241 resultados para packing


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The occurrence of concomitant polymorphism in 3-fluoro-N-(3-fluorophenyl) benzamide has been identified to be due to the disorder in the crystal structure. Of the two modifications, the plate form (Form I) crystallizes in the monoclinic centrosymmetric space group C2/c with Z = 4, and the needle form (Form II) crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group P21 with Z = 2. An interesting positional disorder at the bridging atoms in both forms holds the molecular conformation identical, while subtle variations brought by N−H···O hydrogen bonds along with weak C−H···F and F···F interactions result in packing polymorphism.


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A ruthenium(II) ethylene complex, trans-[Ru(H)(C2H4)- (dppm)(2)][BF4], hearing two 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino) methane (dppm) ligands has been synthesized and structurally characterized using X-ray crystallography. In the molecular structure, the Ru-II center shows a distorted octahedral coordination geometry formed by four P atoms of the two chelating dppm ligands, a hydride, and an ethylene ligands. The four dppm P atoms are almost co-planar with the hydride and the ethylene ligands perpendicular to this plane. The C-C bond distance of the bound ethylene is 1.375(6) angstrom, which is elongated by 0.042 angstrom as compared to free ethylene (1.333(2) angstrom). The packing diagram of the complex shows two voids or channels, which are occupied by BF4- counterion and water molecules.


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Molten globule-like intermediates have been shown to occur during protein folding and are thought to be involved in protein translocation and membrane insertion. However, the determinants of molten globule stability and the extent of specific packing in molten globules is currently unclear. Using far- and near-UV CD and intrinsic and ANS fluorescence, we show that four periplasmic binding proteins (LBP, LIVBP, MBP, and RBP) form molten globules at acidic pH values ranging from 3.0 to 3.4. Only two of these (LBP and LIVBP) have similar sequences, but all four proteins adopt similar three-dimensional structures. We found that each of the four molten globules binds to its corresponding ligand without conversion to the native state. Ligand binding affinity measured by isothermal titration calorimetry for the molten globule state of LIVBP was found to be comparable to that of the corresponding native state, whereas for LBP, MBP, and RBP, the molten globules bound ligand with approximately 5-30-fold lower affinity than the corresponding native states. All four molten globule states exhibited cooperative thermal unfolding assayed by DSC. Estimated values of Delta C-p of unfolding show that these molten globule states contain 28-67% of buried surface area relative to the native states. The data suggest that molten globules of these periplasmic binding proteins retain a considerable degree of long range order. The ability of these sequentially unrelated proteins to form highly ordered molten globules may be related to their large size as well as an intrinsic property of periplasmic binding protein folds.


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The crystal structure of the N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium dithiocyanate salt has been examined by experimental charge density studies from high-resolution X-ray diffraction data. The corresponding results are compared with multipole refinements, using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic density functional theory calculation at the B3LYP level with a 6-31G** basis set. The salt crystallizes in space group P (1) over bar and contains only a single ion pair with an inversion center in the cation. The salt has thus one unique classical N+-H center dot center dot center dot(NCS)(-) hydrogen bond but also has six other weaker interactions: four C-H center dot center dot center dot S, one C-H center dot center dot center dot N, and one C-H center dot center dot center dot C-pi. The nature of all these interactions has been examined topologically using Bader's quantum theory of "atoms in molecules" and all eight of the Koch-Popelier criteria. The experimental and theoretical approaches agree well and both show that the inter-ion interactions, even in this simplest of systems, play an integrated and complex role in the packing of the ions in the crystal. Electrostatic potential maps are derived from experimental charge densities. This is the first time such a system has been examined in detail by these methods.


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Thin films of ZrO2 were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Annealing of the films exhibited a drastic change in the properties due to improved crystallinity and packing density. The root mean square roughness of the sample observed from atomic force microscope is about 5.75 nm which is comparable to the average grain size of the thin film which is about 6 nm obtained from X-ray diffraction. The film annealed at 873 K exhibits an optical band gap of around 4.83 eV and shows +4 oxidation state of zirconium indicating fully oxidized zirconium, whereas higher annealing temperatures lead to oxygen deficiency in the films and this is reflected in their properties. A discontinuity in the imaginary part of the AC conductivity was observed in the frequency range of tens of thousands of Hz, where as, the real part does not show such behavior.


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Peptide nanotubes with filled and empty pores and close-packed structures are formed in closely related pentapeptides. Enantiomorphic sequences, Boc-(D)Pro-Aib-Xxx-Aib-Val-OMe (Xxx = Leu, 1; Val, 2; Ala, 3; Phe, 4) and Boc-Pro-Aib-(D)Xxx-Aib-(D)Val-OMe ((XXX)-X-D = (D)Leu, 5; (D)Val, 6; (D)Ala, 7; (D)Phe, 8), yield molecular structures with a very similar backbone conformation but varied packing patterns in crystals. Peptides 1, 2, 5, and 6 show tubular structures with the molecules self-assembling along the crystallographic six-fold axis (c-axis) and revealing a honeycomb arrangement laterally (ab plane). Two forms of entrapped water wires have been characterized in 2: 2a with d(O center dot center dot center dot O) = 2.6 angstrom and 2b with d(O center dot center dot center dot O) = 3.5 angstrom. The latter is observed in 6 (6a) also. A polymorphic form of 6 (6b), grown from a solution of methanol-water, was observed to crystallize in a monoclinic system as a close-packed structure. Single-file water wire arrangements encapsulated inside hydrophobic channels formed by peptide nanotubes could be established by modeling the published structures in the cases of a cyclic peptide and a dipeptide. In all the entrapped water wires, each water molecule is involved in a hydrogen bond with a previous and succeeding water molecule. The O-H group of the water not involved in any hydrogen bond does not seem to be involved in an energetically significant interaction with the nanotube interior, a general feature of the one-dimensional water wires encapsulated in hydrophobic environements. Water wires in hydrophobic channels are contrasted with the single-file arrangements in amphipathic channels formed by aquaporins.


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The 1,4-dihydropyridine ring in the title hydrate, C17H18BrNO2 center dot H2O, has a flattened-boat conformation, and the benzene ring is occupies a position orthogonal to this [dihedral angle: 82.19 (16)degrees]. In the crystal packing, supramolecular arrays mediated by N-H center dot center dot center dot O-water and O-water-H center dot center dot center dot O-carbonyl hydrogen bonding are formed in the bc plane. A highly disordered solvent molecule is present within a molecular cavity defined by the organic and water molecules. Its contribution to the electron density was removed from the observed data in the final cycles of refinement and the formula, molecular weight and density are given without taking into account the contribution of the solvent molecule.


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An analytical investigation of the transverse shear wave mode tuning with a resonator mass (packing mass) on a Lead Zirconium Titanate (PZT) crystal bonded together with a host plate and its equivalent electric circuit parameters are presented. The energy transfer into the structure for this type of wave modes are much higher in this new design. The novelty of the approach here is the tuning of a single wave mode in the thickness direction using a resonator mass. First, a one-dimensional constitutive model assuming the strain induced only in the thickness direction is considered. As the input voltage is applied to the PZT crystal in the thickness direction, the transverse normal stress distribution induced into the plate is assumed to have parabolic distribution, which is presumed as a function of the geometries of the PZT crystal, packing mass, substrate and the wave penetration depth of the generated wave. For the PZT crystal, the harmonic wave guide solution is assumed for the mechanical displacement and electric fields, while for the packing mass, the former is solved using the boundary conditions. The electromechanical characteristics in terms of the stress transfer, mechanical impedance, electrical displacement, velocity and electric field are analyzed. The analytical solutions for the aforementioned entities are presented on the basis of varying the thickness of the PZT crystal and the packing mass. The results show that for a 25% increase in the thickness of the PZT crystal, there is ~38% decrease in the first resonant frequency, while for the same change in the thickness of the packing mass, the decrease in the resonant frequency is observed as ~35%. Most importantly the tuning of the generated wave can be accomplished with the packing mass at lower frequencies easily. To the end, an equivalent electric circuit, for tuning the transverse shear wave mode is analyzed.


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There is a growing interest in management of MSW through micro-treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) in many cities of India. The OFMSW fraction is high (> 80%) in many pockets within South Indian cities like Bangalore, Chikkamagalur, etc. and is largely represented by vegetable, fruit, packing and garden wastes. Among these, the last three have shown problems for easy decomposition. Fruit wastes are characterized by a large pectin supported fraction that decomposes quickly to organic acids (becomes pulpy) that eventually slow down anaerobic and aerobic decomposition processes. Paper fraction (newsprint and photocopying paper) as well as paddy straw (packing), bagasse (from cane juice stalls) and tree leaf litter (typical garden waste and street sweepings) are found in reasonably large proportions in MSW. These decompose slowly due to poor nutrients or physical state. We have examined the suitability of these substrates for micro-composting in plastic bins by tracking decomposition pattern and physical changes. It was found that fruit wastes decompose rapidly to produce organic acids and large leachate fraction such that it may need to be mixed with leachate absorbing materials (dry wastes) for good composting. Leaf litter, paddy straw and bagasse decompose to the tune of 90, 68 and 60% VS and are suitable for composting micro-treatment. Paper fractions even when augmented with 10% leaf compost failed to show appreciable decomposition in 50 days. All these feedstocks were found to have good biological methane potential (BMP) and showed promise for conversion to biogas under a mixed feed operation. Suitability of this approach was verified by operating a plug-flow type anaerobic digester where only leaf litter gathered nearby (as street sweepings) was used as feedstock. Here only a third of the BMP was realized at this scale (0.18 m(3) biogas/kg VS 0.55 m(3)/kg in BMP). We conclude that anaerobic digestion in plug-flow like digesters appear a more suitable micro-treatment option (2-10 kg VS/day) because in addition to compost it also produces biogas for domestic use nearby.


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In the title compound, C30H24Cl2N2O3, the two quinoline ring systems are almost planar [maximum deviations = 0.029 (2) and 0.018 (3) angstrom] and the dihedral angle between them is 4.17 (8)degrees. The dihedral angle between the phenyl ring and its attached quinoline ring is 69.06 (13)degrees. The packing is stabilized by C-H center dot center dot center dot O, C-H center dot center dot center dot N, weak pi-pi stacking [centroid-centroid distances = 3.7985 (16) and 3.7662(17) angstrom] and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions.


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In the title compound, C17H15ClN2O, the quinoline ring system is nearly planar, with a maximum deviation from the mean plane of 0.074 (2) angstrom, and makes a dihedral angle of 81.03 (7)degrees with the pyridone ring. The crystal packing is stabilized by pi-pi stacking interactions between the pyridone and benzene rings of the quinoline ring system [centroid-centroid distance = 3.6754 (10) angstrom]. Furthermore, weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonding links molecules into supramolecular chains along [001].


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In the crystal, the backbone of Boc-(Aib-Val-Ala-Leu)2-Aib-OMe adopts a helical form with four alpha-type hydrogen bonds in the middle, flanked by 3(10)-type hydrogen bonds at either end. The helical molecules stack in columns with head-to-tail hydrogen bonds, either directly between NH and CO, or bridged by solvent molecules. The packing of the helices is parallel, even in space group P2(1). Cell parameters are a = 9.837(2) A, b = 15.565(3) A, c = 20.087(5) A, beta = 96.42(2) degrees, dcalc = 1.091 g/cm3 for C46H83N9O12.1.5H2O.0.67CH3OH. There appears to be some hydration of the backbone in this apolar helix.


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An apolar helical decapeptide with different end groups, Boc- or Ac-, crystallizes in a completely parallel fashion for the Boc-analog and in an antiparallel fashion for the Ac-analog. In both crystals, the packing motif consists of rows of parallel molecules. In the Boc-crystals, adjacent rows assemble with the helix axes pointed in the same direction. In the Ac-crystals, adjacent rows assemble with the helix axes pointed in opposite directions. The conformations of the molecules in both crystals are quite similar, predominantly alpha-helical, except for the tryptophanyl side chain where chi 1 congruent to 60 degrees in the Boc- analog and congruent to 180 degrees in the Ac-analog. As a result, there is one lateral hydrogen bond between helices, N(1 epsilon)...O(7), in the Ac-analog. The structures do not provide a ready rationalization of packing preference in terms of side-chain interactions and do not support a major role for helix dipole interactions in determining helix orientation in crystals. The crystal parameters are as follow. Boc-analog: C60H97N11O13.C3H7OH, space group Pl with a = 10.250(3) A, b = 12.451(4) A, c = 15.077(6) A, alpha = 96.55(3) degrees, beta = 92.31(3) degrees, gamma = 106.37(3) degrees, Z = 1, R = 5.5% for 5581 data ([F] greater than 3.0 sigma(F)), resolution 0.89 A. Ac-analog: C57H91N11O12, space group P2(1) with a = 9.965(1) A, b = 19.707(3) A, c = 16.648(3) A, beta = 94.08(1), Z = 2, R = 7.2% for 2530 data ([F] greater than 3.0 sigma(F)), resolution 1.00 A.


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Two IS- and 16-residue peptides containing a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) have been synthesized, as part of a strategy to construct stereochemically rigid peptide helices, in a modular approach to design of protein mimics. The peptides Boc-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib),-OMe ( I ) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib()11z)- OhaMvee been crystallized.Both crystals are stable only in the presence of mother liquor or water. The crystal data are as follows. I: C78H140N16019~2H20,P2,, a = 16.391 (3) A, b = 16.860 (3) A, c = 18.428 (3) A, p = 103.02 (I)O, Z = 2, R = 9.6% for 3445 data with lFol >30(F), resolution 0.93 A. 11: C7,Hl,,N,S018.7.5H,0, C2221, a = 18.348 ( 5 ) A, b = 47.382 (1 1) A, c = 24.157 ( 5 ) A, Z =8, R = l0,6%, for 3147 data with lFol > 3a(F), resolution 1.00 A. The 15-residue peptide (11) is entirely a helical, while the 16-residue peptide ( I ) has a short segment of 310 helix at the N terminus. The packing of the helices in the crystals is rather incfficicnt with no particular attractions between Leu-Leu side chains, or any other pair. Both crystals have fairly large voids, which are filled with water molecules in a disordered fashion. Water molecule sites near the polar head-to-tail regions are well detcrmined, those closer to the hydrophobic side chains less so and a number of possible water sites in the remaining "empty" space are not determined. No interdigitation of Leu side chains is observed in the crystal as is hypothesized in the "leucine zipper" class of DNA binding proteins.


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The structure of the peptide Boc-Ala-Leu-Ac(7)c-Ala-Leu-Ac(7)c-OMe (Ac(7)c,1-aminocycloheptane-1-carboxylic acid) is described in crystals. The presence of two Ac(7)c residues was expected to stabilize a 3(10)-helical fold. Contrary to expectation the structural analysis revealed an unfolded amino terminus, with Ala(1) adopting an extended beta-conformation (phi = -93degrees,psi = 112degrees). Residues 2-5 form a 3(10)-helix, stabilized by three successive intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Notably, two NH groups Ala(1) and Ac(7)c(3) do not form any hydrogen bonds in the crystal. Peptide assembly appears to be dominated by packing of the cycloheptane rings that stack against one another within the molecule and also throughout the crystal in columns.