232 resultados para phosphine oxides


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The magnetic susceptibilities of a large number of ternary oxides of copper having structural features common to the presently identified phases of high-temperature superconductors have been studied in the temperature range 14-300 K. The systems studied are Ln2CuOP( Ln = La, Pr, Nd, etc.), Sr2CuO2CI2,B i2Cu0,, Ca2Cu03,S r2Cu03,S rCu02, MgCu203,B a2Cu3O4CI2Y, 2Cu205,Y2BaCu0,, BaCu02, Li2Cu02, etc. Cu2+ ions take different coordinations, like isolated square planar, square pyramidal or distorted-tetrahedral and octahedral, in these compounds. These compounds also exhibit different varieties of possible magnetic superexchange interactions like 180' or 90' Cu-0-Cu or Cu-0-0-Cu types as well as direct Cu-Cu interactions. Compounds in which there are extended 180' Cu-0-Cu interactions show a low, nearly temperature-independent susceptibility (100 X lod emu/mol). The estimated value of J for the Cu-0-Cu interaction is between 800 and 1500 K in these compounds. Isolated Cu2+ ions in which there are no 180' or close to 180" Cu-0-Cu interactions show Curie-Weiss susceptibility behavior. Compounds with only Cu-0-0-Cu interaction show evidence for the onset of antiferromagnetic coupling between 30 and 50 K. The superexchange rules are useful for explaining the qualitative features of the results. The possibility of disproportionation of Cu2+ ion when there are short Cu-Cu distances as in Bi2Cu04 is discussed. The extended geometry of the copper-oxygen framework seems to be more important than the local geometry around the Cu2+ ion in determining the magnetic properties.


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Oxides with different cation ratios 2122, 2212, 2213 and 2223 in the Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O system exhibit onset of superconductivity in the 110–125 K range with zero-resistance in the 95–105 K range. Electron microscopic studies show dislocations, layered morphology and other interesting features. These oxides absorb electromagnetic radiation (9.11 GHz) in the superconducting phase.


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The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of ternary oxides of Cu(II) has been studied between 4.2 and 300 K. The systems include those with 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions (such as Ln2CuO4, Sr2CuO2Cl2, Sr2CuO3 and Ca2CuO3) or 90 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions (such as Y2Cu2O5 or BaCuO2) as well as those in which the Cu2+ ions are isolated (such as Y2BaCuO5, La1.8Ba1.2Cu0.9O4.8 and Bi2CuO4). The change in the EPR susceptibility as a function of temperature is compared with that of the DC magnetic susceptibility. Compounds with extended 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions which have a low susceptibility also do not give EPR signals below room temperature. For compounds such as Ca2CuO3 with one-dimensional 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions a weak EPR signal is found the temperature dependence of which is very different from that of the DC susceptibility. For Y2BaCuO5 as well as for La1.8Ba1.2Cu0.9O4.8 the EPR susceptibility as well as its temperature variation are comparable with those of the static susceptibility near room temperature but very different at low temperatures. Bi2CuO4 also shows a similar behaviour. In contrast, for Y2Cu2O5, in which the copper ions have a very distorted nonsquare-planar configuration, the EPR and the static susceptibility show very similar temperature dependences. In general, compounds in which the copper ions have a square-planar geometry give no EPR signal in the ground state (0 K) while those with a distortion from square-planar geometry do give a signal. The results are analysed in the light of recent MS Xalpha calculations on CuO46- square-planar clusters with various Cu-O distances as well as distortions. It is suggested that in square-planar geometry the ground state has an unpaired electron in anionic orbitals which is EPR inactive. Competing interactions from other cations, an increase in Cu-O distance or distortions from square-planar geometry stabilise another state which has considerably more Cu 3d character. These states are EPR active. Both these states, however, are magnetic. For isolated CuO46- clusters the magnetic interactions seem to involve only the states which have mainly anionic character.


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A brief qualitative comparison is made of perovskite ABO sub 3 and layered perovskite ABO sub 3 and layered perovskite A sub 2 BO sub 4 oxides with special emphasis on the influence of geometrical factors on certain physico-chemical properties. The layered perovskite oxides are distinguished from three-dimensional oxides by a looser packing, frustration in three-dimensional interactions, more internal pressure on B--O bonds for small tolerance factors, and by different values of site-percolation thresholds. Their influence on electronic configurations of metal ions, stabilities and syntheses of compounds is discussed. The influence of increased anisotropy in layered oxides on localisation of charge carriers and in suppressing the onset of long-range ferromagnetic ordering is also discussed.


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The infra-red spectra of a large number of ternary Cu(II) oxides with at least a quasi square-planar coordination of oxygen around the copper ions have been studied. The frequency of the bands with the highest frequency,v max, is found to correlate extremely well with the shortest Cu–O distance.v max increases at an impressive rate of sim20 cm–1 per 0.01 Å when the Cu–O distance becomes less than 1.97 Å, which is the Cu2+–O2– distance in square-planar CuO4 complexes as obtained from empirical ionic radii considerations. The marked sensitivity may be used as a ldquotitrationrdquo procedure not only to assign bands but also to obtain diagnostic information about local coordination in compounds derived, for example, from the YBa2Cu3O7–d structure such as LaCaBaCu3O7–d . The only example where this correlation fails is in the two-layer non-superconducting oxides derived from La2(Ca, Sr)Cu2O6. The significance of this result is discussed. The marked dependence of frequency on the bond-distance is qualitatively examined in terms of an increased electron-phonon coupling to account for the observed tendency of the superconducting transition temperature to go through a maximum as the average basal plane Cu–O distance is decreased.


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The resistivities of zinc borate glasses containing Fe2O3, V2O5, and Fe2O3 + V2O5 have been measured as a function of composition and temperature. The values of resistivity and activation energy decrease as the transition metal oxide content is increased. The conductivities of the glasses containing Fe2O3 + V2O5 are more than the sum of those of the glasses containing only Fe2O3 or V2O5 (i.e. the activation energies are less than the sum of those in the glasses containing only Fe2O3 or V2O5). The results are discussed in terms of existing theories.


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A wire-cylinder corona discharge was studied in nitrogen and dry air in crossed electric and magnetic fields for values of magnetic field ranging from 0 to 3000 G with the wire at positive potential. In the absence of a magnetic field pre-onset streamers and pulses were observed in nitrogen. In both nitrogen and dry air breakdown streamers were observed just before spark breakdown of the gap. Furthermore, experiments in dry air at atmospheric pressure in an electric field indicate regular pre-onset streamers appearing at time intervals of 19.5 µs. The appearance of regular pre-onset streamers suggests that it is not possible for negative ions to form a sheath close to the anode as postulated by Hermstein (1960) for the formation of steady or glow corona in a point-plane gap.


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Laser sintering was carried out using a high power continuous-wave CO2 laser to prepare pellets of zirconia (ZrO2), hafnia (HfO2) and yttria (Y2O3) mixed oxides as starting materials in the deposition of optical coatings. Hardened recrystallized pellets appeared to have been formed during laser treatment. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed a monoclinic-to-tetragonal phase transformation in the binary system while the ternary system was found to have a mixture of two crystalline phases. Cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy showed two isothermal crystalline regions in the ternary system. The optical inhomogeneity was low in the films deposited from the laser-fused pellets, but the absorption at a wavelength of 351 nm increased with increasing HfO2 content. The films deposited from laser-fused pellets were analysed by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis and found to be stoichiometric and homogeneous.


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Using dynamic TG in H2, X-ray powder diffraction and Mössbauer Spectroscopy the reactivities fot hydrogen reduction of Fe2O3 prepared at different temperatures, Fe2O3 doped with oxides of Mn, Co, Ni and Cu prepared at 300DaggerC from nitrate precursors and intermediate spinels derived from above samples during reduction have been explored. The reactivity is higher for finely divided Fe2O3 prepared at 250DaggerC. The reduction is retarded by Mn, marginally affected by Co and accelerated by Ni and Cu, especially at higher (5 at.%) dopant concentration. These reactivities confirmed also by isothermal experiments, are ascribed to the nature of disorder in the metastable intermediate spinels and to hydrogen rsquospill overrsquo effects.