117 resultados para massive vectorial boson
Hexagonal, cubic and lamellar aluminoborate mesophases containing octahedral aluminium and tetrahedral boson are prepared and characterized for the first time.
We examine the exclusion limits set by the CDF and D0 experiments on the Standard Model Higgs boson mass from their searches at the Tevatron in the light of large theoretical uncertainties on the signal and background cross sections. We show that when these uncertainties are consistently taken into account, the sensitivity of the experiments becomes significantly lower and the currently excluded mass range M-H = 158-175 GeV could be entirely reopened. The necessary luminosity required to recover the current sensitivity is found to be a factor of two higher than the present one. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a novel hypothesis on the function of massive feedback pathways in mammalian visual systems. We propose that the cortical feature detectors compete not for the right to represent the output at a point, but for exclusive rights to abstract and represent part of the underlying input. Feedback can do this very naturally. A computational model that implements the above idea for the problem of line detection is presented and based on that we suggest a functional role for the thalamo-cortical loop during perception of lines. We show that the model successfully tackles the so called Cross problem. Based on some recent experimental results, we discuss the biological plausibility of our model. We also comment on the relevance of our hypothesis (on the role of feedback) to general sensory information processing and recognition. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The amount of data contained in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings is quite massive and this places constraints on bandwidth and storage. The requirement of online transmission of data needs a scheme that allows higher performance with lower computation. Single channel algorithms, when applied on multichannel EEG data fail to meet this requirement. While there have been many methods proposed for multichannel ECG compression, not much work appears to have been done in the area of multichannel EEG. compression. In this paper, we present an EEG compression algorithm based on a multichannel model, which gives higher performance compared to other algorithms. Simulations have been performed on both normal and pathological EEG data and it is observed that a high compression ratio with very large SNR is obtained in both cases. The reconstructed signals are found to match the original signals very closely, thus confirming that diagnostic information is being preserved during transmission.
Thermal power stations using pulverized coal as fuel generate large quantities of fly ash as a byproduct, which has created environmental and disposal problems. Using fly ash for gainful applications will solve these problems. Among the various possible uses for fly ash, the most massive and effective utilization is in geotechnical engineering applications like backfill material, construction of embankments, as a subbase material, etc. A proper understanding of fly ash-soil mixes is likely to provide viable solutions for its large-scale utilization. Earlier studies initiated in the laboratory have resulted in a good understanding of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) behavior of fly ash-soil mixes. Subsequently, in order to increase the CBR value, cement has been tried as an additive to fly ash-soil mixes. This paper reports the results.
The effect of large mass injection on the following three-dimensional laminar compressible boundary-layer flows is investigated by employing the method of matched asymptotic expansions: (i) swirling flow in a laminar compressible boundary layer over an axisymmetric surface with variable cross-section and (ii) laminar compressible boundary-layer flow over a yawed infinite wing in a hypersonic flow. The resulting equations are solved numerically by combining the finite-difference technique with quasi-linearization. An increase in the swirl parameter, the yaw angle or the wall temperature is found to be capable of bringing the viscous layer nearer the surface and reducing the effects of massive blowing.
We investigate the use of beam polarisation as well as nal state polarisation efects in probing the interaction of the Higgs boson with a pair of heavy vector bosons in the process e+e! ffH, where f is any light fermion. The sensitivity of the International Linear Collider (ILC) operating at ps = 500 GeV, to such V V H(V = W=Z) couplings is examined in a model independent way. The efects of ISR and beamstrahlung are discussed.
Report of the Higgs working group for the Workshop "Physics at TeV Colliders", Les Houches, France 8-18 June 1999. It contains 6 separate sections: 1. Measuring Higgs boson couplings at the LHC. 2. Higgs boson production at hadron colliders at NLO. 3. Signatures of Heavy Charged Higgs Bosons at the LHC. 4. Light stop effects and Higgs boson searches at the LHC. 5. Double Higgs production at TeV Colliders in the MSSM. 6. Programs and Tools for Higgs Bosons.
This paper reports on our study of the edge of the 2/5 fractional quantum Hall state, which is more complicated than the edge of the 1/3 state because of the presence of edge sectors corresponding to different partitions of composite fermions in the lowest two Lambda levels. The addition of an electron at the edge is a nonperturbative process and it is not a priori obvious in what manner the added electron distributes itself over these sectors. We show, from a microscopic calculation, that when an electron is added at the edge of the ground state in the [N(1), N(2)] sector, where N(1) and N(2) are the numbers of composite fermions in the lowest two Lambda levels, the resulting state lies in either [N(1) + 1, N(2)] or [N(1), N(2) + 1] sectors; adding an electron at the edge is thus equivalent to adding a composite fermion at the edge. The coupling to other sectors of the form [N(1) + 1 + k, N(2) - k], k integer, is negligible in the asymptotically low-energy limit. This study also allows a detailed comparison with the two-boson model of the 2/5 edge. We compute the spectral weights and find that while the individual spectral weights are complicated and nonuniversal, their sum is consistent with an effective two-boson description of the 2/5 edge.
Earthquakes cause massive road damage which in turn causes adverse effects on the society. Previous studies have quantified the damage caused to residential and commercial buildings; however, not many studies have been conducted to quantify road damage caused by earthquakes. In this study, an attempt has been made to propose a new scale to classify and quantify the road damage due to earthquakes based on the data collected from major earthquakes in the past. The proposed classification for road damage due to earthquake is called as road damage scale (RDS). Earthquake details such as magnitude, distance of road damage from the epicenter, focal depth, and photographs of damaged roads have been collected from various sources with reported modified Mercalli intensity (MMI). The widely used MMI scale is found to be inadequate to clearly define the road damage. The proposed RDS is applied to various reported road damage and reclassified as per RDS. The correlation between RDS and earthquake parameters of magnitude, epicenter distance, hypocenter distance, and combination of magnitude with epicenter and hypocenter distance has been studied using available data. It is observed that the proposed RDS correlates well with the available earthquake data when compared with the MMI scale. Among several correlations, correlation between RDS and combination of magnitude and epicenter distance is appropriate. Summary of these correlations, their limitations, and the applicability of the proposed scale to forecast road damages and to carry out vulnerability analysis in urban areas is presented in the paper.
Agroforestry has a potential for sequestering as much carbon if not more than forests. Massive benefits can be channeled to small farmers and landless labourers through cultivation of Tamarind and other fast growing and fruit yielding trees. This paper describes a project started by small farmers and landless labourers in a semiarid areas of south India. The aim is to upgrade dryland holdings of the member families through economically sound dry land horticulture, community woodlots, and planting of fast growing species along orchard and field boundaries. The small farmers invest massive labour inputs and project gives economic benefits to change their land use practices and improve environmental quality. This paper describes the planning. processes of the project, hurdles in finding AIJ partners, current monitoring procedures and costs of C sequestration. This shows this project is economically viable on its own, but initially needed, and continues to need Carbon credit investment in order to spread rapidly across the geopolitical region covered by the organization. It argues that economic gains to small farmers and landless labourers are the most certain way of achieving massive biomass increase and soil carbon replenishment, and that multiple holistic benefits are achieved through this kind of project.
Conventional encryption techniques are usually applicable for text data and often unsuited for encrypting multimedia objects for two reasons. Firstly, the huge sizes associated with multimedia objects make conventional encryption computationally costly. Secondly, multimedia objects come with massive redundancies which are useful in avoiding encryption of the objects in their entirety. Hence a class of encryption techniques devoted to encrypting multimedia objects like images have been developed. These techniques make use of the fact that the data comprising multimedia objects like images could in general be seggregated into two disjoint components, namely salient and non-salient. While the former component contributes to the perceptual quality of the object, the latter only adds minor details to it. In the context of images, the salient component is often much smaller in size than the non-salient component. Encryption effort is considerably reduced if only the salient component is encrypted while leaving the other component unencrypted. A key challenge is to find means to achieve a desirable seggregation so that the unencrypted component does not reveal any information about the object itself. In this study, an image encryption approach that uses fractal structures known as space-filling curves- in order to reduce the encryption overload is presented. In addition, the approach also enables a high quality lossy compression of images.
We present global multidimensional numerical simulations of the plasma that pervades the dark matter haloes of clusters, groups and massive galaxies (the intracluster medium; ICM). Observations of clusters and groups imply that such haloes are roughly in global thermal equilibrium, with heating balancing cooling when averaged over sufficiently long time- and length-scales; the ICM is, however, very likely to be locally thermally unstable. Using simple observationally motivated heating prescriptions, we show that local thermal instability (TI) can produce a multiphase medium with similar to 104 K cold filaments condensing out of the hot ICM only when the ratio of the TI time-scale in the hot plasma (tTI) to the free-fall time-scale (tff) satisfies tTI/tff? 10. This criterion quantitatively explains why cold gas and star formation are preferentially observed in low-entropy clusters and groups. In addition, the interplay among heating, cooling and TI reduces the net cooling rate and the mass accretion rate at small radii by factors of similar to 100 relative to cooling-flow models. This dramatic reduction is in line with observations. The feedback efficiency required to prevent a cooling flow is similar to 10-3 for clusters and decreases for lower mass haloes; supernova heating may be energetically sufficient to balance cooling in galactic haloes. We further argue that the ICM self-adjusts so that tTI/tff? 10 at all radii. When this criterion is not satisfied, cold filaments condense out of the hot phase and reduce the density of the ICM. These cold filaments can power the black hole and/or stellar feedback required for global thermal balance, which drives tTI/tff? 10. In comparison to clusters, groups have central cores with lower densities and larger radii. This can account for the deviations from self-similarity in the X-ray luminositytemperature () relation. The high-velocity clouds observed in the Galactic halo can be due to local TI producing multiphase gas close to the virial radius if the density of the hot plasma in the Galactic halo is >rsim 10-5 cm-3 at large radii.
We study the possibility of finger printing a strongly interacting W boson sector which is consistent with present day LHC searches at the ILC with longitudinal as well as transversely polarized electron and positron beams. We account for the final state interaction using a suitable Omnes formalism in terms of a plausible resonance description, and carry out thorough analyses of cross sections, asymmetries and angular distributions of the W's. We carry out a comparison with other extensions of the Standard Model, where heavy additional Z' bosons arise naturally. We also consider the effect of the strong final state interaction on a correlation that depends on (phi(-) -phi(+)),where the phi-(+) are the azimuthal angles of decay leptons, and find that it is a useful discriminant.
We consider counterterms for odd dimensional holographic conformal field theories (CFTs). These counterterms are derived by demanding cutoff independence of the CFT partition function on S-d and S-1 x Sd-1. The same choice of counterterms leads to a cutoff independent Schwarzschild black hole entropy. When treated as independent actions, these counterterm actions resemble critical theories of gravity, i.e., higher curvature gravity theories where the additional massive spin-2 modes become massless. Equivalently, in the context of AdS/CFT, these are theories where at least one of the central charges associated with the trace anomaly vanishes. Connections between these theories and logarithmic CFTs are discussed. For a specific choice of parameters, the theories arising from counterterms are nondynamical and resemble a Dirac-Born-Infeld generalization of gravity. For even dimensional CFTs, analogous counterterms cancel log-independent cutoff dependence.