390 resultados para [mol]


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Detailed molecular simulations are carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on orientational order in cubane molecular crystal. We report a transition from an orientationally ordered to an orientationally disordered plastic crystalline phase in the temperature range 425-450 K. This is similar to the experimentally reported transition at 395 K. The nature of this transition is first order and is associated with a 4.8% increase in unit Cell volume that is comparable to the experimentally reported unit cell volume change of 5.4% (Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 78, 4938). An orientational order parameter, eta(T), has been defined in terms of average angle of libration of a molecular 3-fold axis and the orientational melting has been characterized by using eta(T). The orientational melting is associated with an anomaly in specific heat at constant pressure (C-p) and compressibility (kappa). The enthalpy of transition and entropy of transition associated with this orientational melting are 20.8 J mol(-1) and 0.046 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. The structure of crystalline as well as plastic crystalline phases is characterized by using various radial distribution functions and orientational distribution functions. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the plastic crystalline phase is more than twice that of the crystalline phase.


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Not all elastoidin samples from different species of sharks show a high content of tryptophan in contrast to one specimen from an unidentified species examined in our earlier study. There may be considerable species-dependent variation in tryptophan content and analytical artefacts may have occurred. Available analyses for tyrosine in different specimens of fibres also suggest the possibility that the variation in tyrosine content is also species-dependent. Elastoidin, from Galeoscerdo cuveir (Tiger Shark) and another unidentified species, on treatment with formic acid yielded three fractions A,B and C. On the basis of analytical data it appears that specimens of elastoidin containing no (or little) tryptophan may yield fraction B through the solubilization of fraction A by formic acid. C fractions from two specimens of fibres were collagenous in nature. C fractions have been further purified in this study by charcoal treatment which removes a tyrosine-rich contaminant, to yield collagens with only approx. 2–4 residues of tyrosine per assumed mol. wt. of 360000. In the collagen from the unidentified species glucose and galactose were present in the ratio of 2:5; some glucosamine was also present.


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An expression derived for the free energy of mixing of a divalent basic oxide (MO) with SiO2 based on a model of silicate structure, takes into account the distribution of O2- (from MO) into the silica network, the mixing of silicate ions with O2- and the enthalpy of mixing. The resulting expression is ΔGmix=RT{N11n (2N1-N)2/4N1(1-N)+N21n N 2-N/1-N}, where N={(β+N1)-√(β+N 1)2-8βN1N2}/2β β=characteristic constant for the system N1=mol fraction of silica N2=mol fraction of MO. For the proper choice of β, calculated values of the activity of MO for the system PbO-SiO2, MnO-SiO2, FeO-SiO2 and CaO-SiO2 are in good agreement with experiment. The model predicts that the activity of the basic oxide decreases with increase in temperature.


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Detailed high-temperature compression creep experiments on a pure 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (3YTZ) and 3YTZ doped with 4.8 wt% TiO2 revealed that both materials exhibit a similar transition in stress exponents from n similar to 1 to n similar to 2 with a decrease in stress. The stress exponent of 1 and the inverse grain size dependence p of similar to 3 are consistent with the Coble diffusion creep at high stresses; the increase in stress exponent at low stresses is attributed to an interface-controlled diffusion creep process. Measurements revealed that grain-boundary sliding contributes to >similar to 50% of the total strain in both regions with n similar to 1 and n similar to 2, indicating the operation of the same fundamental deformation process in both regions. The creep data indicate that doping with TiO2 leads to an increase in the grain-boundary diffusion coefficients. The increase observed in the dihedral angle with doping is also consistent with the increase in grain boundary diffusion coefficient and the reported enhanced ductility in such materials.


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The standard molar Gibbs free energy of formation of Co2TiO4, CoTiO3,and CoTi2O5 as a function of temperature over an extended range (900 to 1675) K was measured using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte, with CoO as reference electrode and appropriate working electrodes. For the formation of the three compounds from their component oxides CoO with rock-salt and TiO2 with rutile structure, the Gibbs free energy changes are given by:Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(Co2TiO4) +/- 104/(J . mol(-1)) = -18865 - 4.108 (T/K)Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(CoTiO3) +/- 56/(J . mol(-1)) = -19627 + 2.542 (T/K) Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(CoTi2O5) +/- 52/(J . mol(-1)) = -6223 - 6.933 (T/K) Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation were derived. The compounds Co2TiO4 with spinel structure and CoTi2O5 with pseudo-brookite structure were found to be entropy stabilized. The relatively high entropy of these compounds arises from the mixing of cations on specific crystallographic sites. The stoichiometry of CoTiO3 was confirmed by inert gas fusion analysis for oxygen. Because of partial oxidation of cobalt in air, the composition corresponding to the compound Co2TiO4 falls inside a two-phase field containing the spinet solid solution Co2TiO4-Co3O4 and CoTiO3. The spinel solid solution becomes progressively enriched in Co3O4 with decreasing temperature. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The oxygen potentials corresponding to fayalite-quartz-iron (FQI) and fayalite-quartz-magnetite (FQM) equilibria have been determined using solid-state galvanic cells: Pt,Fe + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Fe + \r"FeO,\l"Pt and Pt, Fe3O4 + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Ni + NiO, Pt in the temperature ranges 900 to 1400 K and 1080 to 1340 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. Silica used in this study had the quartz structure. The emf of both cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature. From the emf, Gibbs energy changes were deduced for the reactions: 0.106Fe (s) + 2Fe0.947O (r.s.) + SiO2 (qz) → Fe2SiO4 (ol) δG‡= -39,140+ 15.59T(± 150) J mol-1 and 3Fe2SiO4 (ol) + O2 (g) → 2Fe3O4 (sp) + 3SiO2 (qz) δG‡ = -471,750 + 160.06 T±} 1100) J mol-1 The “third-law≓ analysis of fayalite-quartz-wustite and fayalite-quartz-magnetite equilibria gives value for δH‡298 as -35.22 (±0.1) and -528.10 (±0.1) kJ mol-1, respectively, independent of temperature. The Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel form of Fe2SiO4 is derived by com-bining the present results on FQI equilibrium with the high-pressure data on olivine to spinel transformation of Fe2SiO4.


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The binding of a 14 kDa beta-galactoside animal lectin to splenocytes has been studied in detail. The binding data show that there are two classes of binding sites on the cells for the lectin: a high-affinity site with a K-a ranging from 1.1 x 10(6) to 5.1 x 10(5) M-1 and a low affinity binding site with a K-a ranging from 7.7 x 10(4) to 3.4 x 10(4) M-1 The number of receptors per cell for the high- and low-affinity sites is 9 +/- 3 x 10(6) and 2.5 +/- 0.5 x 10(6) respectively. The temperature dependence of the K value yielded the thermodynamic parameters. The energetics of this interaction shows that, although this interaction is essentially enthalpically driven (Delta H - 21 kJ lambda mol(-1)) for the high-affinity sites, there is a very favorable entropy contribution to the free energy of this interaction (-T Delta S - 17.5 Jmol(-1)), suggesting that hydrophobic interaction may also be playing a role in this interaction. Lactose brought about a 20% inhibition of this interaction, whereas the glycoprotein asialofetuin brought about a 75 % inhibition, suggesting that complex carbohydrate structures are involved in the binding of galectin-1 to splenocytes, Galectin-1 also mediated the binding and adhesion of splenocytes to the extracellular matrix glycoprotein laminin, suggesting a role for it in cell-matrix interactions. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effect of temperature and stoichiometry on the polarization switching rate in lithium niobate is presented. An increased polarization switching rate in congruent and near-stoichiometric lithium niobate (CLN and SLN) and SLN doped with 1.6 mol% Zn (SLN:Zn(1.6)) is observed using a pulsed field switching technique near the transition temperature (TO. Compared to CLN, the observed switching rate and domain wall mobility for SLN and SLN:Zn(1.6) are higher. The extra charge flow was observed during switching at high temperatures,and is attributed to the creation of defect dipoles and increase in ionic conductivity. Forward domain motion is expected to be the mechanism involved in switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two series of glasses were prepared, xNa2O, yZnO, 100 - x - yB2O3 and 30 - xNa2O, xZnO, 70B2O3 (mol%). The temperature dependence of the direct current resistivity was measured from room temperature to about 700 K and in both series of glasses we observed a simple Arrhenius type of temperature dependence. However, the resistivity of the binary alkali glass increased steeply by as much as two orders of magnitude with the addition of even a small quantity of ZnO and remained virtually unaffected by further addition of ZnO. The resistivity decreases gradually with increasing pressure in Na2O-B2O3 but increases with increasing pressure with the addition of ZnO.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of RuO2 and OsO2 at high temperature have been determined with high precision, using a novel apparatus that incorporates a buffer electrode between the reference and working electrodes, The buffer electrode absorbs the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte from the electrode with higher oxygen chemical potential to the electrode with lower oxygen potential, The buffer electrode prevents polarization of the measuring electrode and ensures accurate data, The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Delta(f)G degrees) of RuO2, in the temperature range of 900-1500 K, and OsO2, in the range of 900-1200 K, can be represented by the equations Delta(f)G degrees(RuO2)(J/mol) = -324 720 + 354.21T - 23.490T In T Delta(f)G degrees(OsO2)(J/mol) = -304 740 + 318.80T - 18.444T In T where the temperature T is given in Kelvin and the deviation of the measurement is +/- 80 J/mol, The high-temperature heat ;capacities of RuO2 and OsO2 are measured using differential scanning calorimetry. The information for both the low- and high-temperature heat rapacity of RuO2 is coupled with the Delta(f)G degrees data obtained in this study to evaluate the standard enthalpy of formation of RuO2 at 298.15 K (Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K)). The low-temperature heat capacity of OsO2 has not been measured: therefore, the standard enthalpy and entropy of formation of OsO2 at 298.15 K (Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K) and S degrees(298.15K), respectively) are derived simultaneously through an optimization procedure from the high-temperature heat capacity and the Gibbs energy of formation. Both Delta fH degrees(298.15K) and S degrees(298.15K) are treated as variables in the optimization routine, For RuO2, the standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K is Delta fH degrees(298.15K) (RuO2) -313.52 +/- 0.08 kJ/mol, and that for OsO2 is Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K) (OSO2) = -295.96 +/- 0.08 kJ/mol. The standard entropy of OsO2 at 298.15 K that has been obtained from the optimization is given as S degrees(298.15K) (OsO2) = 49.8 +/- 0.2 J (mol K)(-1).


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The coexisting phases in the pseudobinary system BaO-Y2O3 have been identified by equilibrating samples containing different amounts of component oxides at 1173, 1273 and 1373 K. Only two ternary oxides, BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9, have been found to be stable in the temperature range of investigation. Solid state galvanic cells: Pt, O2+BaO+BaF2double vertical barBaF2+2mol%Al2O3double vertical barBaF2+BaY2O4+Y2O3+O2, Pt and Pt, O2+BaO+BaF2double vertical barBaF2+2mol% Al2O3double vertical barBaF2+BaY2O4+Ba3Y4O9+O2, Pt have been employed for determining the Gibbs' energies of formation of BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9 from the component oxides in the range 850 to 1250 K. A composite solid electrolyte incorporating Al2O3-dispersed BaF2 was used in the cells. To prevent interaction between the Al2O3 powder and electrode materials, the solid electrolyte was coated with pure BaF2. The Gibbs' energies of formation of BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9 from component oxides are given by: Δf0 (BaY2O4, s)=−128,310+5.211T (±580) J mol−1, (850less-than-or-equals, slantTless-than-or-equals, slant1250 K) and ΔGfo(Ba3Y4O9, s)= −317,490 −24.704T (±1100) J mol−1, (850less-than-or-equals, slantTless-than-or-equals, slant1250 K).


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CaSiO3 : Dy3+ (1-5 mol. %) nanophosphors were synthesized by a simple low-temperature solution combustion method. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that the phosphors are crystalline and can be indexed to a monoclinic phase. Scanning electron micrographs exhibited faceted plates and angular crystals of different sizes with a porous nature. Photoluminescence properties of the Dy3+-doped CaSiO3 phosphors were observed and analyzed. Emission peaks at 483, 573 and 610 nm corresponding to Dy3+ were assigned as F-4(9/2)-> H-6(15/2), F-4(9/2) -> H-6(13/2) and F-4(9/2) -> H-6(11/2) transitions, respectively, and dominated by the Dy3+ F-4(9/2) -> H-6(13/2) hyperfine transition. Experimental results revealed that the luminescence intensity was affected by both heat treatment and the concentration of Dy3+ (1-5 mol. %) in the CaSiO3 host. Optimal luminescence conditions were achieved when the concentration of Dy3+ was 2 mol. %. UV-visible absorption features an intense band at 240 nm, which corresponds to an O-Si ligand-to-metal charge transfer band in the SiO32- group. The optical energy band gap for the undoped sample was found to be 5.45 eV, whereas in Dy3+-doped phosphors it varies in the range 5.49-5.65 eV. The optical energy gap widens with increase of Dy3+ ion dopant.


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Sintered, polycrystalline ZnO ceramics with copper as the only additive exhibit highly nonlinear current‐voltage characteristics. Increasing nonlinearity index (α=4–45) with Cu concentration of 0.01–1 mol % is also variable with respect to ceramic processing methods. Incorporation of Cu in the ZnO lattice is indicated from the electron probe microanalysis and the photoluminescence spectra. Cu acceptors are compensated by holes in the grain boundary layers, whereas the concentration of intrinsic donors is higher in the grain interior. The presence of positive charges leads to thinning of the depletion region, resulting in nonlinear characteristics.


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In 1-cyclo-hexyl-6,6,8a-trimethyl-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro[2,3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C19H27NO3, (I), and the isomorphous compounds 6,6,8a-trimethyl-1-phenyl-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro[2,3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C19H21NO3, (II), and 6,6,8a-trimethyl-1-(3-pyridyl)-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro[2,3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C18H20N2O3, (III), the tetra-hydro-benzo-dihydro-furo-pyrrolidine ring systems are folded at the cis junction of the five-membered rings, giving rise to a non-planar shape of the tricyclic cores. The dihydro-furan and pyrrolidine rings in (I) are puckered and adopt an envelope conformation. The cyclo-hexene rings adopt a half-chair conformation in all the mol-ecules, while the substituent N-cyclo-hexyl ring in (I) assumes a chair form. Short intra-molecular C-HcO contacts form S(5) and S(6) motifs. The isomorphous compounds (II) and (III) are effectively isostructural, and aggregate into chains via inter-molecular C-HcO hydrogen bonds.


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Genistein and daidzein, the major isoflavones present in soybeans, possess a wide spectrum of physiological and pharmacological functions. The binding of genistein to human serum albumin (HSA) has been investigated by equilibrium dialysis, fluorescence measurements, CD and molecular visualization. One mole of genistein is bound per mole of HSA with a binding constant of 1.5 +/- 0.2 X 10(5) m(-1). Binding of genistein to HSA precludes the attachment of daidzein. The ability of HSA to bind genistein is found to be lost when the tryptophan residue of albumin is modified with N-bromosuccinimide. At 27 degrees C (pH 7.4), van't Hoff's enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes that accompany the binding are found to be -13.16 kcal.mol(-1), -21 cal.mol(-1)K(-1) and -6.86 kcal.mol(-1), respectively. Temperature and ionic strength dependence and competitive binding measurements of genistein with HSA in the presence of fatty acids and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid have suggested the involvement of both hydrophobic and ionic interactions in the genistein-HSA binding. Binding measurements of genistein with BSA and HSA, and those in the presence of warfarin and 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid and Forster energy transfer measurements have been used for deducing the binding pocket on HSA. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of daidzein bound and then displaced with warfarin, 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid or diazepam confirm the binding of daidzein and genistein to subdomain IIA of HSA. The ability of HSA to form ternery complexes with other neutral molecules such as warfarin, which also binds within the subdomain IIA pocket, increases our understanding of the binding dynamics of exogenous drugs to HSA.