255 resultados para metal-ceramic interface


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Friction can influence the quality of the finished product to a large extent in certain manufacturing processes. Sheet metal forming is a particular case, where the friction between the hard-die and the relatively soft work-piece can be extremely important. Under such conditions, topography of the harder surface can influence the resistance to traction at the interface. This paper discusses about the correlation between certain features of the surface; topography and coefficient of friction based on experiments involving sliding of a few soft metal pins against a harder material. A brief description of the experimental procedure and the analysis are presented. A hybrid parameter which encapsulates both the amplitude features as well as the relative packing of peaks is shown to correlate well with the coefficient of friction.


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A number of macroporous metal oxide foams were prepared through self-sustained combustion reactions starting from dough made of the corresponding metal nitrate, urea and starch. The nitrate ion acts as an oxidizing agent, urea as fuel and starch as an organic binder. The metal oxide foams are characterized by scanning electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction.


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The effect of Surface lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on the electrophoretic softness and fixed charge density in the ion-penetrable layer of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown in presence of copper or arsenic ions have been discussed, The electrophoretic mobility data were analyzed using the soft-particle electrophoresis theory. Cell surface potentials of all the strains based on soft-particle theory were lower than those estimated using the conventional Smoluchowski theory, Exposure to metal ions increased the Surface electrophoretic softness with decrease in the fixed charge density. Effect of cell surface lipopolysaccharides on the model parameters are investigated and discussed.


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A new water-soluble, salen [salen = bis(salicylidene) ethylenediamine]-based ligand, 3 was developed. Two of the metal complexes of this ligand, i.e., 3a, [Mn(III)] and 3b, [Ni(II)], in the presence of cooxidant magnesium monoperoxyphthalate (MMPP) cleaved plasmid DNA pTZ19R efficiently and rapidly at a concentration similar to 1 mu M. In contrast, under comparable conditions, other metal complexes 3c, [Cu(II)] or 3d, [Cr(III)] could not induce any significant DNA nicking. The findings with Ni(II) complex suggest that the DNA cleavage processes can be modulated by the disposition of charges around the ligand.


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A new heterocycle, namely 2-(furyl)-3-(furfuralimino)-1,2-dihydroquinazolin-4(3H)-one (ffdq) was formed by the ondensation of 2-aminobenzoylhydrazide with furfural and characterized by physico-chemical, spectroscopic, and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. A series of complexes of ffdq have been synthesized and characterized by physico-chemical, spectroscopic, and thermal studies. According to the i.r. and 1H-n.m.r. spectra ffdq behaves as a bidentate ligand coordinating through quinazoline oxygen and azomethine nitrogen. The FAB-mass spectrum of the Cd(II) complex indicates the monomeric nature of this complex. The X-band e.p.r. spectrum of the Cu(II) complex and thermal stabilities of the Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes are discussed.


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Banana lectin (Banlec) is a homodimeric non-glycosylated protein. It exhibits the b-prism I structure. High-temperature molecular dynamics simulations have been utilized to monitor and understand early stages of thermally induced unfolding of Banlec. The present study elucidates the behavior of the dimeric protein at four different temperatures and compares the structural and conformational changes to that of the minimized crystal structure. The process of unfolding was monitored by following the radius of gyration, the rms deviation of each residue, change in relative solvent accessibility and the pattern of inter- and intra-subunit interactions. The overall study demonstrates that the Banlec dimer is a highly stable structure, and the stability is mostly contributed by interfacial interactions. It maintains its overall conformation during high-temperature (400–500 K) simulations, with only the unstructured loop regions acquiring greater momentum under such condition. Nevertheless, at still higher temperatures (600 K) the tertiary structure is gradually lost which later extends to loss of secondary structural elements. The pattern of hydrogen bonding within the subunit and at the interface across different stages has been analyzed and has provided rationale for its intrinsic high stability.


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Background The genome of a wide variety of prokaryotes contains the luxS gene homologue, which encodes for the protein S-ribosylhomocysteinelyase (LuxS). This protein is responsible for the production of the quorum sensing molecule, AI-2 and has been implicated in a variety of functions such as flagellar motility, metabolic regulation, toxin production and even in pathogenicity. A high structural similarity is present in the LuxS structures determined from a few species. In this study, we have modelled the structures from several other species and have investigated their dimer interfaces. We have attempted to correlate the interface features of LuxS with the phenotypic nature of the organisms. Results The protein structure networks (PSN) are constructed and graph theoretical analysis is performed on the structures obtained from X-ray crystallography and on the modelled ones. The interfaces, which are known to contain the active site, are characterized from the PSNs of these homodimeric proteins. The key features presented by the protein interfaces are investigated for the classification of the proteins in relation to their function. From our analysis, structural interface motifs are identified for each class in our dataset, which showed distinctly different pattern at the interface of LuxS for the probiotics and some extremophiles. Our analysis also reveals potential sites of mutation and geometric patterns at the interface that was not evident from conventional sequence alignment studies. Conclusion The structure network approach employed in this study for the analysis of dimeric interfaces in LuxS has brought out certain structural details at the side-chain interaction level, which were elusive from the conventional structure comparison methods. The results from this study provide a better understanding of the relation between the luxS gene and its functional role in the prokaryotes. This study also makes it possible to explore the potential direction towards the design of inhibitors of LuxS and thus towards a wide range of antimicrobials.


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Pt ions-CeO2 interaction in Ce1-xPtxO2-delta (x=0.02) has been studied for the first time by electrochemical method combined with x-ray diffraction and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Working electrodes made of CeO2 and Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-delta mixed with 30% carbon are treated electrochemically between 0.0-1.2 V in potentiostatic (chronoamperometry) and potentiodynamic (cyclic voltametry) mode with reference to saturated calomel electrode. Reversible oxidation of Pt-0 to Pt2+ and Pt4+ state due to the applied positive potential is coupled to simultaneous reversible reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+ state. CeO2 reduces to CeO2-y (y=0.35) after applying 1.2 V, which is not reversible; Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-delta reaches a steady state with Pt2+:Pt4+ in the ratio of 0.60:0.40 and Ce4+:Ce3+ in the ratio of 0.55:0.45 giving a composition Ce0.98Pt0.02O1.74 at 1.2 V, which is reversible. Composition of Pt ion substituted compound is reversible between Ce0.98Pt0.02O1.95 to Ce0.98Pt0.02O1.74 within the potential range of 0.0-1.2 V. Thus, Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-delta forms a stable electrode for oxidation of H2O to O-2 unlike CeO2. A linear relation between oxidation of Pt2+ to Pt4+ with simultaneous reduction in Ce4+ to Ce3+ is observed demonstrating Pt-CeO2 metal support interaction is due to reversible Pt-0/Pt2+/Pt4+ interaction with Ce4+/Ce3+ redox couple.


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Sr2FeMoO6 oxides exhibit a half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) ground state and peculiar magnetic and magnetotransport properties, which are interesting for applications in the emerging field of spintronics and attractive for fundamental research in the field of heavily correlated electron systems. Sr2FeWO6 is an insulator with an antiferromagnetic (I-AFM) ground state. The solid solutions Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 also have peculiar properties-W doping enhances chemical order which allows stabilization of the HM-FM state; as the W content exceeds a certain value a metal to insulator transition (MIT) occurs. The role of W in determining the physical properties of Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 systems has been a matter of intense investigation. This work deals with the problem of the structural and electronic changes related to the MIT from a local perspective by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique allows one to probe in detail the local structure and electronic modifications around selected absorber ions (W, Mo, Fe and Sr in our case). The results of XAS analysis in the whole composition range (0 <= x <= 1), in the near edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) regions, demonstrate an abrupt change of the local structure around the Fe and Mo sites at the critical composition, x(c). This change represents the microstructural counterpart associated with the MIT. Conversely, the local structure and electronic configuration of W ions remain unaltered in the whole composition range, suggesting indirect participation of W in the MIT.


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M r= 975.9, orthorhombic, Pnna, a = 20.262 (3), b= 15.717 (2), c= 15.038 (1)A, V= 4788.97 A 3, z = 4, D x = 1.35 Mg m -3, Cu Kct radiation, 2 = 1.5418 A, /t = 2.79 mm -1, F(000) -= 2072, T = 293 K, R = 0.08, 3335 observed reflections. The molecular structure and the crystal packing are similar to those observed in the nonactin complexes of sodium thiocyanate and potassium thiocyanate. The eight metal-O distances are nearly the same in the potassium complex whereas the four distances involving carbonyl O atoms are shorter than the remaining four involving the tetrahydrofuran-ring O atoms in the Na and the Ca complexes. This observation can be explained in terms of the small ionic radii of Na + and Ca 2+, and leads to a plausible structural rationale for the stronger affinity of nonactin for K + than for the other two metal ions.


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This article deals with the kinetics and mechanism of acrylonitrile (AN) polymerization initiated by Cu(II)-4-anilino 3-pentene 2-one[Cu(II)ANIPO], Cu(II)-4-p-toluedeno 3-pentene 2-one [Cu(II)TPO], and Cu(II)-4-p-nitroanilino 3-pentene 2-one [Cu(II)NAPO] in bulk at 60°C. The polymerization is free radical in nature. The exponent of initiator(I) is 0.5. The initiation step is a complex formation between the chelate and monomer and subsequent decomposition of the intermediate complex giving rise to free radical and Cu(I). This is substantiated by ultraviolet (UV) and electron spin resonance (ESR) studies. The activation energies and kinetic and chain transfer constants have also been evaluated.


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The theoretical optimization of the design parametersN A ,N D andW P has been done for efficient operation of Au-p-n Si solar cell including thermionic field emission, dependence of lifetime and mobility on impurity concentrations, dependence of absorption coefficient on wavelength, variation of barrier height and hence the optimum thickness ofp region with illumination. The optimized design parametersN D =5×1020 m−3,N A =3×1024 m−3 andW P =11.8 nm yield efficiencyη=17.1% (AM0) andη=19.6% (AM1). These are reduced to 14.9% and 17.1% respectively if the metal layer series resistance and transmittance with ZnS antireflection coating are included. A practical value ofW P =97.0 nm gives an efficiency of 12.2% (AM1).


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In order to investigate the factors determining the relative stabilities of layered perovskite and pyrochlore structures of transition metal oxides containing trivalent bismuth, several ternary and quaternary oxides have been investigated. While d0 cations stabilize the layered perovskite structure, cations containing partially-filled d orbitals (which suppress ferroelectric distortion of MO6 octahedra) seem to favor pyrochlore-related structures. Thus, the vanadium analogue of the layered perovskite Bi4Ti3O12 cannot be prepared; instead the composition consists of a mixture of pyrochlore-type Bi1.33V2O6, Bi2O3, and Bi metal. The distortion of Bi1.33V2O6 to orthorhombic symmetry is probably due to an ordering of anion vacancies in the pyrochlore structure. None of the other pyrochlores investigated, Bi2NbCrO7, Bi2NbFeO7, TlBiM2O7 (M = Nb, Ta), shows evidence for cation ordering in the X-Ray diffraction patterns, as indeed established by structure refinement of TlBiNb2O7.


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Partial discharges in a gaseous interface due to the presence of a dielectric between two uniform field electrodes in air at different pressures from 0.5 to 685 mm Hg have been studied and measurements of inception and extinction voltages, number of pulses and their charge magnitudes at inception are reported. It has been observed that the extinction voltage can be as low as 70% of the inception voltage suggesting that the working voltage in such cases should be about 30% lower than the observed inception voltage. Small magnitude pulses are found to be more in number than large magnitude pulses. The charge is found to be pressure dependent. The results have been explained on the basis of an equivalent circuit consisting of resistance and capacitance in which the discharge gap functions as a switch.