204 resultados para vehicle dynamics


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Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on all the jacalin-carbohydrate complexes of known structure, models of unliganded molecules derived from the complexes and also models of relevant complexes where X-ray structures are not available. Results of the simulations and the available crystal structures involving jacalin permit delineation of the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and the dynamical variability of the hydrogen bonds involved in stabilizing the structure. Local flexibility appears to be related to solvent accessibility. Hydrogen bonds involving side chains and water bridges involving buried water molecules appear to be important in the stabilization of loop structures. The lectin-carbohydrate interactions observed in crystal structures, the average parameters pertaining to them derived from simulations, energetic contribution of the stacking residue estimated from quantum mechanical calculations, and the scatter of the locations of carbohydrate and carbohydrate-binding residues are consistent with the known thermodynamic parameters of jacalin-carbohydrate interactions. The simulations, along with X-ray results, provide a fuller picture of carbohydrate binding by jacalin than provided by crystallographic analysis alone. The simulations confirm that in the unliganded structures water molecules tend to occupy the positions occupied by carbohydrate oxygens in the lectin-carbohydrate complexes. Population distributions in simulations of the free lectin, the ligands, and the complexes indicate a combination of conformational selection and induced fit. Proteins 2009; 77:760-777.


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Homodimeric protein tryptophanyl tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) has a Rossmann fold domain and belongs to the 1c subclass of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. This enzyme performs the function of acylating the cognate tRNA. This process involves a number of molecules (2 protein subunits, 2 tRNAs and 2 activated Trps) and thus it is difficult to follow the complex steps in this process. Structures of human TrpRS complexed with certain ligands are available. Based on structural and biochemical data, mechanism of activation of Trp has been speculated. However, no structure has yet been solved in the presence of both the tRNA(Trp) and the activated Trp (TrpAMP). In this study, we have modeled the structure of human TrpRS bound to the activated ligand and the cognate tRNA. In addition, we have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on these models as well as other complexes to capture the dynamical process of ligand induced conformational changes. We have analyzed both the local and global changes in the protein conformation from the protein structure network (PSN) of MD snapshots, by a method which was recently developed in our laboratory in the context of the functionally monomeric protein, methionyl tRNA synthetase. From these investigations, we obtain important information such as the ligand induced correlation between different residues of this protein, asymmetric binding of the ligands to the two subunits of the protein as seen in the crystal structure analysis, and the path of communication between the anticodon region and the aminoacylation site. Here we are able to elucidate the role of dimer interface at a level of detail, which has not been captured so far.


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Molecular dynamics simulations are reported on the structure and dynamics of n-decane and 3-methylpentane in zeolite NaY. We have calculated several properties such as the center of mass-center of mass rdf, the end-end distance distribution, bond angle distribution and dihedral angle distribution. We have also analysed trajectory to obtain diffusivity and velocity autocorrelation function (VACF). Surprisingly, the diffusivity of 3-methylpentane which is having larger cross-section perpendicular to the long molecular axis is higher than n-decane at 300 K. Activation energies have been obtained from simulations performed at 200 K, 300 K, 350 K, 400 K and 450 K in the NVE ensemble. These results can be understood in terms of the previously known levitation effect. Arrhenious plot has higher value of slope for n-decane (5 center dot 9 kJ/mol) than 3-methylpentane (3 center dot 7 kJ/mol) in agreement with the prediction of levitation effect.


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A wealth of information available from x-ray crystallographic structures of enzyme-ligand complexes makes it possible to study interactions at the molecular level. However, further investigation is needed when i) the binding of the natural substrate must be characterized, because ligands in the stable enzyme-ligand complexes are generally inhibitors or the analogs of substrate and transition state, and when ii) ligand binding is in part poorly characterized. We have investigated these aspects i? the binding of substrate uridyl 3',5'-adenosine (UpA) to ribonuclease A (RNase A). Based on the systematically docked RNase A-UpA complex resulting from our previous study, we have undertaken a molecular dynamics simulation of the complex with solvent molecules. The molecular dynamics trajectories of this complex are analyzed to provide structural explanations for varied experimental observations on the ligand binding at the B2 subsite of ribonuclease A. The present study suggests that B2 subsite stabilization can be effected by different active site groups, depending on the substrate conformation. Thus when adenosine ribose pucker is O4'-endo, Gln69 and Glu111 form hydrogen-bonding contacts with adenine base, and when it is C2'-endo, Asn71 is the only amino acid residue in direct contact with this base. The latter observation is in support of previous mutagenesis and kinetics studies. Possible roles for the solvent molecules in the binding subsites are described. Furthermore, the substrate conformation is also examined along the simulation pathway to see if any conformer has the properties of a transition state. This study has also helped us to recognize that small but concerted changes in the conformation of the substrate can result in substrate geometry favorable for 2',3' cyclization. The identified geometry is suitable for intraligand proton transfer between 2'-hydroxyl and phosphate oxygen atom. The possibility of intraligand proton transfer as suggested previously and the mode of transfer before the formation of cyclic intermediate during transphosphorylation are discussed.


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Valinomycin is a highly flexible cyclic dodecadepsipeptide that transports ions across membranes. Such a flexibility in the conformation is required for its biological function since it has to encounter a variety of environments and liganding state. Exploration of conformational space of this molecule is therefore important and is one of the objectives of the present study that has been carried out by means of high temperature Molecular Dynamics. Further, the stability of the known bracelet-like structure of the uncomplexed valinomycin and the inherent flexibility around this structure has been investigated. The uncomplexed form of valinomycin has been simulated at 75–100 K for 1 ns in order to elucidate the average conformational properties. An alanine-analog of valinomycin has been simulated under identical conditions in order to evaluate the effect of sidechain on the conformational properties, The studies confirm the effect of sidechain on conformational equilibrium.


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We present a generic theory for the dynamics of a stiff filament under tension, in an active medium with orientational correlations, such as a microtubule in contractile actin. In sharp contrast to the case of a passive medium, we find the filament can stiffen, and possibly oscillate or buckle, depending on both the contractile or tensile nature of the activity and the filament-medium anchoring interaction. We also demonstrate a strong violation of the fluctuation-dissipation (FD) relation in the effective dynamics of the filament, including a negative FD ratio. Our approach is also of relevance to the dynamics of axons, and our model equations bear a remarkable formal similarity to those in recent work [Martin P, Hudspeth AJ, Juelicher F (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98: 14380-14385] on auditory hair cells. Detailed tests of our predictions can be made by using a single filament in actomyosin extracts or bacterial suspensions.


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Nonlinear optical properties and carrier relaxation dynamics in graphene, suspended in three different solvents, are investigated using femtosecond (80 fs pulses) Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe spectroscopy at 790 nm. The results demonstrate saturable absorption property of graphene with a nonlinear absorption coefficient, beta of (similar to 2-9) x 10(-8) cm/W. Two distinct time scales associated with the relaxation of photoexcited carriers, a fast one in the range of 130-330 fs (related to carrier-carrier scattering) followed by it slower one in 3.5-4.9 ps range (associated with carrier-phonon scattering) are observed. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We derive a very general expression of the survival probability and the first passage time distribution for a particle executing Brownian motion in full phase space with an absorbing boundary condition at a point in the position space, which is valid irrespective of the statistical nature of the dynamics. The expression, together with the Jensen's inequality, naturally leads to a lower bound to the actual survival probability and an approximate first passage time distribution. These are expressed in terms of the position-position, velocity-velocity, and position-velocity variances. Knowledge of these variances enables one to compute a lower bound to the survival probability and consequently the first passage distribution function. As examples, we compute these for a Gaussian Markovian process and, in the case of non-Markovian process, with an exponentially decaying friction kernel and also with a power law friction kernel. Our analysis shows that the survival probability decays exponentially at the long time irrespective of the nature of the dynamics with an exponent equal to the transition state rate constant.


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The dynamics of loop formation by linear polymer chains has been a topic of several theoretical and experimental studies. Formation of loops and their opening are key processes in many important biological processes. Loop formation in flexible chains has been extensively studied by many groups. However, in the more realistic case of semiflexible polymers, not much results are available. In a recent study [K. P. Santo and K. L. Sebastian, Phys. Rev. E 73, 031923 (2006)], we investigated opening dynamics of semiflexible loops in the short chain limit and presented results for opening rates as a function of the length of the chain. We presented an approximate model for a semiflexible polymer in the rod limit based on a semiclassical expansion of the bending energy of the chain. The model provided an easy way to describe the dynamics. In this paper, using this model, we investigate the reverse process, i.e., the loop formation dynamics of a semiflexible polymer chain by describing the process as a diffusion-controlled reaction. We make use of the ``closure approximation'' of Wilemski and Fixman [G. Wilemski and M. Fixman, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 878 (1974)], in which a sink function is used to represent the reaction. We perform a detailed multidimensional analysis of the problem and calculate closing times for a semiflexible chain. We show that for short chains, the loop formation time tau decreases with the contour length of the polymer. But for longer chains, it increases with length obeying a power law and so it has a minimum at an intermediate length. In terms of dimensionless variables, the closing time is found to be given by tau similar to L-n exp(const/L), where n=4.5-6. The minimum loop formation time occurs at a length L-m of about 2.2-2.4. These are, indeed, the results that are physically expected, but a multidimensional analysis leading to these results does not seem to exist in the literature so far.


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The interdependence of the concept of allostery and enzymatic catalysis, and they being guided by conformational mobility is gaining increased prominence. However, to gain a molecular level understanding of llostery and hence of enzymatic catalysis, it is of utter importance that the networks of amino acids participating in allostery be deciphered. Our lab has been exploring the methods of network analysis combined with molecular dynamics simulations to understand allostery at molecular level. Earlier we had outlined methods to obtain communication paths and then to map the rigid/flexible regions of proteins through network parameters like the shortest correlated paths, cliques, and communities. In this article, we advance the methodology to estimate the conformational populations in terms of cliques/communities formed by interactions including the side-chains and then to compute the ligand-induced population shift. Finally, we obtain the free-energy landscape of the protein in equilibrium, characterizing the free-energy minima accessed by the protein complexes. We have chosen human tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (hTrpRS), a protein esponsible for charging tryptophan to its cognate tRNA during protein biosynthesis for this investigation. This is a multidomain protein exhibiting excellent allosteric communication. Our approach has provided valuable structural as well as functional insights into the protein. The methodology adopted here is highly generalized to illuminate the linkage between protein structure networks and conformational mobility involved in the allosteric mechanism in any protein with known structure.


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A study of the magnetohydrodynamic system in which a nonmagnetized fluid in a gravitational field is surrounded by a fluid carrying a vertical magnetic field is presented. It is pointed out that this study can throw some light on the fine-structural features of a sunspot. The equilibrium configuration of the field-free fluid is a tapering column ending at an apex. The regions away form the apex can be studied by the slender flux tube approximation. A scheme developed to treat the apex indicates that, just below the apex, the radius of the tapering column opens up with a 3/2 power dependence on the depth below the apex. If the internal pressure of the field-free fluid is increased, the apex rises, and a static equilibrium may not be possible beyond a limit if the magnetic pressure drops quickly above a certain height. The nature of steady-flow solutions beyond this limit is investigated. Under conditions inside a sunspot, a column of field-free gas is found to rise with a velocity of about 100 km/hr. If umbral dots and penumbral grains are interpreted as regions where the field-free gas ultimately emerges, a very natural explanation of most of their observed properties is obtained.


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A model of polymer translocation based on the stochastic dynamics of the number of monomers on one side of a pore-containing surface is formulated in terms of a one-dimensional generalized Langevin equation, in which the random force is assumed to be characterized by long-ranged temporal correlations. The model is introduced to rationalize anomalies in measured and simulated values of the average time of passage through the pore, which in general cannot be satisfactorily accounted for by simple Brownian diffusion mechanisms. Calculations are presented of the mean first passage time for barrier crossing and of the mean square displacement of a monomeric segment, in the limits of strong and weak diffusive bias. The calculations produce estimates of the exponents in various scaling relations that are in satisfactory agreement with available data.


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Inosine 5' monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH II) is a key enzyme involved in the de novo biosynthesis pathway of purine nucleotides and is also considered to be an excellent target for cancer inhibitor design. The conserve R 322 residue (in human) is thought to play some role in the recognition of inhibitor and cofactor through the catalytic D 364 and N 303. The 15 ns simulation and the water dynamics of the three different PDB structures (1B3O, 1NF7, and 1NFB) of human IMPDH by CHARMM force field have clearly indicated the involvement of three conserved water molecules (W-L, W-M, and W-C) in the recognition of catalytic residues (R 322, D 364, and N 303) to inhibitor and cofactor. Both the guanidine nitrogen atoms (NH1 and NH 2) of the R 322 have anchored the di- and mono-nucleotide (cofactor and inhibitor) binding domains via the conserved W-C and W-L water molecules. Another conserved water molecule W-M seems to bridge the two domains including the R 322 and also the W-C and W-L through seven centers H-bonding coordination. The conserved water molecular triad (W-C - W-M - W-L) in the protein complex may thought to play some important role in the recognition of inhibitor and cofactor to the protein through R 322 residue.