186 resultados para neutron emission width


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Geophysical methods are becoming more popular nowadays in the field of hydrology due to their time and space efficiency. So an attempt has been made here to relate electrical resistivity with soil moisture content in the field. The experiments were carried out in an experimental watershed `Mulehole' in southern India, which is a forested watershed with approximately 80% red soil. Five auger holes were drilled to perform the soil moisture and electrical resistivity measurements in a toposequence having red and black soils, with sandy weathered soil at the bottom. Soil moisture was measured using neutron probe and electrical resistivity was measured using electrical logging tool. The results indicate that electrical resistivity measurements can be used to measure soil moisture content for red soils only.


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Measurements of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross sections from different mixed micelles composed of CTAB and Br-, n-C16H33N+Me2-(CH2)(m)N+Me2-n-C16H33, Br- (16-m-16, 2Br(-), where m = 3, 5, and 10), in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The data have been analyzed using the Hayter and Penfold model for macroion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the micelles. The aggregate composition matches with that predicted from an ideal mixing model. The SANS analysis further indicates that the extent of aggregate growth and the Variations of shapes of the mixed micelles could be modulated by the amount of dimeric surfactant present in these mixtures. With the spacer chain length m less than or equal to 4 in the dimeric surfactant, the propensity of micellar growth is particularly pronounced. The effect of the variation of the temperature for the mixed micellar system (23.1 mol % of 16-3-16, 2Br(-)) was also examined. The systemic microviscosities that the mixed micellar aggregates offer to a solubilized, extrinsic fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, were determined. The variation of the microviscosities of the mixed micelles as a function of percentages of the dimeric surfactants could be explained in terms of conformational variations and progressive looping of the spacer chain of dimeric surfactants in mixed micellar aggregates with increasing m values.


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In this paper, recent results on band A emission in chemical vapor-deposited diamond films have been analyzed within a vibronic model. The blue-band A (2.8 eV) spectra from undoped diamond films grown by two different techniques have been simulated using the same phonon density distribution g(Omega) and Huang-Rhys factor (S). The same g(Omega) at higher S gives a good fit with the green band A (2.32 eV) as well. This model provides a reasonable alternative approach to the long standing donor-acceptor pair recombination model.


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Dimeric or gemini surfactants consist of two hydrophobic chains and two hydrophilic head groups covalently connected by a hydrophobic or hydrophilic spacer. This paper reports the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements from aqueous micellar solutions of two different recently developed types of dimeric surfactants: (i) bis-anionic C16H33PO4--(CH2)(m)-PO4-C16H33,2Na(+) dimeric surfactants composed of phosphate head groups and a hydrophobic polymethylene spacer, referred to as 16-m-16,2Na(+), for spacer lengths m = 2, 4, 6, and 10, (ii) bis-cationic C16H33N+(CH3)(2)-CH2-(CH2-O-CH2)(p)-CH2-N+ (CH3)(2)C16H33,2Br(-) dimeric surfactants composed of dimethylammonium head groups and a wettable polyethylene oxide spacer, referred to as 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-), for spacer lengths p = 1 - 3. The micellar structures of these surfactants are compared with the earlier studied bis-cationic C16H33N+ (CH3)(2)-(CH2)(m)-N+ (CH3)(2)C16H33,2Br(-) dimeric surfactants composed of dimethylammonium head groups and a hydrophobic polymethylene spacer, referred to as 16-m-16,2Br(-). It is found that 16-m-16,2Na(+), similar to 16-m-16,2Br(-), form various micellar structures depending on the spacer length. Micelles an disklike for rn = 2, rodlike for m = 4, and prolate ellipsoidal fur m = 6 and 10. The micelles of 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-) are prolate ellipsoidal for all the values of p = 1 - 3. It is also found that micelles of 16-m-16,2Na(+) and 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-) are large in comparison to those of 16-in-16,2Br(-) for similar spacer lengths. This is connected with the fact that both in 16-m-16,2Na(+) and 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-), the head group or the spacer is more hydrated as compared to that in the 16-m-16,2Br(-). An increase in the hydration of the spacer or the head group increases the screening of the Coulomb repulsion between the charged head groups. This effect has been found to be more pronounced in the dimeric surfactants having wettable spacers. [S1063-651X(99)00303-7].


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This paper is aimed at investigating the acoustic emission activities during indentation toughness tests on an alumina based wear resistant ceramic and 25 wt% silicon carbide whisker (SIC,) reinforced alumina composite. It has been shown that the emitted acoustic emission signals characterize the crack growth during loading. and unloading cycles in an indentation test. The acoustic emission results indicate that in the case of the composite the amount of crack growth during unloading is higher than that of loading, while the reverse is true in case of the wear resistant ceramics. Acoustic emission activity observed in wear resistant ceramic is less than that in the case of composite. An attempt has been made to correlate the acoustic emission signals with crack growth during indentation test.


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The laser ablated barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films were characterized in terms of composition, structure, microstructure and electrical properties. Films deposited at 300 degrees C under 50 mTorr oxygen pressure and 3 J cm(-2) laser fluence and further annealed at 600 degrees C in flowing oxygen showed a dielectric constant of 467 and a dissipation factor of 0.02. The room-temperature current-voltage characteristics revealed a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism, though at low fields the effect of the electrodes was predominant. The conduction mechanism was thoroughly-investigated in terms of Schottky emission at low fields, and bulk-limited SCLC at high fields. The change over to the bulk-limited conduction process from the electrode-limited Schottky emission was, attributed to the process of tunneling through the electrode interface at high fields resulting into the lowering of the electrode contact resistance and consequently giving rise to a bulk limited conduction process. The predominance of SCLC mechanism in the films suggests that the bulk properties are only revealed if the depletion width at the electrode interface is thin enough to allow the tunneling process to take place. This condition is only favorable if the him thickness is high or if the doping concentration is high enough. In the present case the film thickness ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 mu m which was suitable to show the transition mentioned above. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We present the results of sub-mm, mm (850 mum, 450 mum and 1250 mum) and radio (1.4 and 4.8 GHz) continuum observations of a sample of 27 K-selected Extremely Red Objects, or EROs, (14 of which form a complete sample with K < 20 and I - K > 5) aimed at detecting dusty starbursts, deriving the fraction of UltraLuminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIGs) in ERO samples, and constraining their redshifts using the radio-FIR correlation. One ERO was tentatively detected at 1250 mum and two were detected at 1.4 GHz, one of which has a less secure identification as an ERO counterpart. Limits on their redshifts and their star forming properties are derived and discussed. We stacked the observations of the undetected objects at 850 mum, 1250 mum and 4.8 GHz in order to search for possible statistical emission from the ERO population as a whole, but no significant detections were derived either for the whole sample or as a function of the average NIR colours. These results strongly suggest that the dominant population of EROs with K < 20 is not comprised of ULIGs like HR 10, but is probably made of radio-quiet ellipticals and weaker starburst galaxies with L < 10(12) L . and SFR < few hundred M. yr(-1).


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This paper presents computational and experimental results on a new burner configuration with a mild combustion concept with heat release rates up to 10 MW/m(3). The burner configuration is shown to achieve mild combustion by using air at ambient temperature at high recirculation rates (similar to250%-290%) both experimentally and computationally. The principal features of the configuration are: (1) a burner with forward exit for exhaust gases; (2) injection of gaseous fuel and air as multiple, alternate, peripheral highspeed jets at the bottom at ambient temperature, thus creating high enough recirculation rates of the hot combustion products into fresh incoming reactants; and (3) use of a suitable geometric artifice-a frustum of a cone to help recirculation. The computational studies have been used to reveal the details of the flow and to optimize the combustor geometry based on recirculation rates. Measures, involving root mean square temperature fluctuations, distribution of temperature and oxidizer concentration inside the proposed burner, and a classical turbulent diffusion jet flame, are used to distinguish between them quantitatively. The system, operated at heat release rates of 2 to 10 MW/m(3) (compared to 0.02 to 0.32 MW/m(3) in the earlier studies), shows a 10-15 dB reduction in noise in the mild combustion mode compared to a simple open-top burner and exhaust NOx emission below 10 ppm for a 3 kW burner with 10% excess air. The peak temperature is measured around 1750 K, approximately 300 K lower than the peak temperature in a conventional burner.


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We compute the temperature profiles of accretion discs around rapidly rotating strange stars, using constant gravitational mass equilibrium sequences of these objects, considering the full effect of general relativity. Beyond a certain critical value of stellar angular momentum (J), we observe the radius ( $r_{\rm orb}$) of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) to increase with J (a property seen neither in rotating black holes nor in rotating neutron stars). The reason for this is traced to the crucial dependence of ${\rm d}r_{\rm orb}/{\rm d}J$ on the rate of change of the radial gradient of the Keplerian angular velocity at $r_{\rm orb}$ with respect to J. The structure parameters and temperature profiles obtained are compared with those of neutron stars, as an attempt to provide signatures for distinguishing between the two. We show that when the full gamut of strange star equation of state models, with varying degrees of stiffness are considered, there exists a substantial overlap in properties of both neutron stars and strange stars. However, applying accretion disc model constraints to rule out stiff strange star equation of state models, we notice that neutron stars and strange stars exclusively occupy certain parameter spaces. This result implies the possibility of distinguishing these objects from each other by sensitive observations through future X-ray detectors.


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Detailed small angle neutron scattering ( SANS) studies were carried out with the aqueous vesicular (unilamellar) suspension of dimeric ion-paired lipids (2a-2c) for spacer lengths corresponding to n-values of 2, 6 and 10 and monomeric ion-paired lipid (3) below and above the phase transition temperature of each amphiphile. The vesicular structure strongly depends on the spacer chain length. The mean vesicle size is smallest for the lipid with a short spacer, n = 3 and it increases with the increase in the spacer chain length. The bilayer thickness also decreases with the increase in the spacer chain length. The size polydispersity increases with the increase in the spacer chain length (n-value).


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Recent results and data suggest that high magnetic fields in neutron stars (NS) strongly affect the characteristics (radius, mass) of the star. Such stars are even separated into a class known as magnetars, for which the surface magnetic field is greater than 10(14) G. In this work we discuss the effect of such a high magnetic field on the phase transition of a NS to a quark star (QS). We study the effect of magnetic field on the transition from NS to QS including the magnetic-field effect in the equation of state (EoS). The inclusion of the magnetic field increases the range of baryon number densities for which the flow velocities of the matter in the respective phase are finite. The magnetic field helps in initiation of the conversion process. The velocity of the conversion front, however, decreases due to the presence of the magnetic field, as the presence of the magnetic field reduces the effective pressure (P). The magnetic field of the star is decreased by the conversion process, and the resultant QS has lower magnetic field than the initial NS.


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The indium nitride (InN)-based nanometric-objects were grown directly on a c-sapphire substrate by using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) at different substrate temperatures. High resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) reveals the InN (0002) reflection and full width at half maximum (FWHM) found to be decreased with increasing the growth temperature. The size, height and density of the grown nanometric-objects studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has remarkable differences, evidencing the decisive role of substrate temperature. Photoluminescence (PL) studies revealed that the emission energy is shifted towards the higher side from the bulk value, i.e., a blue shift in the PL spectra was observed. The temperature dependence of the PL peak position shows an ``S-shaped'' emission energy shift, which can be attributed to the localization of carriers in the nanometric-objects.


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We present the first results of an observational programme undertaken to map the fine structure line emission of singly ionized carbon ([ CII] 157 : 7409 mum) over extended regions using a Fabry Perot spectrometer newly installed at the focal plane of a 100 cm balloon- borne far- infrared telescope. This new combination of instruments has a velocity resolution of similar to 200 km s(-1) and an angular resolution of 1.'5. During the first flight, an area of 30' x 15' in Orion A was mapped. These observations extend over a larger area than previous observations, the map is fully sampled and the spectral scanning method used enables reliable estimation of the continuum emission at frequencies adjacent to the [ CII] line. The total [ CII] line luminosity, calculated by considering up to 20% of the maximum line intensity is 0.04% of the luminosity of the far- infrared continuum. We have compared the [ CII] intensity distribution with the velocity- integrated intensity distributions of (CO)-C-13(1- 0), CI(1- 0) and CO( 3- 2) from the literature. Comparison of the [ CII], [ CI] and the radio continuum intensity distributions indicates that the largescale [ CII] emission originates mainly from the neutral gas, except at the position of M 43, where no [ CI] emission corresponding to the [ CII] emission is seen. Substantial part of the [ CII] emission from here originates from the ionized gas. The observed line intensities and ratios have been analyzed using the PDR models by Kaufman et al. ( 1999) to derive the incident UV flux and volume density at a few selected positions. The models reproduce the observations reasonably well at most positions excepting the [ CII] peak ( which coincides with the position of theta(1) Ori C). Possible reason for the failure could be the simplifying assumption of a homogeneous plane parallel slab in place of a more complicated geometry.