161 resultados para Controller framework


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Hybrid inorganic-organic framework materials exhibit unique properties that can be advantageously tuned through choice of the inorganic and organic components and by control of the crystal structure. We present a new hydrothermally prepared 3D hybrid framework, [Mn(2-methylsuccinate)](n) (1), comprising alternating 2D manganese oxide sheets and isolated MnO(6) octahedra, pillared via syn, anti-syn carboxylates. Powder magnetic characterization shows that the compound is a homospin Mn(II) ferrimagnet below 2.4 K. The easy-axis is revealed by single-crystal magnetic susceptibility studies and a magnetic structure is proposed. Anisotropic elastic moduli and hardness, observed through nanoindentation on differing crystal facets, were correlated with specific structural features. Such measurements of anisotropy are not commonly undertaken, yet allow for a more comprehensive understanding of structure-property relationships.


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Digital human modeling (DHM) involves modeling of structure, form and functional capabilities of human users for ergonomics simulation. This paper presents application of geometric procedures for investigating the characteristics of human visual capabilities which are particularly important in the context mentioned above. Using the cone of unrestricted directions through the pupil on a tessellated head model as the geometric interpretation of the clinical field-of-view (FoV), the results obtained are experimentally validated. Estimating the pupil movement for a given gaze direction using Listing's Law, FoVs are re-computed. Significant variation of the FoV is observed with the variation in gaze direction. A novel cube-grid representation, which integrated the unit-cube representation of directions and the enhanced slice representation has been introduced for fast and exact point classification for point visibility analysis for a given FoV. Computation of containment frequency of every grid-cell for a given set of FoVs enabled determination of percentile-based FoV contours for estimating the visual performance of a given population. This is a new concept which makes visibility analysis more meaningful from ergonomics point-of-view. The algorithms are fast enough to support interactive analysis of reasonably complex scenes on a typical desktop computer. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes an application of a FACTS supplementary controller for damping of inter area oscillations in power systems. A fuzzy logic controller is designed to regulate a thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in a multimachine environment to produce additional damping in the system. Simultaneous application of the excitation controller and proposed controller is also investigated. Simulation studies have been done with different types of disturbances and the results are shown to be consistent with the expected performance of the supplementary controller.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a learning controller for the Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in power systems based on a reinforcement learning (RL) framework. In contrast to the recent RL scheme for AGC proposed by us, the present method permits handling of power system variables such as Area Control Error (ACE) and deviations from scheduled frequency and tie-line flows as continuous variables. (In the earlier scheme, these variables have to be quantized into finitely many levels). The optimal control law is arrived at in the RL framework by making use of Q-learning strategy. Since the state variables are continuous, we propose the use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks to compute the Q-values for a given input state. Since, in this application we cannot provide training data appropriate for the standard supervised learning framework, a reinforcement learning algorithm is employed to train the RBF network. We also employ a novel exploration strategy, based on a Learning Automata algorithm,for generating training samples during Q-learning. The proposed scheme, in addition to being simple to implement, inherits all the attractive features of an RL scheme such as model independent design, flexibility in control objective specification, robustness etc. Two implementations of the proposed approach are presented. Through simulation studies the attractiveness of this approach is demonstrated.


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The single-crystal X-ray structure of a cation-templated manganese-oxalate coordination polymer [NH(C2H5)(3)][Mn-2(ox)(3)]center dot(5H(2)O)] (1) is reported. In 1, triethylammonium cation is entrapped between the cavities of 2-D honeycomb layers constructed by oxalate and water. The acyclic tetrameric water clusters and discrete water assemble the parallel 2-D honeycomb oxalate layers via an intricate array of hydrogen bonds into an overall 3-D network. The magnetic susceptibility, with and without the water cluster, are reported with infrared and EPR studies.


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The development of a neural network based power system damping controller (PSDC) for a static VAr compensator (SVC), designed to enhance the damping characteristics of a power system network representing a part of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) system is presented. The proposed stabilising controller scheme of the SVC consists of a neuro-identifier and a neuro-controller which have been developed based on a functional link network (FLN) model. A recursive online training algorithm has been utilised to train the two networks. The simulation results have been obtained under various operating conditions and disturbance cases to show that the proposed stabilising controller can provide a better damping to the low frequency oscillations, as compared to the conventional controllers. The effectiveness of the proposed stabilising controller has also been compared with a conventional power system stabiliser provided in the generator excitation system


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The development of a neural network based power system damping controller (PSDC) for a static Var compensator (SVC), designed to enhance the damping characteristics of a power system network representing a part of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) system is presented. The proposed stabilising controller scheme of the SVC consists of a neuro-identifier and a neuro-controller which have been developed based on a functional link network (FLN) model. A recursive online training algorithm has been utilised to train the two networks. The simulation results have been obtained under various operating conditions and disturbance cases to show that the proposed stabilising controller can provide a better damping to the low frequency oscillations, as compared to the conventional controllers. The effectiveness of the proposed stabilising controller has also been compared with a conventional power system stabiliser provided in the generator excitation system.


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A hydrothermal reaction of cobalt nitrate, 4,4'-oxybis(benzoic acid) (OBA), 1,2,4-triazole, and NaOH gave rise to a deep purple colored compound Co-4(triazolate)(2)(OBA)(3)], I, possessing Co-4 clusters. The Co-4 clusters are connected together through the tirazolate moieties forming a two-dimensional layer that closely resembles the TiS2 layer. The layers are pillared by the OBA units forming the three-dimensional structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of a pillared TiS2 layer in a metal-organic framework compound. Magnetic studies in the temperature range 1.8-300 K indicate strong antiferromagetic interactions for Co-4 clusters. The structure as well as the magnetic behavior of the present compound has been compared with the previously reported related compound Co-2(mu 3-OH)(mu(2)-H2O)(pyrazine)(OBA)(OBAH)] prepared using pyrazine as the linker between the Co-4 clusters.


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Today's SoCs are complex designs with multiple embedded processors, memory subsystems, and application specific peripherals. The memory architecture of embedded SoCs strongly influences the power and performance of the entire system. Further, the memory subsystem constitutes a major part (typically up to 70%) of the silicon area for the current day SoC. In this article, we address the on-chip memory architecture exploration for DSP processors which are organized as multiple memory banks, where banks can be single/dual ported with non-uniform bank sizes. In this paper we propose two different methods for physical memory architecture exploration and identify the strengths and applicability of these methods in a systematic way. Both methods address the memory architecture exploration for a given target application by considering the application's data access characteristics and generates a set of Pareto-optimal design points that are interesting from a power, performance and VLSI area perspective. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive work on memory space exploration at physical memory level that integrates data layout and memory exploration to address the system objectives from both hardware design and application software development perspective. Further we propose an automatic framework that explores the design space identifying 100's of Pareto-optimal design points within a few hours of running on a standard desktop configuration.


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Existing approches to digital halftoning of image are based primarily on thresholding. We propose a general framework fot image halftoning whcrc some function uf the output halftone tracks another function of the input gray-tone.This appcoach is shown lo unify most existing algorithms and to provide useful insights. Further, the new intcrpretation allows us to remedy problems in existing aigorithrms such as the error dlffusion, and sohsequently to achieve halftones haavmg superior quality. The proposed method is very general nature is an advantage since it offers a wide choice of three Cilters and a update rule. An intercstmg product of this framework is that equally good, or better, half-tones are possible ro be obtained by thresholding a noise proccess instead of the image itself.


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Rathour RK, Narayanan R. Influence fields: a quantitative framework for representation and analysis of active dendrites. J Neurophysiol 107: 2313-2334, 2012. First published January 18, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00846.2011.-Neuronal dendrites express numerous voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs), typically with spatial gradients in their densities and properties. Dendritic VGICs, their gradients, and their plasticity endow neurons with information processing capabilities that are higher than those of neurons with passive dendrites. Despite this, frameworks that incorporate dendritic VGICs and their plasticity into neurophysiological and learning theory models have been far and few. Here, we develop a generalized quantitative framework to analyze the extent of influence of a spatially localized VGIC conductance on different physiological properties along the entire stretch of a neuron. Employing this framework, we show that the extent of influence of a VGIC conductance is largely independent of the conductance magnitude but is heavily dependent on the specific physiological property and background conductances. Morphologically, our analyses demonstrate that the influences of different VGIC conductances located on an oblique dendrite are confined within that oblique dendrite, thus providing further credence to the postulate that dendritic branches act as independent computational units. Furthermore, distinguishing between active and passive propagation of signals within a neuron, we demonstrate that the influence of a VGIC conductance is spatially confined only when propagation is active. Finally, we reconstruct functional gradients from VGIC conductance gradients using influence fields and demonstrate that the cumulative contribution of VGIC conductances in adjacent compartments plays a critical role in determining physiological properties at a given location. We suggest that our framework provides a quantitative basis for unraveling the roles of dendritic VGICs and their plasticity in neural coding, learning, and homeostasis.


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This paper proposes a current-error space-vector-based hysteresis controller with online computation of boundary for two-level inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drives. The proposed hysteresis controller has got all advantages of conventional current-error space-vector-based hysteresis controllers like quick transient response, simplicity, adjacent voltage vector switching, etc. Major advantage of the proposed controller-based voltage-source-inverters-fed drive is that phase voltage frequency spectrum produced is exactly similar to that of a constant switching frequency space-vector pulsewidth modulated (SVPWM) inverter. In this proposed hysteresis controller, stator voltages along alpha- and beta-axes are estimated during zero and active voltage vector periods using current errors along alpha- and beta-axes and steady-state model of IM. Online computation of hysteresis boundary is carried out using estimated stator voltages in the proposed hysteresis controller. The proposed scheme is simple and capable of taking inverter upto six-step-mode operation, if demanded by drive system. The proposed hysteresis-controller-based inverter-fed drive scheme is experimentally verified. The steady state and transient performance of the proposed scheme is extensively tested. The experimental results are giving constant frequency spectrum for phase voltage similar to that of constant frequency SVPWM inverter-fed drive.


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Online remote visualization and steering of critical weather applications like cyclone tracking are essential for effective and timely analysis by geographically distributed climate science community. A steering framework for controlling the high-performance simulations of critical weather events needs to take into account both the steering inputs of the scientists and the criticality needs of the application including minimum progress rate of simulations and continuous visualization of significant events. In this work, we have developed an integrated user-driven and automated steering framework INST for simulations, online remote visualization, and analysis for critical weather applications. INST provides the user control over various application parameters including region of interest, resolution of simulation, and frequency of data for visualization. Unlike existing efforts, our framework considers both the steering inputs and the criticality of the application, namely, the minimum progress rate needed for the application, and various resource constraints including storage space and network bandwidth to decide the best possible parameter values for simulations and visualization.


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Exascale systems of the future are predicted to have mean time between failures (MTBF) of less than one hour. Malleable applications, where the number of processors on which the applications execute can be changed during executions, can make use of their malleability to better tolerate high failure rates. We present AdFT, an adaptive fault tolerance framework for long running malleable applications to maximize application performance in the presence of failures. AdFT framework includes cost models for evaluating the benefits of various fault tolerance actions including checkpointing, live-migration and rescheduling, and runtime decisions for dynamically selecting the fault tolerance actions at different points of application execution to maximize performance. Simulations with real and synthetic failure traces show that our approach outperforms existing fault tolerance mechanisms for malleable applications yielding up to 23% improvement in application performance, and is effective even for petascale systems and beyond.