170 resultados para Calcium-channels


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Antenna selection (AS) provides most of the benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In receive AS, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. The "best" subset to be used for data reception is determined by means of channel estimates acquired using training sequences. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence, and are, thus, outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N, we highlight a new issue of "training voids", in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We present a "void-filling" method for fully exploiting these voids, which essentially provides more accurate training for some antennas, and derive the optimal subset selection rule for any void-filling method. We also derive new closed-form equations for the performance of receive AS with optimal subset selection.


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In this paper, we present a belief propagation (BP) based equalizer for ultrawideband (UWB) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels characterized by severe delay spreads. We employ a Markov random field (MRF) graphical model of the system on which we carry out message passing. The proposed BP equalizer is shown to perform increasingly closer to optimal performance for increasing number of multipath components (MPC) at a much lesser complexity than that of the optimum equalizer. The proposed equalizer performs close to within 0.25 dB of SISO AWGN performance at 10-3 bit error rate on a severely delay-spread MIMO-ISI channel with 20 equal-energy MPCs. We point out that, although MIMO/UWB systems are characterized by fully/densely connected graphical models, the following two proposed features are instrumental in achieving near-optimal performance for large number of MPCs at low complexities: i) use of pairwise compatibility functions in densely connected MRFs, and ii) use of damping of messages.


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In uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), carrier frequency offsets (CFO) and/or timing offsets (TO) of other users with respect to a desired user can cause significant multiuser interference (MUI). In this paper, we derive an analytical bit error rate (BER) expression that quantify the degradation in BER due to the combined effect of both CFOs and TOs in uplink OFDMA on Rician fading channels. Such an analytical BER derivation for uplink OFDMA with CFOs and TOs on Rician fading channels has not been reported so far. For the case of non-zero CFOs/TOs, we obtain an approximate BER expression involving a single integral. Analytical and simulation BER results are shown to match very well.


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This paper considers the design and analysis of a filter at the receiver of a source coding system to mitigate the excess distortion caused due to channel errors. The index output by the source encoder is sent over a fading discrete binary symmetric channel and the possibly incorrect received index is mapped to the corresponding codeword by a Vector Quantization (VQ) decoder at the receiver. The output of the VQ decoder is then processed by a receive filter to obtain an estimate of the source instantiation. The distortion performance is analyzed for weighted mean square error (WMSE) and the optimum receive filter that minimizes the expected distortion is derived for two different cases of fading. It is shown that the performance of the system with the receive filter is strictly better than that of a conventional VQ and the difference becomes more significant as the number of bits transmitted increases. Theoretical expressions for an upper and lower bound on the WMSE performance of the system with the receive filter and a Rayleigh flat fading channel are derived. The design of a receive filter in the presence of channel mismatch is also studied and it is shown that a minimax solution is the one obtained by designing the receive filter for the worst possible channel. Simulation results are presented to validate the theoretical expressions and illustrate the benefits of receive filtering.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) provides many benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In it, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas, which are required to determine the best subset for data reception, are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence. Consequently, they are outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is necessary and optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N , we highlight a new issue of ``training voids'', in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We then present new ``void-filling'' methods that exploit these voids and greatly improve the performance of AS. The optimal subset selection rules with void-filling, in which different antennas turn out to have different numbers of estimates, are also explicitly characterized. Closed-form equations for the symbol error probability with and without void-filling are also developed.


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Structural and dynamical properties of ethane in one-dimensional channels of AlPO4-5 and carbon nanotube have been investigated at dilute concentration with the help of molecular dynamics simulation. Density distributions and orientational structure of ethane have been analyzed. Repulsive interactions seem to play an important role when ethane is located in the narrow part of the AlPO4-5 channel. In AlPO4-5, parallel orientation is predominant over perpendicular orientation except when ethane is located in the broader part of the channel. Unlike in the case of single-file diffusion, our results in carbon nanotube show that at dilute concentrations the mean squared displacement, mu(2)(t) approximate to t(alpha), alpha = 1.8. The autocorrelation function for the z-component of angular velocity of ethane in space-fixed frame of reference shows a pronounced negative correlation. This is attributed to the restriction in the movement of ethane along the x- and y- directions. It is seen that the ratio of reorientational correlation times does not follow the Debye model for confined ethane but it is closer to the predictions of the Debye model for bulk ethane.


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Among the carbon allotropes, carbyne chains appear outstandingly accessible for sorption and very light. Hydrogen adsorption on calcium-decorated carbyne chain was studied using ab initio density functional calculations. The estimation of surface area of carbyne gives the value four times larger than that of graphene, which makes carbyne attractive as a storage scaffold medium. Furthermore, calculations show that a Ca-decorated carbyne can adsorb up to 6 H(2) molecules per Ca atom with a binding energy of similar to 0.2 eV, desirable for reversible storage, and the hydrogen storage capacity can exceed similar to 8 wt %. Unlike recently reported transition metal-decorated carbon nanostructures, which suffer from the metal clustering diminishing the storage capacity, the clustering of Ca atoms on carbyne is energetically unfavorable. Thermodynamics of adsorption of H(2) molecules on the Ca atom was also investigated using equilibrium grand partition function.


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Metallic Ru has been found to coexist separately with CaO, RuO2, and the interoxide phases, Ca2RuO4, Ca3Ru2O7, and CaRuO3, present along the pseudobinary system CaO-RuO2. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Df((ox))G(o)) of the three calcium ruthenates from their component oxides have been measured in the temperature range 925-1350 K using solid-state cells with yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and Ru+RuO2 as the reference electrode. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Deltaf((ox))G(o)) of the compounds can be represented by Ca2RuO4:Deltaf((ox))G(o)/J mol(-1)=-38,340-6.611 T (+/-120), Ca3Ru2O7 : Df((ox))G(o)/J mol(-1)=-75,910-11.26 T (+/-180), and CaRuO3 : Deltaf((ox))G(o)/J mol(-1)=-35,480-3.844 T(+/-70). The data for Ca2RuO4 corresponds to the stoichiometric composition, which has an orthorhombic structure, space group Pbca, with short c axis ("S'' form). The structural features of the ternary oxides responsible for their mild entropy stabilization are discussed. A three-dimensional oxygen potential diagram for the system Ca-Ru-O is developed as a function of composition and temperature from the results obtained. Using the Neumann-Kopp rule to estimate the heat capacity of the ternary oxides relative to their constituent binary oxides, the standard enthalpies of formation of the three calcium ruthenates from the elements and their standard entropies at 298.15 K are evaluated. (C) 2003 The Electrochemical Society.


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We report the far-infrared measurements of the electron cyclotron resonance absorption in n-type Si/Si0. 62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06 /Si0. 62Ge0.38 modulation- doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 μm uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 μm compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0% Ge to 38 % Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 °C for 1 hr to obtain complete relaxation. The samples had 100 Å spacers and 300 Å 2×1019 cm-3 n-type supply layers on the tops of the 75 Å channels. The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4K with the magnetic field of 4 – 8 Tesla. The effective masses determined from the slope of center frequency of absorption peak vs applied magnetic field plot are 0.20 mo and 0.19 mo for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of two dimensional electron gas in Si MOSFET (0.198mo). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and about 5 % lower than that of pure Si.


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Type II diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that can lead to serious cardiovascular, renal, neurologic, and retinal complications. While several drugs are currently prescribed to treat type II diabetes, their efficacy is limited by mechanism-related side effects (weight gain, hypoglycemia, gastrointestinal distress), inadequate efficacy for use as monotherapy, and the development of tolerance to the agents. Consequently, combination therapies are frequently employed to effectively regulate blood glucose levels. We have focused on the mitochondrial sodium-calcium exchanger (mNCE) as a novel target for diabetes drug discovery. We have proposed that inhibition of the mNCE can be used to regulate calcium flux across the mitochondrial membrane, thereby enhancing mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, which in turn enhances glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in the pancreatic beta-cell. In this paper, we report the facile synthesis of benzothiazepines and derivatives by S-alkylation using 2-aminobenzhydrols. The syntheses of other bicyclic analogues based on benzothiazepine, benzothiazecine, benzodiazecine, and benzodiazepine templates are also described. These compounds have been evaluated for their inhibition of mNCE activity, and the results from the structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies are discussed.


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We derive the computational cutoff rate, R-o, for coherent trellis-coded modulation (TCM) schemes on independent indentically distributed (i.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels with (K, L) generalized selection combining (GSC) diversity, which combines the K paths with the largest instantaneous signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) among the L available diversity paths. The cutoff rate is shown to be a simple function of the moment generating function (MGF) of the SNR at the output of the (K, L) GSC receiver. We also derive the union bound on the bit error probability of TCM schemes with (K, L) GSC in the form of a simple, finite integral. The effectiveness of this bound is verified through simulations.


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Diversity embedded space time codes are high rate codes that are designed such that they have a high diversity code embedded within them. A recent work by Diggavi and Tse characterizes the performance limits that can be achieved by diversity embedded space-time codes in terms of the achievable Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT). In particular, they have shown that the trade off is successively refinable for rayleigh fading channels with one degree of freedom using superposition coding and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). However, for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels, the questions of successive refinability remains open. We consider MIMO Channels under superposition coding and SIC. We derive an upper bound on the successive refinement characteristics of the DMT. We then construct explicit space time codes that achieve the derived upper bound. These codes, constructed from cyclic division algebras, have minimal delay. Our results establish that when the channel has more than one degree of freedom, the DMT is not successive refinable using superposition coding and SIC. The channels considered in this work can have arbitrary fading statistics.