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Artificial viscosity in SPH-based computations of impact dynamics is a numerical artifice that helps stabilize spurious oscillations near the shock fronts and requires certain user-defined parameters. Improper choice of these parameters may lead to spurious entropy generation within the discretized system and make it over-dissipative. This is of particular concern in impact mechanics problems wherein the transient structural response may depend sensitively on the transfer of momentum and kinetic energy due to impact. In order to address this difficulty, an acceleration correction algorithm was proposed in Shaw and Reid (''Heuristic acceleration correction algorithm for use in SPH computations in impact mechanics'', Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 198, 3962-3974) and further rationalized in Shaw et al. (An Optimally Corrected Form of Acceleration Correction Algorithm within SPH-based Simulations of Solid Mechanics, submitted to Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg). It was shown that the acceleration correction algorithm removes spurious high frequency oscillations in the computed response whilst retaining the stabilizing characteristics of the artificial viscosity in the presence of shocks and layers with sharp gradients. In this paper, we aim at gathering further insights into the acceleration correction algorithm by further exploring its application to problems related to impact dynamics. The numerical evidence in this work thus establishes that, together with the acceleration correction algorithm, SPH can be used as an accurate and efficient tool in dynamic, inelastic structural mechanics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider a relativistic, degenerate electron gas at zero temperature under the influence of a strong, uniform, static magnetic field, neglecting any form of interactions. Since the density of states for the electrons changes due to the presence of the magnetic field (which gives rise to Landau quantization), the corresponding equation of state also gets modified. In order to investigate the effect of very strong magnetic field, we focus only on systems in which a maximum of either one, two, or three Landau level(s) is/are occupied. This is important since, if a very large number of Landau levels are filled, it implies a very low magnetic field strength which yields back Chandrasekhar's celebrated nonmagnetic results. The maximum number of occupied Landau levels is fixed by the correct choice of two parameters, namely, the magnetic field strength and the maximum Fermi energy of the system. We study the equations of state of these one-level, two-level, and three-level systems and compare them by taking three different maximum Fermi energies. We also find the effect of the strong magnetic field on the mass-radius relation of the underlying star composed of the gas stated above. We obtain an exciting result that it is possible to have an electron-degenerate static star, namely, magnetized white dwarfs, with a mass significantly greater than the Chandrasekhar limit in the range 2.3-2.6M(circle dot), provided it has an appropriate magnetic field strength and central density. In fact, recent observations of peculiar type Ia supernovae-SN 2006gz, SN 2007if, SN 2009dc, SN 2003fg-seem to suggest super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs with masses up to 2.4-2.8M(circle dot) as their most likely progenitors. Interestingly, our results seem to lie within these observational limits.


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Experiments have shown strong effects of some substrates on the localized plasmons of metallic nano particles but they are inconclusive on the affecting parameters. Here, we have used discrete dipole approximation in conjunction with Sommerfeld integral relations to explain the effect of the substrates as a function of the parameters of incident radiation. The radiative coupling can both quench and enhance the resonance and its dependence on the angle and polarization of incident radiation with respect to the surface is shown. Non-radiative interaction with the substrate enhances the plasmon resonance of the particles and can shift the resonances from their free-space energies significantly. The non-radiative interaction of the substrate is sensitive to the shape of particles and polarization of incident radiation with respect to substrate. Our results show that the plasmon resonances in coupled and single particles can be significantly altered from their free-space resonances and are quenched or enhanced by the choice of substrate and polarization of incident radiation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4736544]


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We present a detailed study of a 3+2+1] cascade cyclisation of vinylcyclopropanes (VCP) catalysed by a bromenium species (Brd+?Xd-) generated in situ, which results in the synthesis of chiral bicyclic amidines in a tandem one-pot operation. The formation of amidines involves the ring-opening of VCPs with Br?X, followed by a Ritter-type reaction with chloramine-T and a tandem cyclisation. The reaction has been further extended to vinylcyclobutane systems and involves a 4+2+1] cascade cyclisation with the same reagents. The versatility of the methodology has been demonstrated by careful choice of VCPs and VCBs to yield bicyclo4.3.0]-, -4.3.1]- and -4.4.0]amidines in enantiomerically pure form. On the basis of the experimental observations and DFT calculations, a reasonable mechanism has been put forth to account for the formation of the products and the observed stereoselectivity. We propose the existence of a p-stabilised homoallylic carbocation at the cyclopropane carbon as the reason for high stereoselectivity. DFT studies at B3LYP/6-311+G** and M06-2X/6-31+G* levels of theory in gas-phase calculations suggest the ring-opening of VCP is initiated at the p-complex stage (between the double bond and Br?X). This can be clearly perceived from the solution-phase (acetonitrile) calculations using the polarisable continuum model (PCM) solvation model, from which the extent of the ring opening of VCP was found to be noticeably high. Studies also show that the formation of zero-bridge bicyclic amidines is favoured over other bridged bicyclic amidines. The energetics of competing reaction pathways is compared to explain the product selectivity.


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We report on the status of supersymmetric seesaw models in the light of recent experimental results on mu -> e + gamma, theta(13) and the light Higgs mass at the LHC. SO(10)-like relations are assumed for neutrino Dirac Yukawa couplings and two cases of mixing, one large, PMNS-like, and another small, CKM-like, are considered. It is shown that for the large mixing case, only a small range of parameter space with moderate tan beta is still allowed. This remaining region can be ruled out by an order of magnitude improvement in the current limit on BR(mu -> e + gamma). We also explore a model with non-universal Higgs mass boundary conditions at the high scale. It is shown that the renormalization group induced flavor violating slepton mass terms are highly sensitive to the Higgs boundary conditions. Depending on the choice of the parameters, they can either lead to strong enhancements or cancellations within the flavor violating terms. Such cancellations might relax the severe constraints imposed by lepton flavor violation compared to mSUGRA. Nevertheless for a large region of parameter space the predicted rates lie within the reach of future experiments once the light Higgs mass constraint is imposed. We also update the potential of the ongoing and future experimental searches for lepton flavor violation in constraining the supersymmetric parameter space.


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Drought is the most crucial environmental factor that limits productivity of many crop plants. Exploring novel genes and gene combinations is of primary importance in plant drought tolerance research. Stress tolerant genotypes/species are known to express novel stress responsive genes with unique functional significance. Hence, identification and characterization of stress responsive genes from these tolerant species might be a reliable option to engineer the drought tolerance. Safflower has been found to be a relatively drought tolerant crop and thus, it has been the choice of study to characterize the genes expressed under drought stress. In the present study, we have evaluated differential drought tolerance of two cultivars of safflower namely, A1 and Nira using selective physiological marker traits and we have identified cultivar A1 as relatively drought tolerant. To identify the drought responsive genes, we have constructed a stress subtracted cDNA library from cultivar A1 following subtractive hybridization. Analysis of similar to 1,300 cDNA clones resulted in the identification of 667 unique drought responsive ESTs. Protein homology search revealed that 521 (78 %) out of 667 ESTs showed significant similarity to known sequences in the database and majority of them previously identified as drought stress-related genes and were found to be involved in a variety of cellular functions ranging from stress perception to cellular protection. Remaining 146 (22 %) ESTs were not homologous to known sequences in the database and therefore, they were considered to be unique and novel drought responsive genes of safflower. Since safflower is a stress-adapted oil-seed crop this observation has great relevance. In addition, to validate the differential expression of the identified genes, expression profiles of selected clones were analyzed using dot blot (reverse northern), and northern blot analysis. We showed that these clones were differentially expressed under different abiotic stress conditions. The implications of the analyzed genes in abiotic stress tolerance are discussed in our study.


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Further miniaturization of magnetic and electronic devices demands thin films of advanced nanomaterials with unique properties. Spinel ferrites have been studied extensively owing to their interesting magnetic and electrical properties coupled with stability against oxidation. Being an important ferrospinel, zinc ferrite has wide applications in the biological (MRI) and electronics (RF-CMOS) arenas. The performance of an oxide like ZnFe2O4 depends on stoichiometry (defect structure), and technological applications require thin films of high density, low porosity and controlled microstructure, which depend on the preparation process. While there are many methods for the synthesis of polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 powder, few methods exist for the deposition of its thin films, where prolonged processing at elevated temperature is not required. We report a novel, microwave-assisted, low temperature (<100°C) deposition process that is conducted in the liquid medium, developed for obtaining high quality, polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films on technologically important substrates like Si(100). An environment-friendly solvent (ethanol) and non-hazardous oxide precursors (β-diketonates of Zn and Fe in 1:2 molar ratio), forming a solution together, is subjected to irradiation in a domestic microwave oven (2.45 GHz) for a few minutes, leading to reactions which result in the deposition of ZnFe2O4 films on Si (100) substrates suspended in the solution. Selected surfactants added to the reactant solution in optimum concentration can be used to control film microstructure. The nominal temperature of the irradiated solution, i.e., film deposition temperature, seldom exceeds 100°C, thus sharply lowering the thermal budget. Surface roughness and uniformity of large area depositions (50x50 mm2) are controlled by tweaking the concentration of the mother solution. Thickness of the films thus grown on Si (100) within 5 min of microwave irradiation can be as high as several microns. The present process, not requiring a vacuum system, carries a very low thermal budget and, together with a proper choice of solvents, is compatible with CMOS integration. This novel solution-based process for depositing highly resistive, adherent, smooth ferrimagnetic films on Si (100) is promising to RF engineers for the fabrication of passive circuit components. It is readily extended to a wide variety of functional oxide films.


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Space vector based PWM strategies for three-level inverters have a broader choice of switching sequences to generate the required reference vector than triangle comparison based PWM techniques. However, space vector based PWM involves numerous steps which are computationally intensive. A simplified algorithm is proposed here, which is shown to reduce the computation time significantly. The developed algorithm is used to implement synchronous and asynchronous conventional space vector PWM, synchronized modified space vector PWM and an asynchronous advanced bus-clamping PWM technique on a low-cost dsPIC digital controller. Experimental results are presented for a comparative evaluation of the performance of different PWM methods.


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Two-wheelers (TW) constitute a major proportion of urban traffic in developing countries and therefore their effect on the saturation flow at signalized intersections could be substantial. This paper attempts to study and analyze the effect of two-wheelers on the saturation flow of signalized intersections by collecting data at a few signalized intersections in Bangalore, India. A strong correlation is observed between the measured saturation flow and the proportion of two-wheeler traffic, which suggest that two-wheelers have significant impact and should be considered in the capacity analysis of signalized intersections. In this paper, the effect of two-wheelers on saturation flow rate is incorporated in a previous model by calibrating and introducing a new adjustment factor for two-wheelers. Results show that saturation flow measured using the modified HCM equation is closer to observed saturation flow values.


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This paper primarily intends to develop a GIS (geographical information system)-based data mining approach for optimally selecting the locations and determining installed capacities for setting up distributed biomass power generation systems in the context of decentralized energy planning for rural regions. The optimal locations within a cluster of villages are obtained by matching the installed capacity needed with the demand for power, minimizing the cost of transportation of biomass from dispersed sources to power generation system, and cost of distribution of electricity from the power generation system to demand centers or villages. The methodology was validated by using it for developing an optimal plan for implementing distributed biomass-based power systems for meeting the rural electricity needs of Tumkur district in India consisting of 2700 villages. The approach uses a k-medoid clustering algorithm to divide the total region into clusters of villages and locate biomass power generation systems at the medoids. The optimal value of k is determined iteratively by running the algorithm for the entire search space for different values of k along with demand-supply matching constraints. The optimal value of the k is chosen such that it minimizes the total cost of system installation, costs of transportation of biomass, and transmission and distribution. A smaller region, consisting of 293 villages was selected to study the sensitivity of the results to varying demand and supply parameters. The results of clustering are represented on a GIS map for the region.


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Cryosorption pump is the only solution for pumping helium and hydrogen in fusion reactors. It is chosen because it offers highest pumping speed as well as the only suitable pump for the harsh environments in a tokamak. Towards the development of such cryosorption pumps, the optimal choice of the right activated carbon panels is essential. In order to characterize the performance of the panels with indigenously developed activated carbon, a cryocooler based cryosorption pump with scaled down sizes of panels is experimented. The results are compared with the commercial cryopanel used in a CTI cryosorption (model: Cryotorr 7) pump. The cryopanel is mounted on the cold head of the second stage GM cryocooler which cools the cryopanel down to 11K with first stage reaching about similar to 50K. With no heat load, cryopump gives the ultimate vacuum of 2.1E-7 mbar. The pumping speed of different gases such as nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, helium are tested both on indigenous and commercial cryopanel. These studies serve as a bench mark towards the development of better cryopanels to be cooled by liquid helium for use with tokamak.


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We report on a wafer scale fabrication method of a three-dimensional plasmonic metamaterial with strong chiroptical response in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The system was comprised of metallic nanoparticles arranged in a helical fashion, with high degree of flexibility over the choice of the underlying material, as well as their geometrical parameters. This resulted in exquisite control over the chiroptical properties, most importantly the spectral signature of the circular dichroism. In spite of the large variability in the arrangement, as well as the size and shape of the constituent nanoparticles, the average chiro-optical response of the material remained uniform across the wafer, thus confirming the suitability of this system as a large area chiral metamaterial. By simply heating the substrate for a few minutes, the geometrical properties of the nanoparticles could be altered, thus providing an additional handle towards tailoring the spectral response of this novel material.


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The uncertainty in material properties and traffic characterization in the design of flexible pavements has led to significant efforts in recent years to incorporate reliability methods and probabilistic design procedures for the design, rehabilitation, and maintenance of pavements. In the mechanistic-empirical (ME) design of pavements, despite the fact that there are multiple failure modes, the design criteria applied in the majority of analytical pavement design methods guard only against fatigue cracking and subgrade rutting, which are usually considered as independent failure events. This study carries out the reliability analysis for a flexible pavement section for these failure criteria based on the first-order reliability method (FORM) and the second-order reliability method (SORM) techniques and the crude Monte Carlo simulation. Through a sensitivity analysis, the most critical parameter affecting the design reliability for both fatigue and rutting failure criteria was identified as the surface layer thickness. However, reliability analysis in pavement design is most useful if it can be efficiently and accurately applied to components of pavement design and the combination of these components in an overall system analysis. The study shows that for the pavement section considered, there is a high degree of dependence between the two failure modes, and demonstrates that the probability of simultaneous occurrence of failures can be almost as high as the probability of component failures. Thus, the need to consider the system reliability in the pavement analysis is highlighted, and the study indicates that the improvement of pavement performance should be tackled in the light of reducing this undesirable event of simultaneous failure and not merely the consideration of the more critical failure mode. Furthermore, this probability of simultaneous occurrence of failures is seen to increase considerably with small increments in the mean traffic loads, which also results in wider system reliability bounds. The study also advocates the use of narrow bounds to the probability of failure, which provides a better estimate of the probability of failure, as validated from the results obtained from Monte Carlo simulation (MCS).


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The analysis of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. Depending on the signal set used at the end nodes, the minimum distance of the effective constellation seen at the relay becomes zero for a finite number of channel fade states referred as the singular fade states. The singular fade states fall into the following two classes: (i) the ones which are caused due to channel outage and whose harmful effect cannot be mitigated by adaptive network coding called the non-removable singular fade states and (ii) the ones which occur due to the choice of the signal set and whose harmful effects can be removed called the removable singular fade states. In this paper, we derive an upper bound on the average end-to-end Symbol Error Rate (SER), with and without adaptive network coding at the relay, for a Rician fading scenario. It is shown that without adaptive network coding, at high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the contribution to the end-to-end SER comes from the following error events which fall as SNR-1: the error events associated with the removable and nonremovable singular fade states and the error event during the BC phase. In contrast, for the adaptive network coding scheme, the error events associated with the removable singular fade states fall as SNR-2, thereby providing a coding gain over the case when adaptive network coding is not used. Also, it is shown that for a Rician fading channel, the error during the MA phase dominates over the error during the BC phase. Hence, adaptive network coding, which improves the performance during the MA phase provides more gain in a Rician fading scenario than in a Rayleigh fading scenario. Furthermore, it is shown that for large Rician factors, among those removable singular fade states which have the same magnitude, those which have the least absolute value of the phase - ngle alone contribute dominantly to the end-to-end SER and it is sufficient to remove the effect of only such singular fade states.


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The simulation of precipitation in a general circulation model relying on relaxed mass flux cumulus parameterization scheme is sensitive to cloud adjustment time scale (CATS). In this study, the frequency of the dominant intra-seasonal mode and interannual variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model is shown to be sensitive to the CATS. It has been shown that a longer CATS of about 5 h simulates the spatial distribution of the ISMR better. El Nio Southern Oscillation-ISMR relationship is also sensitive to CATS. The equatorial Indian Ocean rainfall and ISMR coupling is sensitive to CATS. Our study suggests that a careful choice of CATS is necessary for adequate simulation of spatial pattern as well as interannual variation of Indian summer monsoon precipitation.