151 resultados para Excited electronic state


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The electronic structures of a wide range of early transition-metal (TM) compounds, including Ti and V oxides with metal valences ranging from 2+ to 5+ and formal d-electron numbers ranging from 0 to 2, have been investigated by a configuration-interaction cluster model analysis of the core-level metal 2p x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS). Inelastic energy-loss backgrounds calculated from experimentally measured electron-energy-loss spectra (EELS) were subtracted from the XPS spectra to remove extrinsic loss features. Parameter values deduced for the charge-transfer energy Delta and the d-d Coulomb repulsion energy U are shown to continue the systematic trends established previously for the late TM compounds, giving support to a charge-transfer mechanism for the satellite structures. The early TM compounds are characterized by a large metal d-ligand p hybridization energy, resulting in strong covalency in these compounds. Values for Delta and U suggest that many early TM compounds should be reclassified as intermediate between the charge-transfer regime and the Mott-Hubbard regime.


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Oxides of the general formula La2-2xSr2xCu1-xII,M(x)(IV)O(4) (M = Ti, Mn, Fe, or Ru), crystallizing in the tetragonal K,NIF, structure, have been synthesized. For M=Ti, only the x=0,5 member could be prepared, while for M=Mn and Fe, the composition range is 0 Cu(III)-O-Fe(III) valence degeneracy. Increasing the strontium content at the expense of lanthanum in La2-2xSr2xCu1-xFexO4 for x less than or equal to 0.20 renders the samples metallic but not superconducting. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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The symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group approach is applied within the extended Hubbard-Peierls model (with parameters U/t, V/t, and bond alternation delta) to study the ordering of the lowest one-photon (1(1)B(u)(-)) and two-photon (2(1)A(g)(+)) states in one-dimensional conjugated systems with chain lengths N up to N = 80 sites. Three different types of crossovers are studied, as a function of U/t, delta, and N. The ''U crossover'' emphasizes the larger ionic character of the 2A(g) state compared to the lowest triplet excitation. The ''delta crossover'' shows strong dependence on both N and U/t. the ''N crossover'' illustrates the more localized nature of the 2A(g) excitation relative to the 1B(u) excitation at intermediate correlation strengths.


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A detailed study of the layered manganite La1+xSr2-xMn2O7 has been performed, establishing that within the composition range 0.1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.45 the phases crystallize in the I4/mmm space group. The evolution of structural parameters with x: in this composition range has been followed using a novel application of an existing program for the Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data. The structure, a familiar intergrowth of rock-salt (La,Sr)O slabs and double perovskite (La,Sr)(2)Mn2O6 units, is characterized by a reluctance to deform the latter. This manifests as a ''pumping'' of the larger Sr-II ion into the 12-coordinate site of the structure as x is increased. We report these features of the structure as well as electrical transport and magnetic properties, in light of recent observations of giant, negative magnetoresistance in these systems.


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Fluorene and its derivatives are well-known organic semiconducting materials in the field of opto-electronic devices because of their charge transport properties. Three new organic semiconducting materials, namely, 2,2'-((9,9-butyl-9H-fluorene-2,7-diyl)bis(4,1 phenylene))bisbenzod]thiazole, C4; 2,2'-((octyl-9H-fluorene-2,7-diyl)bis(4,1 phenylene))bisbenzod]thiazole, C8; and 2,2'-((9,9-dodecayl-9H-fluorene-2,7-diyl)bis(4,1 phenylene))bisbenzod]thiazole, C12 with a benzothiazole-fluorene backbone, were synthesized and characterized for their photophysical properties. A phenomenon of concomitant polymorphism has been investigated in the first two derivatives (C4 and C8) and has been analyzed systematically in terms of the packing characteristics involving pi ... pi interactions. The conformational flexibility of the pi-conjugated 2,2'-(fluorene-2,7-diyl)bis(4,1 phenylene)bisbenzod]thiazole backbone coupled with orientational freedom of the terminal alkyl chains were found to be the key factors responsible for these polymorphic modifications. Attempts to grow suitable crystals for single crystal X-ray diffraction of compound C12 were unsuccessful.


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This paper reports the TR3 spectral studies on perfluorinated organic systems with the objective to understand the influence of perfluorination on the excited states. We have recorded the TR3 spectra and Raman excitation profiles of the triplet excited states of decafluorobenzophenone and fluoranil. It is found that the influence of perfluorination is more pronounced in the triplet excited state than the ground state and thus leads to enhanced reactivity for perfluorinated compounds through larger structural distortions.


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We present a comparative study of the spin states and electronic properties of La1-xSrxCoO3 and La2-xSrxLi0.5Co0.5O4 using X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy at both the O-K and Co-L-2.3 thresholds. In the La2-xSrxLi0.5Co0.5O4 system the CoO6 octahedra are isolated, the holes induced by Sr doping are trapped in the isolated Co(IV)O-6 octahedra, and a low-spin state is found for the Co ions, which does not change upon Sr doping. In the La1-xSrxCoO3 system, the interconnected CoO6 octahedra, with a 180degrees Co-O-Co bond angle, give rise to a transition from low-spin to intermediate-spin state with a ferromagnetic alignment of the Co spins. The double-exchange, ferromagnetic coupling between Co ions mediated by the 180degrees bond angle is responsible for suppressing the low spin-state. We find that the branching ratio of spectral intensities at the L-2 and L-3 thresholds in the Co-L-2.3 X-ray absorption spectra is sensitive to the spin state of the Co ions allowing its direct spectroscopic determination. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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We have investigated the electronic structure of the p-type diluted magnetic semiconductor In1-xMnxAs by photoemission spectroscopy. The Mn 3d partial density of states is found to be basically similar to that of Ga1-xMnxAs. However, the impurity-band-like states near the top of the valence band have not been observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy unlike Ga1-xMnxAs. This difference would explain the difference in transport, magnetic and optical properties of In1-xMnxAs and Ga1-xMnxAs. The different electronic structures are attributed to the weaker Mn 3d-As 4p hybridization in In1-xMnxAs than in Ga1-xMnxAs.


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While bonding between d(10) atoms and ions in molecular systems has been well studied, less attention has been paid to interactions between such seemingly closed shell species in extended inorganic solids. In this contribution, we present visualizations of the electronic structures of the delafossites ABO(2) (A = Cu, Ag, Au) with particular emphasis on the nature of d(10)-d(10) interactions in the close packed plane of the coinage metal ion. We find that on going from Cu to Ag to Au, the extent of bonding between A and A increases. However, the structures (in terms of distances) of these compounds are largely determined by the strongly ionic 13,11 0 interaction and for the larger B ions Sc, In and Y, the A atoms are sufficiently well-separated that A-A bonding is almost negligible. We also analyze some interesting differences between Ag and Au, including the larger A-O covalency of the Au. The trends in electronic structure suggest that the Ag and Au compounds are not good candidate transparent conducting oxides. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are presented for p-nitroazobenzene dissolved in chloroform using 18 excitation Wavelengths, covering the region of (1)(n --> pi*) electronic transition. Raman intensities are observed for various totally symmetric fundamentals, namely, C-C, C-N, N=N, and N-O stretching vibrations, indicating that upon photoexcitation the excited-state evolution occurs along all of these vibrational coordinates. For a few fundamentals, interestingly, in p-nitroazobenzene, it is observed that the RR intensities decrease near the maxima of the resonant electronic (1)(n --> pi*) transition. This is attributed to the interference from preresonant scattering due to the strongly allowed (1)(pi --> pi*) electronic transition. The electronic absorption spectrum and the absolute Raman cross section for the nine Franck-Condon active fundamentals of p-nitroazobenzene have been successfully modeled using Heller's time-dependent formalism for Raman scattering. This employs harmonic description of the lowest energy (1)(n --> pi*) potential energy surface. The short-time isomerization dynamics is then examined from a priori knowledge of the ground-state normal mode descriptions of p-nitroazobenzene to convert the wave packet motion in dimensionless normal coordinates to internal coordinates. It is observed that within 20 fs after photoexcitation in p-nitroazobenzene, the N=N and C-N stretching vibrations undergo significant changes and the unsubstituted phenyl ring and the nitro stretching vibrations are also distorted considerably.


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We have investigated the electronic structure of ordered and disordered Sr2FeMoO6 using ab initio bandstructure methods. The effect of disorder was simulated within supercell calculations to realize several configurations with mis-site disorders. It is found that such disorder effects destroy the half-metallic ferromagnetic state of the ordered compound. It also leads to a substantial reduction of the magnetic moments at the Fe sites in the disordered configurations. Most interestingly, it is found for the disordered configurations that the magnetic coupling within the Fe sublattice as well as that within the Mo sublattice always remain ferromagnetic, while the two sublattices couple antiferromagnetically, in close analogy to the magnetic structure of the ordered compound, but,in contrast to recent suggestions.


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Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of the A (intramolecular charge transfer, ICT) state of DMABN, DMABN-d(6) and DMABN-N-15 have been obtained. The isotopic shifts identify the nu (s)(ph-N) mode as a band at 1281 cm(-1). The similar to 96 cm(-1) downshift of this mode from its ground state frequency rules out the electronic coupling PICT model and unequivocally supports the electronic decoupling TICT model. However, our results suggest some pyramidal character of the A state amino conformation.


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We investigate the electronic structure of Ca1-xSrxVO3 using photoemission spectroscopy. Core level spectra establish an electronic phase separation at the surface, leading to a distinctly different surface electronic structure compared to the bulk. Analysis of the photoemission spectra of this system allowed us to separate the surface and bulk contributions. These results help us to understand properties related to two vastly differing energy scales, namely the low-energy scale of thermal excitations ( $\sim\!k_{\rm B}T$) and the high-energy scale related to Coulomb and other electronic interactions.


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In this paper we develop an analytical heat transfer model, which is capable of analyzing cyclic melting and solidification processes of a phase change material used in the context of electronics cooling systems. The model is essentially based on conduction heat transfer, with treatments for convection and radiation embedded inside. The whole solution domain is first divided into two main sub-domains, namely, the melting sub-domain and the solidification sub-domain. Each sub-domain is then analyzed for a number of temporal regimes. Accordingly, analytical solutions for temperature distribution within each subdomain are formulated either using a semi-infinity consideration, or employing a method of quasi-steady state, depending on the applicability. The solution modules are subsequently united, leading to a closed-form solution for the entire problem. The analytical solutions are then compared with experimental and numerical solutions for a benchmark problem quoted in the literature, and excellent agreements can be observed.


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Conjugated polymers are intensively pursued as candidate materials for emission and detection devices with the optical range of interest determined by the chemical structure. On the other hand the optical range for emission and detection can also be tuned by size selection in semiconductor nanoclusters. The mechanisms for charge generation and separation upon optical excitation, and light emission are different for these systems. Hybrid systems based on these different class of materials reveal interesting electronic and optical properties and add further insight into the individual characteristics of the different components. Multilayer structures and blends of these materials on different substrates were prepared for absorption, photocurrent (Iph), photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminscence (EL) studies. Polymers chosen were derivatives of polythiophene (PT) and polyparaphenylenevinylene (PPV) along with nanoclusters of cadmium sulphide of average size 4.4 nm (CdS-44). The photocurrent spectral response in these systems followed the absorption response around the band edges for each of the components and revealed additional features, which depended on bias voltage, thickness of the layers and interfacial effects. The current-voltage curves showed multi-component features with emission varying for different regimes of voltage. The emission spectral response revealed additive features and is discussed in terms of excitonic mechanisms.