104 resultados para Jensen, Sid


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Chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) is the first clear embryonic signal during early pregnancy in primates. CG has close structural and functional similarities to pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) which is regulated by gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH). To study the regulatory mechanism of CG secretion in primate embryos, we examined the production and timing of secretion of GnRH in peri-implantation embryos of the rhesus monkey. In-vivo fertilized/developed morulae and early blastocysts, recovered from non-superovulated, naturally-bred rhesus monkeys by non-surgical uterine flushing, were cultured in vitro to hatched, attached and post-attached blastocyst stages using a well-established culture system. We measured GnRH and CG in media samples from cultured embryos with a sensitive radioimmunoassay and bioassay, respectively. The secretion of GnRH (pg/ml; mean +/- SEM) by embryos (n = 20) commenced from low levels (0.32 +/- 0.05) during the pre-hatching blastocyst stage to 0.70 +/- 0.08 at 6-12 days and 1.30 +/- 0.23 at greater than or equal to 13 days of hatched blastocyst attachment and proliferation of trophoblast cells. GnRH concentrations in culture media obtained from embryos (n = 5) that failed to hatch and attach were mostly undetectable (less than or equal to 0.1). Samples that did not contain detectable GnRH failed to show detectable CG. Immunocytochemical studies, using a specific monoclonal anti-GnRH antibody (HU4H) as well as polyclonal antisera (LR-1), revealed that immunopositive GnRH cells were localized in pre-hatching blastocysts (n = 4), in blastocysts (n = 2) after 5-10 days of attachment and in monolayer cultures (n = 4) of well-established embryonic trophoblast cells. GnRH positive staining was seen only in cytotrophoblasts but not in syncytiotrophoblasts. Similarly, cytotrophoblast, but not syncytiotrophoblast, cells of the rhesus placenta were immunopositive. In controls, either in the absence of antibody or in the presence of antibody pre-absorbed with GnRH, these cells failed to show stain. These observations indicate, for the first time, that an immunoreactive GnRH is produced and secreted by blastocysts during the peri-attachment period and by embryo-derived cytotrophoblast cells in the rhesus monkey.


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Nonliving waste biomass consisting of Aspergillus niger attached to wheat bran was used as a biosorbent for the removal of copper and zinc from aqueous solutions. Copper and zinc uptake by the biomass obeyed Langmuir isotherms. The binding capacity of the biomass for copper was found to be higher than that for zinc. The metal uptake, expressed in milligrams per gram of biomass, was found to be a function of: the initial metal concentration (with the uptake decreasing with increasing initial concentration), the biomass loading (with the uptake decreasing with increasing biomass loading) and pH (with the uptake increasing with increasing pH in the range of 1.5 and 6.0). The metal uptake was significantly affected in the presence of a co-ion. The uptake of copper by the biomass decreased in the presence of zinc and vice versa. The decrease in metal uptake was dependent on the concentrations of metals in the two-component aqueous solutions. The effect of copper on zinc uptake was more pronounced than the effect of zinc on copper uptake.


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure of a hairpin DNA d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (22mer; abbreviated as U4-hairpin), which has a uracil nucleotide unit at the fourth position from the 5' end of the tetra-loop has been solved by NMR spectroscopy. The H-1 resonances of this hairpin have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimisation procedures have been used to describe the 3D structure of the U4 hairpin. This study establishes that the stem of the hairpin adopts a right handed B-DNA conformation while the T-12 and U-15 nucleotide stack upon 3' and 5' ends of the stem, respectively. Further, T-14 stacks upon both T-12 and U-15 while T-13 partially stacks upon T-14. Very weak stacking interaction is observed between T-13 and T-12. All the individual nucleotide bases adopt 'anti' conformation with respect to their sugar moiety. The turning phosphate in the loop is located between T-13 and T-14. The stereochemistry of U-15 mimics the situation where uracil would stack in a B-DNA conformation. This could be the reason as to why the U4-hairpin is found to be the best substrate for its interaction with uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) compared to the other substrates in which the uracil is at the first, second and third positions of the tetra-loop from its 5' end, as reported previously.


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Animals communicate in non-ideal and noisy conditions. The primary method they use to improve communication efficiency is sender-receiver matching: the receiver's sensory mechanism filters the impinging signal based on the expected signal. In the context of acoustic communication in crickets, such a match is made in the frequency domain. The males broadcast a mate attraction signal, the calling song, in a narrow frequency band centred on the carrier frequency (CF), and the females are most sensitive to sound close to this frequency. In tree crickets, however, the CF changes with temperature. The mechanisms used by female tree crickets to accommodate this change in CF were investigated at the behavioural and biomechanical level. At the behavioural level, female tree crickets were broadly tuned and responded equally to CFs produced within the naturally occurring range of temperatures (18 to 27 degrees C). To allow such a broad response, however, the transduction mechanisms that convert sound into mechanical and then neural signals must also have a broad response. The tympana of the female tree crickets exhibited a frequency response that was even broader than suggested by the behaviour. Their tympana vibrate with equal amplitude to frequencies spanning nearly an order of magnitude. Such a flat frequency response is unusual in biological systems and cannot be modelled as a simple mechanical system. This feature of the tree cricket auditory system not only has interesting implications for mate choice and species isolation but may also prove exciting for bio-mimetic applications such as the design of miniature low frequency microphones.


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Advertisements(Ads) are the main revenue earner for Television (TV) broadcasters. As TV reaches a large audience, it acts as the best media for advertisements of products and services. With the emergence of digital TV, it is important for the broadcasters to provide an intelligent service according to the various dimensions like program features, ad features, viewers’ interest and sponsors’ preference. We present an automatic ad recommendation algorithm that selects a set of ads by considering these dimensions and semantically match them with programs. Features of the ad video are captured interms of annotations and they are grouped into number of predefined semantic categories by using a categorization technique. Fuzzy categorical data clustering technique is applied on categorized data for selecting better suited ads for a particular program. Since the same ad can be recommended for more than one program depending upon multiple parameters, fuzzy clustering acts as the best suited method for ad recommendation. The relative fuzzy score called “degree of membership” calculated for each ad indicates the membership of a particular ad to different program clusters. Subjective evaluation of the algorithm is done by 10 different people and rated with a high success score.


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Illegal harvest rates of wildlife populations are often unknown or difficult to estimate from field data due to under-reporting or incomplete detection of carcasses. This is especially true for elephants that are killed for ivory or in conflicts with people. We describe a method to infer harvest rates from coarse field data of three population parameters, namely, adult female to male ratio, male old-adult to young-adult ratio, and proportion of adult males in the population using Jensen's (2000) 2-sex, density-dependent Leslie matrix model. The specific combination of male and female harvest rates and numbers can be determined from the history of harvest and estimate of population size. We applied this technique to two populations of elephants for which data on age structure and records of mortality were available-a forest-dwelling population of the Asian elephant (at Nagarahole, India) and an African savannah elephant population (at Samburu, Kenya) that had experienced male-biased harvest regimes over 2-3 decades. For the Nagarahole population, the recorded numbers of male and female elephants killed illegally during 1981-2000 were 64% and 88% of the values predicted by the model, respectively, implying some non-detection or incomplete reporting while for the Samburu population the recorded and modeled numbers of harvest during 1990-1999 closely matched. This technique, applicable to any animal population following logistic growth model, can be especially useful for inferring illegal harvest numbers of forest elephants in Africa and Asia.


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Space shift keying (SSK) is an attractive modulation technique for multi-antenna communications. In SSK, only one among the available transmit antennas is activated during one channel use, and the index of the chosen transmit antenna conveys information. In this paper, we analyze the performance of SSK in multi-hop, multi-branch cooperative relaying systems. We consider the decode-and-forward relaying protocol, where a relay forwards the decoded symbol if it decodes the symbol correctly from the received signal. We derive closed-form expressions for the end-to-end bit error rate of SSK in this system. Analytical and simulation results match very well.


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Maximum entropy approach to classification is very well studied in applied statistics and machine learning and almost all the methods that exists in literature are discriminative in nature. In this paper, we introduce a maximum entropy classification method with feature selection for large dimensional data such as text datasets that is generative in nature. To tackle the curse of dimensionality of large data sets, we employ conditional independence assumption (Naive Bayes) and we perform feature selection simultaneously, by enforcing a `maximum discrimination' between estimated class conditional densities. For two class problems, in the proposed method, we use Jeffreys (J) divergence to discriminate the class conditional densities. To extend our method to the multi-class case, we propose a completely new approach by considering a multi-distribution divergence: we replace Jeffreys divergence by Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence to discriminate conditional densities of multiple classes. In order to reduce computational complexity, we employ a modified Jensen-Shannon divergence (JS(GM)), based on AM-GM inequality. We show that the resulting divergence is a natural generalization of Jeffreys divergence to a multiple distributions case. As far as the theoretical justifications are concerned we show that when one intends to select the best features in a generative maximum entropy approach, maximum discrimination using J-divergence emerges naturally in binary classification. Performance and comparative study of the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated on large dimensional text and gene expression datasets that show our methods scale up very well with large dimensional datasets.


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Since its induction, the selective-identity (sID) model for identity-based cryptosystems and its relationship with various other notions of security has been extensively studied. As a result, it is a general consensus that the sID model is much weaker than the full-identity (ID) model. In this paper, we study the sID model for the particular case of identity-based signatures (IBS). The main focus is on the problem of constructing an ID-secure IBS given an sID-secure IBS without using random oracles-the so-called standard model-and with reasonable security degradation. We accomplish this by devising a generic construction which uses as black-box: i) a chameleon hash function and ii) a weakly-secure public-key signature. We argue that the resulting IBS is ID-secure but with a tightness gap of O(q(s)), where q(s) is the upper bound on the number of signature queries that the adversary is allowed to make. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at such a generic construction.


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A characterization of the voice source (VS) signal by the pitch synchronous (PS) discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed. With the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) as the VS estimate, the PS DCT of the ILPR is evaluated as a feature vector for speaker identification (SID). On TIMIT and YOHO databases, using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based classifier, it performs on par with existing VS-based features. On the NIST 2003 database, fusion with a GMM-based classifier using MFCC features improves the identification accuracy by 12% in absolute terms, proving that the proposed characterization has good promise as a feature for SID studies. (C) 2015 Acoustical Society of America


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Illegal harvest rates of wildlife populations are often unknown or difficult to estimate from field data due to under-reporting or incomplete detection of carcasses. This is especially true for elephants that are killed for ivory or in conflicts with people. We describe a method to infer harvest rates from coarse field data of three population parameters, namely, adult female to male ratio, male old-adult to young-adult ratio, and proportion of adult males in the population using Jensen's (2000) 2-sex, density-dependent Leslie matrix model. The specific combination of male and female harvest rates and numbers can be determined from the history of harvest and estimate of population size. We applied this technique to two populations of elephants for which data on age structure and records of mortality were available-a forest-dwelling population of the Asian elephant (at Nagarahole, India) and an African savannah elephant population (at Samburu, Kenya) that had experienced male-biased harvest regimes over 2-3 decades. For the Nagarahole population, the recorded numbers of male and female elephants killed illegally during 1981-2000 were 64% and 88% of the values predicted by the model, respectively, implying some non-detection or incomplete reporting while for the Samburu population the recorded and modeled numbers of harvest during 1990-1999 closely matched. This technique, applicable to any animal population following logistic growth model, can be especially useful for inferring illegal harvest numbers of forest elephants in Africa and Asia. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of power allocation in MIMO wiretap channel for secrecy in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. Perfect knowledge of the destination channel state information (CSI) and only the statistical knowledge of the eavesdroppers CSI are assumed. We first consider the MIMO wiretap channel with Gaussian input. Using Jensen's inequality, we transform the secrecy rate max-min optimization problem to a single maximization problem. We use generalized singular value decomposition and transform the problem to a concave maximization problem which maximizes the sum secrecy rate of scalar wiretap channels subject to linear constraints on the transmit covariance matrix. We then consider the MIMO wiretap channel with finite-alphabet input. We show that the transmit covariance matrix obtained for the case of Gaussian input, when used in the MIMO wiretap channel with finite-alphabet input, can lead to zero secrecy rate at high transmit powers. We then propose a power allocation scheme with an additional power constraint which alleviates this secrecy rate loss problem, and gives non-zero secrecy rates at high transmit powers.


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Three mechanisms operate during wear of materials. These mechanisms include the Strain Rate Response (SRR - effect of strain rate on plastic deformation), Tribo-Chemical Reactions (TCR) and formation of Mechanically Mixed Layers (MML). The present work investigates the effect of these three in context of the formation of MML. For this wear experiments are done on a pin-on-disc machine using Ti64 as the pin and SS316L as the disc. It is seen that apart from the speed and load, which control the SRR and TCR, the diameter of the pin controls the formation of MML, especially at higher speeds.