376 resultados para spin reorientation transitions


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in thermotropic liquid crystalline media provide information on the molecular structure and order. The spins are generally strongly dipolar coupled and the spectral analyse require the tedious and time consuming numerical iterative calculations. The present study demonstrates the application of multiple quantum spin state selective detection of single quantum transitions for mimicking the homonuclear decoupling and the direct estimation of an element of ordering matrix. This information is utilized to estimate the nearly accurate starting dipolar couplings for iterative calculations. The studies on the spectra of strongly dipolar coupled five and six interacting spin systems are reported.


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We present comprehensive studies of dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and magnetotransport of two sets of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 samples, one exhibits phase separation and the other exhibits spin glass behavior. Our study reveals that the phase separation in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is neither inherent nor ubiquitous; rather, it is a consequence of preparation condition. It is realized that the low temperature annealed sample exhibits phase separation while the high temperature annealed one shows the characteristic of spin glass behavior. This study shows that the most probable magnetic state of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is spin glass.


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EPR spectra of lithium potassium sulfate doped with NH3+ have been recorded at 9.05 GHz. A pair of satellites can be seen symmetrically situated on either side of the main lines. The separation of the satellite lines from the main line corresponds to the 7Li NMR frequency. The distance of the interacting 7Li nucleus from the unpaired electron in NH3+ is estimated to be 3.29 Å.


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Proton second moment (M2) and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of Ammonium Hydrogen Bischloroacetate (ABCA) have been measured in the range 77-350 K. A value of 6.5 G2 has been observed for the second moment at room temperature, which is typical of NH4+ reorientation and also a second moment transition in the range 170-145 K indicates the freezing of NH4+ motion. The NMR signal disappears dicontinuously at 128 K. Proton spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) Vs temperature, yielded only one sharp miniumum of 1.9 msec which is again typical of NH4+ reorientation. A slope change at 250 K is also observed, prbably due to CH2 motion. Further, the FID signal disappears at 128 K. Thus the Tc appears to be 128 K (of two reported values 120 K and 128 K). Activation energies have been calculated and the mechanism of the phase transition is discussed.


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The use of the photoacoustic effect in the investigation of first- and second-order phase transitions has been examined. Changes in the amplitude of the photoacoustic signal across the phase transition are compared with changes in thermal properties such as specific heat and thermal diffusivity. The systemsstudied include NaN02, TlN03, CsN03, NH4N03, BaTiO,, COO, Cu,HgI,, V02 andV305. The current photoacoustic studies are discussed in the light of the theoretical models available.


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A model of mobile 0-holes hybrized with Cu-spins on a square lattice is examined. A variational groundstate wavefunction which interpolates smoothly between n.n. RVB and Néel limits gives a Néellike minimum. A hole in an AF lattice polarizes it locally and becomes quite mobile. Two n.n. holes attract. Finally we speculate how holes can stabilize a spin liquid state.


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Interatomic L3(M)M23(M)V(O) and L3(M)V(O)V(O) Auger transitions of some transition-metal oxides are reported for the first time. The interatomic mode of decay becomes progressively more dominant (relative to the intra-atomic mode) as the metal d level gets depleted or as the oxidation state of the metal increases. The usefulness of interatomic Auger transitions in studying oxidation of metals has been examined.


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Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), we measure the rotational mobility of probe molecules highly diluted in deeply supercooled bulk water and negligibly constrained by the possible ice fraction. The mobility increases above the putative glass transition temperature of water, T-g = 136 K, and smoothly connects to the thermodynamically stable region by traversing the so called "no man's land" (the range 150-235 K), where it is believed that the homogeneous nucleation of ice suppresses the liquid water. Two coexisting fractions of the probe molecules are evidenced. The 2 fractions exhibit different mobility and fragility; the slower one is thermally activated (low fragility) and is larger at low temperatures below a fragile-to-strong dynamic cross-over at approximate to 225 K. The reorientation of the probe molecules decouples from the viscosity below approximate to 225 K. The translational diffusion of water exhibits a corresponding decoupling at the same temperature [Chen S-H, et al. (2006) The violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled water. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:12974-12978]. The present findings are consistent with key issues concerning both the statics and the dynamics of supercooled water, namely the large structural fluctuations [Poole PH, Sciortino F, Essmann U, Stanley HE (1992) Phase behavior of metastable water. Nature 360: 324-328] and the fragile-to-strong dynamic cross-over at approximate to 228 K [Ito K, Moynihan CT, Angell CA (1999) Thermodynamic determination of fragility in liquids and a fragile-tostrong liquid transition in water. Nature 398: 492-494].


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We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the reorientational dynamics of water molecules confined inside narrow carbon nanotubes immersed in a bath of water. Our simulations show that the confined water molecules exhibit bistability in their reorientational relaxation, which proceeds by angular jumps between the two stable states. The angular jump of a water molecule in the bulk involves the breaking of a hydrogen bond with one of its neighbors and the formation of a hydrogen bond with a different neighbor. In contrast, the angular jump of a confined water molecule corresponds to an interchange of the two hydrogen atoms that can form a hydrogen bond with the same neighbor. The free energy barrier between these two states is a few k(B)T. The analytic solution of a simplified two-state jump model that qualitatively explains the reorientational behavior observed in simulations is also presented.


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Proton spin-lattice relaxation studies in sodium ammonium selenate dihydrate carried out in the temperature range 130 to 300 K at 10 MHz show a continuous change in T, at T, indicating a second order phase transition. This compound is a typical case of a highly hindered solid wherein the thermally activated reorientations of ammonium ions freeze well above 77 K, as seen by NMR.Untersuchimgen der Protonen-Spin-Gitter-Relaxation in Natriuni-Ammoniumselenat-Dihydrat bei 10 MHz im Temperaturbereich 130 bis 300 K zeigen eine kontinuierliche Andernng in TI bei T, und ergeben einen Phasenubergang zweiter Art. Diese Verbindung ist ein typischer Fall eines stark ,,behinderten" Festkarpers, in dein die thermisch aktivierten Reorientierungen der Ammoniumionen weit oberhalb 77 H einfrieren, wie die NMR-Ergebnisse zeigen.


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The magnetic and transport properties of LaCo0.5Ni0.5O3 have been studied. The dc magnetization and the ac susceptibility studies suggest the presence of a magnetic-phase transition from a ferromagnetic (FM) to a spin glass phase at a low temperature. This type of reentrant spin-glass (RSG) behavior attached to a long-range ordered ferromagnet is observed in this system. A magnetoresistance of ~10% is observed at 5 K which is unsaturated up to 11 Tesla suggests the presence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions. It is likely that the competition between such AFM interactions with FM interactions yield an RSG phase.


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The scalar coupled proton NMR spectra of many organic molecules possessing more than one phenyl ring are generally complex due to degeneracy of transitions arising from the closely resonating protons, in addition to several short- and long- range couplings experienced by each proton. Analogous situations are generally encountered in derivatives of halogenated benzanilides. Extraction of information from such spectra is challenging and demands the differentiation of spectrum pertaining to each phenyl ring and the simplification of their spectral complexity. The present study employs the blend of independent spin system filtering and the spin-state selective detection of single quantum (SO) transitions by the two-dimensional multiple quantum (MQ) methodology in achieving this goal. The precise values of the scalar couplings of very small magnitudes have been derived by double quantum resolved experiments. The experiments also provide the relative signs of heteronuclear couplings. Studies on four isomers of dilhalogenated benzanilides are reported in this work.


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The routine use of proton NMR for the visualization of enantiomers, aligned in the chiral liquid crystal solvent poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate (PBLG), is restricted due to severe loss of resolution arising from large number of pair wise interaction of nuclear spins. In the present study, we have designed two experimental techniques for their visualization utilizing the natural abundance 13C edited selective refocusing of single quantum (CH-SERF) and double quantum (CH-DQSERF) coherences. The methods achieve chiral discrimination and aid in the simultaneous determination of homonuclear couplings between active and passive spins and heteronuclear couplings between the excited protons and the participating 13C spin. The CH-SERF also overcomes the problem of overlap of central transitions of the methyl selective refocusing (SERF) experiment resulting in better chiral discrimination. Theoretical description of the evolution of magnetization in both the sequences has been discussed using polarization operator formalism.


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Electron spin resonance (ESR) of d5 ions (Fe3+ and Mn2+) has been investigated in PbO---PbF2 and PbO---PbCl2 glasses in wide ranges of composition. ESR spectra of d5 ions in these glasses exhibit significant differences which we have attributed to at least three important causes: (i) The ionic potentials of Fe3+ and Mn2+ are different. Hence Fe3+ ions tend to acquire their own environment while Mn2+ ions take up substitutional (Pb2+ ion) positions. (ii) The sizes and nephelauxetic behaviours of O2- and F- ions are similar. Thus even when there is a mixed anionic coordination, the environment of Mn2+ ions is highly symmetrical in oxyfluoride glasses. The Mn2+ spectra in oxychloride glasses are considerably different. (iii) Increase in halide ion concentration increases the ionicity of lead-ligand bonding and favours a more symmetrical environment around dopant ions in halide-rich glasses. The features in ESR spectra have been interpreted in the light of known behaviour of d5 ions in glasses and also in the context of known structural features of PbO---PbX2 glasses. Dopant ions appear to cluster at high concentrations although isolated low-symmetry sites are still observed. Effects of crystallization and annealing upon ESR spectra have also been investigated.


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A study of the phase transitions in (NH4)2SO4 and (NH4)2SO4---K2SO4 mixed crystals by EPR of the CrO3- ion is reported. The results indicate a bilinear coupling of the order parameter with spontaneous polarization and a crossover from a discontinuous to a continuous nature of the phase transition in mixed crystals.