119 resultados para 110-676A


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Germanium nanowires were grown on Au coated Si substrates at 380 degrees C in a high vacuum (5 x 10(-5) Torr) by e-beam evaporation of Germanium (Ge). The morphology observation by a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) shows that the grown nanowires are randomly oriented with an average length and diameter of 600 nm and 120 nm respectively for a deposition time of 60 min. The nanowire growth ratewas measured to be similar to 10 nm/min. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies revealed that the Ge nanowires were single crystalline in nature and further energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDAX) has shown that the tip of the grown nanowires was capped with Au nanoparticles, this shows that the growth of the Ge nanowires occurs by the vapour liquid solid (VLS) mechanism. HRTEM studies on the grown Ge nanowire show that they are single crystalline in nature and the growth direction was identified to be along [110]. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The movement and habitat utilization patterns were studied in an Asian elephant population during 1981-83 within a 1130 km2 area in southern India (110 30' N to 120 0' N and 760 50' E to 770 15' E). The study area encompasses a diversity of vegetation types from dry thorn forest (250-400 m) through deciduous forest (400-1400 m) to stunted evergreen shola forest and grassland (1400-1800 m). Home range sizes of some identified elephants were between 105 and 320 km2. Based on the dry season distribution, five different elephant clans, each consisting of between 50 and 200 individuals and having overlapping home ranges, could be defined within the study area. Seaso- nal habitat preferences were related to the availability of water and the palatability of food plants. During the dry months (January-April) elephants congregated at high densities of up to five individuals kM-2 in river valleys where browse plants had a much higher protein content than the coarse tall grasses on hill slopes. With the onset of rains of the first wet season (May- August) they dispersed over a wider area at lower densities, largely into the tall grass forests, to feed on the fresh grasses, which then had a high protein value. During the second wet season (September-December), when the tall grasses became fibrous, they moved into lower elevation short grass open forests. The normal movement pattern could be upset during years of adverse environmental con- ditions. However, the movement pattern of elephants in this region has not basically changed for over a century, as inferred from descriptions recorded during the nineteenth century.


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A numerical solution of the unsteady boundary layer equations under similarity assumptions is obtained. The solution represents the three-dimensional unsteady fluid motion caused by the time-dependent stretching of a flat boundary. It has been shown that a self-similar solution exists when either the rate of stretching is decreasing with time or it is constant. Three different numerical techniques are applied and a comparison is made among them as well as with earlier results. Analysis is made for various situations like deceleration in stretching of the boundary, mass transfer at the surface, saddle and nodal point flows, and the effect of a magnetic field. Both the constant temperature and constant heat flux conditions at the wall have been studied.


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Void breaking and formation in a packed bed are important phenomena in stabilising and optimising the performance of reactors such as the blast furnace, spouted bed and catalytic regenerator. These phenomena have been studied using a mathematical model. The model is based on a previously published force balance approach to predict the cavity size. Limited numbers of experiments, at room temperature, have been carried out in order to compare the experimental results with theory. A good agreement has been found between the experimental and theoretical results. In addition, the predictions have been compared with published data, which give reasonable agreement. The role of various forces (friction, pressure and bed weight) on void initiation and breaking has been investigated. The effect of bed height, particle diameter and density, void fraction, as well as gas flow rate on void formation and breaking has also been studied.


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Synthesis, structural characteristics, magnetic studies and DFT calculations in Ni(II) dinuclear complexes containing two bridging N-3(-) and an O-(HO)-O-... linkage reveal the existence of ferromagnetic interactions between Ni(II) centers via N-3(-) ligands and antiferromagnetic interactions through the H-bonded moiety. The overall magnetic behavior of the system depends on the delicate balance between these two competing interactions.


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Ni80Fe20 thin films with high orientation were grown on Si(1 0 0) using pulsed laser ablation. The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and the planar Hall measurements show a 2.5% resistance anisotropy and a 45% planar Hall voltage change for magnetic field sweep of 10 Oe. The planar Hall sensitivity dR/dH was found to be 900 Omega T-1 compared with a previously reported maximum of 340 Omega T-1 in the same system.Also these films are found to withstand repeated thermal cycling up to 110 degrees C and the Hall sensitivity remains constant within this temperature range. This combination of properties makes the system highly suitable for low magnetic field sensors, particularly in geomagnetic and biosensor applications. To elucidate this, we have demonstrated that these sensors are sensitive to Earth's magnetic field. These results are compared with the sputter deposited films which have a very low AMR and planar Hall voltage change as compared with the films grown by PLD. The possible reasons for these contrasting characteristics are also discussed.


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Cytokinins induced haustoria formation in excised 10-mm segments ofCuscuta vine, the subapical 25-to-50-mm region being most responsive, producing a mean of 4–6 haustoria per segment. The order of effectiveness of cytokinins continuously applied (72 h) was 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) ges isopentenyladenine (iP) Gt zeatin (Z). Ribosides of BA and Z were as effective as the bases, whereas riboside of iP ([9R]iP) was half as effective as iP. Haustoria induction was influenced by weather and seasonal conditions at the time of vine collection; materials obtained on warm, sunny days responded better than those obtained on rainy, cloudy, or cool days. Haustoria were induced equally well all around the segment, and no thigmostimulus was needed for induction. p ]A 10-min pulse of 100 mgrM BA induced half as many haustoria as a 60-min pulse or continuous application of BA. White light inhibited haustoria induction elicited by a short (30-min) pulse of BA, whereas a longer (120-min) BA application overcame this light inhibition. Auxins (IAA or NAA, 1–10 mgrM), gibberellin (GA3, 1–10 mgrM), ethylene (as ethrel, 10–100 mgrM), and abscisic acid (ABA, 100 mgrM) were individually inhibitory (60–80%) with respect to haustoria induction when given continuously with 50 mgrM BA. A 60-min pulse of auxins (10 mgrM), GA3 (100 mgrM), or ethrel (10 mgrM), given at various time intervals during or after a 60-min pulse of 100 mgrM BA, showed that inhibition was maximal (70–95%) between 4 and 16 h of BA application and negligible (GA3) or much reduced (auxin, ethrel) at 20 h, indicating a ldquocommitmentrdquo to haustoria formation by this time.


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Microspherophakia is an autosomal-recessive congenital disorder characterized by small spherical lens. It may be isolated or occur as part of a hereditary systemic disorder, such as Marfan syndrome, autosomal dominant and recessive forms of Weill-Marchesani syndrome, autosomal dominant glaucoma–lens ectopia–microspherophakia–stiVness– shortness syndrome, autosomal dominant microspherophakia with hernia, and microspherophakia-metaphyseal dysplasia. The purpose of this study was to map and identify the gene for isolated microspherophakia in two consanguineous Indian families. Using a whole-genome linkage scan in one family, we identiWed a likely locus for microspherophakia (MSP1) on chromosome 14q24.1–q32.12 between markers D14S588 and D14S1050 in a physical distance of 22.76 Mb. The maximum multi-point lod score was 2.91 between markers D14S1020 and D14S606. The MSP1 candidate region harbors 110 reference genes. DNA sequence analysis of one of the genes, LTBP2, detected a homozygous duplication (insertion) mutation, c.5446dupC, in the last exon (exon 36) in aVected family members. This homozygous mutation is predicted to elongate the LTBP2 protein by replacing the last 6 amino acids with 27 novel amino acids. Microspherophakia in the second family did not map to this locus, suggesting genetic heterogeneity. The present study suggests a role for LTBP2 in the structural stability of ciliary zonules, and growth and development of lens.


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Nanocrystalline Ce1-xTixO2 (0 <= x <= 0.4) and Ce1-xTixPtyO2-delta (x = 0.15, gamma = 0.01, 0.02) solid solutions crystallizing in fluorite structure have been prepared by a single step solution combustion method. Temperature programmed reduction and XPS study of Ce1-xTixO2 (x = 0.0-04) show complete reduction of Ti4+ to Ti3+ and reduction of similar to 20% Ce4+ to Ce3+ state compared to 8% Ce4+ to Ce3+ in the case of pure CeO2 below 675 degrees C. The substitution of Ti ions in CeO2 enhances the reducibility of CeO2. Ce0.84Ti0.15Pt0.01O2-delta crystallizes in fluorite structure and Pt is ionically substituted with 2+ and 4+ oxidation states. The H/Pt atomic ratio at 30 degrees C over Ce0.84Ti0.15Pt0.01O2-delta is 5 and that over Ce0.99Pt0.01O2-delta is 4 against just 0.078 for 8 nm Pt metal particles. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon oxidation activity are much higher over Ce1-x-yTixPtyO2 (x = 0.15, 0.01, 0.02) compared to Ce1-xPtxO2 (x = 0.01, 0.02). Synergistic involvement of Pt2+/Pt degrees and Ti4+/Ti3+ redox couples in addition to Ce4+/Ce3+ due to the overlap of Pt(5d), Ti(3d), and Ce(4f) bands near E-F is shown to be responsible for improved redox property and higher catalytic activity.


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C~0H~gN5Os.2H20, Mr=325.32, monoclinic,P2~, a = 12.029 (2), b=4.904 (2), c=13.215 (2) A, fl= 107.68 (2) ° , F= 743 (1) A 3, Z= 2,D m = 1-45, D x = 1.45 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.54184 A,fl= 1.01mm -1, F(000)=348, T=293K. The final R value for 1277 observed reflections 110 >_ 3tr(Io)l is 0.031. The dipeptide exists as a zwitterion. The arginyl side-chain conformation is similar to that found in arginyl-glutamic acid [Pandit, Seshadri & Viswamitra (1983). Acta Cryst. C39, 1669-16721. The guanidyl group forms a pair of hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of the backbone carboxyl group. The crystal structure is also stabilized by -bonding interactions involving both water molecules.


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The coupling of surface acoustic waves propagating in two separated piezoelectric media is studied using the perturbation theory of Auld. The results of the analysis are applied to two configurations using Bi12GeO20 and CdS crystals. It is found that the loss due to coupling is about 7 dB at 50 MHz in the cases of (111)-cut, [110]-prop. Bi12GeO20 and Y-cut, 60°-X prop. CdS combination. On étudie le couplage des ondes acoustiques de surface se propageant sur deux milieux piezo-eléctriques par la théorie de perturbation de Auld. Les resultats d'analyse sont appliqué's aux deux configurations des cristanx Bi12GeO20 et CdS. On trouve que la perte par couplage est environ de 7 dB a 50 MHz dans le cas de combination de (111)-coupe, [110]-prop. Bi12GeO20 et Y-coupe, 60°-X prop. CdS.


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The temperature (T) and electric field-to-gas pressure (E/P) dependences of the rate coefficientk for the reaction SF 6 � +SOF4rarrSOF 5 � +SF5 have been measured. ForT<270>k approaches a constant of 2.1×10�9 cm3/s, and for 433>T>270 K,k decreases withT according tok (cm3/s)=0.124 exp [�3.3 lnT(K)]. ForE/Pk has a constant value of about 2.5×10�10 cm3/s, and for 130 V/cm·torr>E/P>60 V/cm·torr, the rate is approximately given byk (cm3/s)sim7.0×10�10 exp (�0.022E/P). The measured rate coefficient is used to estimate the influence of this reaction on SOF4 production from negative, point-plane, glow-type corona discharges in gas mixtures containing SF6 and at least trace amounts of O2 and H2O. A chemical kinetics model of the ion-drift region in the discharge gap is used to fit experimental data on SOF4 yields assuming that the SF 6 � +SOF4 reaction is the predominant SOF4 loss mechanism. It is found that the contribution of this reaction to SOF4 destruction falls considerably below the estimated maximum effect assuming that SF 6 � is the predominant charge carrier which reacts only with SOF4. The results of this analysis suggest that SF 6 � is efficiently deactivated by other reactions, and the influence of SF 6 � +SOF4 on SOF4 production is not necessarily more significant than that of other slower secondary processes such as gas-phase hydrolysis


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A concise and diversity-oriented approach, incorporating elements of regio- and stereocontrol, to the recently isolated bioactive polyoxygenated cyclohexanoid natural products acremines A. B and I. from commercially accessible building blocks, is outlined. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.