. Results: In order to identify the evolutionary mechanisms giving rise to the correlations between interaction proteins, we use phylogenetic methods to distinguish similarities in tree topologies from similarities in genetic distances. We use a range of datasets of interacting and non-interacting proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that the signal of correlated evolution between interacting proteins is predominantly a result of shared evolutionary rates, rather than similarities in tree topology, independent of evolutionary divergence. Conclusions: Since interacting proteins do not have tree topologies that are more similar than the control group of non-interacting proteins, it is likely that coevolution does not contribute much to, if any, of the observed correlations.


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Mutations in the MCPH1 (microcephalin 1) gene, located at chromosome 8p23.1, result in two autosomal recessive disorders: primary microcephaly and premature chromosome condensation syndrome. MCPH1 has also been shown to be downregulated in breast, prostate and ovarian cancers, and mutated in 1/10 breast and 5/41 endometrial tumors, suggesting that it could also function as a tumor suppressor (TS) gene. To test the possibility of MCPH1 as a TS gene, we first performed LOH study in a panel of 81 matched normal oral tissues and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) samples, and observed that 14/71 (19.72%) informative samples showed LOH, a hallmark of TS genes. Three protein truncating mutations were identified in 1/15 OSCC samples and 2/5 cancer cell lines. MCPH1 was downregulated at both the transcript and protein levels in 21/41 (51.22%) and 19/25 (76%) OSCC samples respectively. A low level of MCPH1 promoter methylation was also observed in 4/40 (10%) tumor samples. We further observed that overexpression of MCPH1 decreased cellular proliferation, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, cell invasion and tumor size in nude mice, indicating its tumor suppressive function. Using bioinformatic approaches and luciferase assay, we showed that the 3'-UTR of MCPH1 harbors two non-overlapping functional seed regions for miR-27a which negatively regulated its level. The expression level of miR-27a negatively correlated with the MCPH1 protein level in OSCC. Our study indicates for the first time that, in addition to its role in brain development, MCPH1 also functions as a tumor suppressor gene and is regulated by miR-27a.


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Glioblastoma is one of the common types of primary brain tumors with a median survival of 12-15 months. The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) pathway is known to be deregulated in 88% of the patients with glioblastoma. 45% of GBM patients show amplifications and activating mutations in EGFR gene leading to the upregulation of the pathway. In the present study, we demonstrate that a brain specific miRNA, miR-219-5p, repressed EGFR by directly binding to its 3'-UTR. The expression of miR-219-5p was downregulated in glioblastoma and the overexpression of miR-219-5p in glioma cell lines inhibited the proliferation, anchorage independent growth and migration. In addition, miR-219-5p inhibited MAPK and PI3K pathways in glioma cell lines in concordance with its ability to target EGFR. The inhibitory effect of miR-219-5p on MAPK and PI3K pathways and glioma cell migration could be rescued by the overexpression of wild type EGFR and vIII mutant of EGFR (both lacking 3'-UTR and thus being insensitive to miR-219-5p) suggesting that the inhibitory effects of miR-219-5p were indeed because of its ability to target EGFR. We also found significant negative correlation between miR-219-5p levels and total as well as phosphorylated forms of EGFR in glioblastoma patient samples. This indicated that the downregulation of miR-219-5p in glioblastoma patients contribute to the increased activity of the RTK pathway by the upregulation of EGFR. Thus, we have identified and characterized miR-219-5p as the RTK regulating novel tumor suppressor miRNA in glioblastoma.


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Purpose: Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy 2 (CHED2) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the solute carrier family 4, sodium borate transporter, member 11 (SLC4A11) gene. The purpose of this study was to identify the genetic cause of CHED2 in six Indian families and catalog all known mutations in the SLC4A11 gene. Methods: Peripheral blood samples were collected from individuals of the families with CHED2 and used in genomic DNA isolation. PCR primers were used to amplify the entire coding region including intron-exon junctions of SLC4A11. Amplicons were subsequently sequenced to identify the mutations. Results: DNA sequence analysis of the six families identified four novel (viz., p.Thr262Ile, p.Gly417Arg, p.Cys611Arg, and p.His724Asp) mutations and one known p.Arg869His homozygous mutation in the SLC4A11 gene. The mutation p.Gly417Arg was identified in two families. Conclusions: This study increases the mutation spectrum of the SLC4A11 gene. A review of the literature showed that the total number of mutations in the SLC4A11 gene described to date is 78. Most of the mutations are missense, followed by insertions-deletions. The present study will be helpful in genetic diagnosis of the families reported here.


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The conserved stem domain of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) is a target for broadly neutralizing antibodies and a potential vaccine antigen for induction of hetero-subtypic protection. The epitope of 12D1, a previously reported bnAb neutralizing several H3 subtype influenza strains, was putatively mapped to residues 76-106 of the CD-helix, also referred to as long alpha helix (LAH) of the HA stem. A peptide derivative consisting of wt-LAH residues 76-130 conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin was previously shown to confer robust protection in mice against challenge with influenza strains of subtypes H3, H1, and H5 which motivated the present study. We report the design of multiple peptide derivatives of LAH with or without heterologous trimerization sequences and show that several of these are better folded than wt-LAH. However, in contrast to the previous study immunization of mice with wt-LAH resulted in negligible protection against a lethal homologous virus challenge, while some of the newly designed immunogens could confer weak protection. Combined with structural analysis of HA, our data suggest that in addition to LAH, other regions of HA are likely to significantly contribute to the epitope for 12D1 and will be required to elicit robust protection. In addition, a dynamic, flexible conformation of isolated LAH peptide may be required for eliciting a functional anti-viral response. Proteins 2013; 81:1759-1775. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Myopathies are muscular diseases in which muscle fibers degenerate due to many factors such as nutrient deficiency, infection and mutations in myofibrillar etc. The objective of this study is to identify the bio-markers to distinguish various muscle mutants in Drosophila (fruit fly) using Raman Spectroscopy. Principal Components based Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification model yielding >95% accuracy was developed to classify such different mutants representing various myopathies according to their physiopathology.


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Myopathies are muscular diseases in which muscle fibers degenerate due to many factors such as nutrient deficiency, infection and mutations in myofibrillar etc. The objective of this study is to identify the bio-markers to distinguish various muscle mutants in Drosophila (fruit fly) using Raman Spectroscopy. Principal Components based Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification model yielding >95% accuracy was developed to classify such different mutants representing various myopathies according to their physiopathology.


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In peptide and protein structures, occurrence of (phi,psi.) angles in the disallowed region of the Ramachandran map almost always suggests local regions of error or poor accuracy. However, very rarely genuine disallowed conformations occur as noted in the current study in proteins of known structure available at ultra-high resolution (<= 1.2 (A) over circle). In the current work, extent of conservation of genuine disallowed conformations in homologous proteins of known structures has been analyzed. From a dataset of 124 protein domain families, with structure of at least one constituent member in each family available at a resolution of 1.2 (A) over circle or better, we have analyzed the conservation of 221 disallowed conformations. It is observed that the disallowed conformation is only moderately conservedin protein domain families. In the gross dataset no particular residue type adopting disallowed conformation elicit high conservation of residue type though there are alignment positions in the dataset with complete conservation of both the residue type and the disallowed conformation. Conserved disallowed conformation in protein domain families play biologically significant role in roughly 50% of the cases. The residues with the disallowed conformation or its flanking residues are often located within or around the functional site of the protein. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conformational changes in proteins are extremely important for their biochemical functions. Correlation between inherent conformational variations in a protein and conformational differences in its homologues of known structure is still unclear. In this study, we have used a structural alphabet called Protein Blocks (PBs). PBs are used to perform abstraction of protein 3-D structures into a 1-D strings of 16 alphabets (a-p) based on dihedral angles of overlapping pentapeptides. We have analyzed the variations in local conformations in terms of PBs represented in the ensembles of 801 protein structures determined using NMR spectroscopy. In the analysis of concatenated data over all the residues in all the NMR ensembles, we observe that the overall nature of inherent local structural variations in NMR ensembles is similar to the nature of local structural differences in homologous proteins with a high correlation coefficient of .94. High correlation at the alignment positions corresponding to helical and beta-sheet regions is only expected. However, the correlation coefficient by considering only the loop regions is also quite high (.91). Surprisingly, segregated position-wise analysis shows that this high correlation does not hold true to loop regions at the structurally equivalent positions in NMR ensembles and their homologues of known structure. This suggests that the general nature of local structural changes is unique; however most of the local structural variations in loop regions of NMR ensembles do not correlate to their local structural differences at structurally equivalent positions in homologues.


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We demonstrate the utility of the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to monitor conformational transitions in protein upon ligand binding. The changes in protein's secondary and tertiary structures were monitored using amide and aliphatic/aromatic side chain vibrations. Changes in these bands are suggestive of the stabilization of the secondary and tertiary structure of transcription activator protein C in the presence of Mg2+ ion, whereas the spectral fingerprint remained unaltered in the case of a mutant protein, defective in Mg2+ binding. The importance of the acidic residues in Mg2+ binding, which triggers an overall allosteric transition in the protein, is visualized in the molecular model. The present study thus opens up avenues toward the application of SERS as a potential tool for gaining structural insights into the changes occurring during conformational transitions in proteins.


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The interfacing of aromatic molecules with biomolecules to design functional molecular materials is a promising area of research. Intermolecular interactions determine the performance of these materials and therefore, precise control over the molecular organization is necessary to improve functional properties. Herein we describe the tunable biomimetic molecular engineering of a promising n-type organic semiconductor, naphthalene diimide (NDI), in the solid state by introducing minute structural mutations in the form of amino acids with variable Ca-functionality. For the first time we could achieve all four possible crystal packing modes, namely cofacial, brickwork, herringbone and slipped stacks of the NDI system. Furthermore, amino acid conjugated NDIs exhibit ultrasonication induced organogels with tunable visco-elastic and temperature responsive emission properties. The amino acid-NDI conjugates self-assemble into 0D nanospheres and 1D nanofibers in their gel state while the ethylamine-NDI conjugate forms 2D sheets from its solution. Photophysical studies indicated the remarkable influence of molecular ordering on the absorption and fluorescence properties of NDIs. Interestingly, the circular dichroism (CD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies revealed the existence of helical ordering of NDIs in both solution and solid state. The chiral amino acids and their conformations with respect to the central NDI core are found to influence the nature of the helical organization of NDIs. Consequently, the origin of the preferential handedness in the helical organization is attributed to transcription of chiral information from the amino acid to the NDI core. On account of these unique properties, the materials derived from NDI-conjugates might find a wide range of future interdisciplinary applications from materials to biomedicine.


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The Ramachandran map clearly delineates the regions of accessible conformational (phi-) space for amino acid residues in proteins. Experimental distributions of phi, values in high-resolution protein structures, reveal sparsely populated zones within fully allowed regions and distinct clusters in apparently disallowed regions. Conformational space has been divided into 14 distinct bins. Residues adopting these relatively rare conformations are presented and amino acid propensities for these regions are estimated. Inspection of specific examples in a completely arid, fully allowed region in the top left quadrant establishes that side-chain and backbone interactions may provide the energetic compensation necessary for populating this region of phi- space. Asn, Asp, and His residues showed the highest propensities in this region. The two distinct clusters in the bottom right quadrant which are formally disallowed on strict steric considerations correspond to the gamma turn (C7 axial) conformation (Bin 12) and the i + 1 position of Type II turns (Bin 13). Of the 516 non-Gly residues in Bin 13, 384 occupied the i + 1 position of Type II turns. Further examination of these turn segments revealed a high propensity to occur at the N-terminus of helices and as a tight turn in hairpins. The strand-helix motif with the Type II turn as a connecting element was also found in as many as 57 examples. Proteins 2014; 82:1101-1112. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Purpose: Weill-Marchesani syndrome (WMS) is a rare connective tissue disorder, characterized by short stature, micro-spherophakic lens, and stubby hands and feet (brachydactyly). WMS is caused by mutations in the FBN1, ADAMTS10, and LTBP2 genes. Mutations in the LTBP2 and ADAMTS17 genes cause a WMS-like syndrome, in which the affected individuals show major features of WMS but do not display brachydactyly and joint stiffness. The main purpose of our study was to determine the genetic cause of WMS in an Indian family. Methods: Whole exome sequencing (WES) was used to identify the genetic cause of WMS in the family. The cosegregation of the mutation was determined with Sanger sequencing. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis was used to assess the effect of a splice-site mutation on splicing of the ADAMTS17 transcript. Results: The WES analysis identified a homozygous novel splice-site mutation c.873+1G>T in a known WMS-like syndrome gene, ADAMTS17, in the family. RT-PCR analysis in the patient showed that exon 5 was skipped, which resulted in the deletion of 28 amino acids in the ADAMTS17 protein. Conclusions: The mutation in the WMS-like syndrome gene ADAMTS17 also causes WMS in an Indian family. The present study will be helpful in genetic diagnosis of this family and increases the number of mutations of this gene to six.


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Initiator tRNAs are special in their direct binding to the ribosomal P-site due to the hallmark occurrence of the three consecutive G-C base pairs (3GC pairs) in their anticodon stems. How the 3GC pairs function in this role, has remained unsolved. We show that mutations in either the mRNA or 16S rRNA leading to extended interaction between the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) and anti-SD sequences compensate for the vital need of the 3GC pairs in tRNA(fMet) for its function in Escherichia coli. In vivo, the 3GC mutant tRNA(fMet) occurred less abundantly in 70S ribosomes but normally on 30S subunits. However, the extended SD:anti-SD interaction increased its occurrence in 70S ribosomes. We propose that the 3GC pairs play a critical role in tRNA(fMet) retention in ribosome during the conformational changes that mark the transition of 30S preinitiation complex into elongation competent 70S complex. Furthermore, treating cells with kasugamycin, decreasing ribosome recycling factor (RRF) activity or increasing initiation factor 2 (IF2) levels enhanced initiation with the 3GC mutant tRNA(fMet), suggesting that the 70S mode of initiation is less dependent on the 3GC pairs in tRNA(fMet).