120 resultados para Evolving Object-Oriented Compiler


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We consider the problem of extracting a signature representation of similar entities employing covariance descriptors. Covariance descriptors can efficiently represent objects and are robust to scale and pose changes. We posit that covariance descriptors corresponding to similar objects share a common geometrical structure which can be extracted through joint diagonalization. We term this diagonalizing matrix as the Covariance Profile (CP). CP can be used to measure the distance of a novel object to an object set through the diagonality measure. We demonstrate how CP can be employed on images as well as for videos, for applications such as face recognition and object-track clustering.


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We report the in situ and real-time monitoring of the interconversion of L- and D-alanine-d(3) by alanine racemase from Bacillus stearothermophilus directly observed by H-2 NMR spectroscopy in anisotropic phase. The enantiomers are distinguished by the difference of their H-2 quadrupolar splittings in a chiral liquid crystal containing short DNA fragments. The proof-of-principle, the reliability, and the robustness of this new method is demonstrated by the determination of the turnover rates of the enzyme using the Michaelis Menten model.


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We report the evidence for the anisotropic magnetoimpedance behavior in (001) oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films, in low frequency-low magnetic field regime. (001) oriented LSMO thin films were deposited using pulsed laser deposition and characterized with X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent magnetization studies. In the in-plain configuration, an ac magnetoresistance (MRac) of similar to -0.5% was observed at 1000 Oe, at 100 Hz frequency in these films. The MRac was found to decrease with increase in frequency. We observe increases in MRac at low frequency, indicating major contribution for change of permeability from domain wall motion. At higher frequencies, it decreases due to decrease in transverse permeability, resulting from dampening of domain wall motion. Out-of-plane configuration showed MRac similar to 5.5% at 1000 Oe, at 100 Hz frequency. The MRac turned from positive to negative with increase in frequency in out-of-plane configuration. These changes are attributed to the change in permeability of the film with the frequency and applied magnetic field.


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We consider the rotational motion of an elongated nanoscale object in a fluid under an external torque. The experimentally observed dynamics could be understood from analytical solutions of the Stokes equation, with explicit formulae derived for the dynamical states as a function of the object dimensions and the parameters defining the external torque. Under certain conditions, multiple analytical solutions to the Stokes equations exist, which have been investigated through numerical analysis of their stability against small perturbations and their sensitivity towards initial conditions. These experimental results and analytical formulae are general enough to be applicable to the rotational motion of any isolated elongated object at low Reynolds numbers, and could be useful in the design of non-spherical nanostructures for diverse applications pertaining to microfluidics and nanoscale propulsion technologies.


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Real-time object tracking is a critical task in many computer vision applications. Achieving rapid and robust tracking while handling changes in object pose and size, varying illumination and partial occlusion, is a challenging task given the limited amount of computational resources. In this paper we propose a real-time object tracker in l(1) framework addressing these issues. In the proposed approach, dictionaries containing templates of overlapping object fragments are created. The candidate fragments are sparsely represented in the dictionary fragment space by solving the l(1) regularized least squares problem. The non zero coefficients indicate the relative motion between the target and candidate fragments along with a fidelity measure. The final object motion is obtained by fusing the reliable motion information. The dictionary is updated based on the object likelihood map. The proposed tracking algorithm is tested on various challenging videos and found to outperform earlier approach.


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In this paper we present the design of ``e-SURAKSHAK,'' a novel cyber-physical health care management system of Wireless Embedded Internet Devices (WEIDs) that sense vital health parameters. The system is capable of sensing body temperature, heart rate, oxygen saturation level and also allows noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement. End to end internet connectivity is provided by using 6LoWPAN based wireless network that uses the 802.15.4 radio. A service oriented architecture (SOA) 1] is implemented to extract meaningful information and present it in an easy-to-understand form to the end-user instead of raw data made available by sensors. A central electronic database and health care management software are developed. Vital health parameters are measured and stored periodically in the database. Further, support for real-time measurement of health parameters is provided through a web based GUI. The system has been implemented completely and demonstrated with multiple users and multiple WEIDs.


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Exploiting the performance potential of GPUs requires managing the data transfers to and from them efficiently which is an error-prone and tedious task. In this paper, we develop a software coherence mechanism to fully automate all data transfers between the CPU and GPU without any assistance from the programmer. Our mechanism uses compiler analysis to identify potential stale accesses and uses a runtime to initiate transfers as necessary. This allows us to avoid redundant transfers that are exhibited by all other existing automatic memory management proposals. We integrate our automatic memory manager into the X10 compiler and runtime, and find that it not only results in smaller and simpler programs, but also eliminates redundant memory transfers. Tested on eight programs ported from the Rodinia benchmark suite it achieves (i) a 1.06x speedup over hand-tuned manual memory management, and (ii) a 1.29x speedup over another recently proposed compiler--runtime automatic memory management system. Compared to other existing runtime-only and compiler-only proposals, it also transfers 2.2x to 13.3x less data on average.


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Software transactional memory(STM) is a promising programming paradigm for shared memory multithreaded programs. While STM offers the promise of being less error-prone and more programmer friendly compared to traditional lock-based synchronization, it also needs to be competitive in performance in order for it to be adopted in mainstream software. A major source of performance overheads in STM is transactional aborts. Conflict resolution and aborting a transaction typically happens at the transaction level which has the advantage that it is automatic and application agnostic. However it has a substantial disadvantage in that STM declares the entire transaction as conflicting and hence aborts it and re-executes it fully, instead of partially re-executing only those part(s) of the transaction, which have been affected due to the conflict. This "Re-execute Everything" approach has a significant adverse impact on STM performance. In order to mitigate the abort overheads, we propose a compiler aided Selective Reconciliation STM (SR-STM) scheme, wherein certain transactional conflicts can be reconciled by performing partial re-execution of the transaction. Ours is a selective hybrid approach which uses compiler analysis to identify those data accesses which are legal and profitable candidates for reconciliation and applies partial re-execution only to these candidates selectively while other conflicting data accesses are handled by the default STM approach of abort and full re-execution. We describe the compiler analysis and code transformations required for supporting selective reconciliation. We find that SR-STM is effective in reducing the transactional abort overheads by improving the performance for a set of five STAMP benchmarks by 12.58% on an average and up to 22.34%.


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In this paper, we have proposed a simple and effective approach to classify H.264 compressed videos, by capturing orientation information from the motion vectors. Our major contribution involves computing Histogram of Oriented Motion Vectors (HOMV) for overlapping hierarchical Space-Time cubes. The Space-Time cubes selected are partially overlapped. HOMV is found to be very effective to define the motion characteristics of these cubes. We then use Bag of Features (B OF) approach to define the video as histogram of HOMV keywords, obtained using k-means clustering. The video feature, thus computed, is found to be very effective in classifying videos. We demonstrate our results with experiments on two large publicly available video database.


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Uniaxial compression experiments were conducted on two magnesium (Mg) single crystals whose crystallographic orientations facilitate the deformation either by basal slip or by extension twinning. Specimen size effects were examined by conducting experiments on mu m- and mm-sized samples. A marked specimen size effect was noticed, with micropillars exhibiting significantly higher flow stress than bulk samples. Further, it is observed that the twin nucleation stress exerts strong size dependence, with micropillars requiring substantially higher stress than the bulk samples. The flow curves obtained on the bulk samples are smooth whereas those obtained from micropillars exhibit intermittent and precipitous stress drops. Electron backscattered diffraction and microstructural analyses of the deformed samples reveal that the plastic deformation in basal slip oriented crystals occurs only by slip while twin oriented crystals deform by both slip and twinning modes. The twin oriented crystals exhibit a higher strain hardening during plastic deformation when compared to the single slip oriented crystals. The strain hardening rate, theta, of twin oriented crystals is considerably greater in micropillars compared to the bulk single crystals, suggesting the prevalence of different work hardening mechanisms at these different sample sizes. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oriented Strontium Ferrite films with the c axis orientation were deposited with varying oxygen partial pressure on Al2O3(0001) substrate using Pulsed Laser Deposition technique. The angle dependent magnetic hysteresis, remanent coercivity, and temperature dependent coercivity had been employed to understand the magnetization reversal of these films. It was found that the Strontium Ferrite thin film grown at lower (higher) oxygen partial pressure shows Stoner-Wohlfarth type (Kondorsky like) reversal. The relative importance of pinning and nucleation processes during magnetization reversal is used to explain the type of the magnetization reversal with different oxygen partial pressure during growth. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Monte Carlo modeling of light transport in multilayered tissue (MCML) is modified to incorporate objects of various shapes (sphere, ellipsoid, cylinder, or cuboid) with a refractive-index mismatched boundary. These geometries would be useful for modeling lymph nodes, tumors, blood vessels, capillaries, bones, the head, and other body parts. Mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC) has also been used to compare the results from the MCML with embedded objects (MCML-EO). Our simulation assumes a realistic tissue model and can also handle the transmission/reflection at the object-tissue boundary due to the mismatch of the refractive index. Simulation of MCML-EO takes a few seconds, whereas MMC takes nearly an hour for the same geometry and optical properties. Contour plots of fluence distribution from MCML-EO and MMC correlate well. This study assists one to decide on the tool to use for modeling light propagation in biological tissue with objects of regular shapes embedded in it. For irregular inhomogeneity in the model (tissue), MMC has to be used. If the embedded objects (inhomogeneity) are of regular geometry (shapes), then MCML-EO is a better option, as simulations like Raman scattering, fluorescent imaging, and optical coherence tomography are currently possible only with MCML. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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We demonstrate diffusing-wave spectroscopy (DWS) in a localized region of a viscoelastically inhomogeneous object by measurement of the intensity autocorrelation g(2)(tau)] that captures only the decay introduced by the temperature-induced Brownian motion in the region. The region is roughly specified by the focal volume of an ultrasound transducer which introduces region specific mechanical vibration owing to insonification. Essential characteristics of the localized non-Markovian dynamics are contained in the decay of the modulation depth M(tau)], introduced by the ultrasound forcing in the focal volume selected, on g(2)(tau). The modulation depth M(tau(i)) at any delay time tau(i) can be measured by short-time Fourier transform of g(2)(tau) and measurement of the magnitude of the spectrum at the ultrasound drive frequency. By following the established theoretical framework of DWS, we are able to connect the decay in M(tau) to the mean-squared displacement (MSD) of scattering centers and the MSD to G*(omega), the complex viscoelastic spectrum. A two-region composite polyvinyl alcohol phantom with different viscoelastic properties is selected for demonstrating local DWS-based recovery of G*(omega) corresponding to these regions from the measured region specific M(tau(i))vs tau(i). The ultrasound-assisted measurement of MSD is verified by simulating, using a generalized Langevin equation (GLE), the dynamics of the particles in the region selected as well as by the usual DWS experiment without the ultrasound. It is shown that whereas the MSD obtained by solving the GLE without the ultrasound forcing agreed with its experimental counterpart covering small and large values of tau, the match was good only in the initial transients in regard to experimental measurements with ultrasound.