208 resultados para Ionic Strength


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The interaction of CO with Cu, Pd, and Ni at different coverages of the metals on solid substrates has been investigated by He II and core-level spectroscopies, after the nature of variation of the metal core-level binding energies with the coverage or the cluster size is established. The separation between the (1 pi + 5 sigma) and 4 sigma levels of CO increases with a decrease in the size of the metal clusters, accompanied by an increase in the desorption temperature. In the case of Cu, the intramolecular shakeup satellite of CO disappears on small clusters. More importantly, CO dissociates on small Ni clusters, clearly confirming that metal-CO interaction strength increases with a decrease in the cluster size.


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A systematic investigation of monatomic spherical sorbates in the supercages of zeolites Y and A by molecular dynamics technique is presented. Rates of intercage diffusion, rates of cage visits, and the diffusion coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sorbate-zeolite interaction strength. These properties exhibit markedly different dependences on interaction strength for the two zeolites. The observed behavior is shown to be a consequence of the two principal mechanisms of intercage diffusion and the energetic barrier associated with them. The diffusion coefficient and other properties associated with intercage diffusion are found to be directly proportional to the reciprocal of the square of the sorbate diameter when the sorbate diameter is significantly smaller than the window diameter. As the sorbate diameter increases, a peak is observed in all the transport properties investigated including the diffusion coefficient. We call this surprising effect as the ring or levitation effect and it explains several anomalous results reported in the literature and suggests a breakdown of the geometrical criterion for diffusion of sorbates. It shows that under certain conditions nongeometrical factors play a major role and geometrical factors become secondary in the determination of the molecular sieve property. A generalized parameter has been proposed which suggests conditions under which one can expect the ring or levitation effect in any porous medium. Inverse size selectivity becomes operative under these conditions.


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Likely spatial distributions of network-modifying (and mobile) cations in (oxide) glasses are discussed here. At very low modifier concentrations, the ions form dipoles with non-bridging oxygen centres while, at higher levels of modification, the cations tend to order as a result of Coulombic interactions. Activation energies for cation migration are calculated, assuming that the ions occupy (face-sharing) octahedral sites. It is found that conductivity activation energy decreases markedly with increasing modifier content, in agreement with experiment.


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The main objective of this investigation was to understand the strength development of clays below fusion or vitrification temperatures of 900°C. The other objective was to establish threshold temperatures to produce a satisfactory construction material from clayey sediments from the Western Beaufort Sea for shore protection of artificial islands with minimum expense of thermal energy. Studies were, therefore, conducted using kaolinite, bentonite, and a clayey sediment from the Beaufort Sea. Unconfined-compressive-strength tests were conducted on clay samples heat treated from 110 to 700°C. Furthermore, to understand the factors responsible for strength-development-thermogravimetric studies and pore-size analysis, using mercury porosimetry, were also conducted. A gradual increase in strength was obtained with an increase in firing temperature. However, substantial and permanent increase in strength occurred only after dehydroxylation of all the clays studied; Clay samples heated to temperatures above dehydroxylation became resistant to disintegration upon immersion in water. Results indicate that the clayey sediments from Western Beaufort Sea have to be heat treated to about 600°C to produce granular material for use as a fill or shore-protection material for artificial islands.


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The solvation time correlation function for solvation in liquid water was measured recently. The solvation was found to be very fast, with a time constant equal to 55 fs. In this article we present theoretical studies on solvation dynamics of ionic and dipolar solutes in liquid water, based on the molecular hydrodynamic approach developed earlier. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can successfully predict the ultrafast dynamics of solvation in liquid water as observed from recent experiments. The present study also reveals some interesting aspects of dipolar solvation dynamics, which differs significantly from that of ionic solvation.


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In this study, variational principle is used for dynamic modeling of an Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) flapping wing. The IPMC is an Electro-active Polymer (EAP) which is emerging as a useful smart material for `artificial muscle' applications. Dynamic characteristics of IPMC flapping wings having the same size as the actual wings of three different dragonfly species Aeshna Multicolor, Anax Parthenope Julius and Sympetrum Frequens are analyzed using numerical simulations. An unsteady aerodynamic model is used to obtain the aerodynamic forces. A comparative study of the performances of three IPMC flapping wings is conducted. Among the three species, it is found that thrust force produced by the IPMC flapping wing of the same size as Anax Parthenope Julius wing is maximum. Lift force produced by the IPMC wing of the same size as Sympetrum Frequens wing is maximum and the wing is suitable for low speed flight. The numerical results in this paper show that dragonfly inspired IPMC flapping wings are a viable contender for insect scale flapping wing micro air vehicles.


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The degradation of the dye, Orange G, was carried out in the presence of H2O2 and Pd-substituted/impregnated CeO2. The effects of pH, initial dye concentration, initial H2O2 concentration, temperature, catalyst loading, and Pd content in the catalyst on the degradation of the dye were investigated. Eight to twelve percent degradation of the dye was obtained in 1 h when the reaction was carried out in the presence of CeO2 or H2O2 or Pd-substituted/impregnated CeO2 while 17% and 97% degradation was obtained when H2O2 was used with Pd-impregnated CeO2 and Pd-substituted CeO2, respectively. This difference clearly indicated that the ionic substitution of Pd played a key role in the degradation of the dye. A mechanism for the reaction was proposed based upon the catalyst structure and the electron transfer processes that take place in the metal ion substituted system in a reducible oxide. The reaction was found to follow first order kinetics and the influence of all the parameters on the degradation kinetics was compared using the rate constants. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with an experimental study on flexural bond strength of masonry using various blocks in combination with different mortars. Flexural bond strength of masonry has been determined by testing stack-bonded prisms using a modified bond wrench test set-up. The effect of mortar composition and strength on the masonry's. flexural bond strength using three types of masonry units (stabilized mud blocks, stabilized soil-sand blocks and burnt brick) has been examined. The effect of the masonry unit's moisture content on flexural bond strength has also been studied. Increases in mortar strength lead to increased flexural bond strength for cement mortar, irrespective of the type of masonry unit. It has been found that combination mortars, such as soil-cement mortar and cement-lime mortar, lead to better bond strength compared to cement mortars. The moisture content of the masonry unit at the time of casting has displayed significant influence on the flexural bond strength of the masonry. It has been found that for each type of masonry unit, an optimum moisture content exists, beyond which the flexural bond strength falls off quickly.


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The pinning energy due to the elastic interaction of a semicoherent Y2BaCuO5 precipitate with the YBa2Cu3O7 matrix is computed. This is achieved by setting up dislocation arrays at the interface. The elastic stresses generated by such arrays are integrated over a fluxoid volume to obtain the energy. It is seen that this elastic interaction energy makes an additive contribution to the total J(c) value.


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A simple but self-consistent microscopic theory for the time dependent solvation energy of both ions and dipoles is presented which includes, for the first time, the details of the self-motion of the probe on its own solvation dynamics. The theory leads to several interesting predictions. The most important of them is that, for dipolar solvation, both the rotational and the translational motions of the dipolar solute probe can significantly accelerate the rate of solvation. In addition, the rotational self-motion of the solute can also give rise to an additional mechanism of nonexponentiality in solvation time correlation functions in otherwise slow liquids. A comparison between the present theoretical predictions and the recent experimental studies of Maroncelli et al. on solvation dynamics of aniline in l-propanol seems to indicate that the said experiments have missed the initial solvent response up to about 45 ps. After mapping the experimental results on the redefined time scale, the theoretical results can explain the experimental results for solvation of aniline in 1-propanol very well. For ionic solvation, the translational motion is significant for light solutes only. For example, for Li+ in water, translational motion speeds up the solvation by about 20%. The present theory demonstrates that in dipolar solvation the partial quenching of the self-motion due to the presence of specific solute-solvent interactions (such as H-bonding) may lead to a much slower solvation than that when the self-motion is present. This point has been discussed. In addition, we present the theoretical results for solvation of aniline in propylene carbonate, Here, the solvation is predicted to be complete within 15-20 ps.


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Concrete is basically a heterogeneous material made up of ingredients with distinct physical and mechanical properties. As a result, the presence of interphases is inevitable. In the processing of concrete, fresh and hardened states are the two distinct stages. In the fresh state, the presence of inert constituents in the cement mortar matrix only dilutes the overall potential of concrete to flow. In the hardened state the synergetics play a dominant role in strength development. When the strength of coarse aggregate is far higher than the strength levels for which the matrix or concrete is processed, interphase bonding plays a dominant role on the strength. When the matrix strength is comparable to that of the aggregate strength, in contrast, the concrete strength is affected by the aggregate strength. Besides these aspects, the effects of the size and the surface texture of coarse aggregates have also been analysed. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The influence of pH on the corrosion behaviour of two aluminium-lithium-copper-magnesium-zirconium (8090 and 2091) alloys was studied and compared with a standard aircraft alloy, 2014 (Al-4.4% Cu) and 99.9% pure Al. In constant exposure and potentiodynamic polarization studies conducted in 3.5% NaCl solution having different pH values, all the alloys exhibited high corrosion rates in acidic and alkaline environments, with a minimum in less hostile environments close to neutral pH. The pitting potentials for aluminium-lithium alloys were slightly lower than those for 2014 and pure Al. The effect of pH on the passive current density was also less for aluminium-lithium alloys.


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The presence of allophane minerals imparts special engineering features to the volcanic ash soils. This study examines the reasons for the allophanic soils exhibiting unusual shear strength properties in comparison to sedimentary clays. The theories of residual shear strength developed for natural soils and artificial soil mixtures and the unusual surface charge properties of the allophane particle are invoked to explain the high shear strength values of these residual soils. The lack of any reasonable correlation between phi' (effective stress-strength parameter) and plasticity index values for allophanic soils is explained on the basis of the unusual structure of the allophane particle. The reasons as to why natural soil slopes in allophanic soil areas (example, Dominica, West Indies) are stable at much steeper angles than natural slopes in sedimentary clay deposits (London clay areas) are explained in light of the hypothesis developed in this study.


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Limiting ionic conductance (Lambda(0)) of rigid symmetrical unipositive ions in aqueous solution shows a strong temperature dependence. For example, Lambda(0) more than doubles when the temperature is increased from 283 to 318 K. A marked variation also occurs when the solvent is changed from ordinary water (H2O) to heavy water (D2O). In addition, Lambda(0) shows a nonmonotonic size dependence with a skewed maximum near Cs+. Although these important results have been known for a long time, no satisfactory theoretical explanation exists for these results. In this article we present a simple molecular theory which provides a nearly quantitative explanation in terms of microscopic structure and dynamics of the solvent. A notable feature of this theory is that it does not invoke any nonquantifiable models involving solvent-berg or clatherates. We find the strong temperature dependence of Lambda(0) to arise from a rather large number of microscopic factors, each providing a small but nontrivial contribution, but all acting surprisingly in the same direction. This work, we believe, provides, for the first time, a satisfactory explanation of both the anomalous size and temperature dependencies of Lambda(0) of unipositive ions in molecular terms. The marked change in Lambda(0) as the solvent is changed from H2O to D2O is found to arise partly from a change in the dielectric relaxation and partly from a change in the effective interaction of the ion with the solvent.


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This paper presents the details of an experimental study on punching shear strength and behaviour of reinforced concrete corner column connections in flat slabs; a quasi-empirical method is proposed for computing the punching shear strength. The method has also been extended for punching shear strength prediction at interior and edge column connections. The test results compare better with the strengths predicted by the proposed method than those by Ingvarson, Zaglool and Pollet available in the literature. Further, the experimental strengths of interior, edge and corner column connections have been compared with the strengths predicted by the proposed method and the two codes of practice, viz. ACI and BS code, to demonstrate the usefulness of the method.