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Two series of cholesterol-based cationic gemini lipids with and without hydroxyl functions at the headgroups possessing different lengths of polymethylene -(CH2)(n)-] (n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 12) spacer have been synthesized. Each gemini lipid formed stable suspension in water. The suspensions of these gemini lipids in water were investigated using transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, zeta potential measurements and X-ray diffraction to characterize the nature of the individual aggregates formed therein. The aggregation properties of these gemini lipids in water were found to strongly depend upon the length of the spacer and the presence of hydroxyl group at the headgroup region. Lipoplex formation (DNA binding) and the release of the DNA from such lipoplexes were performed to understand the nature of interactions that prevail between these cationic cholesterol aggregates and duplex DNA. The interactions between such gemini lipids and DNA depend both on the presence of OH on the headgroups and the spacer length between the headgroups. Finally, we studied the effect of incorporation of each cationic gemini lipid into dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles using differential scanning calorimetry. The properties of the resulting mixed membranes were found again to depend upon the nature of the headgroup and the spacer chain length.


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In this paper, we report an enhancement in ionic conductivity in a new nano-composite solid polymer electrolyte namely, (PEG) (x) LiBr: y(SiO2). The samples were prepared, characterized, and investigated by XRD, IR, NMR, and impedance spectroscopy. Conductivity as a function of salt concentration shows a double peak. Five weight percent addition of silica nanoparticles increases the ionic conductivity by two orders of magnitude. Conductivity exhibits an Arrhenius type dependence on temperature. IR study has shown that the existence of nanoparticles in the vicinity of terminal OaEuro center dot H group results in a shift in IR absorption frequency and increase in amplitude of vibration of the terminal OaEuro center dot H group. This might lead to an enhancement in conductivity due to increased segmental motion of the polymer. Li-7 NMR spectroscopic studies also seem to support this. Thus addition of nanoparticle inert fillers still seems to be a promising technique to enhance the ionic conductivity in solid polymer electrolytes.


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Scheelite type solid electrolytes, Li(0.5)Ce(0.5-x)Ln(x)MoO(4) (x = 0 and 0.25, Ln = Pr, Sm) have been synthesized using a solid state method. Their structure and ionic conductivity (a) were obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction and ac-impedance spectroscopy, respectively. X-ray diffraction studies reveal a space group of I4(1)/a for Li(0.5)Ce(0.5-x)Ln(x)MoO(4) (x = 0 and 0.25, Ln = Pr, Sm) scheelite compounds. The unsubstituted Li0.5Ce0.5MoO4 showed lithium ion conductivity similar to 10(-5)-10(-3) Omega(-1)cm(-1) in the temperature range of 300-700 degrees C (sigma = 2.5 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1) at 700 degrees C). The substituted compounds show lower conductivity compared to the unsubstituted compound, with the magnitude of ionic conductivity being two (in the high temperature regime) to one order (in the low temperature regime) lower than the unsubstituted compound. Since these scheelite type structures show significant conductivity, the series of compounds could serve in high temperature lithium battery operations.


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The effect of arachidonic acid (AA) on the activity of diacylglycerol (DG) kinase in neural membranes was investigated. When rat brain cortical membranes were incubated with 0.5 mM dipalmitin and [gamma-P-32]ATP, formation of phosphatidic acid (PA) was observed. It was linear up to 5 min, and the initial rate was similar to 1.0 nmol/min/mg of protein. The DG kinase activity was stimulated twofold by 0.25 mM AA. The stimulation was apparent at the earliest time point measured (1 min) and with the lowest concentration of AA tested (62.5 mu M). The stimulation was proportional to the concentration of AA up to 250 mu M. AA was the most potent stimulator of DG kinase, and linolenic acid showed similar to 40% stimulation. Oleic acid showed no effect, whereas linoleic and the saturated fatty acids tested were inhibitory. AA stimulation of DG kinase was observed only with membranes of cerebrum, cerebellum, and myelin and not with brain cytosol or liver membranes. AA also stimulated the formation of PA in the absence of added dipalmitin (endogenous activity) with membranes prepared from whole brain. DG kinase of neural membranes was extracted with 2 M NaCl, which on dialysis yielded a precipitate. Both the precipitate and the supernatant showed DG kinase activity, but only the enzyme in the precipitate was stimulated by AA at concentrations as low as 25 mu M. It is suggested that AA, through its effect on DG kinase, regulates the level of DG in neural membranes, which in turn regulates protein kinase C activity.


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Likely spatial distributions of network-modifying (and mobile) cations in (oxide) glasses are discussed here. At very low modifier concentrations, the ions form dipoles with non-bridging oxygen centres while, at higher levels of modification, the cations tend to order as a result of Coulombic interactions. Activation energies for cation migration are calculated, assuming that the ions occupy (face-sharing) octahedral sites. It is found that conductivity activation energy decreases markedly with increasing modifier content, in agreement with experiment.


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The solvation time correlation function for solvation in liquid water was measured recently. The solvation was found to be very fast, with a time constant equal to 55 fs. In this article we present theoretical studies on solvation dynamics of ionic and dipolar solutes in liquid water, based on the molecular hydrodynamic approach developed earlier. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can successfully predict the ultrafast dynamics of solvation in liquid water as observed from recent experiments. The present study also reveals some interesting aspects of dipolar solvation dynamics, which differs significantly from that of ionic solvation.


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In this study, variational principle is used for dynamic modeling of an Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) flapping wing. The IPMC is an Electro-active Polymer (EAP) which is emerging as a useful smart material for `artificial muscle' applications. Dynamic characteristics of IPMC flapping wings having the same size as the actual wings of three different dragonfly species Aeshna Multicolor, Anax Parthenope Julius and Sympetrum Frequens are analyzed using numerical simulations. An unsteady aerodynamic model is used to obtain the aerodynamic forces. A comparative study of the performances of three IPMC flapping wings is conducted. Among the three species, it is found that thrust force produced by the IPMC flapping wing of the same size as Anax Parthenope Julius wing is maximum. Lift force produced by the IPMC wing of the same size as Sympetrum Frequens wing is maximum and the wing is suitable for low speed flight. The numerical results in this paper show that dragonfly inspired IPMC flapping wings are a viable contender for insect scale flapping wing micro air vehicles.


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The effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the diacylglycerol kinase (DG kinase) activity in rat brain membranes was investigated. DHA at 500 mu M concentration, stimulated the enzyme activity by about 2 fold. This effect was concentration-and time-dependent and was observed after very short periods of incubation (one min). DHA stimulation of DG kinase was observed only with rat brain membranes, and not with rat brain cytosol or rat liver membranes. Treating the rat brain membranes with phospholipase A(2) which released free fatty acids including DHA, significantly stimulated the DG kinase activity. It is concluded that DHA through its stimulatory effect on DG kinase may regulate the signalling events in growth-related situations in the brain such as synaptogenesis.


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The anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) method using Cu and Mo K absorption edges has been employed for obtaining the local structural information of superionic conducting glass having the composition (CuI)(0.3)(Cu2O)(0.35)(MoO3)(0.35). The possible atomic arrangements in near-neighbor region of this glass were estimated by coupling the results with the least-squares analysis so as to reproduce two differential intensity profiles for Cu and Mo as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Mo is found to be 6.1 at the distance of 0.187 nm. This implies that the MoO6 octahedral unit is a more probable structural entity in the glass rather than MoO4 tetrahedra which has been proposed based on infrared spectroscopy. The pre-peak shoulder observed at about 10 nm(-1) may be attributed to density fluctuation originating from the MoO6 octahedral units connected with the corner sharing linkage, in which the correlation length is about 0.8 nm. The value of the coordination number of I- around Cu+ is estimated as 4.3 at 0.261 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that in molten CuI.


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Influence of dispersion of uniformly sized mono-functional and bi-functional (''Janus'') particles on ionic conductivity of novel ``soggy sand'' electrolytes and its implications on mechanical strength and lithium-ion battery performance are discussed here.


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The degradation of the dye, Orange G, was carried out in the presence of H2O2 and Pd-substituted/impregnated CeO2. The effects of pH, initial dye concentration, initial H2O2 concentration, temperature, catalyst loading, and Pd content in the catalyst on the degradation of the dye were investigated. Eight to twelve percent degradation of the dye was obtained in 1 h when the reaction was carried out in the presence of CeO2 or H2O2 or Pd-substituted/impregnated CeO2 while 17% and 97% degradation was obtained when H2O2 was used with Pd-impregnated CeO2 and Pd-substituted CeO2, respectively. This difference clearly indicated that the ionic substitution of Pd played a key role in the degradation of the dye. A mechanism for the reaction was proposed based upon the catalyst structure and the electron transfer processes that take place in the metal ion substituted system in a reducible oxide. The reaction was found to follow first order kinetics and the influence of all the parameters on the degradation kinetics was compared using the rate constants. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amorphous carbon films are prepared by the pyrolysis of Tetra Chloro Phthalic Anhydride (TCPA) at different temperatures (700 degrees C to 900 degrees C). DC Conductivity measurements are done on the films in the temperature range 300K to 4.2K. It shows an activated temperature dependence with a small activation energy (0.02eV to 0.003eV). Variable range hopping is observed at low temperatures. The films are characterised by XRD, SEM, TEM, AFM and microRaman. The electronic structure of the film is used to explain the electrical behaviour.


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The ac conductivity and dielectric behaviors of sodium borovanadate glasses have been studied over wide ranges of composition and frequency. The de activation energies calculated from the complex impedance plots decrease linearly with the Na2O concentration, indicating that ionic conductivity dominates in these glasses. The possible origin of low-temperature departures of conductivity curves (from linearity) of vanadium-rich glasses in log sigma versus 1/T plots is discussed. The ac conductivities have been fitted to the Almond-West type power law expression with use of a single value of s. It is found that in most of the glasses s exhibits a temperature-dependent minimum. The dielectric data are converted into moduli (M*) and are analyzed using the Kohlrausch-William-Watts stretched exponential function, The activation barriers, W, calculated from the temperature-dependent dielectric loss peaks compare well with the activation barriers calculated from the de conductivity plots. The stretching exponent beta is found to be temperature independent and is not likely to be related as in the equation beta = 1 - s, An attempt is made to elucidate the origin of the stretching phenomena. It appears that either a model of the increased contribution of polarization energy (caused by the increased modifier concentration) and hence the increased monopole-induced dipole interactions or a model based on increased intercationic interactions can explain the slowing down of the primitive relaxation in ionically conducting glasses.


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The bending rigidity kappa of bilayer membranes was studied with coarse grained soft repulsive potentials using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations. Using a modified Andersen barostat to maintain the bilayers in a tensionless state, the bending rigidity was obtained from a Fourier analysis of the height fluctuations. From simulations carried out over a wide range of membrane thickness, the continuum scaling relation kappa proportional to d(2) was captured for both the L-alpha and L-beta phases. For membranes with 4 to 6 tail beads, the bending rigidity in the L-beta phase was found to be 10-15 times higher than that observed for the L-alpha phase. From the quadratic scalings obtained, a six fold increase in the area stretch modulus, k(A) was observed across the transition. The magnitude of increase in both kappa and k(A) from the L-alpha to the L-beta phase is consistent with current experimental observations in lipid bilayers and to our knowledge provides for the first time a direct evaluation of the mechanical properties in the L-beta phase.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) and indium doped ZnO (IZO) thin films with different indium compositions were grown by pulsed laser deposition technique on corning glass substrate. The effect of indium concentration on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the film was studied. The films were oriented along c-direction with wurtzite structure and highly transparent with an average transmittance of more than 80% in the visible wavelength region. The energy band gap was found to decrease with increasing indium concentration. High transparency makes the films useful as optical windows while the high band gap values support the idea that the film could be a good candidate for optoelectronic devices. The value of resistivity observed to decrease initially with doping concentration and subsequently increases. IZO with 1% of indium showed the lowest resistivity of 2.41 x 10(-2) Omega cm and large transmittance in the visible wavelength region. Especially 1% IZO thin film was observed to be a suitable transparent conducting oxide material to potentially replace indium tin oxide. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.