192 resultados para math.GR


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We consider the problem of goal seeking by robots in unknown environments. We present a frontier based algorithm for finding a route to a goal in a fully unknown environment, where information about the goal region (GR), the region where the goal is most likely to be located, is available. Our algorithm efficiently chooses the best candidate frontier cell, which is on the boundary between explored space and unexplored space, having the maximum ``goal seeking index'', to reach the goal in minimal number of moves. Modification of the algorithm is also proposed to further reduce the number of moves toward the goal. The algorithm has been tested extensively in simulation runs and results demonstrate that the algorithm effectively directs the robot to the goal and completes the search task in minimal number of moves in bounded as well as unbounded environments. The algorithm is shown to perform as well as a state of the art agent centered search algorithm RTAA*, in cluttered environments if exact location of the goal is known at the beginning of the mission and is shown to perform better in uncluttered environments.


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In this article we consider a semigroup ring R = KGamma] of a numerical semigroup Gamma and study the Cohen- Macaulayness of the associated graded ring G(Gamma) := gr(m), (R) := circle plus(n is an element of N) m(n)/m(n+1) and the behaviour of the Hilbert function H-R of R. We define a certain (finite) subset B(Gamma) subset of F and prove that G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if B(Gamma) = empty set. Therefore the subset B(Gamma) is called the Cohen-Macaulay defect of G(Gamma). Further, we prove that if the degree sequence of elements of the standard basis of is non-decreasing, then B(F) = empty set and hence G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay. We consider a class of numerical semigroups Gamma = Sigma(3)(i=0) Nm(i) generated by 4 elements m(0), m(1), m(2), m(3) such that m(1) + m(2) = mo m3-so called ``balanced semigroups''. We study the structure of the Cohen-Macaulay defect B(Gamma) of Gamma and particularly we give an estimate on the cardinality |B(Gamma, r)| for every r is an element of N. We use these estimates to prove that the Hilbert function of R is non-decreasing. Further, we prove that every balanced ``unitary'' semigroup Gamma is ``2-good'' and is not ``1-good'', in particular, in this case, c(r) is not Cohen-Macaulay. We consider a certain special subclass of balanced semigroups Gamma. For this subclass we try to determine the Cohen-Macaulay defect B(Gamma) using the explicit description of the standard basis of Gamma; in particular, we prove that these balanced semigroups are 2-good and determine when exactly G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Context. Polar corona is often explored to find the energy source for the acceleration of the fast solar wind. Earlier observations show omni-presence of quasi-periodic disturbances, traveling outward, which is believed to be caused by the ubiquitous presence of outward propagating waves. These waves, mostly of compressional type, might provide the additional momentum and heat required for the fast solar wind acceleration. It has been conjectured that these disturbances are not due to waves but high speed plasma outflows, which are difficult to distinguish using the current available techniques. Aims. With the unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution of AIA/SDO, we search for these quasi-periodic disturbances in both plume and interplume regions of the polar corona. We investigate their nature of propagation and search for a plausible interpretation. We also aim to study their multi-thermal nature by using three different coronal passbands of AIA. Methods. We chose several clean plume and interplume structures and studied the time evolution of specific channels by making artificial slits along them. Taking the average across the slits, space-time maps are constructed and then filtration techniques are applied to amplify the low-amplitude oscillations. To suppress the effect of fainter jets, we chose wider slits than usual. Results. In almost all the locations chosen, in both plume and interplume regions we find the presence of propagating quasi-periodic disturbances, of periodicities ranging from 10-30 min. These are clearly seen in two channels and in a few cases out to very large distances (approximate to 250 `') off-limb, almost to the edge of the AIA field of view. The propagation speeds are in the range of 100-170 km s(-1). The average speeds are different for different passbands and higher in interplume regions. Conclusions. Propagating disturbances are observed, even after removing the effects of jets and are insensitive to changes in slit width. This indicates that a coherent mechanism is involved. In addition, the observed propagation speed varies between the different passpands, implying that these quasi-periodic intensity disturbances are possibly due to magneto-acoustic waves. The propagation speeds in interplume region are higher than in the plume region.


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A strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans MAL-4-1 was adapted to grow at higher concentrations of copper by repeated subculturing in the presence of increasing levels of added cupric ions in 9K medium. The strains adapted to copper were found to be more efficient in bioleaching of copper from concentrates. When copper tolerant strains were back cultured repeatedly in 9K medium without cupric ions, the initially developed metal tolerance was observed to be lost. This indicates that the copper tolerance developed is stress-dependent and not a permanent trait of the adapted strain.


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Restriction fragments of mycobacteriophage 13 DNA capable of initiating transcription have been cloned into a promoter selection vector of Escherichia coli, and selected on the basis of development of resistance to chloramphenicol. The growth pattern of these 'promoter clones' on a concentration gradient of chloramphenicol and the biochemical assays of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase have permitted the assessment of their relative promoter strengths. DNA sequence analysis revealed significant homology of these promoters to the -35 regions of the mycobacterial- and E. coli promoter consensus, but less so to the - 10 region. Based on the sequence of phage 13 promoters identified here and the reported sequences of mycobacterial promoters, a promoter consensus for mycobacteria has been generated.


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A geometric invariant is associated to the parabolic moduli space on a marked surface and is related to the symplectic structure of the moduli space.


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The role of growth conditions and adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on the leaching of chalcopyrite was investigated. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans grown on sulfur, thiosulfate and ferrous ion substrates was used in this comparative study. Growth on sulfur, a solid substrate, requires bacterial adhesion unlike that required in the presence of soluble thiosulfate and ferrous ion in a mineral-salts medium. Solid substrate-grown cells showed higher rates of leaching than those grown in liquid media. An initial lag period noticed during leaching by solution-grown cells was absent when solid substrate-grown cells were used. Such a behavior is attributed to the presence of an inducible proteinaceous cell-surface appendage on the sulfur-grown cells. This appendage aids in bacterial adhesion onto the mineral surfaces. Such an appendage is absent in solution-grown cells, as substantiated by electrophoretic measurements. The importance of bacterial adhesion and the direct mechanism in leaching by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans are demonstrated.


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Suspensions of testicular germ cells from six species of mammals were prepared and stained for the DNA content with a fluorochrome (ethidium bromide) adopting a common technique and subjected to DNA flow cytometry. While uniform staining of the germ cells of the mouse, hamster, rat and monkey could be obtained by treating with 0.5% pepsin for 60 min followed by staining with ethidium bromide for 30 min, that of the guinea pig and rabbit required for optimal staining pepsinization for 90 min and treatment with ethidium bromide for 60 min. The procedure adopted here provided a uniform recovery of over 80% of germ cells with each one of the species tested and the cell population distributed itself according to the DNA content (expressed as C values) into 5 major classes-spermatogonia (2C), cells in S-phase, primary spermatocytes (4C), round spermatids (1C), and elongating/elongated spermatids (HC). Comparison of the DNA distribution pattern of the germ cell populations between species revealed little variation in the relative quantities of cells with 2C (8-11%), S-phase (6-9%), and 4C (6-9%) amount of DNA. Though the spermatid cell populations exhibited variations (1C:31-46%, HCI:7-20% and and HC2:11-25%) they represented the bulk of germ cells (70-80%). The overall conversion of 2C to 1C (1C:2C ratio) and meiotic transformation of 4C cells to IC (1C:4C ratio) kinetics were relatively constant between the species studied. The present study clearly demonstrates that DNA flow cytometry can be adopted with ease and assurance to quantify germ cell transformation and as such spermatogenesis by analysing a large number of samples with consistency both within and across the species barrier. Any variation from the norms in germ cell proportions observed following treatment, for e.g. hormonal stimulation or deprivation can then be ascribed due to a specific effect of the hormone/drug on single/multiple steps in germ cell transformation


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The stability of Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity eta in a tube of radius R surrounded by a viscoelastic medium of elasticity G and viscosity eta(s) occupying the annulus R < r < HR is determined using a linear stability analysis. The inertia of the fluid and the medium are neglected, and the mass and momentum conservation equations for the fluid and wall are linear. The only coupling between the mean flow and fluctuations enters via an additional term in the boundary condition for the tangential velocity at the interface, due to the discontinuity in the strain rate in the mean flow at the surface. This additional term is responsible for destabilizing the surface when the mean velocity increases beyond a transition value, and the physical mechanism driving the instability is the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the work done by the mean flow at the interface. The transition velocity Gamma(t) for the presence of surface instabilities depends on the wavenumber k and three dimensionless parameters: the ratio of the solid and fluid viscosities eta(r) = (eta(s)/eta), the capillary number Lambda = (T/GR) and the ratio of radii H, where T is the surface tension of the interface. For eta(r) = 0 and Lambda = 0, the transition velocity Gamma(t) diverges in the limits k much less than 1 and k much greater than 1, and has a minimum for finite k. The qualitative behaviour of the transition velocity is the same for Lambda > 0 and eta(r) = 0, though there is an increase in Gamma(t) in the limit k much greater than 1. When the viscosity of the surface is non-zero (eta(r) > 0), however, there is a qualitative change in the Gamma(t) vs. k curves. For eta(r) < 1, the transition velocity Gamma(t) is finite only when k is greater than a minimum value k(min), while perturbations with wavenumber k < k(min) are stable even for Gamma--> infinity. For eta(r) > 1, Gamma(t) is finite only for k(min) < k < k(max), while perturbations with wavenumber k < k(min) or k > k(max) are stable in the limit Gamma--> infinity. As H decreases or eta(r) increases, the difference k(max)- k(min) decreases. At minimum value H = H-min, which is a function of eta(r), the difference k(max)-k(min) = 0, and for H < H-min, perturbations of all wavenumbers are stable even in the limit Gamma--> infinity. The calculations indicate that H-min shows a strong divergence proportional to exp (0.0832 eta(r)(2)) for eta(r) much greater than 1.


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We performed high resolution spectroscopy of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 in two emission lines: the green line at 5303 due to Fe xiv and the red line at 6374 due to Fe x, simultaneously from Anji (latitude 30A degrees 28.1' N; longitude 119A degrees 35.4' E; elevation 890 m), China. A two-mirror coelostat with 100 cm focal length lens produced a 9.2 mm image of the Sun. The spectrograph using 140 cm focal length lens in Littrow mode and a grating with 600 lines per millimeter blazed at 2 mu m provided a dispersion of 30 m and 43 m per pixel in the fourth order around the green line and third order around the red line, respectively. Two Peltier cooled 1k x 1k CCD cameras, with a pixel size of 13 mu m square and 14-bit readout at 10 MHz operated in frame transfer mode, were used to obtain the time sequence spectra in two emission lines simultaneously. The duration of totality was 341 s, but we could get spectra for 270 s after a trial exposure at an interval of 5 s. We report here on the detection of intensity, velocity, and line width oscillations with periodicity in the range of 25 -50 s. These oscillations can be interpreted in terms of the presence of fast magnetoacoustic waves or torsional Alfv,n waves. The intensity ratios of green to red emission lines indicate the temperature of the corona to be 1.65 MK in the equatorial region and 1.40 MK in the polar region, relatively higher than the expected temperature during the low activity period. The width variation of the emission lines in different coronal structures suggests different physical conditions in different structures.


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Callus induction and morphogenesis from different blackgram explants were tested on MS basal medium supplemented with B5 vitamins, IAA, NAA, IBA, KIN and BAP individually and in combinations. The explants were hypocotyl, epicotyl, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf. The optimal levels of the frequency of callus induction was 22.8 mu M of IAA or 16.1 mu M NAA and in combination with 2.2 mu M of BAP. Among the seedling explants, hypocotyl was found to be more efficient in producing callus. Shoots mere induced from callus cultures of hypocotyls, epicotyls, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf with varying frequencies in the medium containing KIN (2.3-9.3 mu M) or BAP (2.2-8.8 mu M) and in combination with IAA (2.8 mu M) or NAA (2.6 mu M). Multiple shoots were obtained using cotyledonary node segments. The regenerated shoots rooted best on MS basal medium containing 9.8 mu M IBA. Seventy three per cent of the shoots produced roots, and 80-85% of the plantlets survived under greenhouse condition.


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Let D denote the open unit disk in C centered at 0. Let H-R(infinity) denote the set of all bounded and holomorphic functions defined in D that also satisfy f(z) = <(f <(z)over bar>)over bar> for all z is an element of D. It is shown that H-R(infinity) is a coherent ring.


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The presence of residual chlorine and organic matter govern the bacterial regrowth within a water distribution system. The bacterial growth model is essential to predict the spatial and temporal variation of all these substances throughout the system. The parameters governing the bacterial growth and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) utilization are difficult to determine by experimentation. In the present study, the estimation of these parameters is addressed by using simulation-optimization procedure. The optimal solution by genetic algorithm (GA) has indicated that the proper combination of parameter values are significant rather than correct individual values. The applicability of the model is illustrated using synthetic data generated by introducing noise in to the error-free measurements. The GA was found to be a potential tool in estimating the parameters controlling the bacterial growth and BDOC utilization. Further, the GA was also used for evaluating the sensitivity issues relating parameter values and objective function. It was observed that mu and k(cl) are more significant and dominating compared to the other parameters. But the magnitude of the parameters is also an important issue in deciding the dominance of a particular parameter. GA is found to be a useful tool in autocalibration of bacterial growth model and a sensitivity study of parameters.


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Acid denaturation of calf thymus DNA in vitro followed by acridine orange (AO) binding induced a 112% increase in the emission of red, a 58% decrease in green, and a consequential decrease in the ratio of green:red fluorescences from 1.7 to 0.9. This metachromatic property of AO on binding to DNA following acid denaturation was utilized to study the susceptibility of normal and ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (oFSH) actively immunized bonnet monkey spermatozoa voided throughout the year. For analyses, the scattergram generated by the emission of red and green fluorescences by 10,000 AO-bound sperm from each semen sample was divided into 4 quadrant zones representing percentage cells fluorescing high green-low red (Q1), high green-high red (Q2), low green-low red (Q3) and low green-high red. (Q4). Normal monkey sperm obtained during the months of July-December exhibited 76, 13, and 11% cells in Q2, Q3, and Q4 quadrants, respectively. However, during January-June, when the females of the species are markedly subfertile, noncycling, and amenorrhoeic, the spermatozoa ejaculated by the male monkeys exhibited 38, 39, and 23% sperm in Q2, Q3, and Q4, respectively, the differences being highly significant (p < .01-.001). FSH deprivation induced significant shifts in fluorescence emissions, from respective controls, with 39, 33, and 28% cells in Q2, Q3, and Q4, respectively, during July-December, and 15, 48, and 37% sperm in Q2, Q3, and Q4 quadrants, respectively, during January-June. It is postulated that the altered kinetics of germ cell transformations and the deficient spermiogenesis observed earlier following FSH deprivation in these monkeys may have induced the enhanced susceptibility to acid denaturation in sperm.