178 resultados para Input image


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Image fusion techniques are useful to integrate the geometric detail of a high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral information of a low-resolution multispectral (MSS) image, particularly important for understanding land use dynamics at larger scale (1:25000 or lower), which is required by the decision makers to adopt holistic approaches for regional planning. Fused images can extract features from source images and provide more information than one scene of MSS image. High spectral resolution aids in identification of objects more distinctly while high spatial resolution allows locating the objects more clearly. The geoinformatics technologies with an ability to provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution data helps in inventorying, mapping, monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources. Fusion module in GRDSS, taking into consideration the limitations in spatial resolution of MSS data and spectral resolution of PAN data, provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution remote sensing images required for land use mapping on regional scale. GRDSS is a freeware GIS Graphic User Interface (GUI) developed in Tcl/Tk is based on command line arguments of GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) with the functionalities for raster analysis, vector analysis, site analysis, image processing, modeling and graphics visualization. It has the capabilities to capture, store, process, analyse, prioritize and display spatial and temporal data.


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Sub-pixel classification is essential for the successful description of many land cover (LC) features with spatial resolution less than the size of the image pixels. A commonly used approach for sub-pixel classification is linear mixture models (LMM). Even though, LMM have shown acceptable results, pragmatically, linear mixtures do not exist. A non-linear mixture model, therefore, may better describe the resultant mixture spectra for endmember (pure pixel) distribution. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for inferring LC fractions by a process called automatic linear-nonlinear mixture model (AL-NLMM). AL-NLMM is a three step process where the endmembers are first derived from an automated algorithm. These endmembers are used by the LMM in the second step that provides abundance estimation in a linear fashion. Finally, the abundance values along with the training samples representing the actual proportions are fed to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architecture as input to train the neurons which further refines the abundance estimates to account for the non-linear nature of the mixing classes of interest. AL-NLMM is validated on computer simulated hyperspectral data of 200 bands. Validation of the output showed overall RMSE of 0.0089±0.0022 with LMM and 0.0030±0.0001 with the MLP based AL-NLMM, when compared to actual class proportions indicating that individual class abundances obtained from AL-NLMM are very close to the real observations.


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Technology scaling has caused Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) to emerge as a major circuit reliability concern. Simultaneously leakage power is becoming a greater fraction of the total power dissipated by logic circuits. As both NBTI and leakage power are highly dependent on vectors applied at the circuit’s inputs, they can be minimized by applying carefully chosen input vectors during periods when the circuit is in standby or idle mode. Unfortunately input vectors that minimize leakage power are not the ones that minimize NBTI degradation, so there is a need for a methodology to generate input vectors that minimize both of these variables.This paper proposes such a systematic methodology for the generation of input vectors which minimize leakage power under the constraint that NBTI degradation does not exceed a specified limit. These input vectors can be applied at the primary inputs of a circuit when it is in standby/idle mode and are such that the gates dissipate only a small amount of leakage power and also allow a large majority of the transistors on critical paths to be in the “recovery” phase of NBTI degradation. The advantage of this methodology is that allowing circuit designers to constrain NBTI degradation to below a specified limit enables tighter guardbanding, increasing performance. Our methodology guarantees that the generated input vector dissipates the least leakage power among all the input vectors that satisfy the degradation constraint. We formulate the problem as a zero-one integer linear program and show that this formulation produces input vectors whose leakage power is within 1% of a minimum leakage vector selected by a search algorithm and simultaneously reduces NBTI by about 5.75% of maximum circuit delay as compared to the worst case NBTI degradation. Our paper also proposes two new algorithms for the identification of circuit paths that are affected the most by NBTI degradation. The number of such paths identified by our algorithms are an order of magnitude fewer than previously proposed heuristics.


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This paper presents a low cost but high resolution retinal image acquisition system of the human eye. The images acquired by a CMOS image sensor are communicated through the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface to a personal computer for viewing and further processing. The image acquisition time was estimated to be 2.5 seconds. This system can also be used in telemedicine applications.


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We identify a class of timed automata, which we call counter-free input-determined automata, which characterize the class of timed languages definable by several timed temporal logics in the literature, including MTL. We make use of this characterization to show that MTL+Past satisfies an “ultimate stability” property with respect to periodic sequences of timed words. Our results hold for both the pointwise and continuous semantics. Along the way we generalize the result of McNaughton-Papert to show a counter-free automata characterization of FO-definable finitely varying functions.


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We consider a general class of timed automata parameterized by a set of “input-determined” operators, in a continuous time setting. We show that for any such set of operators, we have a monadic second order logic characterization of the class of timed languages accepted by the corresponding class of automata. Further, we consider natural timed temporal logics based on these operators, and show that they are expressively equivalent to the first-order fragment of the corresponding MSO logics. As a corollary of these general results we obtain an expressive completeness result for the continuous version of MTL.


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We propose the design and implementation of hardware architecture for spatial prediction based image compression scheme, which consists of prediction phase and quantization phase. In prediction phase, the hierarchical tree structure obtained from the test image is used to predict every central pixel of an image by its four neighboring pixels. The prediction scheme generates an error image, to which the wavelet/sub-band coding algorithm can be applied to obtain efficient compression. The software model is tested for its performance in terms of entropy, standard deviation. The memory and silicon area constraints play a vital role in the realization of the hardware for hand-held devices. The hardware architecture is constructed for the proposed scheme, which involves the aspects of parallelism in instructions and data. The processor consists of pipelined functional units to obtain the maximum throughput and higher speed of operation. The hardware model is analyzed for performance in terms throughput, speed and power. The results of hardware model indicate that the proposed architecture is suitable for power constrained implementations with higher data rate


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With the introduction of 2D flat-panel X-ray detectors, 3D image reconstruction using helical cone-beam tomography is fast replacing the conventional 2D reconstruction techniques. In 3D image reconstruction, the source orbit or scanning geometry should satisfy the data sufficiency or completeness condition for exact reconstruction. The helical scan geometry satisfies this condition and hence can give exact reconstruction. The theoretically exact helical cone-beam reconstruction algorithm proposed by Katsevich is a breakthrough and has attracted interest in the 3D reconstruction using helical cone-beam Computed Tomography.In many practical situations, the available projection data is incomplete. One such case is where the detector plane does not completely cover the full extent of the object being imaged in lateral direction resulting in truncated projections. This result in artifacts that mask small features near to the periphery of the ROI when reconstructed using the convolution back projection (CBP) method assuming that the projection data is complete. A number of techniques exist which deal with completion of missing data followed by the CBP reconstruction. In 2D, linear prediction (LP)extrapolation has been shown to be efficient for data completion, involving minimal assumptions on the nature of the data, producing smooth extensions of the missing projection data.In this paper, we propose to extend the LP approach for extrapolating helical cone beam truncated data. The projection on the multi row flat panel detectors has missing columns towards either ends in the lateral direction in truncated data situation. The available data from each detector row is modeled using a linear predictor. The available data is extrapolated and this completed projection data is backprojected using the Katsevich algorithm. Simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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Image and video filtering is a key image-processing task in computer vision especially in noisy environment. In most of the cases the noise source is unknown and hence possess a major difficulty in the filtering operation. In this paper we present an error-correction based learning approach for iterative filtering. A new FIR filter is designed in which the filter coefficients are updated based on Widrow-Hoff rule. Unlike the standard filter the proposed filter has the ability to remove noise without the a priori knowledge of the noise. Experimental result shows that the proposed filter efficiently removes the noise and preserves the edges in the image. We demonstrate the capability of the proposed algorithm by testing it on standard images infected by Gaussian noise and on a real time video containing inherent noise. Experimental result shows that the proposed filter is better than some of the existing standard filters


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We present a technique for irreversible watermarking approach robust to affine transform attacks in camera, biomedical and satellite images stored in the form of monochrome bitmap images. The watermarking approach is based on image normalisation in which both watermark embedding and extraction are carried out with respect to an image normalised to meet a set of predefined moment criteria. The normalisation procedure is invariant to affine transform attacks. The result of watermarking scheme is suitable for public watermarking applications, where the original image is not available for watermark extraction. Here, direct-sequence code division multiple access approach is used to embed multibit text information in DCT and DWT transform domains. The proposed watermarking schemes are robust against various types of attacks such as Gaussian noise, shearing, scaling, rotation, flipping, affine transform, signal processing and JPEG compression. Performance analysis results are measured using image processing metrics.


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This paper investigates a new Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) clustering algorithm for hierarchical splitting and merging of automatic multi-spectral satellite image classification (land cover mapping problem). Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the most important has been its use in solving the problem of land cover mapping. Image classification forms the core of the solution to the land cover mapping problem. No single classifier can prove to classify all the basic land cover classes of an urban region in a satisfactory manner. In unsupervised classification methods, the automatic generation of clusters to classify a huge database is not exploited to their full potential. The proposed methodology searches for the best possible number of clusters and its center using Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO). Using these clusters, we classify by merging based on parametric method (k-means technique). The performance of the proposed unsupervised classification technique is evaluated for Landsat 7 thematic mapper image. Results are evaluated in terms of the classification efficiency - individual, average and overall.