111 resultados para Liquid–liquid equilibria


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Streszczenie angielskie: Using solid oxide galvanic cells of the type: MnO + Sm2O3 + SmMnO3 / O-2/ Ni + NiO and Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + SmMn2O5 / O-2 / air the equilibrium oxygen pressure for three-phase equilibria described by the following reactions of formation of ternary phases: MnO + 1/2Sm2O3 + 1/4O2 = SmMnO3 1/3Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + 1/3O2 = SmMn2O5 was determined in the temperature range from 1173 to 1450 K. From the obtained experimental data the corresponding Gibbs free energy change for above reactions of phases formation was derived: ΔG0f,SmMnO3(+/ - 250J) = -131321(+/ - 2000) + 48.02(+/ - 0:35)T / K ΔG0f,SmMn2O5(+/ - 2000 J) = -107085(+/ - 2200) + 69.74(+/ - 1:70)T / K Using obtained results and available literature data, thermodynamic data tables for the two ternary phases have been compiled from 298.15 to 1400 K. Streszczenie polskie: W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące własności termodynamicznych manganinów samaru, wyznaczone metodą pomiaru SEM ogniw ze stałym elektrolitem: MnO + Sm2O3 + SmMnO3 / O-2/ Ni + NiO ogniwo I Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + SmMn2O5 / O-2 / powietrze ogniwo II oraz określono równowagowe ciśnienie parcjalne tlenu dla reakcji tworzenia SmMnO3 i SmMn2O5 w zakresie temperatur 1173�1450 K: MnO + 1/2Sm2O3 + 1/4O2 = SmMnO3 1/3Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + 1/3O2 = SmMn2O5 Z tych danych doświadczalnych wyznaczono zależności temperaturowe energii swobodnych tworzenia powyższych manganinów samaru: ΔG0f,SmMnO3(+/ - 250J) = -131321(+/ - 2000) + 48.02(+/ - 0:35)T / K ΔG0f,SmMn2O5(+/ - 2000 J) = -107085(+/ - 2200) + 69.74(+/ - 1:70)T / K W tablicach I i II zamieszczono dane termodynamiczne dla dwóch potrójnych faz otrzymane poprzez kompilacje własnych danych doświadczalnych z danymi literaturowymi.


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Although Pb(Zr1−XTiX)O3 solid solution is the cornerstone of the piezoelectric ceramics, there is no information in the literature on thermodynamic activities of the component phases in the solid solution. Using inter-crystalline ion exchange equilibria between Pb(Zr1−XTiX)O3 solid solution with cubic perovskite structure and (Zr1−YTiY)O2 solid solutions with monoclinic and tetragonal structures, activities of PbTiO3 and PbZrO3 in the perovskite solid solution have been derived at 1373 K using the modified Gibbs–Duhem integration technique of Jacob and Jeffes. Tie-lines from the cubic solid solution are skewed towards the ZrO2 corner. Activities in the zirconia-rich (Zr1−YTiY)O2 solid solutions are taken from a recent emf study. The results for the perovskite solid solution at 1373 K can be represented by a sub-regular solution model:View the MathML sourcewhere ΔGE,M is the excess Gibbs energy of mixing of the cubic solid solution and Xi represents the mole fraction of component i. There is a significant positive deviation from ideality for PbTiO3-rich compositions and mild negative deviation near the PbZrO3 corner. The cubic solid solution is intrinsically stable against composition fluctuations at temperatures down to 840 K. The results contrast sharply with the recent calorimetric data on enthalpy of mixing which signal instability of the cubic perovskite solid solution.


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A central scheduling problem in wireless communications is that of allocating resources to one of many mobile stations that have a common radio channel. Much attention has been given to the design of efficient and fair scheduling schemes that are centrally controlled by a base station (BS) whose decisions depend on the channel conditions reported by each mobile. The BS is the only entity taking decisions in this framework. The decisions are based on the reports of mobiles on their radio channel conditions. In this paper, we study the scheduling problem from a game-theoretic perspective in which some of the mobiles may be noncooperative or strategic, and may not necessarily report their true channel conditions. We model this situation as a signaling game and study its equilibria. We demonstrate that the only Perfect Bayesian Equilibria (PBE) of the signaling game are of the babbling type: the noncooperative mobiles send signals independent of their channel states, the BS simply ignores them, and allocates channels based only on the prior information on the channel statistics. We then propose various approaches to enforce truthful signaling of the radio channel conditions: a pricing approach, an approach based on some knowledge of the mobiles' policies, and an approach that replaces this knowledge by a stochastic approximations approach that combines estimation and control. We further identify other equilibria that involve non-truthful signaling.


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The quaternary oxide in the system Al2O3-CaO-TiO2 is found to have the composition Ca3Ti8Al12O37 rather than CaTi3Al8O19 as reported in the literature. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Ca3Ti8Al12O37 from component binary oxides is measured in the temperature range from 900 to 1250 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating single crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The results can be represented by the equation: delta G(f(0x))(0) (+/- 70)/J mol(-1) = -248474 - 15.706(T/K). Combining this information with thermodynamic data on calcium aluminates and titanates available in the literature, subsolidus phase relations in the pseudo-ternary system Al2O3-CaO-TiO2 are computed and presented as isothermal sections. The evolution of phase relations with temperature is highlighted. Chemical potential diagrams are computed at 1200 K, showing the stability domains of the various phases in the chemical potential-composition space. In each chemical potential diagram, chemical potential of one component is plotted against the cationic fraction of the other two components. The diagrams are valid at relatively high oxygen potentials where Ti is present in its four-valent state in all the oxide phases.


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We study zero-sum risk-sensitive stochastic differential games on the infinite horizon with discounted and ergodic payoff criteria. Under certain assumptions, we establish the existence of values and saddle-point equilibria. We obtain our results by studying the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations. Finally, we show that the value of the ergodic payoff criterion is a constant multiple of the maximal eigenvalue of the generators of the associated nonlinear semigroups.


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The effect of Tb/Dy ratio on the structural and magnetic properties of (Tb,Dy)Fe-2 class of alloys has been investigated using nine alloys of TbxDy1-xFe1.95 (x = 0-1) covering the entire range. Our results indicate that the three phases viz. (Tb,Dy)Fe-2 (major phase), (Tb,Dy)Fe-3 and(Tb,Dy)-solid solution (minor phases) coexist in all the alloys. The volume fraction of pro-peritectic (Tb,Dy)Fe-3 phase however, has a minimum at x = 0.4 and a maximum at x = 0.6 compositions. The volume fraction of this phase decreases upon heat treatment at 850 degrees C and 1000 degrees C. A Widmanstatten type precipitate of (Tb,Dy)Fe-3 was observed for Dy-rich compositions (0 <= x <= 0.5). The microstructural investigations indicate that the ternary phase equilibria of Tb-Dy-Fe are sensitive to Tb/Dy ratio including the expansion of (Tb,Dy)Fe-2 phase field which is in contrast to the pseudo-binary assumption that is followed in available literature to date. The lattice parameter, Curie temperature and coercivity are found to increase with Tb addition. Split of (440) peak of (Tb,Dy)Fe-2 observed in x >= 0.3 alloys indicate, a spin reorientation transition from 100] to 111] occurs with Tb addition. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Sapphirine-cordierite intergrowths occur as pods within garnet-absent, high-Mg orthopyroxene-granulite xenoliths in the Kambam valley, Madurai Block, southern India. Whereas the cores of the pods are composed of sapphirine (X-Mg = 0.871-0.897) - cordierite (X-Mg = 0.892-0.931) intergrowth along with rutile, zircon and monazite, the rims are characterized by cordierite, apatite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz and minor calcite. The surrounding matrix comprises orthopyroxene (maximum Al2O3 4.1 wt.%, X-Mg 0.848-0.850), plagioclase, biotite and quartz, similar to the assemblage in the surrounding charnockites. Sapphirine in the Kambam rocks is characterized by high Al contents with an end-member composition in the range of 7:9:3 and 3:5:1. The occurrence of peraluminous sapphirine in association with cordierite and in the absence of phases such as sillimanite and garnet is distinct from ultrahigh-temperature assemblages in other localities within the Madurai Block. The peraluminous composition of the pods suggests that these domains could represent cryptic pathways through which aluminous melts migrated. The reaction of such peraluminous melts with Mg-rich orthopyroxene in the host granulite at temperatures of 1025 degrees C and pressures around 8 kbar as computed from phase equilibria modeling followed by an isobaric cooling is inferred to have generated the sapphirine-cordierite pods. The unusual high-Mg orthopyroxene granulite suggests interaction of supracrustal rocks with mafic magmas, which probably acted as the heat source for the partial melting of lower crust and UHT metamorphism.


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Congruent oxidation occurs when an alloy oxidizes at constant oxygen chemical potential and temperature to an oxide in which the ratio of metallic components is the same as in the alloy. In alloys that undergo congruent oxidation concentration gradients near the surface are minimized. In this work thermodynamic conditions for congruent oxidation of binary and ternary alloys are formulated using the regular solution model to describe thermodynamic mixing properties. The conditions under which congruent oxidation can occur are identified. Congruent oxidation of a binary alloy X-Y will occur only if difference in oxygen potential for the oxidation of the two pure metals is less than twice the difference in regular solution parameters for the oxide and alloy phases (Omega(O)-Omega(A)). In the case of ternary alloys, congruency requirements for both two-phase and three-phase equilibria are discussed. Since the conditions for congruent oxidation of ternary alloy X-Y-Z depends on many parameters, the effect of systematic variation of the binary sets of regular solution parameters on the congruent composition is explored by numerical solution of the governing equations.


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We study the question of determining locations of base stations (BSs) that may belong to the same or to competing service providers. We take into account the impact of these decisions on the behavior of intelligent mobile terminals that can connect to the base station that offers the best utility. The signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is used as the quantity that determines the association. We first study the SINR association-game: We determine the cells corresponding to each base stations, i.e., the locations at which mobile terminals prefer to connect to a given base station than to others. We make some surprising observations: 1) displacing a base station a little in one direction may result in a displacement of the boundary of the corresponding cell to the opposite direction; 2) a cell corresponding to a BS may be the union of disconnected subcells. We then study the hierarchical equilibrium in the combined BS location and mobile association problem: We determine where to locate the BSs so as to maximize the revenues obtained at the induced SINR mobile association game. We consider the cases of single frequency band and two frequency bands of operation. Finally, we also consider hierarchical equilibria in two frequency systems with successive interference cancellation.


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Conformational diversity or shapeshifting in cyclic peptide natural products can, in principle, confer a single molecular entity with the property of binding to multiple receptors. Conformational equilibria have been probed in the contryphans, which are peptides derived from Conus venom possessing a 23-membered cyclic disulfide moiety. The natural sequences derived from Conus inscriptus, GCV(D)LYPWC* (In936) and Conus loroisii, GCP(D)WDPWC* (Lo959) differ in the number of proline residues within the macrocyclic ring. Structural characterisation of distinct conformational states arising from cis-trans equilibria about Xxx-Pro bonds is reported. Isomerisation about the C2-P3 bond is observed in the case of Lo959 and about the Y5-P6 bond in In936. Evidence is presented for as many as four distinct species in the case of the synthetic analogue V3P In936. The Tyr-Pro-Trp segment in In936 is characterised by distinct sidechain orientations as a consequence of aromatic/proline interactions as evidenced by specific sidechain-sidechain nuclear Overhauser effects and ring current shifted proton chemical shifts. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that Tyr5 and Trp7 sidechain conformations are correlated and depend on the geometry of the Xxx-Pro bond. Thermodynamic parameters are derived for the cis trans equilibrium for In936. Studies on synthetic analogues provide insights into the role of sequence effects in modulating isomerisation about Xxx-Pro bonds.


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Infinite horizon discounted-cost and ergodic-cost risk-sensitive zero-sum stochastic games for controlled Markov chains with countably many states are analyzed. Upper and lower values for these games are established. The existence of value and saddle-point equilibria in the class of Markov strategies is proved for the discounted-cost game. The existence of value and saddle-point equilibria in the class of stationary strategies is proved under the uniform ergodicity condition for the ergodic-cost game. The value of the ergodic-cost game happens to be the product of the inverse of the risk-sensitivity factor and the logarithm of the common Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue of the associated controlled nonlinear kernels. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Growth kinetics, phase boundary compositions, interdiffusion coefficients and the relative mobilities of the components are determined in the W-Pt system. The measured phase boundary compositions for the gamma phase are found to be different from the reported phase diagram. The interdiffusion coefficient and the activation energy decrease in the Pt(W) solid solution with increasing W content. An estimation of the parabolic growth constants and average interdiffusion coefficients in the gamma phase indicates that the diffusion process should be explained based on the estimation of diffusion parameters, which otherwise could lead to a wrong conclusion. The estimation of the relative mobilities of the components in the gamma phase indicates that Pt has a much higher diffusion rate than W. This is explained with the help of the crystal structure and the possible point defects present on different sublattices.


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The interfacial reactions between several Au(Cu) alloys and pure Sn were studied experimentally at 200A degrees C. Amounts of Cu in the AuSn4 and AuSn2 phases were as low as 1 at.%. On the basis of these experimental results there is no continuous solid solution between (Au,Cu)Sn and (Cu,Au)(6)Sn-5. The copper content of (Au,Cu)Sn was determined to be approximately 7-8 at.%. Substantial amounts of Au were present in the (Cu,Au)(6)Sn-5 and (Cu,Au)(3)Sn phases. Two ternary compounds were formed, one with stoichiometry varying from (Au40.5Cu39)Sn-20.5 to (Au20.2Cu59.3)Sn-20.5 (ternary ``B''), the other with the composition Au34Cu33Sn33 (ternary ``C''). The measured phase boundary compositions of the product phases are plotted on the available Au-Cu-Sn isotherm and the phase equilibria are discussed. The complexity and average thickness of the diffusion zone decreases with increasing Cu content except for the Au(40 at.%Cu) couple.


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Methane and ethane are the simplest hydrocarbon molecules that can form clathrate hydrates. Previous studies have reported methods for calculating the three-phase equilibrium using Monte Carlo simulation methods in systems with a single component in the gas phase. Here we extend those methods to a binary gas mixture of methane and ethane. Methane-ethane system is an interesting one in that the pure components form sII clathrate hydrate whereas a binary mixture of the two can form the sII clathrate. The phase equilibria computed from Monte Carlo simulations show a good agreement with experimental data and are also able to predict the sI-sII structural transition in the clathrate hydrate. This is attributed to the quality of the TIP4P/Ice and TRaPPE models used in the simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study on reactive diffusion is conducted in the Re-Si system. According to the study, ReSi1.8 phase grows with much higher thickness than the Re2Si phase, in the interdiffusion zone of bulk diffusion couples. The activation energy for integrated diffusion of ReSi1.8 is estimated to be 605 +/- 23 kJ/mol. The growth of the Re2Si phase is studied by considering an incremental diffusion couple of Re/ReSi1.8. Analysis based on the calculation of integrated diffusion coefficients indicates the reason underlying the observed high difference between the growth rates of the ReSi1.8 and Re2Si phases.