276 resultados para DISPLACEMENT


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The problem of a long, thin circular cylindrical shell enclosed in an elastic casing and subjected to a ring of radial load on the inner rim is solved using the Love function for the casing in conjunction with Flügge shell theory. Numerical work has been done with a digital computer and the results for stress and displacement fields are given for various values of the shell geometry parameters and material constants.


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The transient response of non-linear spring mass systems with Coulomb damping, when subjected to a step function is investigated. For a restricted class of non-linear spring characteristics, exact expressions are developed for (i) the first peak of the response curves, and (ii) the time taken to reach it. A simple, yet accurate linearization procedure is developed for obtaining the approximate time required to reach the first peak, when the spring characteristic is a general function of the displacement. The results are presented graphically in non-dimensional form.


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In the present note we have studied the harmonic and anharmonic oscillations of cylindrical plasma using Lagrangian formalism. In order to study the harmonic oscillations, the equations are linearized and the resulting equation for the displacement has been numerically solved. For situations present in thermonuclear reactors, the presence of axial magnetic field is found necessary to make the periods of oscillation to become comparable with the time required for the thermonuclear reactions to set in. A detailed analysis of the anharmonic oscillations reveals that the significant interaction is between the first and the second mode. The fundamental period of anharmonic oscillation is more than the corresponding period of harmonic oscillations by 9·2%. Graphs have been drawn for the amplitudes of relative variations in density and magnetic field and of the time-varying part of anharmonic oscillation.


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A theoretical solution has been obtained for the state of stress in a rectangular plate under a pair of symmetrically placed rigid indenters. The stress distributions along the two central axes have been calculated for a square plate assuming the pressure distribution under the indenters as uniform, parabolic and one resulting from 'constant displacement' on a semiinfinite boundary, for different ratios of indenter-width to side of square. The results are compared with those of photoelastic analysis of Berenbaum and Brodie and the validity of the solution is discussed. The solution has been extended to orthotropic materials and numerical results for one type of coal are given.


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The plasma is taken to be composed of singly ionized molecules, free electrons and neutral molecules, each of the component being described by the hydromagnetic equations, modified to take into account the displacement current, existence of free charge in the medium, and the modified current equation without involving the scalar conductivity. The basic equations are linearized and only small amplitude waves are considered. In the absence of any external magnetic field, the transverse and longitudinal modes of oscillation separate out. In the transverse part a coupled plasma oscillation occurs which could be propagated only above a certain critical frequency and in the longitudinal part one extraordinary mode of propagation occurs having a forbidden range of frequencies. When there is an external applied magnetic field, ordinary and extraordinary waves are propagated along the direction of the magnetic field, whereas only ordinary waves are propagated transverse to the magnetic field. The critical frequencies above which these waves are propagated are evaluated and, the possible explanation of this medium like behaviour could be the implicit assumption of conductivity being not a scalar.


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The fracture behavior of concrete–concrete interface is characterized using acoustic emission (AE). Beams of different sizes having jointed interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested. The results of load, displacement, CMOD, AE-events and AE-energy are analyzed. The width of fracture process zone and damage zone are computed using AE-data and are found to be independent of size. It is observed that, as the difference in compressive strength of concrete on either side of interface increases, the load carrying capacity, number of AE-events, AE-energy, width of fracture process zone and damage zone decreases.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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With an objective to understand the nature of forces which contribute to the disjoining pressure of a thin water film on a steel substrate being pressed by an oil droplet, two independent sets of experiments were done. (i) A spherical silica probe approaches the three substrates; mica, PTFE and steel, in a 10 mM electrolyte solution at two different pHs (3 and 10). (ii) The silica probe with and without a smeared oil film approaches the same three substrates in water (pH = 6). The surface potential of the oil film/water was measured using a dynamic light scattering experiment. Assuming the capacity of a substrate for ion exchange the total interaction force for each experiment was estimated to include the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) force, hydration repulsion, hydrophobic attraction and oil-capillary attraction. The best fit of these estimates to the force-displacement characteristics obtained from the two sets of experiment gives the appropriate surface potentials of the substrates. The procedure allows an assessment of the relevance of a specific physical interaction to an experimental configuration. Two of the principal observations of this work are: (i) The presence of a surface at constant charge, as in the presence of an oil film on the probe, significantly enhances the counterion density over what is achieved when both the surfaces allow ion exchange. This raises the corresponding repulsion barrier greatly. (ii) When the substrate surface is wettable by oil, oil-capillary attraction contributes substantially to the total interaction. If it is not wettable the oil film is deformed and squeezed out. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We report a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of confined water inside similar to 1.4 nm diameter single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We show that the confined water does not freeze even up to 223 K. A pulse field gradient (PFG) NMR method is used to determine the mean squared displacement (MSD) of the water molecules inside the nanotubes at temperatures below 273 K, where the bulk water outside the nanotubes freezes and hence does not contribute to the proton NMR signal. We show that the mean squared displacement varies as the square root of time, predicted for single-file diffusion in a one-dimensional channel. We propose a qualitative understanding of our results based on available molecular dynamics simulations.


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We use atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the diffusion of water molecules confined inside narrow (6,6) carbon nanorings. The water molecules form two oppositely polarized chains. It is shown that the effective interaction between these two chains is repulsive in nature. The computed mean-squared displacement (MSD) clearly shows a scaling with time similar to t(1/2), which is consistent with single-file diffusion (SFD). The time up to which the water molecules undergo SFD is shown to be the lifetime of the water molecules inside these chains. Simulations of "uncharged" water molecules inside the nanoring show the formation of several water chains and yield SFD. These observations conclusively prove that the diffusion is Fickian when there is a single chain of water and SFD is observed only when two or more chains are present.


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Transport of 1-14C-IAA in successive stem segments of Cuscuta was strictly basipetal in growing and non growing regions of the vine with a flux velocity of 10-12 mm/h (intercept method). This transport showed a distinct peaked profile, increasing from a low value at 10 mm from the apex to a maximum between 50 and 90 mm before declining to a low value again around 160 mm at which elongation growth ceased. The IAA transport profile paralleled the in vivo growth rate profile, though the latter peaked ahead of transport. A better correlation was observed between the profile of growth responsiveness of the vine to exogenous IAA application and the profile of IAA transport. Growth responsiveness was determined as the differential in growth rate of stem segments in vitro in the absence and presence of growth optimal concentration of IAA (10 μm). Retention of exogenous IAA in the stem was maximal where transport decreased, and this coincided with the region of maximal conjugation of applied 1-14C-IAA to aspartic acid to form indoleacetylaspartate (IAAsp). In addition to aspartate, IAA was conjugated to a small extent to an unidentified compound. IAA destruction by decarboxylation was greatest where transport was low, particularly in the nongrowing region, where lignification occurred (i.e., beyond 180 mm). At concentrations up to 20 μM, a pulse of 1-14C-IAA chased by "cold" IAA moved as a peak (with a peak displacement velocity of 12-18 mm/h) in the "growth" region of the vine, but became diffusionlike where growth either fell off steeply or ceased. At a higher (50 μM) IAA concentration, though uptake was not saturated, transport in the growth region became diffusionlike, indicating saturation of the system. Reduced IAA flux in the region where growth responsiveness to IAA declined coincided with the region of increased IAA conjugation. However, it cannot be concluded whether increased IAA conjugation was the cause or effect of decreased IAA flux. Application of benzyladenine to the vines in vivo, a treatment that elicited haustoria formation by 72 h, resulted in the inhibition of both IAA transport and elongation growth rate in the subapical region. In vitro treatment of vine segments with BA similarly increased IAA retention and decreased IAA transport. IAA loss was suppressed, and conjugation to IAAsp was enhanced. © 1989 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.


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We control the stiffnesses of two dual double cantelevers placed in series to control penetration into a perflurooctyltrichlorosilane monolayer self assembled on aluminium and silicon substrates. The top cantilever which carries the probe is displaced with respect to the bottom cantilever which carries the substrate, the difference in displacement recorded using capacitors gives penetration. We further modulate the input displacement sinusoidally to deconvolute the viscoelastic properties of the monolayer. When the intervention is limited to the terminal end of the molecule there is a strong viscous response in consonance with the ability of the molecule to dissipate energy by the generation of gauche defects freely. When the intervention reaches the backbone, at a contact mean pressure of 0.2GPa the damping disappears abruptly and the molecule registers a steep rise in elastic modulus and relaxation time constant, with increasing contact pressure. We offer a physical explanation of the process and describe this change as due to a phase transition from a liquid like to a solid like state.


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We propose an effective elastography technique in which an acoustic radiation force is used for remote palpation to generate localized tissue displacements, which are directly correlated to localized variations of tissue stiffness and are measured using a light probe in the same direction of ultrasound propagation. The experimental geometry has provision to input light beam along the ultrasound propagation direction, and hence it can be prealigned to ensure proper interception of the focal region by the light beam. Tissue-mimicking phantoms with homogeneous and isotropic mechanical properties of normal and malignant breast tissue are considered for the study. Each phantom is insonified by a focusing ultrasound transducer (1 MHz). The focal volume of the transducer and the ultrasound radiation force in the region are estimated through solving acoustic wave propagation through medium assuming average acoustic properties. The forward elastography problem is solved for the region of insonification assuming the Lame's parameters and Poisson's ratio, under Dirichlet boundary conditions which gives a distribution of displacement vectors. The direction of displacement, though presented spatial variation, is predominantly towards the ultrasound propagation direction. Using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation we have traced the photons through the phantom and collected the photons arriving at the detector on the boundary of the object in the direction of ultrasound. The intensity correlations are then computed from detected photons. The intensity correlation function computed through MC simulation showed a modulation whose strength is found to be proportional to the amplitude of displacement and inversely related to the storage (elastic) modulus. It is observed that when the storage modulus in the focal region is increased the computed displacement magnitude, as indicated by the depth of modulation in the intensity autocorrelation, decreased and the trend is approximately exponential.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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Seismic structural design is essentially the estimation of structural response to a forced motion, which may be deterministic or stochastic, imposed on the ground. The assumption that the same ground motion acts at every point of the base of the structure (or at every support) is not always justifiable; particularly in case of very large structures when considerable spatial variability in ground motion can exist over significant distances example long span bridges. This variability is partly due to the delay in arrival of the excitation at different supports (which is called the wave passage effect) and due to heterogeneity in the ground medium which results in incoherency and local effects. The current study examines the influence of the wave passage effect (in terms of delay in arrival of horizontal ground excitation at different supports and neglecting transmission through the structure) on the response of a few open-plane frame building structures with soil-structure interaction. The ground acceleration has been modeled by a suitably filtered white noise. As a special case, the ground excitation at different supports has also been treated as statistically independent to model the extreme case of incoherence due to local effects and due to modifications to the ground motion resulting from wave reflections and refractions in heterogeneous soil media. The results indicate that, even for relatively short spanned building frames, wave passage effect can be significant. In the absence of soil-structure interaction, it can significantly increase the root mean square (rms) value of the shear in extreme end columns for the stiffer frames but has negligible effect on the flexible frames when total displacements are considered. It is seen that pseudo-static displacements increasingly contribute to the rms value of column shear as the time delay increases both for the stiffer and for the more flexible frames. When soil-structure interaction is considered, wave passage effect (in terms of total displacements) is significant only for low soil shear modulus, G. values (where soil-structure interaction significantly lowers the fundamental frequency) and for stiff frames. The contribution of pseudo-static displacement to these rms values is found to decrease with increase in G. In general, wave passage effect for most interactive frames is insignificant compared to the attenuating effect a decrease in G, has on the response of the interactive structure to uniform support excitation. When the excitations at different supports are statistically independent, it is seen that for both the stiff and flexible frames, the rms value of the column shear in extreme end columns is several times larger (more for the stiffer frames) than the value corresponding to uniform base excitation with the pseudo-static displacements contributing over 99% of the rms value of column shear. Soil-structure interaction has an attenuating effect on the rms value of the column shear, the effect decreasing with increase in G,. Here too, the pseudo-static displacements contribute very largely to the column shear. The influence of the wave passage effect on the response of three 2-bay frames with and without soil-structure interaction to a recorded horizontal accelerogram is also examined. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.