113 resultados para Folding coadjuvant


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In the preparation of synthetic conotoxins containing multiple disulfide bonds, oxidative folding can produce numerous permutations of disulfide bond connectivities. Establishing the native disulfide connectivities thus presents a significant challenge when the venom-derived peptide is not available, as is increasingly the case when conotoxins are identified from cDNA sequences. Here, we investigate the disulfide connectivity of mu-conotoxin KIIIA, which was predicted originally to have a C1-C9,C2-C15,C4-C16] disulfide pattern based on homology with closely related mu-conotoxins. The two major isomers of synthetic mu-KIIIA formed during oxidative folding were purified and their disulfide connectivities mapped by direct mass spectrometric collision-induced dissociation fragmentation of the disulfide-bonded polypeptides. Our results show that the major oxidative folding product adopts a C1-C15,C2-C9,C4-C16] disulfide connectivity, while the minor product adopts a C1-C16,C2-C9,C4-C15] connectivity. Both of these peptides were potent blockers of Na(v)1.2 (K-d values of 5 and 230 nM, respectively). The solution structure for mu-KIIIA based on nuclear magnetic resonance data was recalculated with the C1-C15,C2-C9,C4-C16] disulfide pattern; its structure was very similar to the mu-KIIIA structure calculated with the incorrect C1-C9,C2-C15,C4-C16] disulfide pattern, with an alpha-helix spanning residues 7-12. In addition, the major folding isomers of mu-KIIIB, an N-terminally extended isoform of mu-KIIIA, identified from its cDNA sequence, were isolated. These folding products had the same disulfide connectivities as mu-KIIIA, and both blocked Na(v)1.2 (K-d values of 470 and 26 nM, respectively). Our results establish that the preferred disulfide pattern of synthetic mu-KIIIA and mu-KIIIB folded in vitro is 1-5/2-4/3-6 but that other disulfide isomers are also potent sodium channel blockers. These findings raise questions about the disulfide pattern(s) of mu-KIIIA in the venom of Conus kinoshitai; indeed, the presence of multiple disulfide isomers in the venom could provide a means of further expanding the snail's repertoire of active peptides.


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The fidelity of the folding pathways being encoded in the amino acid sequence is met with challenge in instances where proteins with no sequence homology, performing different functions and no apparent evolutionary linkage, adopt a similar fold. The problem stated otherwise is that a limited fold space is available to a repertoire of diverse sequences. The key question is what factors lead to the formation of a fold from diverse sequences. Here, with the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold domains as a case study and using the concepts of network theory, we have unveiled the consensus structural features that drive the formation of this fold. We have proposed a graph theoretic formalism to capture the structural details in terms of the conserved atomic interactions in global milieu, and hence extract the essential topological features from diverse sequences. A unified mathematical representation of the different structures together with a judicious concoction of several network parameters enabled us to probe into the structural features driving the adoption of the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold. The atomic interactions at key positions seem to be better conserved in proteins, as compared to the residues participating in these interactions. We propose a ``spatial motif'' and several ``fold specific hot spots'' that form the signature structural blueprints of the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold domain. Excellent agreement of our data with previous experimental and theoretical studies validates the robustness and validity of the approach. Additionally, comparison of our results with statistical coupling analysis (SCA) provides further support. The methodology proposed here is general and can be applied to similar problems of interest.


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Backbone alkylation has been shown to result in a dramatic reduction in the conformational space that is sterically accessible to a-amino acid residues in peptides. By extension, the presence of geminal dialkyl substituents at backbone atoms also restricts available conformational space for beta and ? residues. Five peptides containing the achiral beta 2,2-disubstituted beta-amino acid residue, 1-(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (beta 2,2Ac6c), have been structurally characterized in crystals by X-ray diffraction. The tripeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c-Aib-OMe (1) adopts a novel fold stabilized by two intramolecular H-bonds (C11 and C9) of opposite directionality. The tetrapeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c]2-OMe (2) and pentapeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c]2-Aib-OMe (3) form short stretches of a hybrid a beta C11 helix stabilized by two and three intramolecular H-bonds, respectively. The structure of the dipeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c-OMe (5) does not reveal any intramolecular H-bond. The aggregation pattern in the crystal provides an example of an extended conformation of the beta 2,2Ac6c residue, forming a polar sheet like H-bond. The protected derivative Ac-beta 2,2Ac6c-NHMe (4) adopts a locally folded gauche conformation about the C beta?Ca bonds (?=-55.7 degrees). Of the seven examples of beta 2,2Ac6c residues reported here, six adopt gauche conformations, a feature which promotes local folding when incorporated into peptides. A comparison between the conformational properties of beta 2,2Ac6c and beta 3,3Ac6c residues, in peptides, is presented. Backbone torsional parameters of H-bonded a beta/beta a turns are derived from the structures presented in this study and earlier reports.


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Disulfide crosslinks are ubiquitous in natural peptides and proteins, providing rigidity to polypeptide scaffolds. The assignment of disulfide connectivity in multiple crosslinked systems is often difficult to achieve. Here, we show that rapid unambiguous characterisation of disulfide connectivity can be achieved through direct mass spectrometric CID fragmentation of the disulfide intact polypeptides. The method requires a direct mass spectrometric fragmentation of the native disulfide bonded polypeptides and subsequent analysis using a newly developed program, DisConnect. Technical difficulties involving direct fragmentation of proteins are surmounted by an initial proteolytic nick and subsequent determination of the structures of these proteolytic peptides through DisConnect. While the connectivity in proteolytic fragments containing one cystine is evident from the MS profile alone, those with multiple cystines are subjected to subsequent mass spectrometric fragmentation. The wide applicability of this method is illustrated using examples of peptide hormones, peptide toxins, proteins, and disulfide foldamers of a synthetic analogue of a marine peptide toxin. The method, coupled with DisConnect, provides an unambiguous, straightforward approach, especially useful for the rapid screening of the disulfide crosslink fidelity in recombinant proteins, determination of disulfide linkages in natural peptide toxins and characterization of folding intermediates encountered in oxidative folding pathways.


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Host cell remodelling is a hallmark of malaria pathogenesis. It involves protein folding, unfolding and trafficking events and thus participation of chaperones such as Hsp70s and Hsp40s is well speculated. Until recently, only Hsp40s were thought to be the sole representative of the parasite chaperones in the exportome. However, based on the re-annotated Plasmodium falciparum genome sequence, a putative candidate for exported Hsp70 has been reported, which otherwise was known to be a pseudogene. We raised a specific antiserum against a C-terminal peptide uniquely present in PfHsp70-x. Immunoblotting and immunofluorescence-based approaches in combination with sub-cellular fractionation by saponin and streptolysin-O have been taken to determine the expression and localization of PfHsp70-x in infected erythrocyte. The re-annotated sequence of PfHsp70-x reveals it to be a functional protein with an endoplasmic reticulum signal peptide. It gets maximally expressed at the schizont stage of intra-erythrocytic life cycle. Majority of the protein localizes to the parasitophorous vacuole and some of it gets exported to the erythrocyte compartment where it associates with Maurer's clefts. The identification of an exported parasite Hsp70 chaperone presents us with the fact that the parasite has evolved customized chaperones which might be playing crucial roles in aspects of trafficking and host cell remodelling.


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Among the mu-conotoxins that block vertebrate voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs), some have been shown to be potent analgesics following systemic administration in mice. We have determined the solution structure of a new representative of this family, mu-BuIIIB, and established its disulfide connectivities by direct mass spectrometric collision induced dissociation fragmentation of the peptide with disulfides intact The major oxidative folding product adopts a 1-4/2-5/3-6 pattern with the following disulfide bridges: Cys5-Cys17, Cys6-Cys23, and Cys13-Cys24. The solution structure reveals that the unique N-terminal extension in mu-BuIIIB, which is also present in mu-BuIIIA and mu-BuIIIC but absent in other mu-conotoxins, forms part of a short a-helix encompassing Glu3 to Asn8. This helix is packed against the rest of the toxin and stabilized by the Cys5-Cys17 and Cys6-Cys23 disulfide bonds. As such, the side chain of Val1 is located close to the aromatic rings of Trp16 and His20, which are located on the canonical helix that displays several residues found to be essential for VGSC blockade in related mu-conotoxins. Mutations of residues 2 and 3 in the N-terminal extension enhanced the potency of mu-BuIIIB for Na(v)1.3. One analogue, D-Ala2]BuIIIB, showed a 40-fold increase, making it the most potent peptide blocker of this channel characterized to date and thus a useful new tool with which to characterize this channel. On the basis of previous results for related mu-conotoxins, the dramatic effects of mutations at the N-terminus were unanticipated and suggest that further gains in potency might be achieved by additional modifications of this region.


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This paper presents classification, representation and extraction of deformation features in sheet-metal parts. The thickness is constant for these shape features and hence these are also referred to as constant thickness features. The deformation feature is represented as a set of faces with a characteristic arrangement among the faces. Deformation of the base-sheet or forming of material creates Bends and Walls with respect to a base-sheet or a reference plane. These are referred to as Basic Deformation Features (BDFs). Compound deformation features having two or more BDFs are defined as characteristic combinations of Bends and Walls and represented as a graph called Basic Deformation Features Graph (BDFG). The graph, therefore, represents a compound deformation feature uniquely. The characteristic arrangement of the faces and type of bends belonging to the feature decide the type and nature of the deformation feature. Algorithms have been developed to extract and identify deformation features from a CAD model of sheet-metal parts. The proposed algorithm does not require folding and unfolding of the part as intermediate steps to recognize deformation features. Representations of typical features are illustrated and results of extracting these deformation features from typical sheet metal parts are presented and discussed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unconstrained gamma(4) amino acid residues derived by homologation of proteinogenic amino acids facilitate helical folding in hybrid (alpha gamma)(n) sequences. The C-12 helical conformation for the decapeptide, Boc-Leu-gamma(4)(R)Val](5)-OMe, is established in crystals by X-ray diffraction. A regular C-12 helix is demonstrated by NMR studies of the 18 residue peptide, Boc-Leu-gamma(4)(AR)Val](9)-OMe, and a designed 16 residue (alpha gamma)(n) peptide, incorporating variable side chains. Unconstrained (alpha gamma)(n) peptides show an unexpectedly high propensity for helical folding in long polypeptide sequences.


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Folding into compact globular structures, with well-defined modules of secondary structure, appears to be a characteristic of long polypeptide chains, with a specific patterning of coded amino acid residues along the length of sequence. Cooperative hydrogen bond driven secondary structure formation and solvent forces, which contribute favorably to the entropy of folding, by promoting compaction of the polymeric chain, have long been discussed as major determinants of the folding process. First principles design approaches, which use non-coded amino acids, employ an alternative structure directing strategy, by using amino acid residues which exhibit a strong conformational bias for specific regions of the Ramachandran map. This overview of ongoing studies in the authors' laboratory, attempts to explore the use of conformationally restricted amino acid residues in the design of peptides with well-defined secondary structures. Short peptides composed of 20 genetically coded amino acids usually exist in solution as an ensemble of equilibrating conformations. Apolar peptide sequences, which are readily soluble in organic solvents like chloroform and methanol, facilitate formation of structures which are predominately driven by intramolecular hydrogen bond formation. The choice of sequences containing residues with a limited range of conformational choices strongly favors formation of local turn structures, stabilized by short range intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Two residue beta-turns can nucleate either helical or hairpin folding, depending on the precise conformation of the turn segment Restriction of the conformational space available to amino acid residues is easily achieved by introduction of an additional alkyl group at the C alpha carbon atom or by side chain backbone cyclization, as in proline. Studies of synthetic sequences incorporating two prototype residues alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) and D-proline (DPro) illustrate the utility of the strategy in construction of helices and hairpins. Extensions to the design of conformationally switchable sequences and structurally defined hybrid peptides containing backbone homologated residues are also surveyed.


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Protein aggregation, linked to many of diseases, is initiated when monomers access rogue conformations that are poised to form amyloid fibrils. We show, using simulations of src SH3 domain, that mechanical force enhances the population of the aggregation-prone (N*) states, which are rarely populated under force free native conditions but are encoded in the spectrum of native fluctuations. The folding phase diagrams of SH3 as a function of denaturant concentration (C]), mechanical force (f), and temperature exhibit an apparent two-state behavior, without revealing the presence of the elusive N* states. Interestingly, the phase boundaries separating the folded and unfolded states at all C] and f fall on a master curve, which can be quantitatively described using an analogy to superconductors in a magnetic field. The free energy profiles as a function of the molecular extension (R), which are accessible in pulling experiments, (R), reveal the presence of a native-like N* with a disordered solvent-exposed amino-terminal beta-strand. The structure of the N* state is identical with that found in Fyn SH3 by NMR dispersion experiments. We show that the timescale for fibril formation can be estimated from the population of the N* state, determined by the free energy gap separating the native structure and the N* state, a finding that can be used to assess fibril forming tendencies of proteins. The structures of the N* state are used to show that oligomer formation and likely route to fibrils occur by a domain-swap mechanism in SH3 domain. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rugged energy landscapes find wide applications in diverse fields ranging from astrophysics to protein folding. We study the dependence of diffusion coefficient (D) of a Brownian particle on the distribution width (epsilon) of randomness in a Gaussian random landscape by simulations and theoretical analysis. We first show that the elegant expression of Zwanzig Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 2029 (1988)] for D(epsilon) can be reproduced exactly by using the Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling relation. Our simulations show that Zwanzig's expression overestimates D in an uncorrelated Gaussian random lattice - differing by almost an order of magnitude at moderately high ruggedness. The disparity originates from the presence of ``three-site traps'' (TST) on the landscape - which are formed by the presence of deep minima flanked by high barriers on either side. Using mean first passage time formalism, we derive a general expression for the effective diffusion coefficient in the presence of TST, that quantitatively reproduces the simulation results and which reduces to Zwanzig's form only in the limit of infinite spatial correlation. We construct a continuous Gaussian field with inherent correlation to establish the effect of spatial correlation on random walk. The presence of TSTs at large ruggedness (epsilon >> k(B)T) gives rise to an apparent breakdown of ergodicity of the type often encountered in glassy liquids. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The protein folding funnel paradigm suggests that folding and unfolding proceed as directed diffusion in a multidimensional free energy surface where a multitude of pathways can be traversed during the protein's sojourn from initial to final state. However, finding even a single pathway, with the detail chronicling of intermediates, is an arduous task. In this work we explore the free energy surface of unfolding pathway through umbrella sampling, for a small globular a-helical protein chicken-villin headpiece (HP-36) when the melting of secondary structures is induced by adding DMSO in aqueous solution. We find that the unfolding proceeds through the initial separation or melting of aggregated hydrophobic core that comprises of three phenylalanine residues (Phe7, Phe11, and Phe18). This separation is accompanied by simultaneous melting of the second helix. Unfolding is found to be a multistage process involving crossing of three consecutive minima and two barriers at the initial stage. At a molecular level, Phe18 is observed to reorient itself towards other hydrophobic grooves to stabilize the intermediate states. We identify the configuration of the intermediates and correlate the intermediates with those obtained in our previous works. We also give an estimate of the barriers for different transition states and observe the softening of the barriers with increasing DMSO concentration. We show that higher concentration of DMSO tunes the unfolding pathway by destabilizing the third minimum and stabilizing the second one, indicating the development of a solvent modified, less rugged pathway. The prime outcome of this work is the demonstration that mixed solvents can profoundly transform the nature of the energy landscape and induce unfolding via a modified route. A successful application of Kramer's rate equation correlating the free energy simulation results shows faster rate of unfolding with increasing DMSO concentration. This work perhaps presents the first systematic theoretical study of the effect of a chemical denaturant on the microscopic free energy surface and rates of unfolding of HP-36. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Structural studies in this laboratory encompass four of the five major classes of plant lectins, including the one discovered by us. In addition to addressing issues specific to individual lectins, the work provided insights into protein folding, quaternary association and generation of ligand specificity. Legume and beta-prism fold lectins constitute families of proteins in which small alterations in essentially the same tertiary structure lead to large variations in quaternary structure, including that involving an open structure. Strategies for generating ligand specificity include water bridges, variation in loop length, post translational modification and oligomerization. Three of the structural classes investigated have subunits with three-fold symmetry. The symmetry in the structure is reflected in the sequence to different extents in different subclasses. The evolutionary implications of this observation have been explored. The work on lectins has now been extended to those from mycobacteria.


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Secondary structure formation in oligopeptides can be induced by short nucleating segments with a high propensity to form hydrogen bonded turn conformations. Type I/III turns facilitate helical folding while type II'/I' turns favour hairpin formation. This principle is experimentally verified by studies of two designed dodecapeptides, Boc-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-Aib-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe 1 and Boc-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val- (D) Pro- (L) Pro-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe 2. The N- and C-terminal flanking pentapeptide sequences in both cases are identical. Peptide 1 adopts a largely alpha-helical conformation in crystals, with a small 3(10) helical segment at the N-terminus. The overall helical fold is maintained in methanol solution as evidenced by NMR studies. Peptide 2 adopts an antiparallel beta-hairpin conformation stabilized by 6 interstrand hydrogen bonds. Key nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) provide evidence for the antiparallel beta-hairpin structure. Aromatic proton chemical shifts provide a clear distinction between the conformation of peptides 1 (helical) and 2 (beta-hairpin). The proximity of facing aromatic residues positioned at non-hydrogen bonding positions in the hairpin results in extensively ring current shifted proton resonances in peptide 2.


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Secondary-structure elements (SSEs) play an important role in the folding of proteins. Identification of SSEs in proteins is a common problem in structural biology. A new method, ASSP (Assignment of Secondary Structure in Proteins), using only the path traversed by the C atoms has been developed. The algorithm is based on the premise that the protein structure can be divided into continuous or uniform stretches, which can be defined in terms of helical parameters, and depending on their values the stretches can be classified into different SSEs, namely -helices, 3(10)-helices, -helices, extended -strands and polyproline II (PPII) and other left-handed helices. The methodology was validated using an unbiased clustering of these parameters for a protein data set consisting of 1008 protein chains, which suggested that there are seven well defined clusters associated with different SSEs. Apart from -helices and extended -strands, 3(10)-helices and -helices were also found to occur in substantial numbers. ASSP was able to discriminate non--helical segments from flanking -helices, which were often identified as part of -helices by other algorithms. ASSP can also lead to the identification of novel SSEs. It is believed that ASSP could provide a better understanding of the finer nuances of protein secondary structure and could make an important contribution to the better understanding of comparatively less frequently occurring structural motifs. At the same time, it can contribute to the identification of novel SSEs. A standalone version of the program for the Linux as well as the Windows operating systems is freely downloadable and a web-server version is also available at .