153 resultados para DISTRIBUTED DELAYS


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Distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) from complex orthogonal designs (CODs) (both square and nonsquare), coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs), and Clifford unitary weight designs (CUWDs) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using amplify and forward protocol. For such networks, in this paper, three new classes of high rate, training-symbol embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are constructed: TSE-CODs, TSE-CIODs, and TSE-CUWDs. The proposed codes include the training symbols inside the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain the SSD property along with the channel estimation capability. TSE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations and the constellations for which TSE-CIODs and TSE-CUWDs offer full-diversity are characterized. It is shown that DSTBCs from nonsquare TSE-CODs provide better rates (in symbols per channel use) when compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks. Important from the practical point of view, the proposed DSTBCs do not contain any zeros in their codewords and as a result, antennas of the relay nodes do not undergo a sequence of switch on/off transitions within every codeword, and, thus, avoid the antenna switching problem.


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Regenerating codes are a class of distributed storage codes that allow for efficient repair of failed nodes, as compared to traditional erasure codes. An [n, k, d] regenerating code permits the data to be recovered by connecting to any k of the n nodes in the network, while requiring that a failed node be repaired by connecting to any d nodes. The amount of data downloaded for repair is typically much smaller than the size of the source data. Previous constructions of exact-regenerating codes have been confined to the case n = d + 1. In this paper, we present optimal, explicit constructions of (a) Minimum Bandwidth Regenerating (MBR) codes for all values of [n, k, d] and (b) Minimum Storage Regenerating (MSR) codes for all [n, k, d >= 2k - 2], using a new product-matrix framework. The product-matrix framework is also shown to significantly simplify system operation. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first constructions of exact-regenerating codes that allow the number n of nodes in the network, to be chosen independent of the other parameters. The paper also contains a simpler description, in the product-matrix framework, of a previously constructed MSR code with [n = d + 1, k, d >= 2k - 1].


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We consider a problem of providing mean delay and average throughput guarantees in random access fading wireless channels using CSMA/CA algorithm. This problem becomes much more challenging when the scheduling is distributed as is the case in a typical local area wireless network. We model the CSMA network using a novel queueing network based approach. The optimal throughput per device and throughput optimal policy in an M device network is obtained. We provide a simple contention control algorithm that adapts the attempt probability based on the network load and obtain bounds for the packet transmission delay. The information we make use of is the number of devices in the network and the queue length (delayed) at each device. The proposed algorithms stay within the requirements of the IEEE 802.11 standard.


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Low complexity decoders called Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC), which include the Zero Forcing (ZF) and ZF-SIC receivers as special cases, were given by Guo and Xia along with sufficient conditions for a Space-Time Block Code (STBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC/PIC-SIC decoding for point-to-point MIMO channels. In Part-I of this two part series of papers, we give new conditions for an STBC to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders, which are equivalent to Guo and Xia's conditions, but are much easier to check. We then show that PIC and PIC-SIC decoders are capable of achieving the full cooperative diversity available in wireless relay networks and give sufficient conditions for a Distributed Space-Time Block Code (DSTBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders. In Part-II, we construct new low complexity full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs and DSTBCs that achieve higher rates than the known full-diversity low complexity ML decodable STBCs and DSTBCs.


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In this second part of a two part series of papers, we construct a new class of Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) for point-to-point MIMO channel and Distributed STBCs (DSTBCs) for the amplify-and-forward relay channel that give full-diversity with Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC) decoders. The proposed class of STBCs include most of the known full-diversity low complexity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs as special cases. We also show that a number of known full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs that were constructed for the point-topoint MIMO channel can be used as full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable DSTBCs in relay networks. For the same decoding complexity, the proposed STBCs and DSTBCs achieve higher rates than the known low decoding complexity codes. Simulation results show that the new codes have a better bit error rate performance than the low ML decoding complexity codes available in the literature.


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Problems related to network coding for acyclic, instantaneous networks (where the edges of the acyclic graph representing the network are assumed to have zero-delay) have been extensively dealt with in the recent past. The most prominent of these problems include (a) the existence of network codes that achieve maximum rate of transmission, (b) efficient network code constructions, and (c) field size issues. In practice, however, networks have transmission delays. In network coding theory, such networks with transmission delays are generally abstracted by assuming that their edges have integer delays. Using enough memory at the nodes of an acyclic network with integer delays can effectively simulate instantaneous behavior, which is probably why only acyclic instantaneous networks have been primarily focused on thus far. However, nulling the effect of the network delays are not always uniformly advantageous, as we will show in this work. Essentially, we elaborate on issues ((a), (b) and (c) above) related to network coding for acyclic networks with integer delays, and show that using the delay network as is (without adding memory) turns out to be advantageous, disadvantageous or immaterial, depending on the topology of the network and the problem considered i.e., (a), (b) or (c).


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Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), widely considered as the manufacturing technology of the future, are gaining increasing importance due to the immense advantages they provide in terms of cost, quality and productivity over the conventional manufacturing. An FMS is a complex interconnection of capital intensive resources and high levels of system performance is very crucial for survival in a competing environment.Discrete event simulation is one of the most popular methods for performance evaluation of FMS during planning, design and operation phases. Indeed fast simulators are suggested for selection of optimal strategies for flow control (which part type to enter and at what instant), AGV scheduling (which vehicle to carry which part), routing (which machine to process the part) and part selection (which part for processing next). In this paper we develop a C-net based model for an FMS and use the same for distributed discrete event simulation. We illustrate using examples the efficacy of destributed discrete event simulation for the performance evaluation of FMSs.


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The concept of interference alignment when extended to three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network for the case where, each source-destination pair has a min-cut of 1 and zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, is known to achieve a rate of half for every source-destination pair under certain conditions [6]. This was called network alignment. We generalize this concept of network alignment to three-source three-destination multiple unicast (3S-3D-MU) networks with delays, without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes (i.e., nodes other than the sources and destinations) and using time varying Local Encoding Kernels (LEKs). This achieves half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination min-cut for some classes of 3S-3D-MU network with delays which do not satisfy the zero-interference conditions.


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The setting considered in this paper is one of distributed function computation. More specifically, there is a collection of N sources possessing correlated information and a destination that would like to acquire a specific linear combination of the N sources. We address both the case when the common alphabet of the sources is a finite field and the case when it is a finite, commutative principal ideal ring with identity. The goal is to minimize the total amount of information needed to be transmitted by the N sources while enabling reliable recovery at the destination of the linear combination sought. One means of achieving this goal is for each of the sources to compress all the information it possesses and transmit this to the receiver. The Slepian-Wolf theorem of information theory governs the minimum rate at which each source must transmit while enabling all data to be reliably recovered at the receiver. However, recovering all the data at the destination is often wasteful of resources since the destination is only interested in computing a specific linear combination. An alternative explored here is one in which each source is compressed using a common linear mapping and then transmitted to the destination which then proceeds to use linearity to directly recover the needed linear combination. The article is part review and presents in part, new results. The portion of the paper that deals with finite fields is previously known material, while that dealing with rings is mostly new.Attempting to find the best linear map that will enable function computation forces us to consider the linear compression of source. While in the finite field case, it is known that a source can be linearly compressed down to its entropy, it turns out that the same does not hold in the case of rings. An explanation for this curious interplay between algebra and information theory is also provided in this paper.


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In this paper, we propose an efficient source routing algorithm for unicast flows, which addresses the scalability problem associated with the basic source routing technique. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm indeed helps in reducing the message overhead considerably, and at the same time it gives comparable performance in terms of resource utilization across a wide range of workloads.


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any subset of k nodes within the n-node network. However, regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to an arbitrary subset of d nodes. It has been shown that for the case of functional repair, there is a tradeoff between the amount of data stored per node and the bandwidth required to repair a failed node. A special case of functional repair is exact repair where the replacement node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. Exact repair is of interest as it greatly simplifies system implementation. The first result of this paper is an explicit, exact-repair code for the point on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff corresponding to the minimum possible repair bandwidth, for the case when d = n-1. This code has a particularly simple graphical description, and most interestingly has the ability to carry out exact repair without any need to perform arithmetic operations. We term this ability of the code to perform repair through mere transfer of data as repair by transfer. The second result of this paper shows that the interior points on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff cannot be achieved under exact repair, thus pointing to the existence of a separate tradeoff under exact repair. Specifically, we identify a set of scenarios which we term as ``helper node pooling,'' and show that it is the necessity to satisfy such scenarios that overconstrains the system.


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Channel-aware assignment of subchannels to users in the downlink of an OFDMA system requires extensive feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the base station. Since bandwidth is scarce, schemes that limit feedback are necessary. We develop a novel, low feedback, distributed splitting-based algorithm called SplitSelect to opportunistically assign each subchannel to its most suitable user. SplitSelect explicitly handles multiple access control aspects associated with CSI feedback, and scales well with the number of users. In it, according to a scheduling criterion, each user locally maintains a scheduling metric for each subchannel. The goal is to select, for each subchannel, the user with the highest scheduling metric. At any time, each user contends for the subchannel for which it has the largest scheduling metric among the unallocated subchannels. A tractable asymptotic analysis of a system with many users is central to SplitSelect's simple design. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the speed with which subchannels and users are paired. The net data throughput, when the time overhead of selection is accounted for, is shown to be substantially better than several schemes proposed in the literature. We also show how fairness and user prioritization can be ensured by suitably defining the scheduling metric.


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There is a lot of pressure on all the developed and second world countries to produce low emission power and distributed generation (DG) is found to be one of the most viable ways to achieve this. DG generally makes use of renewable energy sources like wind, micro turbines, photovoltaic, etc., which produce power with minimum green house gas emissions. While installing a DG it is important to define its size and optimal location enabling minimum network expansion and line losses. In this paper, a methodology to locate the optimal site for a DG installation, with the objective to minimize the net transmission losses, is presented. The methodology is based on the concept of relative electrical distance (RED) between the DG and the load points. This approach will help to identify the new DG location(s), without the necessity to conduct repeated power flows. To validate this methodology case studies are carried out on a 20 node, 66kV system, a part of Karnataka Transco and results are presented.