80 resultados para self-organized InAs quantum dots


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The self-organized motion of vast numbers of creatures in a single direction is a spectacular example of emergent order. Here, we recreate this phenomenon using actuated nonliving components. We report here that millimetre-sized tapered rods, rendered motile by contact with an underlying vibrated surface and interacting through a medium of spherical beads, undergo a phase transition to a state of spontaneous alignment of velocities and orientations above a threshold bead area fraction. Guided by a detailed simulation model, we construct an analytical theory of this flocking transition, with two ingredients: a moving rod drags beads; neighbouring rods reorient in the resulting flow like a weathercock in the wind. Theory and experiment agree on the structure of our phase diagram in the plane of rod and bead concentrations and power-law spatial correlations near the phase boundary. Our discovery suggests possible new mechanisms for the collective transport of particulate or cellular matter.


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Conventional solids are prepared from building blocks that are conceptually no larger than a hundred atoms. While van der Waals and dipole-dipole interactions also influence the formation of these materials, stronger interactions, referred to as chemical bonds, play a more decisive role in determining the structures of most solids. Chemical bonds that hold such materials together are said to be ionic, covalent, metallic, dative, or otherwise a combination of these. Solids that utilize semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots as building units have been demonstrated to exist; however, the interparticle forces in such materials are decidedly not chemical. Here we demonstrate the formation of charge transfer states in a binary quantum dot mixture. Charge is observed to reside in quantum confined states of one of the participating quantum dots. These interactions lead to materials that may be regarded as the nanoscale analog of an ionic solid. The process by which these materials form has interesting parallels to chemical reactions in conventional chemistry.


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Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are self-organized, infrastructureless, decentralized wireless networks consist of a group of heterogeneous mobile devices. Due to the inherent characteristics of MANE -Ts, such as frequent change of topology, nodes mobility, resource scarcity, lack of central control, etc., makes QoS routing is the hardest task. QoS routing is the task of routing data packets from source to destination depending upon the QoS resource constraints, such as bandwidth, delay, packet loss rate, cost, etc. In this paper, we proposed a novel scheme of providing QoS routing in MANETs by using Emergent Intelligence (El). The El is a group intelligence, which is derived from the periodical interaction among a group of agents and nodes. We logically divide MANET into clusters by centrally located static agent, and in each cluster a mobile agent is deployed. The mobile agent interacts with the nodes, neighboring mobile agents and static agent for collection of QoS resource information, negotiations, finding secure and reliable nodes and finding an optimal QoS path from source to destination. Simulation and analytical results show that the effectiveness of the scheme. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.ore/licenscs/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs


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Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp widely distributed in peninsular India. Although solitary females found a small proportion of nests, the vast majority of new nests are founded by small groups of females. In suchmultiple foundress nests, a single dominant female functions as the queen and lays eggs, while the rest function as sterile workers and care for the queen's brood. Previous attempts to understand the evolution of social behaviour and altruism in this species have employed inclusive fitness theory (kin selection) as a guiding framework. Although inclusive fitness theory is quite successful in explaining the high propensity of the wasps to found nests in groups, several features of their social organization suggest that forces other than kin selection may also have played a significant role in the evolution of this species. These features include lowering of genetic relatedness owing to polyandry and serial polygyny, nest foundation by unrelated individuals, acceptance of young non-nest-mates, a combination of well-developed nest-mate recognition and lack of intra-colony kin recognition, a combination of meek and docile queens and a decentralized self-organized work force, long reproductive queues with cryptic heir designates and conflict-free queen succession, all resulting in extreme intra-colony cooperation and inter-colony conflict.


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We investigate the processes involved in the nucleation of colloidal lead selenide nanoparticles. Our studies show that an unusual pathway - an anion exchange reaction, causes the nucleation of lead selenide nanocrystals. In this process, one quantum dot is transformed into another due to a substitution of its constituent anions. The existence of this pathway was never anticipated perhaps due to its unusually rapid kinetics. The nucleation and growth kinetics of colloidal lead selenide quantum dots are found to fit well to a two-step process. The rate constant associated with the anion exchange process is found to be four orders of magnitude greater than that of the nanocrystal growth. The complete consumption of the initial oxide nanoparticle thus provides a sharp, temporally well-defined nucleation event.